#1177: True immortal! „Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!!”„This is impossib terjemahan - #1177: True immortal! „Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!!”„This is impossib Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1177: True immortal! „Heaven's Cro

#1177: True immortal!

„Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!!”
„This is impossible, Mountains and Seas Plane, how can have Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, this matter is impossible!!” The middle-aged man loses one's voice, he to Meng Hao azure, had not only cared before, after all beam energy spread turning green only magic arts and protective charm, are too really many are too many, if sees every time blue only, remembers Heaven's Crown Immortal, that is not realistic.
And, in his memory, Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, that is the boundary and powerhouse in fable has, but he, but was pressed the protector here, Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, is away from him too to be too far.
If not Meng Hao in this sea of fire, the blue light is at this moment radiant, can shine with Divine Flame, making this middle-aged man examine carefully, he will not recognize, this is the light of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal.
In the Meng Hao eye reveals the cold glow, the mortal body thunders, within the body Cultivation erupts, the melting of Nirvana fruit, under integration of this Divine Flame, even more speeds up.
Quick, arrived at 70%!
The Meng Hao body shivers, face upwards a roar, blue light is more radiant, when that flame, sends out the different kind ray, disperses eight sides, his blue light, as if can suppress that Divine Flame to be ordinary, causes oncoming of all around Divine Flame unexpectedly, till.
Even but if is the blue light is intrepid, but Fire Seed of Meng Hao within the body, to the attraction of all around Divine Flame, is actually stronger, Divine Flame of this entire world world, tumbles to come as before loudly.
The Meng Hao body shivers, in this sea of fire, he must unable to support gradually, his body, first appears may the split sign, is Cultivation in within the body, as if must stop revolving in this Divine Flame.
If not azure only still, feared that is this moment Meng Hao must perish.
„Heaven's Crown said!” When crisis moment, Meng Hao low roar, his forehead third Nirvana fruit, melted once more, in an instant, around the Meng Hao blue light, the fierce proliferation, this time, proliferated ten zhang (3.33 m) unexpectedly!
In ten zhang (3.33 m) range. Completely is the blue light world!
But at this moment, his third Nirvana fruit, fused 80%!!
This 10%, took one month may gradual completion. But now, under the combustion of this Divine Flame, the quick melting, this can regard as is the Meng Hao chance, but the back of this chance. Actually is life and death crisis.
The strength of 80% Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, enabling Meng Hao to obtain the short relaxation, in within the body eternal boundary full play, tried to restore the vitality, but was quick, under that Divine Flame, he felt the life and death once more.
„You, must die, how Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, has not thought. I protect here for many years, unexpectedly can see that Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal is burnt alive in my front!” The middle-aged man saw that Meng Hao is unable to insist, he has a good laugh.
„You were happy that some early.” The Meng Hao sound is even more hoarse, he reveals wipes decisively, the right hand lifts, maliciously in the forehead, strikes loudly.
Under this strikes, breaks in the Meng Hao mind vigorously. Similar to rumbles on that third Nirvana fruit, Meng Hao whole body reacted, the blood has spouted three, that blood just a blowout. Immediately is burnt became blood fog, the Meng Hao body dispirited, may draw support from this strength of striking, his Nirvana fruit, was fused forcefully!
90% Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!
Around Meng Hao blue light, in this flash. Loudly the eruption, no longer is ten zhang (3.33 m), but has achieved the thousand li (333m) directly, was similar to erupted ten times, the vitality of Meng Hao within the body, unexpectedly also in this was flickering, rose loudly, restored unexpectedly much.
His breath shortness, face upwards a roar, this roar, lets 90 ten thousand tower in this world directly, immediately several thousands, in reacted collapse directly!
This, lets that middle-aged man facial color big change, his surprised looks at Meng Hao, in the look is shocking, Meng Hao takes to him unable to believe that were getting more and more, now his oneself also vacillates, he looks at Meng Hao, some of his suddenly feelings, as if ... Meng Hao here, does not have probably to obtain a clock.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1177: True immortal! „Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!!”„This is impossible, Mountains and Seas Plane, how can have Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, this matter is impossible!!” The middle-aged man loses one's voice, he to Meng Hao azure, had not only cared before, after all beam energy spread turning green only magic arts and protective charm, are too really many are too many, if sees every time blue only, remembers Heaven's Crown Immortal, that is not realistic.And, in his memory, Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, that is the boundary and powerhouse in fable has, but he, but was pressed the protector here, Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, is away from him too to be too far.If not Meng Hao in this sea of fire, the blue light is at this moment radiant, can shine with Divine Flame, making this middle-aged man examine carefully, he will not recognize, this is the light of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal.In the Meng Hao eye reveals the cold glow, the mortal body thunders, within the body Cultivation erupts, the melting of Nirvana fruit, under integration of this Divine Flame, even more speeds up.Quick, arrived at 70%!The Meng Hao body shivers, face upwards a roar, blue light is more radiant, when that flame, sends out the different kind ray, disperses eight sides, his blue light, as if can suppress that Divine Flame to be ordinary, causes oncoming of all around Divine Flame unexpectedly, till.Even but if is the blue light is intrepid, but Fire Seed of Meng Hao within the body, to the attraction of all around Divine Flame, is actually stronger, Divine Flame of this entire world world, tumbles to come as before loudly.The Meng Hao body shivers, in this sea of fire, he must unable to support gradually, his body, first appears may the split sign, is Cultivation in within the body, as if must stop revolving in this Divine Flame.If not azure only still, feared that is this moment Meng Hao must perish.„Heaven's Crown said!” When crisis moment, Meng Hao low roar, his forehead third Nirvana fruit, melted once more, in an instant, around the Meng Hao blue light, the fierce proliferation, this time, proliferated ten zhang (3.33 m) unexpectedly!In ten zhang (3.33 m) range. Completely is the blue light world!But at this moment, his third Nirvana fruit, fused 80%!!This 10%, took one month may gradual completion. But now, under the combustion of this Divine Flame, the quick melting, this can regard as is the Meng Hao chance, but the back of this chance. Actually is life and death crisis.The strength of 80% Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, enabling Meng Hao to obtain the short relaxation, in within the body eternal boundary full play, tried to restore the vitality, but was quick, under that Divine Flame, he felt the life and death once more.„You, must die, how Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, has not thought. I protect here for many years, unexpectedly can see that Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal is burnt alive in my front!” The middle-aged man saw that Meng Hao is unable to insist, he has a good laugh.„You were happy that some early.” The Meng Hao sound is even more hoarse, he reveals wipes decisively, the right hand lifts, maliciously in the forehead, strikes loudly.Under this strikes, breaks in the Meng Hao mind vigorously. Similar to rumbles on that third Nirvana fruit, Meng Hao whole body reacted, the blood has spouted three, that blood just a blowout. Immediately is burnt became blood fog, the Meng Hao body dispirited, may draw support from this strength of striking, his Nirvana fruit, was fused forcefully!90%!!90% Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal!Around Meng Hao blue light, in this flash. Loudly the eruption, no longer is ten zhang (3.33 m), but has achieved the thousand li (333m) directly, was similar to erupted ten times, the vitality of Meng Hao within the body, unexpectedly also in this was flickering, rose loudly, restored unexpectedly much.His breath shortness, face upwards a roar, this roar, lets 90 ten thousand tower in this world directly, immediately several thousands, in reacted collapse directly!This, lets that middle-aged man facial color big change, his surprised looks at Meng Hao, in the look is shocking, Meng Hao takes to him unable to believe that were getting more and more, now his oneself also vacillates, he looks at Meng Hao, some of his suddenly feelings, as if ... Meng Hao here, does not have probably to obtain a clock.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1177: Benar abadi

"Surga Crown Dao Immortal !!"
"ini tidak mungkin, Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, bagaimana dapat memiliki Surga Crown Dao Immortal, hal ini tidak mungkin !!" Pria paruh baya kehilangan suara seseorang, dia ke Meng Hao biru, tidak hanya peduli sebelumnya, setelah semua penyebaran energi sinar berubah hijau hanya seni sihir dan pesona pelindung, juga benar-benar banyak yang terlalu banyak, jika melihat setiap kali biru saja, ingat Surga Crown Immortal, yang tidak realistis.
dan , dalam ingatannya, Surga Crown Dao Immortal, yang batas dan pembangkit tenaga listrik dalam dongeng telah, tapi dia, tapi ditekan pelindung di sini, Surga Crown Dao Immortal, adalah jauh dari dia juga terlalu jauh.
Jika tidak Meng Hao di laut ini api, cahaya biru pada saat ini berseri-seri, bisa bersinar dengan api Ilahi, membuat pria paruh baya ini memeriksa dengan seksama, dia tidak akan mengakui, ini adalah cahaya dari Surga Crown Dao Immortal.
di mata Meng Hao mengungkapkan cahaya dingin, guruh fana tubuh, dalam meletus tubuh Budidaya, mencairnya buah Nirvana, di bawah integrasi api Ilahi ini, kecepatan bahkan lebih up.
Cepat, tiba di 70%!
The Meng Hao menggigil tubuh, menghadap ke atas raungan , cahaya biru lebih bersinar, saat itu api, mengirimkan sinar yang berbeda, menyebar delapan sisi, cahaya biru, seakan dapat menekan bahwa api Ilahi menjadi biasa, menyebabkan melaju dari seluruh Ilahi api tiba-tiba, sampai.
Bahkan tapi jika adalah cahaya biru adalah pemberani, tapi Api Seed of Meng Hao dalam tubuh, daya tarik seluruh Divine Flame, sebenarnya kuat, Divine Flame of seluruh dunia dunia ini, Tumbang datang seperti sebelumnya keras.
The Meng Hao tubuh menggigil, di laut ini api, ia harus dapat mendukung secara bertahap, tubuhnya, muncul pertama mungkin tanda perpecahan, adalah Budidaya di dalam tubuh, seakan harus berhenti bergulir di api Ilahi ini.
Jika tidak Azure hanya diam, takut bahwa adalah saat ini Meng Hao harus binasa.
"kata Surga Crown!" Ketika krisis saat, Meng Hao gemuruh rendah, buah dahi ketiga Nirvana-nya, meleleh sekali lagi, dalam sekejap, sekitar Meng Hao cahaya biru, proliferasi sengit, kali ini , berkembang biak sepuluh zhang (3,33 m) tiba-tiba!
Dalam sepuluh zhang (3,33 m) kisaran. Benar-benar adalah dunia cahaya biru!
Tapi saat ini, buah Nirvana ketiga, menyatu 80% !!
ini 10%, mengambil satu bulan mungkin selesai secara bertahap. Tapi sekarang, di bawah pembakaran Ilahi Api ini, pencairan cepat, ini bisa menganggap seperti kesempatan Meng Hao, tapi kembali kesempatan ini. Sebenarnya hidup dan mati krisis.
Kekuatan 80% Surga Crown Dao Immortal, memungkinkan Meng Hao untuk mendapatkan relaksasi pendek, di dalam tubuh yang kekal batas bermain penuh, mencoba untuk mengembalikan vitalitas, tapi cepat, di bawah bahwa api Ilahi, ia merasa hidup dan mati sekali lagi.
"Kau, harus mati, bagaimana Surga Crown Dao Immortal, belum memikirkan. Aku melindungi sini selama bertahun-tahun, tiba-tiba dapat melihat bahwa Surga Crown Dao Immortal dibakar hidup-hidup di depan saya! "Pria setengah baya melihat bahwa Meng Hao tidak dapat bersikeras, ia memiliki tertawa.
" Kamu senang bahwa beberapa awal . "The Meng Hao suara lebih serak, ia mengungkapkan tisu tegas, tangan lift yang tepat, jahat di dahi, pemogokan keras.
di bawah serangan ini, istirahat dalam pikiran Meng Hao penuh semangat. Mirip dengan bergemuruh di bahwa buah Nirvana ketiga, Meng Hao seluruh tubuh bereaksi, darah telah menyemburkan tiga, bahwa darah hanya blowout. Segera dibakar menjadi kabut darah, tubuh Meng Hao bersemangat, dapat menarik dukungan dari kekuatan ini mencolok, buah Nirvana-nya, menyatu dengan paksa!
90% !!
90% Surga Crown Dao Immortal!
Sekitar Meng Hao cahaya biru, di flash . Keras letusan, tidak lagi masuk sepuluh zhang (3,33 m), tetapi telah mencapai seribu li (333m) langsung, mirip dengan meletus sepuluh kali, vitalitas Meng Hao dalam tubuh, tiba-tiba juga di ini berkedip-kedip, naik keras , dipulihkan tiba-tiba banyak.
sesak napas nya, menghadap ke atas raungan, gemuruh ini, memungkinkan 90 sepuluh ribu menara di dunia ini secara langsung, segera beberapa ribu, dalam keruntuhan bereaksi langsung!
ini, memungkinkan bahwa pria paruh baya warna wajah perubahan besar, nya terlihat terkejut melihat Meng Hao, dalam tampilan mengejutkan, Meng Hao mengambil dia tidak dapat percaya bahwa semakin lebih dan lebih, sekarang nya diri sendiri juga keputusan tegas, dia melihat Meng Hao, beberapa tiba-tiba perasaannya, seolah ... Meng Hao sini, tidak memiliki mungkin untuk mendapatkan sebuah jam.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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