Martinhad been back in Washington27400:19:37,142 --> 00:19:39,910tryin terjemahan - Martinhad been back in Washington27400:19:37,142 --> 00:19:39,910tryin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Martinhad been back in Washington27

had been back in Washington

00:19:37,142 --> 00:19:39,910
trying to persuade Congress
to vote additional aid.

00:19:39,911 --> 00:19:43,047
Do you have anything to say
on your arrival?

00:19:43,048 --> 00:19:45,248
He has no statement to make.

00:19:45,249 --> 00:19:48,817
He came back to Saigon,

00:19:48,818 --> 00:19:50,952
and my boss,
the CIA station chief, said,

00:19:50,953 --> 00:19:53,422
"Go down and tell the old man
what's happening."

00:19:53,423 --> 00:19:55,757
I went and I said,
"Mr. Ambassador,

00:19:55,758 --> 00:19:59,861
"half of the South Vietnamese
Army has disintegrated.

00:19:59,862 --> 00:20:01,196
"We're in grave trouble.

00:20:02,029 --> 00:20:04,699
"Please, sir,
plan for an evacuation.

00:20:04,700 --> 00:20:07,499
"At least allow us
to begin putting together

00:20:07,500 --> 00:20:10,202
lists of South Vietnamese
we should rescue."

00:20:10,203 --> 00:20:14,772
And he said, "No, Frank.

00:20:14,773 --> 00:20:17,242
"It's not so bleak.

00:20:17,243 --> 00:20:22,113
And I won't have
this negative talk."

00:20:22,114 --> 00:20:25,216
Young officers in the embassy

00:20:25,217 --> 00:20:29,385
began to mobilize
a black operation,

00:20:29,386 --> 00:20:35,324
meaning a makeshift
underground railway evacuation

00:20:35,325 --> 00:20:38,326
using outgoing cargo aircraft

00:20:38,327 --> 00:20:43,530
that would be totally below
the radar of the Ambassador.

00:20:43,531 --> 00:20:45,666
People like myself and others

00:20:45,667 --> 00:20:49,803
took the bull by the horns
and organized an evacuation.

00:20:49,804 --> 00:20:52,672
In my case,
that meant friends of mine

00:20:52,673 --> 00:20:56,742
who were senior officers in
the South Vietnamese military.

00:20:56,743 --> 00:21:01,847
As the North Vietnamese came
closer and closer to Saigon,

00:21:01,848 --> 00:21:04,086
these people
were dead men walking.

00:21:08,086 --> 00:21:09,854
I had arranged a signal

00:21:09,855 --> 00:21:11,721
with my intelligence
community friends

00:21:11,722 --> 00:21:13,924
that if I said,
"I'm having a barbecue,"

00:21:13,925 --> 00:21:16,593
that meant come to a certain
pre-designated place

00:21:16,594 --> 00:21:18,829
and bring your families
and only bring one suitcase

00:21:19,029 --> 00:21:21,197
because we're going
to have a party.

00:21:21,198 --> 00:21:23,232
But it was understood
the party meant

00:21:23,233 --> 00:21:24,971
I was going to get them out.

00:21:27,971 --> 00:21:31,739
Black Ops were essentially
violating the rules...

00:21:31,740 --> 00:21:33,607
In this case meaning,

00:21:33,608 --> 00:21:36,810
you're not allowed to bring out
Vietnamese military people

00:21:36,811 --> 00:21:41,147
who were under obligation
to stand and fight.

00:21:41,148 --> 00:21:44,351
We were fully expecting
if we got caught doing this

00:21:44,352 --> 00:21:46,052
that we would be run
out of country.

00:21:46,053 --> 00:21:48,120
End of career, do not pass go.

00:21:48,121 --> 00:21:53,490
But sometimes there's an issue
not of legal and illegal,

00:21:53,491 --> 00:21:55,163
but right or wrong.

00:21:57,163 --> 00:22:01,464
The deputy defense attaché
moved out Vietnamese personnel

00:22:01,465 --> 00:22:06,368
and their families to Clark Air
Base in the Philippines

00:22:06,369 --> 00:22:08,037
without any approval whatsoever,

00:22:08,038 --> 00:22:09,807
without any immigration papers,

00:22:10,007 --> 00:22:12,575
Passports, you name it.

00:22:12,576 --> 00:22:15,344
And when they began showing up
in the Philippines,

00:22:15,345 --> 00:22:17,746
Martin hit the roof
and fired him!

00:22:17,747 --> 00:22:22,482
But that didn't stop
other State Department people

00:22:22,483 --> 00:22:27,188
who had Vietnamese friends
and family members.

00:22:27,189 --> 00:22:30,067
They continued to organize
these makeshift airlifts.

00:22:42,067 --> 00:22:44,835
That April, I was in Can Tho,

00:22:44,836 --> 00:22:48,038
which was about 100 miles
from Saigon.

00:22:48,039 --> 00:22:49,739
And we were getting reports

00:22:49,740 --> 00:22:53,343
of this town falling and
that province falling and so on.

00:22:53,344 --> 00:22:57,278
And then we were attacked.

00:22:57,279 --> 00:23:02,451
Sergeant Hasty came by to
give me a report on the damage.

00:23:02,452 --> 00:23:06,453
Can Tho came under pretty
intense artillery bombardment.

00:23:06,454 --> 00:23:09,324
The North Vietnamese had overrun

00:23:09,325 --> 00:23:13,794
some South Vietnamese
artillery batteries

00:23:13,795 --> 00:23:21,701
and managed to turn those around
and shell the center of Can Tho.

00:23:21,702 --> 00:23:25,005
We knew that
the situation was bad.

00:23:26,005 --> 00:23:31,742
We could see that the South
Vietnamese Army was eroding.

00:23:31,743 --> 00:23:34,210
Supplies had been cut off

00:23:34,211 --> 00:23:37,551
and you could see
the armaments dwindling.

00:23:41,551 --> 00:23:45,422
McNAMARA: We were, under the
terms of the Paris Agreement,

00:23:45,423 --> 00:23:49,391
committed to resupplying
the South Vietnamese.

00:23:49,392 --> 00:23:52,294
They lacked simple things,
like barbed wire

00:23:52,295 --> 00:23:54,563
and bags for sand bags.

00:23:56,832 --> 00:24:00,433
They were rationing
their artillery shells

00:24:00,434 --> 00:24:03,069
because they were running out.

00:24:03,070 --> 00:24:05,337
The military support,
the material support,

00:24:05,338 --> 00:24:07,374
was not coming.

00:24:07,375 --> 00:24:12,377
When President Ford
went before the Congress,

00:24:12,378 --> 00:24:17,548
he had two major concerns.

00:24:17,549 --> 00:24:24,454
The first was to save
as many people as we could.

00:24:24,455 --> 00:24:27,056
He cared for the human beings

00:24:27,057 --> 00:24:29,124
they were not just pawns

00:24:29,125 --> 00:24:33,030
that once they had lost their
military power were abandoned.

00:24:34,030 --> 00:24:39,166
The second was the honor
of America,

00:24:39,167 --> 00:24:45,639
that we would not be seen at
the final agony of South Vietnam

00:24:45,640 --> 00:24:49,747
as having stabbed it
in the back.

00:24:53,747 --> 00:24:56,883
Congress wouldn't pass it.

00:24:56,884 --> 00:24:59,317
They said, "No more.

00:24:59,318 --> 00:25:04,456
No more troops, no more money,
no more aid to the Vietnamese."

00:25:04,457 --> 00:25:12,328
Well, I had to go into President
Ford's office to tell him.

00:25:12,329 --> 00:25:15,565
I had never heard Ford
use a curse word

00:25:15,566 --> 00:25:17,467
in all the time I'd known him.

00:25:17,468 --> 00:25:21,970
But when I showed him
this story, he said,

00:25:21,971 --> 00:25:23,454
"Those sons of bitches."

00:25:40,654 --> 00:25:43,623
I think there were a total
of 50 ships that were there.

00:25:43,624 --> 00:25:45,624
I mean, it wasn't just us;
it was a whole bunch of ships.

00:25:45,625 --> 00:25:51,299
We were standing by
for the evacuation of Americans.

00:25:54,299 --> 00:25:56,633
I was a terrible letter writer.

00:25:56,634 --> 00:25:59,236
I would write one letter
for my wife's ten letters,

00:25:59,237 --> 00:26:00,938
and she didn't like that,
so she said,

00:26:00,939 --> 00:26:02,872
"We're going to exchange tapes."

00:26:02,873 --> 00:26:04,941
So I would run
into my stateroom,

00:26:04,942 --> 00:26:07,043
turn the tape recorder on
for a couple of minutes

00:26:07,044 --> 00:26:08,411
and tell her what's happening.

00:26:08,412 --> 00:26:10,679
I really don't know
where to start.

00:26:10,680 --> 00:26:14,516
It's been such an unusual
couple days for us.

00:26:14,517 --> 00:26:19,452
We went with the rest
of this huge task force of ours

00:26:19,453 --> 00:26:23,757
up into about, oh,
20 miles off the coast,

00:26:23,758 --> 00:26:25,529
basically east of Saigon.

00:26:29,529 --> 00:26:34,400
As most Navy operations are,
it was very carefully planned.

00:26:34,401 --> 00:26:36,636
We planned it to death.

00:26:38,636 --> 00:26:42,105
The chain of command,
as I understood it

00:26:42,106 --> 00:26:44,541
as a captain of the United
States Marine Corps,

00:26:44,542 --> 00:26:47,443
and I think I got it right,

00:26:47,444 --> 00:26:49,813
is that for any evacuation,

00:26:49,814 --> 00:26:52,315
that decision
is the Ambassador's decision.

00:26:52,316 --> 00:26:58,187
Graham Martin
is the responsible guy.

00:26:58,188 --> 00:26:59,854
But the military is responsible

00:26:59,855 --> 00:27:01,489
for giving him
all kinds of plans.

00:27:01,490 --> 00:27:05,460
And this is how we got
into the four options.

00:27:05,461 --> 00:27:08,461
The first option was

00:27:08,462 --> 00:27:11,632
you would take commercial ships
right up the Saigon River

00:27:11,633 --> 00:27:14,066
to a couple blocks
from the embassy.

00:27:14,067 --> 00:27:15,567
You would load
whoever you wanted

00:27:15,568 --> 00:27:21,772
to bring out on these ships
and you'd be done with it.

00:27:21,773 --> 00:27:23,508
The second option was, you know,

00:27:23,509 --> 00:27:27,612
United and Continental
and Flying Tiger Airlines

00:27:27,613 --> 00:27:30,347
were still using Tan Son Nhut
Air Force Base at the time,

00:27:30,348 --> 00:27:32,650
and you could've brought
anybody you wanted out

00:27:32,651 --> 00:27:36,518
by commercial aviation.

00:27:36,519 --> 00:27:39,355
The third option was military
fixed-wing aviation...

00:27:39,356 --> 00:27:42,924
The C5As, the C-141s,
which carry a lot
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Martintelah kembali di Washington27400:19:37, 142--> 00:19:39, 910berusaha membujuk Kongresuntuk memilih bantuan tambahan.27500:19:39, 911--> 00:19:43, 047Apakah Anda punya sesuatu untuk mengatakanpada saat kedatangan Anda?27600:19:43, 048--> 00:19:45, 248Dia tidak memiliki pernyataan untuk membuat.27700:19:45, 249--> 00:19:48, 817Ia kembali ke Saigon,27800:19:48, 818--> 00:19:50, 952dan bos saya,Stasiun CIA kepala, berkata,27900:19:50, 953--> 00:19:53, 422"Turun dan memberitahu orang tuaapa yang terjadi."28000:19:53, 423--> 00:19:55, 757Aku pergi dan aku berkata,"Mr Ambassador,28100:19:55, 758--> 00:19:59, 861"setengah dari Vietnam SelatanAngkatan Darat telah dihancurkan.28200:19:59, 862--> 00:20:01, 196"Kita berada di masalah besar.28300:20:02, 029--> 00:20:04, 699"Silakan, sir,rencana evakuasi.28400:20:04, 700--> 00:20:07, 499"Setidaknya memungkinkan kitauntuk mulai meletakkan bersama28500:20:07, 500--> 00:20:10, 202Daftar Vietnam Selatankita harus menyelamatkan."28600:20:10, 203--> 00:20:14, 772Dan dia berkata, "tidak, Frank.28700:20:14, 773--> 00:20:17, 242"Hal ini tidak begitu suram.28800:20:17, 243--> 00:20:22, 113Dan aku tidak akanpembicaraan negatif."28900:20:22, 114--> 00:20:25, 216Perwira muda di Kedutaan29000:20:25, 217--> 00:20:29, 385mulai untuk memobilisasisebuah operasi hitam,29100:20:29, 386--> 00:20:35, 324berarti daruratkereta api bawah tanah evakuasi29200:20:35, 325--> 00:20:38, 326menggunakan pesawat kargo keluar29300:20:38, 327--> 00:20:43, 530itu akan benar-benar di bawah iniradar Duta besar.29400:20:43, 531--> 00:20:45, 666Orang-orang seperti diriku sendiri dan orang lain29500:20:45, 667--> 00:20:49, 803mengambil oleh tanduk bantengdan diselenggarakan evakuasi.29600:20:49, 804--> 00:20:52, 672Dalam kasus saya,itu berarti teman-teman saya29700:20:52, 673--> 00:20:56, 742Siapa yang perwira senior diMiliter Vietnam Selatan.29800:20:56, 743--> 00:21:01, 847Vietnam Utara datanglebih dekat dan lebih dekat ke Saigon,29900:21:01, 848 00:21:04, 086-->orang-orang iniorang mati berjalan.30000:21:08, 086--> 00:21:09, 854Saya telah mengatur sinyal30100:21:09, 855--> 00:21:11, 721dengan kecerdasan sayakomunitas teman30200:21:11, 722--> 00:21:13, 924bahwa jika aku berkata,"Saya mengalami barbekyu"30300:21:13, 925--> 00:21:16, 593itu berarti datang tertentutempat pra-ditunjuk30400:21:16, 594--> 00:21:18, 829dan membawa keluarga Andadan hanya satu koper30500:21:19, 029--> 00:21:21, 197karena kita akanuntuk mengadakan pesta.30600:21:21, 198--> 00:21:23, 232Tapi itu dipahamiPartai dimaksudkan30700:21:23, 233--> 00:21:24, 971Aku akan membuat mereka keluar.30800:21:27, 971--> 00:21:31, 739Hitam Ops yang pada dasarnyamelanggar aturan...30900:21:31, 740--> 00:21:33, 607Dalam arti ini kasus,31000:21:33, 608--> 00:21:36, 810Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa keluarOrang-orang militer Vietnam31100:21:36,811 --> 00:21:41,147who were under obligationto stand and fight.31200:21:41,148 --> 00:21:44,351We were fully expectingif we got caught doing this31300:21:44,352 --> 00:21:46,052that we would be runout of country.31400:21:46,053 --> 00:21:48,120End of career, do not pass go.31500:21:48,121 --> 00:21:53,490But sometimes there's an issuenot of legal and illegal,31600:21:53,491 --> 00:21:55,163but right or wrong.31700:21:57,163 --> 00:22:01,464The deputy defense attachémoved out Vietnamese personnel31800:22:01,465 --> 00:22:06,368and their families to Clark AirBase in the Philippines31900:22:06,369 --> 00:22:08,037without any approval whatsoever,32000:22:08,038 --> 00:22:09,807without any immigration papers,anything...32100:22:10,007 --> 00:22:12,575Passports, you name it.32200:22:12,576 --> 00:22:15,344And when they began showing upin the Philippines,32300:22:15,345 --> 00:22:17,746Martin hit the roofand fired him!32400:22:17,747 --> 00:22:22,482But that didn't stopother State Department people32500:22:22,483 --> 00:22:27,188who had Vietnamese friendsand family members.32600:22:27,189 --> 00:22:30,067They continued to organizethese makeshift airlifts.32700:22:42,067 --> 00:22:44,835TERRY McNAMARA:That April, I was in Can Tho,32800:22:44,836 --> 00:22:48,038which was about 100 milesfrom Saigon.32900:22:48,039 --> 00:22:49,739And we were getting reports33000:22:49,740 --> 00:22:53,343of this town falling andthat province falling and so on.33100:22:53,344 --> 00:22:57,278And then we were attacked.33200:22:57,279 --> 00:23:02,451Sergeant Hasty came by togive me a report on the damage.33300:23:02,452 --> 00:23:06,453Can Tho came under prettyintense artillery bombardment.33400:23:06,454 --> 00:23:09,324The North Vietnamese had overrun33500:23:09,325 --> 00:23:13,794some South Vietnameseartillery batteries33600:23:13,795 --> 00:23:21,701and managed to turn those aroundand shell the center of Can Tho.33700:23:21,702 --> 00:23:25,005We knew thatthe situation was bad.33800:23:26,005 --> 00:23:31,742We could see that the SouthVietnamese Army was eroding.33900:23:31,743 --> 00:23:34,210Supplies had been cut off34000:23:34,211 --> 00:23:37,551and you could seethe armaments dwindling.34100:23:41,551 --> 00:23:45,422McNAMARA: We were, under theterms of the Paris Agreement,34200:23:45,423 --> 00:23:49,391committed to resupplyingthe South Vietnamese.34300:23:49,392 --> 00:23:52,294They lacked simple things,like barbed wire34400:23:52,295 --> 00:23:54,563and bags for sand bags.34500:23:56,832 --> 00:24:00,433They were rationingtheir artillery shells34600:24:00,434 --> 00:24:03,069because they were running out.34700:24:03,070 --> 00:24:05,337The military support,the material support,34800:24:05,338 --> 00:24:07,374was not coming.34900:24:07,375 --> 00:24:12,377When President Fordwent before the Congress,35000:24:12,378 --> 00:24:17,548he had two major concerns.35100:24:17,549 --> 00:24:24,454The first was to saveas many people as we could.35200:24:24,455 --> 00:24:27,056He cared for the human beingsinvolved;35300:24:27,057 --> 00:24:29,124they were not just pawns35400:24:29,125 --> 00:24:33,030that once they had lost theirmilitary power were abandoned.35500:24:34,030 --> 00:24:39,166The second was the honorof America,35600:24:39,167 --> 00:24:45,639that we would not be seen atthe final agony of South Vietnam35700:24:45,640 --> 00:24:49,747as having stabbed itin the back.35800:24:53,747 --> 00:24:56,883Congress wouldn't pass it.35900:24:56,884 --> 00:24:59,317They said, "No more.36000:24:59,318 --> 00:25:04,456No more troops, no more money,no more aid to the Vietnamese."36100:25:04,457 --> 00:25:12,328Well, I had to go into PresidentFord's office to tell him.36200:25:12,329 --> 00:25:15,565I had never heard Forduse a curse word36300:25:15,566 --> 00:25:17,467in all the time I'd known him.36400:25:17,468 --> 00:25:21,970But when I showed himthis story, he said,36500:25:21,971 --> 00:25:23,454"Those sons of bitches."36600:25:40,654 --> 00:25:43,623I think there were a totalof 50 ships that were there.36700:25:43,624 --> 00:25:45,624I mean, it wasn't just us;it was a whole bunch of ships.36800:25:45,625 --> 00:25:51,299We were standing byfor the evacuation of Americans.36900:25:54,299 --> 00:25:56,633I was a terrible letter writer.37000:25:56,634 --> 00:25:59,236I would write one letterfor my wife's ten letters,37100:25:59,237 --> 00:26:00,938and she didn't like that,so she said,37200:26:00,939 --> 00:26:02,872"We're going to exchange tapes."37300:26:02,873 --> 00:26:04,941So I would runinto my stateroom,37400:26:04,942 --> 00:26:07,043turn the tape recorder onfor a couple of minutes37500:26:07,044 --> 00:26:08,411and tell her what's happening.37600:26:08,412 --> 00:26:10,679I really don't knowwhere to start.37700:26:10,680 --> 00:26:14,516It's been such an unusualcouple days for us.37800:26:14,517 --> 00:26:19,452We went with the restof this huge task force of ours37900:26:19,453 --> 00:26:23,757up into about, oh,20 miles off the coast,38000:26:23,758 --> 00:26:25,529basically east of Saigon.38100:26:29,529 --> 00:26:34,400As most Navy operations are,it was very carefully planned.38200:26:34,401 --> 00:26:36,636We planned it to death.38300:26:38,636 --> 00:26:42,105The chain of command,as I understood it38400:26:42,106 --> 00:26:44,541as a captain of the UnitedStates Marine Corps,

00:26:44,542 --> 00:26:47,443
and I think I got it right,

00:26:47,444 --> 00:26:49,813
is that for any evacuation,

00:26:49,814 --> 00:26:52,315
that decision
is the Ambassador's decision.

00:26:52,316 --> 00:26:58,187
Graham Martin
is the responsible guy.

00:26:58,188 --> 00:26:59,854
But the military is responsible

00:26:59,855 --> 00:27:01,489
for giving him
all kinds of plans.

00:27:01,490 --> 00:27:05,460
And this is how we got
into the four options.

00:27:05,461 --> 00:27:08,461
The first option was

00:27:08,462 --> 00:27:11,632
you would take commercial ships
right up the Saigon River

00:27:11,633 --> 00:27:14,066
to a couple blocks
from the embassy.

00:27:14,067 --> 00:27:15,567
You would load
whoever you wanted

00:27:15,568 --> 00:27:21,772
to bring out on these ships
and you'd be done with it.

00:27:21,773 --> 00:27:23,508
The second option was, you know,

00:27:23,509 --> 00:27:27,612
United and Continental
and Flying Tiger Airlines

00:27:27,613 --> 00:27:30,347
were still using Tan Son Nhut
Air Force Base at the time,

00:27:30,348 --> 00:27:32,650
and you could've brought
anybody you wanted out

00:27:32,651 --> 00:27:36,518
by commercial aviation.

00:27:36,519 --> 00:27:39,355
The third option was military
fixed-wing aviation...

00:27:39,356 --> 00:27:42,924
The C5As, the C-141s,
which carry a lot
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
telah kembali Washington 274 00: 19: 37.142 -> 00: 19: 39.910 mencoba membujuk Kongres . untuk memilih bantuan tambahan 275 00: 19: 39.911 -> 00: 19: 43.047 Apakah Anda memiliki sesuatu untuk dikatakan tentang Anda tiba? 276 00: 19: 43.048 -> 00: 19: 45.248 Dia tidak memiliki pernyataan untuk membuat. 277 00: 19: 45.249 -> 00: 19: 48.817 Dia kembali ke Saigon, 278 00: 19: 48.818 -> 00: 19: 50.952 dan bos saya, kepala stasiun CIA, mengatakan, 279 00: 19: 50.953 -> 00: 19: 53.422 "Turun dan memberitahu orang tua . apa yang terjadi " 280 00:19: 53.423 -> 00: 19: 55.757 saya pergi dan aku berkata, "Pak Duta Besar, 281 00: 19: 55.758 -> 00: 19: 59.861 "setengah dari Vietnam Selatan . Tentara telah hancur 282 00: 19: 59.862 -> 00: 20: 01.196 "Kami sedang dalam kesulitan serius. 283 00: 20: 02.029 -> 00: 20: 04.699 "Tolong, Pak, rencana evakuasi. 284 00: 20: 04.700 -> 00 : 20: 07.499 "Setidaknya memungkinkan kita untuk mulai menyusun 285 00: 20: 07.500 -> 00: 20: 10.202 daftar Vietnam Selatan kita harus menyelamatkan. " 286 00: 20: 10.203 -> 00: 20: 14.772 Dan dia berkata, "Tidak, Frank. 287 00: 20: 14.773 -> 00: 20: 17.242 "Ini tidak begitu suram. 288 00: 20: 17.243 -> 00: 20: 22.113 Dan aku tidak akan memiliki ini bicara negatif ". 289 00: 20: 22.114 -> 00: 20: 25.216 perwira muda di kedutaan 290 00: 20: 25.217 -> 00: 20: 29.385 mulai memobilisasi operasi hitam, 291 00: 20: 29.386 -> 00: 20: 35.324 yang berarti darurat kereta api bawah tanah evakuasi 292 00: 20: 35.325 -> 00: 20: 38.326 menggunakan keluar pesawat kargo 293 00: 20: 38.327 -> 00: 20: 43.530 yang akan benar-benar di bawah radar dari Duta Besar. 294 00: 20: 43.531 -> 00: 20: 45.666 Orang-orang seperti saya dan orang lain 295 00: 20: 45.667 -> 00: 20: 49.803 mengambil banteng dengan tanduk dan terorganisir evakuasi . 296 00: 20: 49.804 -> 00: 20: 52.672 Dalam kasus saya, itu berarti teman-teman saya 297 00: 20: 52.673 -> 00: 20: 56.742 yang perwira senior di . militer Vietnam Selatan 298 00 : 20: 56.743 -> 00: 21: 01.847 Sebagai Vietnam Utara datang lebih dekat dan lebih dekat ke Saigon, 299 00: 21: 01.848 -> 00: 21: 04.086 orang-orang . sudah mati berjalan 300 00: 21: 08.086 -> 00: 21: 09.854 Saya telah mengatur sinyal 301 00: 21: 09.855 -> 00: 21: 11.721 dengan kecerdasan saya teman-teman komunitas 302 00: 21: 11.722 -> 00: 21: 13.924 bahwa jika saya mengatakan , "Saya mengalami barbekyu," 303 00: 21: 13.925 -> 00: 21: 16.593 yang berarti datang ke tertentu pra-tempat yang telah ditentukan 304 00: 21: 16.594 -> 00: 21: 18.829 dan membawa keluarga Anda dan hanya membawa satu koper 305 00: 21: 19.029 -> 00: 21: 21.197 karena kita akan mengadakan pesta. 306 00: 21: 21.198 -> 00: 21: 23.232 Tapi itu dipahami dengan Partai berarti 307 00: 21: 23.233 -> 00: 21: 24.971 Saya akan membuat mereka keluar. 308 00: 21: 27.971 -> 00: 21: 31.739 Black Ops pada dasarnya melanggar aturan ... 309 00 : 21: 31.740 -> 00: 21: 33.607 Dalam hal ini makna, 310 00: 21: 33.608 -> 00: 21: 36.810 Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk membawa keluar orang-orang militer Vietnam 311 00: 21: 36.811 - > 00: 21: 41.147 yang berada di bawah kewajiban untuk berdiri dan melawan. 312 00: 21: 41.148 -> 00: 21: 44.351 Kami sepenuhnya mengharapkan jika kita tertangkap melakukan hal ini 313 00: 21: 44.352 -> 00: 21: 46.052 bahwa kita akan menjalankan luar negeri. 314 00: 21: 46.053 -> 00: 21: 48.120 Akhir karir, tidak lulus pergi. 315 00: 21: 48.121 -> 00: 21: 53.490 Tapi kadang-kadang ada masalah bukan dari legal dan ilegal, 316 00: 21: 53.491 -> 00: 21: 55.163 tapi benar atau salah. 317 00: 21: 57.163 -> 00: 22: 01.464 Wakil atase pertahanan pindah Vietnam personil 318 00: 22: 01.465 -> 00: 22: 06.368 dan keluarga mereka untuk Clark Air Base di Filipina 319 00: 22: 06.369 -> 00: 22: 08.037 tanpa persetujuan apapun, 320 00: 22: 08.038 -> 00: 22: 09.807 tanpa dokumen imigrasi, apa-apa ... 321 00: 22: 10.007 -> 00: 22: 12.575 Paspor, Anda nama itu. 322 00: 22: 12.576 -> 00:22: 15.344 Dan ketika mereka mulai muncul di Filipina, 323 00: 22: 15.345 -> 00: 22: 17.746 Martin memukul atap dan memecatnya! 324 00: 22: 17.747 -> 00: 22: 22.482 Tapi itu didn 't menghentikan orang Deplu lainnya 325 00: 22: 22.483 -> 00: 22: 27.188 yang memiliki teman-teman Vietnam dan anggota keluarga. 326 00: 22: 27.189 -> 00: 22: 30.067 Mereka terus mengatur ini airlifts darurat . 327 00: 22: 42.067 -> 00: 22: 44.835 TERRY McNAMARA: Itu April, saya berada di Can Tho, 328 00: 22: 44.836 -> 00: 22: 48.038 yang sekitar 100 mil . dari Saigon 329 00: 22: 48.039 -> 00: 22: 49.739 Dan kita mendapatkan laporan 330 00: 22: 49.740 -> 00: 22: 53.343 dari kota ini jatuh dan . provinsi yang jatuh dan sebagainya 331 00: 22: 53.344 -> 00: 22: 57.278 Dan kemudian kita diserang. 332 00: 22: 57.279 -> 00: 23: 02.451 Sersan Hasty datang untuk memberikan laporan tentang kerusakan. 333 00: 23: 02.452 -> 00: 23: 06.453 Can Tho berada di bawah cukup intens artileri penembakan. 334 00: 23: 06.454 -> 00: 23: 09.324 di Vietnam Utara telah dibanjiri 335 00: 23: 09.325 -> 00: 23: 13.794 beberapa Vietnam Selatan baterai artileri 336 00: 23: 13.795 -> 00: 23: 21.701 dan berhasil mengubah orang di sekitar dan shell pusat Can Tho. 337 00: 23: 21.702 -> 00: 23: 25.005 Kami tahu bahwa situasi itu . buruk 338 00: 23: 26.005 -> 00: 23: 31.742 Kita bisa melihat bahwa Selatan Angkatan Darat Vietnam telah mengikis. 339 00: 23: 31.743 -> 00: 23: 34.210 Persediaan telah dipotong 340 00:23 : 34211 -> 00: 23: 37.551 dan Anda bisa melihat persenjataan berkurang. 341 00: 23: 41.551 -> 00: 23: 45.422 McNAMARA: Kami, di bawah ketentuan Perjanjian Paris, 342 00:23: 45.423 -> 00: 23: 49.391 berkomitmen untuk resupplying Vietnam Selatan. 343 00: 23: 49.392 -> 00: 23: 52.294 Mereka tidak memiliki hal-hal sederhana, seperti kawat berduri 344 00: 23: 52.295 -> 00:23 : 54.563 dan tas untuk tas pasir. 345 00: 23: 56.832 -> 00: 24: 00.433 Mereka penjatahan artileri mereka 346 00: 24: 00.434 -> 00: 24: 03.069 . karena mereka kehabisan 347 00 : 24: 03.070 -> 00: 24: 05.337 Dukungan militer, dukungan material, 348 00: 24: 05.338 -> 00: 24: 07.374 tidak datang. 349 00: 24: 07.375 -> 00:24 : 12377 Ketika Presiden Ford pergi sebelum Kongres, 350 00: 24: 12.378 -> 00: 24: 17.548 ia memiliki dua masalah utama. 351 00: 24: 17.549 -> 00: 24: 24.454 Yang pertama adalah untuk menyimpan sebagai banyak orang yang kita bisa. 352 00: 24: 24.455 -> 00: 24: 27.056 Dia peduli untuk manusia yang terlibat; 353 00: 24: 27.057 -> 00: 24: 29.124 mereka tidak hanya pion 354 00: 24: 29.125 -> 00: 24: 33.030 bahwa setelah mereka telah kehilangan mereka kekuatan militer ditinggalkan. 355 00: 24: 34.030 -> 00: 24: 39.166 Yang kedua adalah kehormatan dari Amerika, 356 00: 24: 39.167 -> 00: 24: 45.639 bahwa kita tidak akan terlihat di penderitaan final South Vietnam 357 00: 24: 45.640 -> 00: 24: 49.747 sebagai telah ditusuk itu di belakang. 358 00: 24: 53.747 - -> 00: 24: 56.883 Kongres tidak akan lulus. 359 00: 24: 56.884 -> 00: 24: 59.317 Mereka mengatakan, "Tidak ada lagi. 360 00: 24: 59.318 -> 00: 25: 04.456 Tidak ada lebih banyak pasukan, tidak ada lagi uang, ada lebih banyak bantuan ke Vietnam ". 361 00: 25: 04.457 -> 00: 25: 12.328 Yah, aku harus pergi ke Presiden kantor Ford untuk memberitahunya. 362 00: 25: 12.329 - -> 00: 25: 15.565 Saya tidak pernah mendengar Ford menggunakan kata kutukan 363 00: 25: 15.566 -> 00: 25: 17.467 . di sepanjang waktu aku mengenalnya 364 00: 25: 17.468 -> 00 : 25: 21.970 Tapi ketika saya menunjukkan padanya cerita ini, kata dia, 365 00: 25: 21.971 -> 00:: 25 23454 ". Mereka anak-anak pelacur" 366 00: 25: 40.654 -> 00: 25: 43.623 Saya pikir ada total dari 50 kapal yang ada di sana. 367 00: 25: 43.624 -> 00: 25: 45.624 Maksudku, itu bukan hanya kami, itu adalah sejumlah besar kapal. 368 00:25: 45.625 -> 00: 25: 51.299 Kami berdiri untuk evakuasi warga Amerika. 369 00: 25: 54.299 -> 00: 25: 56.633 Saya adalah seorang penulis surat yang mengerikan. 370 00: 25: 56.634 -> 00 : 25: 59.236 Saya akan menulis satu surat untuk istri saya sepuluh surat, 371 00: 25: 59.237 -> 00: 26: 00.938 dan dia tidak seperti itu, jadi dia berkata, 372 00: 26: 00.939 -> 00: 26: 02.872 "Kita akan bertukar kaset." 373 00: 26: 02.873 -> 00: 26: 04.941 Jadi saya akan menjalankan ke kabin saya, 374 00: 26: 04.942 -> 00:26: 07.043 menghidupkan tape recorder pada selama beberapa menit 375 00: 26: 07.044 -> 00: 26: 08.411 . dan menceritakan apa yang terjadi 376 00: 26: 08.412 -> 00: 26: 10.679 Saya benar-benar tidak tahu di mana untuk memulai. 377 00: 26: 10.680 -> 00: 26: 14.516 Sudah seperti biasa beberapa hari bagi kita. 378 00: 26: 14.517 -> 00: 26: 19.452 Kami pergi dengan sisa ini satgas besar kita 379 00: 26: 19.453 -> 00: 26: 23.757 menjadi sekitar, oh, 20 mil dari pantai, 380 00: 26: 23.758 -> 00: 26: 25.529 dasarnya timur dari Saigon. 381 00: 26: 29.529 -> 00: 26: 34,400 Seperti kebanyakan operasi Angkatan Laut adalah, itu direncanakan dengan hati-hati. 382 00: 26: 34.401 -> 00: 26: 36.636 . Kami merencanakan untuk kematian 383 00:26 : 38636 -> 00: 26: 42.105 Rantai komando, seperti yang saya mengerti 384 00: 26: 42.106 -> 00: 26: 44.541 sebagai kapten United States Marine Corps, 385 00: 26: 44.542 - -> 00: 26: 47.443 dan saya pikir saya sudah benar, 386 00: 26: 47.444 -> 00: 26: 49.813 adalah bahwa untuk setiap evakuasi, 387 00: 26: 49.814 -> 00: 26: 52.315 yang keputusan adalah keputusan Duta Besar. 388 00: 26: 52.316 -> 00: 26: 58.187 Graham Martin adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab. 389 00: 26: 58.188 -> 00: 26: 59.854 Tapi militer bertanggung jawab 390 00:26 : 59855 -> 00: 27: 01.489 untuk memberinya segala macam rencana. 391 00: 27: 01.490 -> 00: 27: 05.460 Dan ini adalah bagaimana kita punya . ke empat pilihan 392 00: 27: 05.461 - -> 00: 27: 08.461 Opsi pertama adalah 393 00: 27: 08.462 -> 00: 27: 11.632 Anda akan mengambil kapal komersial sampai Sungai Saigon 394 00: 27: 11,633 -> 00: 27: 14.066 untuk beberapa blok dari kedutaan. 395 00: 27: 14.067 -> 00: 27: 15.567 Anda akan memuat siapa pun yang Anda inginkan 396 00: 27: 15.568 -> 00: 27: 21.772 untuk membawa keluar di kapal ini dan Anda ' d dilakukan dengan hal itu. 397 00: 27: 21.773 -> 00: 27: 23.508 Pilihan kedua adalah, Anda tahu, 398 00: 27: 23.509 -> 00: 27: 27.612 United dan Continental Airlines dan Flying Tiger 399 00: 27: 27.613 -> 00: 27: 30.347 masih menggunakan Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base pada saat itu, 400 00: 27: 30.348 -> 00: 27: 32.650 dan Anda bisa saja membawa siapa pun Anda ingin keluar 401 00: 27: 32.651 -> 00: 27: 36.518 dengan penerbangan komersial. 402 00: 27: 36.519 -> 00: 27: 39.355 Pilihan ketiga adalah militer sayap tetap penerbangan ... 403 00: 27: 39.356 -> 00: 27: 42.924 The C5As, C-141s, yang membawa banyak461 -> 00: 27: 08.461 Opsi pertama adalah 393 00: 27: 08.462 -> 00: 27: 11.632 Anda akan mengambil kapal komersial sampai Sungai Saigon 394 00: 27: 11,633 -> 00:27: 14.066 untuk beberapa blok dari kedutaan. 395 00: 27: 14.067 -> 00: 27: 15.567 Anda akan memuat siapa pun yang Anda inginkan 396 00: 27: 15.568 -> 00: 27: 21.772 untuk membawa keluar kapal ini dan Anda akan dilakukan dengan hal itu. 397 00: 27: 21.773 -> 00: 27: 23.508 Pilihan kedua adalah, Anda tahu, 398 00: 27: 23.509 -> 00: 27: 27.612 United dan Continental dan Flying Tiger Maskapai 399 00: 27: 27.613 -> 00: 27: 30.347 masih menggunakan Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base pada saat itu, 400 00: 27: 30.348 -> 00: 27: 32.650 dan Anda bisa saja membawa siapa pun Anda ingin keluar 401 00: 27: 32.651 -> 00: 27: 36.518 dengan penerbangan komersial. 402 00: 27: 36.519 -> 00: 27: 39.355 Pilihan ketiga adalah militer sayap tetap penerbangan ... 403 00:27 : 39356 -> 00: 27: 42.924 The C5As, C-141s, yang membawa banyak461 -> 00: 27: 08.461 Opsi pertama adalah 393 00: 27: 08.462 -> 00: 27: 11.632 Anda akan mengambil kapal komersial sampai Sungai Saigon 394 00: 27: 11,633 -> 00:27: 14.066 untuk beberapa blok dari kedutaan. 395 00: 27: 14.067 -> 00: 27: 15.567 Anda akan memuat siapa pun yang Anda inginkan 396 00: 27: 15.568 -> 00: 27: 21.772 untuk membawa keluar kapal ini dan Anda akan dilakukan dengan hal itu. 397 00: 27: 21.773 -> 00: 27: 23.508 Pilihan kedua adalah, Anda tahu, 398 00: 27: 23.509 -> 00: 27: 27.612 United dan Continental dan Flying Tiger Maskapai 399 00: 27: 27.613 -> 00: 27: 30.347 masih menggunakan Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base pada saat itu, 400 00: 27: 30.348 -> 00: 27: 32.650 dan Anda bisa saja membawa siapa pun Anda ingin keluar 401 00: 27: 32.651 -> 00: 27: 36.518 dengan penerbangan komersial. 402 00: 27: 36.519 -> 00: 27: 39.355 Pilihan ketiga adalah militer sayap tetap penerbangan ... 403 00:27 : 39356 -> 00: 27: 42.924 The C5As, C-141s, yang membawa banyak

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