20,000 palace guards send under es­cort 5000 long units of armed sol­d terjemahan - 20,000 palace guards send under es­cort 5000 long units of armed sol­d Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

20,000 palace guards send under es­

20,000 palace guards send under es­cort 5000 long units of armed sol­diers to await or­ders out­side the im­pe­r­ial palace, I am lead­ing Han Yuan, Xiao Li et al., takes again the five mul­ti­tude of peo­ple of long unit of armed sol­diers long enter the im­pe­r­ial palace main hall to­gether, be­fore the front door, a chief aide-de-camp walked, stared my one eyes ma­li­ciously, said: „South town the gen­eral, pre­sent you may re­ally be awe-in­spir­ing, mo­bi­lizes sol­diers to at­tack other Em­pire Armed forces ar­bi­trar­ily, ha-ha”
I show a faint smile: „Re­ceiv­ing makes re­ceiv­ing let, does your majesty and wear your high­ness to be above the main hall?”
„Yes, they were dis­cussing of­fi­cial busi­ness, mak­ing you have the human to go in!”
Led one line to step the main hall, this was my N th times steps into the Tian Ling Em­pire palace, but this mood some­what was dis­turbed, the mat­ter com­pleted the later po­lit­i­cal abil­ity some­what to be wor­ried, if Locker were one gen­er­a­tion of Ming, def­i­nitely will get free for me, if were an un­en­light­ened ruler, took me to act ar­bi­trar­ily for the rea­son can mas­sacre com­pletely at the scene my, but this was the game, how killed me one time, the priv­i­lege of player on was in­fi­nite re­ac­ti­vat­ing.
In both sides the main hall, the civil and mil­i­tary whole body of min­is­ters es­tab­lish sep­a­rately, after I bring the human en­ters, sees only crazy Lei Jun tuan com­mand­ing to pro­tect coun­try gen­eral Luis sud­denly to knee down, red silk hand­ker­chief above arm along with it drag­ging, say­ing of his tears cross­flow: „Your majesty, you must take re­spon­si­bil­ity for crazy Lei Jun tuan! Crazy Lei Jun in does not turn over to area the sea and Luhu to fight a bloody bat­tle, the army bat­tle loss has sur­passed 50%, our blood al­most dyed com­pletely each inch land of em­pire, but Li Xiao Yao de­pended on is hav­ing the asy­lum of your high­ness, was de­pend­ing on re­mark­ably the mer­i­to­ri­ous mil­i­tary ser­vice, un­ex­pect­edly bla­tantly in the bat­tal­ion that the mil­i­tary god river­side at­tacked crazy Lei Jun, killed my se­nior gen­eral to jump over luo, but also dis­armed 5000 peo­ple of long unit of armed sol­diers all, this was sim­ply law­less, your majesty, you must take re­spon­si­bil­ity for crazy Lei Jun, how oth­er­wise sev­eral thou­sand of­fi­cers ghosts of our army rested”
This time Luis looked like did not have gen­er­a­tion of com­man­ders was dig­ni­fied, in­stead likely was ef­fem­i­nate of win­ning favor by os­ten­ta­tion, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion that Theodore, Luo child et al. have re­vealed dis­dain­ing, wore the princess is speaks frankly: „Luis com­mands, please get up, you spoke like this, ap­pear­ance that which also a lit­tle em­pire armed forces com­manded?”
Luis gains ground, the tear­ful eyes said dimly: „Your majesty, the feu­dal of­fi­cial is suf­fer­ing from in­jus­tice!”
Locker Great holds Wang Jian's han­dle to stand up, does not get angry, but said: „Palace guard com­mands Gen­eral Li, has what ob­jec­tion re­gard­ing the words that Luis com­mands? You mo­bi­lize the palace guard to at­tack crazy Lei Jun ar­bi­trar­ily, and has given their weapon, whether this mat­ter is true?”
I nod: „Real, but I have the rea­son that must dis­arm.”
„What rea­son?” Big em­peror's son Theodore lets some­body cool off or calm down looks to me.
I look up one crowd civil and mil­i­tary as well as the Great, said nei­ther ar­ro­gant nor servile: „Area Wu Shenhe al­ways has the water rob­ber, this group of water rob­bers said that as dragon Long Jun, had about hun­dred war­ships, and sup­ports the sol­dier over ten thou­sand, they the stir­ring up trou­ble both banks com­mon peo­ple coast Wu Shenhe, kill and torch to be a cinch un­ceas­ingly, and fe­male who ex­cels the cross-strait beauty has plun­dered com­pletely, ac­cord­ing to my knowl­edge, guards in Wu Shenhe the sur­round­ing Em­pire Reg­i­ment, crazy Lei Jun's
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
20,000 palace guards send under es­cort 5000 long units of armed sol­diers to await or­ders out­side the im­pe­r­ial palace, I am lead­ing Han Yuan, Xiao Li et al., takes again the five mul­ti­tude of peo­ple of long unit of armed sol­diers long enter the im­pe­r­ial palace main hall to­gether, be­fore the front door, a chief aide-de-camp walked, stared my one eyes ma­li­ciously, said: „South town the gen­eral, pre­sent you may re­ally be awe-in­spir­ing, mo­bi­lizes sol­diers to at­tack other Em­pire Armed forces ar­bi­trar­ily, ha-ha”I show a faint smile: „Re­ceiv­ing makes re­ceiv­ing let, does your majesty and wear your high­ness to be above the main hall?”„Yes, they were dis­cussing of­fi­cial busi­ness, mak­ing you have the human to go in!”„Yes!”Led one line to step the main hall, this was my N th times steps into the Tian Ling Em­pire palace, but this mood some­what was dis­turbed, the mat­ter com­pleted the later po­lit­i­cal abil­ity some­what to be wor­ried, if Locker were one gen­er­a­tion of Ming, def­i­nitely will get free for me, if were an un­en­light­ened ruler, took me to act ar­bi­trar­ily for the rea­son can mas­sacre com­pletely at the scene my, but this was the game, how killed me one time, the priv­i­lege of player on was in­fi­nite re­ac­ti­vat­ing.In both sides the main hall, the civil and mil­i­tary whole body of min­is­ters es­tab­lish sep­a­rately, after I bring the human en­ters, sees only crazy Lei Jun tuan com­mand­ing to pro­tect coun­try gen­eral Luis sud­denly to knee down, red silk hand­ker­chief above arm along with it drag­ging, say­ing of his tears cross­flow: „Your majesty, you must take re­spon­si­bil­ity for crazy Lei Jun tuan! Crazy Lei Jun in does not turn over to area the sea and Luhu to fight a bloody bat­tle, the army bat­tle loss has sur­passed 50%, our blood al­most dyed com­pletely each inch land of em­pire, but Li Xiao Yao de­pended on is hav­ing the asy­lum of your high­ness, was de­pend­ing on re­mark­ably the mer­i­to­ri­ous mil­i­tary ser­vice, un­ex­pect­edly bla­tantly in the bat­tal­ion that the mil­i­tary god river­side at­tacked crazy Lei Jun, killed my se­nior gen­eral to jump over luo, but also dis­armed 5000 peo­ple of long unit of armed sol­diers all, this was sim­ply law­less, your majesty, you must take re­spon­si­bil­ity for crazy Lei Jun, how oth­er­wise sev­eral thou­sand of­fi­cers ghosts of our army rested”This time Luis looked like did not have gen­er­a­tion of com­man­ders was dig­ni­fied, in­stead likely was ef­fem­i­nate of win­ning favor by os­ten­ta­tion, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion that Theodore, Luo child et al. have re­vealed dis­dain­ing, wore the princess is speaks frankly: „Luis com­mands, please get up, you spoke like this, ap­pear­ance that which also a lit­tle em­pire armed forces com­manded?”Luis gains ground, the tear­ful eyes said dimly: „Your majesty, the feu­dal of­fi­cial is suf­fer­ing from in­jus­tice!”Locker Great holds Wang Jian's han­dle to stand up, does not get angry, but said: „Palace guard com­mands Gen­eral Li, has what ob­jec­tion re­gard­ing the words that Luis com­mands? You mo­bi­lize the palace guard to at­tack crazy Lei Jun ar­bi­trar­ily, and has given their weapon, whether this mat­ter is true?”I nod: „Real, but I have the rea­son that must dis­arm.”„What rea­son?” Big em­peror's son Theodore lets some­body cool off or calm down looks to me.I look up one crowd civil and mil­i­tary as well as the Great, said nei­ther ar­ro­gant nor servile: „Area Wu Shenhe al­ways has the water rob­ber, this group of water rob­bers said that as dragon Long Jun, had about hun­dred war­ships, and sup­ports the sol­dier over ten thou­sand, they the stir­ring up trou­ble both banks com­mon peo­ple coast Wu Shenhe, kill and torch to be a cinch un­ceas­ingly, and fe­male who ex­cels the cross-strait beauty has plun­dered com­pletely, ac­cord­ing to my knowl­edge, guards in Wu Shenhe the sur­round­ing Em­pire Reg­i­ment, crazy Lei Jun's
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
20.000 penjaga istana mengirim bawah pengawalan 5000 unit panjang tentara bersenjata untuk menunggu perintah luar istana kekaisaran, saya memimpin Han Yuan, Xiao Li et al., Mengambil lagi lima banyak orang unit panjang tentara bersenjata panjang memasuki istana kekaisaran aula utama bersama-sama, sebelum pintu depan, seorang kepala pembantu-de-camp berjalan, menatap satu mata jahat, mengatakan: "kota South umum, hadir Anda mungkin benar-benar menakjubkan, memobilisasi tentara untuk menyerang pasukan Empire Bersenjata lain secara sewenang-wenang , ha-ha "
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis:" menerima merek menerima let, apakah paduka dan memakai Mulia berada di atas ruang utama "?
" Ya, mereka sedang membicarakan bisnis resmi, membuat Anda memiliki manusia untuk masuk! " "
Ya! "
Dipimpin satu baris ke langkah aula utama, ini adalah N saya th kali langkah ke istana Tian Ling Empire, tapi suasana ini agak terganggu, masalah selesai kemampuan politik kemudian agak harus khawatir, jika Locker yang satu generasi Ming, pasti akan mendapatkan gratis bagi saya, jika itu merupakan penguasa tercerahkan, membawa saya untuk bertindak sewenang-wenang dengan alasan dapat pembantaian benar-benar di tempat kejadian saya, tapi ini adalah permainan, bagaimana membunuh saya satu waktu, hak istimewa pemain pada adalah mengaktifkan kembali tak terbatas.
di kedua sisi ruang utama, sipil dan militer seluruh tubuh menteri menetapkan secara terpisah, setelah saya membawa manusia memasuki, hanya melihat gila Lei Juni tuan memerintah untuk melindungi negara umum Luis tiba-tiba lutut ke bawah, sutra merah saputangan di atas lengan bersama dengan itu menyeret, mengatakan dari air matanya crossflow: "yang Mulia, Anda harus mengambil tanggung jawab untuk gila Lei Juni tuan! Gila Lei Juni di tidak menyerahkan ke daerah laut dan Luhu untuk melawan pertempuran berdarah, tentara pertempuran kerugian telah melampaui 50%, darah kita hampir dicelup sepenuhnya setiap tanah inci dari kerajaan, tetapi Li Xiao Yao tergantung pada yang memiliki rumah sakit jiwa dari yang Mulia, itu tergantung pada sangat dinas militer berjasa, tiba-tiba terang-terangan di batalion bahwa sungai dewa militer menyerang gila Lei Jun, membunuh senior saya umum untuk melompati luo, tetapi juga dilucuti 5000 orang unit panjang tentara bersenjata semua, ini hanya durhaka, yang Mulia, Anda harus mengambil tanggung jawab untuk gila Lei Jun, bagaimana jika beberapa ribu perwira hantu tentara kita beristirahat "
kali ini Luis tampak seperti tidak memiliki generasi komandan itu bermartabat, bukannya mungkin adalah banci menang nikmat oleh kesombongan, ekspresi wajah anak Theodore, Luo et al. telah mengungkapkan meremehkan, mengenakan sang putri adalah berbicara bahasa terus terang: "? Luis perintah, silakan bangun, Anda berbicara seperti ini, penampilan yang mana kekuatan juga sebuah kerajaan kecil bersenjata memerintahkan"
Luis keuntungan tanah, mata penuh air mata mengatakan remang: "Yang Mulia, resmi feodal menderita ketidakadilan "!
Locker besar memegang pegangan Wang Jian untuk berdiri, tidak marah, tetapi mengatakan:" guard Palace perintah Jenderal Li, memiliki apa yang keberatan mengenai kata-kata yang perintah Luis? Anda memobilisasi pengawal istana untuk menyerang gila Lei Juni sewenang-wenang, dan telah memberikan senjata mereka, apakah hal ini benar "?
Saya mengangguk:" Nyata, tapi aku punya alasan yang harus melucuti ".
" Alasan apa? "Anak Big kaisar Theodore . memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang terlihat dengan saya
saya mencari satu orang sipil dan militer serta Agung, mengatakan tidak sombong atau budak: "Lokasi Wu Shenhe selalu memiliki perampok air, kelompok perampok air mengatakan bahwa sebagai dragon panjang Juni, memiliki sekitar seratus kapal perang, dan mendukung tentara lebih dari sepuluh ribu, mereka yang mengaduk masalah kedua bank rakyat biasa pantai Wu Shenhe, membunuh dan obor untuk menjadi menang tanpa henti, dan wanita yang unggul keindahan lintas-selat telah menjarah benar , menurut pengetahuan saya, penjaga di Wu Shenhe Kekaisaran sekitarnya Resimen, gila Lei Jun
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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