1,100 Small Business Development Centers and 13,000 volunteers from th terjemahan - 1,100 Small Business Development Centers and 13,000 volunteers from th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1,100 Small Business Development Ce

1,100 Small Business Development Centers and 13,000 volunteers from the Service
Corps of Retired Executives.14
Management Courses and Workshops The management courses offered by the
SBA cover all the functions, duties, and roles of managers. Instructors may be teachers
from local colleges and universities or other professionals, such as management consultants,
bankers, lawyers, and accountants. Fees for these courses are quite low. The
most popular such course is a general survey of eight to ten different areas of business
management. In follow-up studies, businesspeople may concentrate in depth on one
or more of these areas depending on their particular strengths and weaknesses. The
SBA occasionally offers one-day conferences. These conferences are aimed at keeping
owner-managers up-to-date on new management developments, tax laws, and the like.
The Small Business Training Network (SBTN) is an online training network consisting
of 83 SBA-run courses, workshops, and resources. Some of the most requested courses
include Entrepreneurship, Starting and Managing Your Own Business, Developing
a Business Plan, Managing the Digital Enterprise, Identify Your Target Market, and
Analyze Profitability. Find out more at www.sba.gov/training. Recently, more than
240,000 small-business owners benefited from SBA’s free online business courses.
SCORE The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), created in 1964, is
a group of more than 13,000 retired and active businesspeople including more than
2,000 women who volunteer their services to small businesses through the SBA. The
collective experience of SCORE volunteers spans the full range of American enterprise.
These volunteers have worked for such notable companies as Eastman Kodak, General
Electric, IBM, and Procter & Gamble. Experts in areas of accounting, finance, marketing,
engineering, and retailing provide counseling and mentoring to entrepreneurs.
A small-business owner who has a particular problem can request free counseling from
SCORE. An assigned counselor visits the owner in his or her establishment and, through
careful observation, analyzes the business situation and the problem. If the problem is
complex, the counselor may call on other volunteer experts to assist. Finally, the counselor
offers a plan for solving the problem and helping the owner through the critical period.
Consider the plight of Elizabeth Halvorsen, a mystery writer from Minneapolis.
Her husband had built up the family advertising and graphic arts firm for 17 years
when he was called in 1991 to serve in the Persian Gulf War. The only one left behind
to run the business was Mrs. Halvorsen, who admittedly had no
business experience. Enter SCORE. With a SCORE management
expert at her side, she kept the business on track. Recently, SCORE
volunteers served more than 523,800 small-business people like
Mrs. Halvorsen through its 389 offices. The 13,000 counselors
provided 203,000 face-to-face counseling sessions, 119,000 online
counseling sessions, and more than 49,500 online workshops to
more than 201,000 workshop participants. Since its inception,
SCORE has assisted more than 9 million small-business people
with online and face-to-face small business counseling.15
Help for Minority-Owned Small Businesses
Americans who are members of minority groups have had
difficulty entering the nation’s economic mainstream. Raising
money is a nagging problem for minority business owners, who
also may lack adequate training. Members of minority groups
are, of course, eligible for all SBA programs, but the SBA makes
a special effort to assist those minority groups who want to
start small businesses or expand existing ones. For example, the
Minority Business Development Agency awards grants to develop
and increase business opportunities for members of racial and
ethnic minorities.

Helping women become entrepreneurs is also a special goal of the SBA. Emily
Harrington, one of nine children, was born in Manila, the Philippines. She arrived in
the United States in 1972 as a foreign-exchange student. Convinced that there was a
market for hard-working, dedicated minorities and women, she launched Qualified
Resources, Inc., a professional staffing services firm. Inc. magazine selected her firm as
one of “America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies” just six years later. Harrington
credits the SBA with giving her the technical support that made her first loan possible.
Finding a SCORE counselor to work directly with her, she refined her business plan
until she got a bank loan. Before contacting the SBA, Harrington was turned down for
business loans “by all the banks I approached,” even though she worked as a manager
of loan credit and collection for a bank. Later, Emily Harrington was SBA’s winner
of the local, regional, and national Small Business Entrepreneurial Success Award for
Rhode Island, the New England region, and the nation! For several years in a row,
Qualified Resources, Inc., was named one of the fastest growing private companies
in Rhode Island. Now with more than 100 Women’s Business Centers, entrepreneurs
like Harrington can receive training and technical assistance, access to credit and capital,
federal contracts, and international markets. The SBA’s Online Women’s Business
Center (www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/onlinewbc/index.html) is a state-of-the-art
Internet site to help women expand their businesses. This free, interactive Web site offers
women information about business principles and practices, management techniques,
networking, industry news, market research and technology training, online counseling,
and hundreds of links to other sites, as well as information about the many SBA services
and resources available to them.
Small-Business Institutes Small-business institutes (SBIs), created in 1972,
are groups of senior and graduate students in business administration who provide
management counseling to small businesses. SBIs have been set up on more than
520 college campuses as another way to help business owners. The students work in
small groups guided by faculty advisers and SBA management-assistance experts. Like
SCORE volunteers, they analyze and help solve the problems of small-business owners
at their business establishments.
Small-Business Development Centers Small-business development centers
(SBDCs) are university-based groups that provide individual counseling and practical
training to owners of small businesses. SBDCs draw from the resources of local,
state, and federal governments, private businesses, and universities. These groups can
provide managerial and technical help, data from research studies, and other types
of specialized assistance of value to small businesses. In 2011, there were more than
1,000 SBDC locations, primarily at colleges and universities, assisting people such
as Kathleen DuBois. After scribbling a list of her abilities and the names of potential
clients on a napkin in a local restaurant, Kathleen DuBois decided to start her own
marketing firm. Beth Thornton launched her engineering firm after a discussion with
a colleague in the ladies room of the Marriott. When Richard Shell was laid off after
20 years of service with Nisource (Columbia Gas), he searched the Internet tirelessly
before finding the right franchise option. Introduced by mutual friends, Jim Bostic
and Denver McMillion quickly connected, built a high level of trust, and combined
their diverse professional backgrounds to form a manufacturing company. Although
these entrepreneurs took different routes in starting their new businesses in West
Virginia, all of them turned to the West Virginia Small Business Development Center
for the technical assistance to make their dreams become a reality.
SBA Publications The SBA issues management, marketing, and technical publications
dealing with hundreds of topics of interest to present and prospective
managers of small firms. Most of these publications are available from the SBA
free of charge. Others can be obtained for a small fee from the U.S. Government
Printing Office.

SBA Financial Assistance
Small businesses seem to be constantly in need of money. An owner may have enough
capital to start and operate the business. But then he or she may require more money to
finance increased operations during peak selling seasons, to pay for required pollution
control equipment, to finance an expansion, or to mop up after a natural disaster
such as a flood or a terrorist attack. For example, the Supplemental Terrorist Activity
Relief program has made $3.7 billion in loans to 8,202 small businesses harmed or
disrupted by the September 11 terrorist attacks. In October 2005, the SBA guaranteed
loans of up to $150,000 to small businesses affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Since the 2005 hurricanes, SBA has made more than $4.9 billion in disaster loans to
102,903 homeowners and renters in the Gulf region. Businesses in the area received
16,828 business disaster loans with disbursements worth $1.5 billion.16 In 2010, the
SBA offered economic injury loans to fishing and fishing-dependent small businesses as
a result of the Deepwater BP spill that shut down commercial and recreational fishing
waters. According to the SBA Administrator Karen Mills, “SBA remains committed to
taking every step to help small businesses deal with the financial challenges they are
facing as a result of the Deepwater BP oil spill.”17 The SBA offers special financialassistance
programs that cover all these situations. However, its primary financial
function is to guarantee loans to eligible businesses.
Regular Business Loans Most of the SBA’s business loans are actually made by
private lenders such as banks, but repayment is partially guaranteed by the agency.
That is, the SBA may guarantee that it will repay the lender up to 90 percent of the
loan if the borrowing firm cannot repay it. Guaranteed loans approved on or after
October 1, 2002, may be as large as $1.5
Dari: -
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1,100 Small Business Development Centers and 13,000 volunteers from the ServiceCorps of Retired Executives.14Management Courses and Workshops The management courses offered by theSBA cover all the functions, duties, and roles of managers. Instructors may be teachersfrom local colleges and universities or other professionals, such as management consultants,bankers, lawyers, and accountants. Fees for these courses are quite low. Themost popular such course is a general survey of eight to ten different areas of businessmanagement. In follow-up studies, businesspeople may concentrate in depth on oneor more of these areas depending on their particular strengths and weaknesses. TheSBA occasionally offers one-day conferences. These conferences are aimed at keepingowner-managers up-to-date on new management developments, tax laws, and the like.The Small Business Training Network (SBTN) is an online training network consistingof 83 SBA-run courses, workshops, and resources. Some of the most requested coursesinclude Entrepreneurship, Starting and Managing Your Own Business, Developinga Business Plan, Managing the Digital Enterprise, Identify Your Target Market, andAnalyze Profitability. Find out more at www.sba.gov/training. Recently, more than240,000 small-business owners benefited from SBA’s free online business courses.SCORE The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), created in 1964, isa group of more than 13,000 retired and active businesspeople including more than2,000 women who volunteer their services to small businesses through the SBA. Thecollective experience of SCORE volunteers spans the full range of American enterprise.These volunteers have worked for such notable companies as Eastman Kodak, GeneralElectric, IBM, and Procter & Gamble. Experts in areas of accounting, finance, marketing,engineering, and retailing provide counseling and mentoring to entrepreneurs.A small-business owner who has a particular problem can request free counseling fromSCORE. An assigned counselor visits the owner in his or her establishment and, throughcareful observation, analyzes the business situation and the problem. If the problem iscomplex, the counselor may call on other volunteer experts to assist. Finally, the counseloroffers a plan for solving the problem and helping the owner through the critical period.Consider the plight of Elizabeth Halvorsen, a mystery writer from Minneapolis.Her husband had built up the family advertising and graphic arts firm for 17 yearswhen he was called in 1991 to serve in the Persian Gulf War. The only one left behindto run the business was Mrs. Halvorsen, who admittedly had nobusiness experience. Enter SCORE. With a SCORE managementexpert at her side, she kept the business on track. Recently, SCOREvolunteers served more than 523,800 small-business people likeMrs. Halvorsen through its 389 offices. The 13,000 counselorsprovided 203,000 face-to-face counseling sessions, 119,000 onlinecounseling sessions, and more than 49,500 online workshops tomore than 201,000 workshop participants. Since its inception,SCORE has assisted more than 9 million small-business peoplewith online and face-to-face small business counseling.15Help for Minority-Owned Small BusinessesAmericans who are members of minority groups have haddifficulty entering the nation’s economic mainstream. Raisingmoney is a nagging problem for minority business owners, whoalso may lack adequate training. Members of minority groupsare, of course, eligible for all SBA programs, but the SBA makesa special effort to assist those minority groups who want tostart small businesses or expand existing ones. For example, theMinority Business Development Agency awards grants to developand increase business opportunities for members of racial andethnic minorities.148Helping women become entrepreneurs is also a special goal of the SBA. EmilyHarrington, one of nine children, was born in Manila, the Philippines. She arrived inthe United States in 1972 as a foreign-exchange student. Convinced that there was amarket for hard-working, dedicated minorities and women, she launched QualifiedResources, Inc., a professional staffing services firm. Inc. magazine selected her firm asone of “America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies” just six years later. Harringtoncredits the SBA with giving her the technical support that made her first loan possible.Finding a SCORE counselor to work directly with her, she refined her business planuntil she got a bank loan. Before contacting the SBA, Harrington was turned down forbusiness loans “by all the banks I approached,” even though she worked as a managerof loan credit and collection for a bank. Later, Emily Harrington was SBA’s winnerof the local, regional, and national Small Business Entrepreneurial Success Award forRhode Island, the New England region, and the nation! For several years in a row,Qualified Resources, Inc., was named one of the fastest growing private companiesin Rhode Island. Now with more than 100 Women’s Business Centers, entrepreneurslike Harrington can receive training and technical assistance, access to credit and capital,federal contracts, and international markets. The SBA’s Online Women’s BusinessCenter (www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/onlinewbc/index.html) is a state-of-the-artInternet site to help women expand their businesses. This free, interactive Web site offerswomen information about business principles and practices, management techniques,networking, industry news, market research and technology training, online counseling,and hundreds of links to other sites, as well as information about the many SBA servicesand resources available to them.Small-Business Institutes Small-business institutes (SBIs), created in 1972,are groups of senior and graduate students in business administration who provide
management counseling to small businesses. SBIs have been set up on more than
520 college campuses as another way to help business owners. The students work in
small groups guided by faculty advisers and SBA management-assistance experts. Like
SCORE volunteers, they analyze and help solve the problems of small-business owners
at their business establishments.
Small-Business Development Centers Small-business development centers
(SBDCs) are university-based groups that provide individual counseling and practical
training to owners of small businesses. SBDCs draw from the resources of local,
state, and federal governments, private businesses, and universities. These groups can
provide managerial and technical help, data from research studies, and other types
of specialized assistance of value to small businesses. In 2011, there were more than
1,000 SBDC locations, primarily at colleges and universities, assisting people such
as Kathleen DuBois. After scribbling a list of her abilities and the names of potential
clients on a napkin in a local restaurant, Kathleen DuBois decided to start her own
marketing firm. Beth Thornton launched her engineering firm after a discussion with
a colleague in the ladies room of the Marriott. When Richard Shell was laid off after
20 years of service with Nisource (Columbia Gas), he searched the Internet tirelessly
before finding the right franchise option. Introduced by mutual friends, Jim Bostic
and Denver McMillion quickly connected, built a high level of trust, and combined
their diverse professional backgrounds to form a manufacturing company. Although
these entrepreneurs took different routes in starting their new businesses in West
Virginia, all of them turned to the West Virginia Small Business Development Center
for the technical assistance to make their dreams become a reality.
SBA Publications The SBA issues management, marketing, and technical publications
dealing with hundreds of topics of interest to present and prospective
managers of small firms. Most of these publications are available from the SBA
free of charge. Others can be obtained for a small fee from the U.S. Government
Printing Office.

SBA Financial Assistance
Small businesses seem to be constantly in need of money. An owner may have enough
capital to start and operate the business. But then he or she may require more money to
finance increased operations during peak selling seasons, to pay for required pollution
control equipment, to finance an expansion, or to mop up after a natural disaster
such as a flood or a terrorist attack. For example, the Supplemental Terrorist Activity
Relief program has made $3.7 billion in loans to 8,202 small businesses harmed or
disrupted by the September 11 terrorist attacks. In October 2005, the SBA guaranteed
loans of up to $150,000 to small businesses affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Since the 2005 hurricanes, SBA has made more than $4.9 billion in disaster loans to
102,903 homeowners and renters in the Gulf region. Businesses in the area received
16,828 business disaster loans with disbursements worth $1.5 billion.16 In 2010, the
SBA offered economic injury loans to fishing and fishing-dependent small businesses as
a result of the Deepwater BP spill that shut down commercial and recreational fishing
waters. According to the SBA Administrator Karen Mills, “SBA remains committed to
taking every step to help small businesses deal with the financial challenges they are
facing as a result of the Deepwater BP oil spill.”17 The SBA offers special financialassistance
programs that cover all these situations. However, its primary financial
function is to guarantee loans to eligible businesses.
Regular Business Loans Most of the SBA’s business loans are actually made by
private lenders such as banks, but repayment is partially guaranteed by the agency.
That is, the SBA may guarantee that it will repay the lender up to 90 percent of the
loan if the borrowing firm cannot repay it. Guaranteed loans approved on or after
October 1, 2002, may be as large as $1.5
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1100 Pengembangan Pusat Usaha Kecil dan 13.000 relawan dari Dinas
Korps Pensiunan Executives.14
Manajemen dan Lokakarya Kursus manajemen yang ditawarkan oleh
SBA mencakup semua fungsi, tugas, dan peran manajer. Instruktur mungkin guru
dari perguruan tinggi lokal dan universitas atau profesional lainnya, seperti konsultan manajemen,
bankir, pengacara, dan akuntan. Biaya untuk program ini cukup rendah. The
paling populer tentu saja seperti adalah survei umum delapan sampai sepuluh berbagai bidang bisnis
manajemen. Dalam studi tindak lanjut, pengusaha dapat berkonsentrasi secara mendalam pada satu
atau lebih dari daerah-daerah tersebut tergantung pada kekuatan tertentu dan kelemahan. The
SBA sesekali menawarkan konferensi satu hari. Konferensi ini bertujuan untuk menjaga
pemilik-manajer up-to-date pada perkembangan manajemen baru, hukum pajak, dan sejenisnya.
The Small Business Jaringan Pelatihan (SBTN) adalah jaringan pelatihan online yang terdiri
dari 83 SBA-lari kursus, lokakarya, dan sumber. Beberapa program yang paling diminta
termasuk Kewirausahaan, Memulai dan Mengelola Bisnis Anda Sendiri, Mengembangkan
Rencana Bisnis, Mengelola Enterprise Digital, Identifikasi Target Pasar Anda, dan
Menganalisis Profitabilitas. Cari tahu lebih lanjut di www.sba.gov/training. Baru-baru ini, lebih dari
240.000 pemilik usaha kecil manfaat dari program bisnis online gratis SBA.
SCORE Layanan Korps Pensiunan Eksekutif (SCORE), dibuat pada tahun 1964, adalah
sekelompok lebih dari 13.000 pensiunan dan aktif pebisnis termasuk lebih dari
2.000 perempuan yang sukarela layanan mereka kepada usaha kecil melalui SBA. The
pengalaman kolektif relawan SCORE mencakup berbagai perusahaan Amerika.
Sukarelawan ini telah bekerja untuk perusahaan seperti terkenal sebagai Eastman Kodak, General
Electric, IBM, dan Procter & Gamble. Para ahli di bidang akuntansi, keuangan, pemasaran,
teknik, dan ritel memberikan konseling dan pendampingan kepada pengusaha.
Seorang pemilik usaha kecil yang memiliki masalah tertentu dapat meminta konseling gratis dari
SCORE. Konselor ditugaskan mengunjungi pemilik dalam nya pendirian dan, melalui
pengamatan yang cermat, menganalisis situasi bisnis dan masalah. Jika masalahnya adalah
kompleks, konselor dapat memanggil ahli relawan lainnya untuk membantu. Akhirnya, konselor
menawarkan rencana untuk memecahkan masalah dan membantu pemilik melalui masa kritis.
Pertimbangkan nasib Elizabeth Halvorsen, seorang penulis misteri dari Minneapolis.
Suaminya telah membangun iklan keluarga dan seni grafis perusahaan selama 17 tahun
ketika ia dipanggil pada tahun 1991 untuk melayani dalam Perang Teluk Persia. Satu-satunya yang tertinggal
untuk menjalankan bisnis itu Mrs. Halvorsen, yang diakui tidak memiliki
pengalaman bisnis. Masukkan SCORE. Dengan manajemen SCORE
ahli di sisinya, dia terus bisnis di jalur. Baru-baru ini, SCORE
relawan melayani lebih dari 523.800 orang-usaha kecil seperti
Mrs. Halvorsen melalui kantor 389-nya. 13.000 konselor
disediakan 203.000 sesi tatap muka konseling, 119.000 secara online
sesi konseling, dan lebih dari 49.500 lokakarya online untuk
lebih dari 201.000 peserta workshop. Sejak awal,
SCORE telah membantu lebih dari 9 juta orang-usaha kecil
dengan secara online dan tatap muka kecil counseling.15 bisnis
Bantuan untuk Usaha Kecil Minoritas Milik
Amerika yang menjadi anggota kelompok minoritas memiliki
kesulitan memasuki arus utama ekonomi bangsa . Budidaya
uang adalah masalah yang mengganggu bagi pemilik bisnis minoritas, yang
mungkin juga kurang pelatihan yang memadai. Anggota kelompok
minoritas, tentu saja, memenuhi syarat untuk semua program SBA, tapi SBA membuat
upaya khusus untuk membantu kelompok-kelompok minoritas yang ingin
memulai usaha kecil atau memperluas yang sudah ada. Misalnya,
penghargaan Minoritas Badan Pengembangan Bisnis memberikan untuk mengembangkan
dan meningkatkan peluang bisnis bagi anggota ras dan
etnis minoritas.
148 Membantu perempuan menjadi pengusaha juga merupakan tujuan khusus dari SBA. Emily Harrington, salah satu dari sembilan anak, lahir di Manila, Filipina. Dia tiba di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1972 sebagai mahasiswa valuta asing. Yakin bahwa ada pasar untuk bekerja keras, berdedikasi minoritas dan perempuan, ia meluncurkan Berkualitas Resources, Inc, sebuah perusahaan layanan staf profesional. Majalah Inc yang dipilih perusahaan sebagai salah satu dari "Fastest Growing perusahaan Amerika Swasta" hanya enam tahun kemudian. Harrington kredit SBA dengan memberinya dukungan teknis yang membuat pinjaman pertamanya mungkin. Menemukan seorang konselor SCORE untuk bekerja secara langsung dengan dia, dia disempurnakan rencana bisnisnya sampai dia mendapat pinjaman bank. Sebelum menghubungi SBA, Harrington ditolak untuk pinjaman usaha "oleh semua bank saya mendekati," meskipun dia bekerja sebagai manajer kredit pinjaman dan koleksi untuk bank. Kemudian, Emily Harrington adalah pemenang SBA lokal, regional, dan nasional Usaha Kecil Wirausaha Sukses Award untuk Rhode Island, wilayah New England, dan bangsa! Selama beberapa tahun berturut-turut, Berkualitas Resources, Inc, bernama salah satu perusahaan swasta yang paling cepat berkembang di Rhode Island. Sekarang dengan lebih dari 100 Wanita Pusat Bisnis, pengusaha seperti Harrington dapat menerima pelatihan dan bantuan teknis, akses terhadap kredit dan modal, kontrak federal, dan pasar internasional. SBA Wanita Online Bisnis Pusat (www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/onlinewbc/index.html) adalah negara-of-the-art situs internet untuk membantu wanita mengembangkan usaha mereka. Gratis, situs Web interaktif ini menawarkan wanita informasi tentang prinsip-prinsip bisnis dan praktek, teknik manajemen, jaringan, berita industri, riset pasar dan teknologi pelatihan, konseling online, dan ratusan link ke situs lain, serta informasi tentang berbagai layanan SBA dan sumber daya yang tersedia untuk mereka. lembaga Kecil-Kecil Bisnis Institutes-bisnis (SBI), dibuat pada tahun 1972, adalah kelompok mahasiswa senior dan pascasarjana dalam administrasi bisnis yang menyediakan konseling manajemen untuk usaha kecil. SBI telah dibentuk pada lebih dari 520 kampus sebagai cara lain untuk membantu pemilik bisnis. Para siswa bekerja dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil dipandu oleh penasihat fakultas dan SBA ahli manajemen-bantuan. Seperti relawan SCORE, mereka menganalisis dan membantu memecahkan masalah pemilik usaha kecil di pendirian bisnis mereka. Pusat pengembangan Kecil-Bisnis Pusat Pengembangan Kecil-bisnis (SBDCs) adalah kelompok berbasis universitas yang menyediakan konseling individu dan praktis pelatihan untuk pemilik kecil bisnis. SBDCs menarik dari sumber daya lokal, negara bagian, dan pemerintah federal, perusahaan swasta, dan perguruan tinggi. Kelompok-kelompok ini dapat memberikan manajerial dan teknis bantuan, data dari studi penelitian, dan jenis-jenis bantuan khusus dari nilai untuk usaha kecil. Pada tahun 2011, ada lebih dari 1.000 lokasi SBDC, terutama di perguruan tinggi dan universitas, membantu orang-orang seperti seperti Kathleen DuBois. Setelah menulis daftar kemampuannya dan nama-nama potensial klien pada serbet di restoran setempat, Kathleen DuBois memutuskan untuk memulai sendiri perusahaan pemasaran. Beth Thornton meluncurkan perusahaan teknik setelah diskusi dengan seorang rekan di ruangan wanita dari Marriott. Ketika Richard Shell dipecat setelah 20 tahun layanan dengan Nisource (Columbia Gas), ia mencari internet tanpa lelah sebelum menemukan pilihan waralaba yang tepat. Diperkenalkan oleh teman bersama, Jim Bostic dan Denver McMillion cepat terhubung, membangun tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi, dan dikombinasikan latar belakang profesi mereka beragam untuk membentuk sebuah perusahaan manufaktur. Meskipun pengusaha ini mengambil rute yang berbeda dalam memulai bisnis baru mereka di West Virginia, semuanya berbalik ke Virginia Barat Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Pusat untuk bantuan teknis untuk membuat impian mereka menjadi kenyataan. SBA Publikasi SBA masalah manajemen, pemasaran, dan teknis publikasi berurusan dengan ratusan topik yang menarik untuk menyajikan dan calon manajer perusahaan kecil. Sebagian besar publikasi ini tersedia dari SBA gratis. Lainnya dapat diperoleh untuk biaya yang kecil dari Pemerintah AS Kantor Percetakan. 149 SBA Bantuan Keuangan Usaha kecil tampaknya selalu membutuhkan uang. Seorang pemilik mungkin memiliki cukup modal untuk memulai dan mengoperasikan bisnis. Tapi kemudian ia mungkin memerlukan lebih banyak uang untuk membiayai peningkatan operasi selama musim jual puncak, untuk membayar diperlukan polusi peralatan kontrol, untuk membiayai ekspansi, atau untuk mengepel setelah bencana alam seperti banjir atau serangan teroris. Sebagai contoh, Kegiatan Tambahan Teroris Program Bantuan telah membuat $ 3,7 miliar pada pinjaman untuk 8.202 usaha kecil dirugikan atau terganggu oleh serangan teroris 11 September. Pada bulan Oktober 2005, SBA dijamin pinjaman hingga $ 150.000 untuk usaha kecil yang terkena dampak Badai Katrina dan Rita. Sejak tahun 2005 badai, SBA telah membuat lebih dari $ 4900000000 pinjaman bencana untuk 102.903 pemilik rumah dan penyewa di kawasan Teluk. Bisnis di daerah menerima 16.828 pinjaman bencana bisnis dengan pengeluaran senilai $ 1,5 billion.16 Pada tahun 2010, SBA menawarkan ekonomi pinjaman cedera memancing dan memancing tergantung usaha kecil sebagai akibat dari tumpahan Deepwater BP yang menutup penangkapan ikan komersial dan rekreasi air. Menurut SBA Administrator Karen Mills, "SBA tetap berkomitmen untuk mengambil setiap langkah untuk membantu usaha kecil menghadapi tantangan keuangan mereka menghadapi akibat tumpahan minyak Deepwater BP." 17 SBA menawarkan financialassistance khusus program yang mencakup semua situasi. Namun, keuangan utamanya berfungsi untuk menjamin pinjaman untuk usaha yang layak. Pinjaman Reguler Bisnis Sebagian pinjaman bisnis SBA sebenarnya dibuat oleh pemberi pinjaman swasta seperti bank, tetapi pembayaran sebagian dijamin oleh lembaga tersebut. Artinya, SBA dapat menjamin bahwa itu akan membayar pinjaman hingga 90 persen dari pinjaman jika perusahaan pinjaman tidak bisa membayarnya kembali. Pinjaman dijamin disetujui pada atau setelah 1 Oktober 2002, mungkin sebagai besar sebagai $ 1,5

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