830.20 Applicability of Subpart
Unless otherwise specifically ordered by the NTSC or the DGAC, the provisions of this Subpart shall govern all accident or incident investigations, conducted under the authority of the Aviation Act No.15/1992 and Government Rule No. 3/2001.

830.23 Responsibility of NTSC

(a) The NTSC is responsible for the organization, conduct, and control of all accident and serious incident investigations within the Republic of Indonesia, where the accident or serious incident involves any aircraft as specified in 830.5. The NTSC is also responsible for investigating accidents and serious incidents that occur outside Indonesia, when the accident or serious incident is not in the territory of another country, i.e. in international waters.

(b) Certain aviation investigations may be conducted by the Directorate General of Air Communications (DGAC), pursuant to a request from NTSC to investigate certain aircraft accidents and serious incidents. The NTSC determines the probable cause of such accidents or serious incidents. Under no circumstances are aviation investigations where the portion of the investigation is so delegated to the DGAC by the NTSC considered to be joint investigations in the sense of sharing responsibility. These investigations remain NTSC investigations.

(c) The NTSC is the agency charged with fulfilling the obligations of the Republic of Indonesia under Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. Annex 13 contains specific requirements for the notification, investigation, and reporting of certain incidents and accidents involving international civil aviation. In the case of an accident or serious incident in a foreign state involving civil aircraft of Indonesian registry or manufacture, where the foreign state is a signatory to Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the state of occurrence is responsible for the investigation. If the accident or serious incident occurs in a foreign state not bound by the provisions of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention, or if the accident or serious incident involves a public aircraft, the conduct of the investigation shall be in consonance with any agreement entered into between the Republic of Indonesia and the foreign state.

830.25 Responsibility of the DGAC.
The DGAC is responsible for the investigations of all aircraft incidents which are not specified in paragraph 830.5 (c).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SUBPART E ACCIDENT/INCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES830.20 Applicability of SubpartUnless otherwise specifically ordered by the NTSC or the DGAC, the provisions of this Subpart shall govern all accident or incident investigations, conducted under the authority of the Aviation Act No.15/1992 and Government Rule No. 3/2001.830.23 Responsibility of NTSC(a) The NTSC is responsible for the organization, conduct, and control of all accident and serious incident investigations within the Republic of Indonesia, where the accident or serious incident involves any aircraft as specified in 830.5. The NTSC is also responsible for investigating accidents and serious incidents that occur outside Indonesia, when the accident or serious incident is not in the territory of another country, i.e. in international waters.(b) Certain aviation investigations may be conducted by the Directorate General of Air Communications (DGAC), pursuant to a request from NTSC to investigate certain aircraft accidents and serious incidents. The NTSC determines the probable cause of such accidents or serious incidents. Under no circumstances are aviation investigations where the portion of the investigation is so delegated to the DGAC by the NTSC considered to be joint investigations in the sense of sharing responsibility. These investigations remain NTSC investigations.(c) The NTSC is the agency charged with fulfilling the obligations of the Republic of Indonesia under Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. Annex 13 contains specific requirements for the notification, investigation, and reporting of certain incidents and accidents involving international civil aviation. In the case of an accident or serious incident in a foreign state involving civil aircraft of Indonesian registry or manufacture, where the foreign state is a signatory to Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the state of occurrence is responsible for the investigation. If the accident or serious incident occurs in a foreign state not bound by the provisions of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention, or if the accident or serious incident involves a public aircraft, the conduct of the investigation shall be in consonance with any agreement entered into between the Republic of Indonesia and the foreign state.830.25 Responsibility of the DGAC.The DGAC is responsible for the investigations of all aircraft incidents which are not specified in paragraph 830.5 (c).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

830,20 Berlakunya Sub
Kecuali dinyatakan secara khusus diperintahkan oleh NTSC atau DGAC, ketentuan Sub ini akan mengatur semua kecelakaan atau insiden investigasi, dilakukan di bawah kewenangan Aviation Act No.15 / 1992 dan Pemerintah Peraturan No. 3/2001.

830,23 Tanggung Jawab NTSC

(a) NTSC bertanggung jawab untuk organisasi, perilaku, dan kontrol dari semua kecelakaan dan penyelidikan insiden serius dalam Republik Indonesia, di mana kecelakaan atau insiden serius melibatkan pesawat apapun sebagaimana ditentukan dalam 830,5. KNKT juga bertanggung jawab untuk menyelidiki kecelakaan dan insiden serius yang terjadi di luar Indonesia, ketika kecelakaan atau insiden serius tidak di wilayah negara lain, yaitu di perairan internasional.

(b) investigasi penerbangan tertentu dapat dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara (Ditjen Hubud), sesuai dengan permintaan dari NTSC untuk menyelidiki kecelakaan pesawat tertentu dan insiden serius. KNKT menentukan kemungkinan penyebab kecelakaan tersebut atau insiden yang serius. Dalam situasi yang investigasi penerbangan di mana porsi penyelidikan sehingga dilimpahkan ke DGAC oleh NTSC dianggap investigasi bersama dalam arti berbagi tanggung jawab. Penyelidikan ini tetap investigasi KNKT.

(c) NTSC adalah lembaga yang bertanggung memenuhi kewajiban Republik Indonesia di bawah Annex 13 Konvensi Chicago Penerbangan Sipil Internasional. Lampiran 13 berisi persyaratan khusus untuk pemberitahuan, investigasi, dan pelaporan insiden tertentu dan kecelakaan yang melibatkan penerbangan sipil internasional. Dalam kasus kecelakaan atau insiden serius di negara asing yang melibatkan pesawat sipil dari registri atau manufaktur Indonesia, di mana negara asing adalah penandatangan Annex 13 pada Konvensi Chicago dari Organisasi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional, keadaan terjadinya bertanggung jawab untuk investigasi. Jika kecelakaan atau insiden serius terjadi di negara asing tidak terikat oleh ketentuan-ketentuan Annex 13 Konvensi Chicago, atau jika kecelakaan atau insiden serius melibatkan pesawat umum, pelaksanaan investigasi harus senada dengan kesepakatan apapun mengadakan antara Republik Indonesia dan negara asing.

830,25 Tanggung Jawab DGAC.
The DGAC bertanggung jawab atas investigasi dari semua insiden pesawat yang tidak ditentukan dalam ayat 830,5 (c).
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