Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Tidak mungkin, mengatakan Sir Fang budidaya sangat tinggi, kutukan, gunung-gunung dan lautan pesawat tak seorang pun dapat mematahkan! Dia mengatakan bahwa tak seorang pun dapat memperoleh warisan, maka tak seorang pun dapat memperoleh!" Setengah baya pria bergumam, dalam item dinyatakan dengan tegas."Jika Anda disebut [mengatakan / cara] sisi mengutuk, tidak mampu menjadi terguncang, maka tempat ini... Juga ingin Anda untuk melindungi apa-apa, tidak perlu melindungi!" Ketika mengangkat Meng Hao tiba-tiba untuk membuka mulut, tangan kanannya, salah satu menekan ke arah depan, ini menurut, Semua di sekitar api ilahi yang jatuh, tiba-tiba dalam flash, sengit ini berhenti.Li ribu (333m), di kisaran cahaya biru, tidak memiliki sedikit ilahi api ada tiba-tiba, adalah memutar ulang sepenuhnya, drive luar di luar li ribu (333m), tetapi dapat bersantai Meng Hao, akhirnya.Batas nya kekal, di dalam revolusi cepat tubuh, perbaikan bertubuh tanpa henti, mengembalikan vitalitas tanpa henti, koordinat kekuatan surga Crown Dao abadi, menyebabkan Meng Hao di sini, dengan cara yang mengesankan bahkan lebih meningkat, guruh, perubahan warna Vault surga, tempat ini tidak memiliki angin dan awan, Mei benar-benar di langit, secara sukarela mengubah, wriggles Jumpalitan.Cara yang mengesankan tak terlukiskan, pada Meng Hao, meningkat sangat.Adalah cara yang mengesankan, memungkinkan warna wajah pria paruh baya yang berubah, sesak napas, ketika melihat Meng Hao, dia hampir tercengang, ia memandang Meng Hao dengan mata sendiri dari budidaya sebelumnya, lompatan saat ini, membuat dia merasa pemberani mengerikan.That is crush all eruptions that the mortal body and Cultivation simultaneous increasing forms.The Meng Hao right hand lifts a mastiff dog, immediately on the mastiff dog, sends out the blue light unexpectedly, this blue light moves along with the Meng Hao will, in addition holds the mastiff dog, enabling it to receive the asylum of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal.The mastiff dog has pleasantly surprised long roar, the body to change to the rainbow, directly soars Meng Hao, approaches instant, after Meng Hao takes away, bag of holding falls in his hand, his racket, a clothing put on gently immediately on the body, this gained ground, looks at that middle-aged man indifferently.„How you are, you are unable to absorb here sea of fire eventually, even if Fire Seed is unable to make you die, but you cannot carry off Fire Seed!” The middle-aged man roars immediately lowly, stubbornly is staring at Meng Hao.„I now, indeed cannot carry off ... But quick, I can carry off, you could rest assured that after I will let you see with one's own eyes, eternal closing one's eyes!” When Meng Hao to open mouth, he has closed the eye slowly.Along with his eyes closed, on his forehead, presented green rune slowly, this is not the Echelon mark, but is the Heaven's Crown Immortal blue symbol.This rune is a circular, can see that at this moment had 90% regions, is very complete, that does not have the complete 10% regions, rapidly is spreading.Also is several time of breath, after the final 10% regions are complete, this green rune, suddenly sends out the radiant dazzling blue light.This blue light, compared with beforehand intense did not have the several fold, even lets see the human, will have one type ... This blue light turned into Sun, became the illusion of Qingyang.Meng Hao Cultivation, in this flickers the dreadful eruption, rises loudly, his imposing manner lets the world discoloration, making the wind and cloud roll up and push along, making the entire world shiver, making this earth spread the endless fluctuation.In this flickers, tower in this world, thunders, one after another, in rising of Meng Hao this imposing manner, resembling is unable to withstand the pressure, in abundance collapse.Several thousand, several thousands, 100,000, 200,000 ...The entire world immerses, in has been thundered, the collapses of these tower, making this earth shiver, as if has to whoosh from the place bottom spreads, the world sways, is similar to the end arrives.But all these, come from Meng Hao!From Meng Hao ... Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!
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