The Sense Of Active Learning Strategies
Learning is essentially an effort to steer the student into the learning process, so that they can appropriate learning objectives won what was expected. Learning should pay close attention to the condition of the individual child, because they are learning. Protégé is a different individual each other, have the uniqueness of each. Therefore, any person or, in other words the teacher had a different way in carrying out an activity in the learning. Usually it has been planned way in advance prior to the implementation of activities was implemented. When you have yet to achieve optimal results, they try to find other ways that can achieve the goal. The process shows that people are always trying to find the best way to get the expected results. Every person who applies a certain way in a given learning activity, indicating that the person has been doing strategy. And the strategy used in accordance with the conditions of the time and place when the performance of the activities.
The strategy contrasts with models, methods, approach (approach) and learning techniques. Education libraries in those terms above are often used interchangeably. Those terms according to Erman Suherman (2003:5-7) are:
a. learning strategies is a stratagem or tips that are deliberately planned by the teacher, with regard to all learning preparation in order to make the implementation of learning went smoothly and the goal of the learning outcomes can be achieved optimally.
b. Learning Approach is the way that the teacher is in the implementation of learning so that the concepts presented can be adopted by students.
c. Method of learning is a way of presenting material that still are common, for example a teacher presents the material with the dominant delivery orally and certainly there are faqs.
d. instructional Technique is the way that is done in implementing a method.
e. learning Models meant as interaction patterns students with teachers in the classroom involving strategy, approach, learning methods are applied in the implementation of teaching and learning activities processed.
The learning strategy is the means chosen and used by a teacher to deliver learning material so it will make it easier for learners to receive and understand the learning material, which ultimately can dikuasinya learning objectives at the end of the learning activity.
The strategy of teaching is basically concrete action from teachers or teachers implement teaching practice is through a certain way which is rated more effective and efficient. in other words, learning strategies are the ways that will be used by the teacher to choose activities learn to be used in the learning process. The election is channeled by considering the situation, condition, learning resources, needs and characteristics students faced in order to achieve the learning objectives set.
Active learning is meant to optimize the use of all potentials owned by protege, so that all students can achieve a satisfactory learning results in accordance with the personal characteristics they have. Mel Silberman (2007:1-2) to modify and expand the Confocius statement what he calls Active Learning:
"What I hear, I forget. What I hear and see, I remember a little. What I heard, saw and ask or discuss it with some other friends, I began to understand. What I hear, view, discuss and do, I gained the knowledge and skills. What I teach other people, my master. "
الشعور باستراتيجيات التعلم النشطالتعلم أساسا محاولة لتوجيه الطالب في عملية التعلم، حيث أنها يمكن ملائمة أهداف التعلم حصل ما كان متوقعا. التعلم ينبغي إيلاء اهتمام وثيق لحالة الطفل الفردية، نظراً لأنهم يتعلمون. ربيبة مختلف الفردية بعضها البعض، قد تفرد كل منها. ولذلك، أي شخص، أو بعبارة أخرى المعلمين قد طريقة مختلفة في الاضطلاع بنشاط في التعلم. عادة ما تكون قد خططت ونفذ الطريقة مسبقاً قبل تنفيذ الأنشطة. عندما يكون لديك حتى الآن لتحقيق أفضل النتائج، أنها محاولة لإيجاد سبل أخرى يمكن تحقيق الهدف. العملية تبين أن الناس يحاولون دائماً في العثور على أفضل طريقة للحصول على النتائج المتوقعة. كل شخص يطبق بطريقة معينة في نشاط معين من تعلم، مما يشير إلى أن الشخص قد تم القيام باستراتيجية. والاستراتيجية المستخدمة وفقا لظروف الوقت والمكان عند أداء الأنشطة.الاستراتيجية يتناقض مع نماذج وأساليب ونهج (نهج) وتقنيات التعلم. غالباً ما تستخدم مكتبات مؤسسات التعليم في تلك الشروط المذكورة أعلاه بالتبادل. هذه المصطلحات حسب سوهرمان أرمان (2003:5-7) هي:أ استراتيجيات التعلم حيلة أو النصائح التي يزمع عمدا بالمعلم، فيما يتعلق بجميع إعداد التعلم بغية جعل تنفيذ التعلم بسلاسة ويمكن تحقيق الهدف المتمثل في نتائج التعلم على النحو الأمثل.b. Learning Approach is the way that the teacher is in the implementation of learning so that the concepts presented can be adopted by students.c. Method of learning is a way of presenting material that still are common, for example a teacher presents the material with the dominant delivery orally and certainly there are faqs.d. instructional Technique is the way that is done in implementing a method.e. learning Models meant as interaction patterns students with teachers in the classroom involving strategy, approach, learning methods are applied in the implementation of teaching and learning activities processed.The learning strategy is the means chosen and used by a teacher to deliver learning material so it will make it easier for learners to receive and understand the learning material, which ultimately can dikuasinya learning objectives at the end of the learning activity.The strategy of teaching is basically concrete action from teachers or teachers implement teaching practice is through a certain way which is rated more effective and efficient. in other words, learning strategies are the ways that will be used by the teacher to choose activities learn to be used in the learning process. The election is channeled by considering the situation, condition, learning resources, needs and characteristics students faced in order to achieve the learning objectives set.التعلم النشط تهدف إلى الاستخدام الأمثل لكافة الإمكانات التي يملكها، حيث أن جميع الطلاب يمكن أن تحقق نتائج تعلم مرضية وفقا للخصائص الشخصية لديهم. Silberman ميل (2007:1-2) تعديل وتوسيع البيان كونفوسيوس ما يسميه "التعلم النشط":"ما أسمع فانسي. ما نسمع ونرى، أتذكر قليلاً. ما سمعت، شهد وطرح أو مناقشة الأمر مع بعض الأصدقاء الآخرين، بدأت تفهم. ما أسمع، وعرض، ومناقشة والقيام، لقد اكتسبت المعرفة والمهارات. ما أعلم الناس الآخرين، سيدي. "
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