n the last few years, the United States has considered bilateral and r terjemahan - n the last few years, the United States has considered bilateral and r Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

n the last few years, the United St

n the last few years, the United States has considered bilateral and regional free trade areas
(FTAs) with a number of trading partners. Such arrangements are not new in U.S. trade
policy. The United States has had a free trade arrangement with Israel since 1985 and with
Canada since 1989. The latter was suspended when the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA) that included the United States, Canada, and Mexico went into effect in January 1994.
U.S. interest in bilateral and regional free trade arrangements surged, and the Bush
Administration accelerated the pace of negotiations after the enactment of the Trade Promotion
Authority in August 2002. U.S. participation in free trade agreements can occur only with the
concurrence of Congress. In addition, FTAs affect the U.S. economy, with the impact varying
across sectors.
The 112th Congress and the Obama Administration faced the question of whether and when to act
on three pending FTAs—with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea. Although the Bush
Administration signed these agreements, it and the leaders of the 110th Congress could not reach
agreement on proceeding to enact them. No action was taken during the 111th Congress either. In
addition, the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) expired on July 1, 2007, meaning that any new
FTAs agreed to would not likely receive expedited legislative consideration, unless the authority
is renewed.1

After discussion with congressional leaders and negotiations with the governments of Colombia,
Panama, and South Korea to assuage congressional concerns regarding treatment of union
officials (Colombia), taxation regimes (Panama), and trade in autos (South Korea), President
Obama submitted draft implementing legislation to Congress on October 3, 2011. The 112th
Congress approved each of the bills in successive votes on October 12, along with legislation to
renew an aspect of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program.
In the meantime, on November 14, 2009, President Obama committed to work with the current
and prospective partners to form the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. The TPP is a
free trade agreement that includes nations on both sides of the Pacific. The TPP grew out of an
FTA that included Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore. Besides the United States,
Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, and Vietnam have also joined the
Furthermore, the United States is negotiating with the European Union to form the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).3

FTAs raise some important policy issues: Do FTAs serve or impede U.S. long-term national
interests and trade policy objectives? Which type of an FTA arrangement meets U.S. national
interests? What should U.S. criteria be in choosing FTA partners? Are FTAs a substitute for or a
complement to U.S. commitments and interests in promoting a multilateral trading system via the
World Trade Organization (WTO)? What effect will the expiration of TPA have on the future of
FTAs as a trade policy strategy?

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
n the last few years, the United States has considered bilateral and regional free trade areas (FTAs) with a number of trading partners. Such arrangements are not new in U.S. trade policy. The United States has had a free trade arrangement with Israel since 1985 and with Canada since 1989. The latter was suspended when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that included the United States, Canada, and Mexico went into effect in January 1994. U.S. interest in bilateral and regional free trade arrangements surged, and the Bush Administration accelerated the pace of negotiations after the enactment of the Trade Promotion Authority in August 2002. U.S. participation in free trade agreements can occur only with the concurrence of Congress. In addition, FTAs affect the U.S. economy, with the impact varying across sectors. The 112th Congress and the Obama Administration faced the question of whether and when to act on three pending FTAs—with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea. Although the Bush Administration signed these agreements, it and the leaders of the 110th Congress could not reach agreement on proceeding to enact them. No action was taken during the 111th Congress either. In addition, the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) expired on July 1, 2007, meaning that any new FTAs agreed to would not likely receive expedited legislative consideration, unless the authority is renewed.1 After discussion with congressional leaders and negotiations with the governments of Colombia, Panama, and South Korea to assuage congressional concerns regarding treatment of union officials (Colombia), taxation regimes (Panama), and trade in autos (South Korea), President Obama submitted draft implementing legislation to Congress on October 3, 2011. The 112thCongress approved each of the bills in successive votes on October 12, along with legislation to renew an aspect of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program. In the meantime, on November 14, 2009, President Obama committed to work with the current and prospective partners to form the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. The TPP is a free trade agreement that includes nations on both sides of the Pacific. The TPP grew out of an FTA that included Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore. Besides the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, and Vietnam have also joined the negotiations.2 Furthermore, the United States is negotiating with the European Union to form the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).3 FTAs raise some important policy issues: Do FTAs serve or impede U.S. long-term national interests and trade policy objectives? Which type of an FTA arrangement meets U.S. national interests? What should U.S. criteria be in choosing FTA partners? Are FTAs a substitute for or a complement to U.S. commitments and interests in promoting a multilateral trading system via the World Trade Organization (WTO)? What effect will the expiration of TPA have on the future of FTAs as a trade policy strategy?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
n beberapa tahun terakhir, Amerika Serikat telah dianggap daerah perdagangan bebas bilateral dan regional
(FTA) dengan sejumlah mitra dagang. Pengaturan tersebut tidak baru dalam perdagangan AS
kebijakan. Amerika Serikat telah memiliki pengaturan perdagangan bebas dengan Israel sejak tahun 1985 dan dengan
Kanada sejak tahun 1989. Yang terakhir dihentikan saat Amerika Utara Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas
(NAFTA) yang termasuk Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Meksiko mulai berlaku pada Januari 1994.
bunga AS dalam pengaturan perdagangan bebas bilateral dan regional melonjak, dan Bush
Administration mempercepat laju negosiasi setelah berlakunya Promosi Perdagangan
Authority pada tahun 2002. Agustus partisipasi AS dalam perjanjian perdagangan bebas dapat terjadi hanya dengan
persetujuan Kongres. Selain itu, FTA mempengaruhi ekonomi AS, dengan dampak yang berbeda-beda
di seluruh sektor.
The 112 Kongres dan pemerintahan Obama menghadapi pertanyaan apakah dan kapan harus bertindak
pada tiga tertunda FTA-dengan Kolombia, Panama, dan Korea Selatan. Meskipun Bush
Administration menandatangani perjanjian ini, dan para pemimpin Kongres 110 tidak bisa mencapai
kesepakatan tentang melanjutkan untuk memberlakukan mereka. Tidak ada tindakan yang diambil selama Kongres ke-111 baik. Di
samping itu, Otoritas Promosi Perdagangan (TPA) berakhir pada 1 Juli 2007, yang berarti bahwa setiap baru
FTA setuju untuk tidak akan mungkin menerima dipercepat pertimbangan legislatif, kecuali kewenangan
adalah renewed.1 Setelah diskusi dengan para pemimpin Kongres dan negosiasi dengan pemerintah Kolombia, Panama, dan Korea Selatan untuk meredakan kekhawatiran kongres mengenai pengobatan serikat pejabat (Kolombia), rezim perpajakan (Panama), dan perdagangan di autos (Korea Selatan), Presiden Obama mengajukan rancangan undang-undang untuk melaksanakan Kongres pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2011. 112 Kongres menyetujui setiap tagihan di penilaian berturut-turut pada tanggal 12 Oktober, bersama dengan undang-undang untuk memperbaharui aspek dari program Bantuan Trade Adjustment (TAA). Sementara itu, pada tanggal 14 November 2009, Presiden Obama berkomitmen untuk bekerja dengan arus dan calon mitra untuk membentuk Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Perjanjian. TPP adalah perjanjian perdagangan bebas yang mencakup negara-negara di kedua sisi Pasifik. TPP tumbuh dari sebuah FTA yang termasuk Brunei, Chili, Selandia Baru, dan Singapura. Selain Amerika Serikat, Australia, Kanada, Jepang, Malaysia, Meksiko, Peru, dan Vietnam juga telah bergabung dengan negotiations.2 Selanjutnya, Amerika Serikat sedang melakukan negosiasi dengan Uni Eropa untuk membentuk Transatlantic Perdagangan dan Investasi Kemitraan (TTIP) 0,3 FTA meningkatkan beberapa isu kebijakan penting: Apakah FTA melayani atau menghambat US nasional jangka panjang kepentingan dan tujuan kebijakan perdagangan? Yang jenis pengaturan FTA memenuhi US nasional kepentingan? Apa yang harus kriteria AS dalam memilih mitra FTA? Adalah FTA pengganti atau pelengkap komitmen AS dan kepentingan dalam mempromosikan sistem perdagangan multilateral melalui Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO)? Apa efek akan berakhirnya TPA terhadap masa depan FTA sebagai strategi kebijakan perdagangan?

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Bahasa lainnya
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