“Miss Wright, can you open your eyes for me, sweetheart?”I hear the vo terjemahan - “Miss Wright, can you open your eyes for me, sweetheart?”I hear the vo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Miss Wright, can you open your eye

“Miss Wright, can you open your eyes for me, sweetheart?”
I hear the voice, but it’s mixed with the sound of sirens. I try to open my eyes but can’t. All I can see in my mind is blood.
“Penelope, I need you to try to open your eyes. Stay with me, okay?”
I don’t recognize the woman’s voice, but I concentrate on trying to force my eyes open.
They flutter and images go past like rapid pictures. A woman leaning over me. She’s dressed in some kind of uniform.
An IV in my arm. My mother sitting next to me, her eyes filled with tears.
My eyes close again. They’re so heavy, it’s hard to keep them open. I feel like I’m going to throw up, but I can’t find my voice to tell anyone, so I suffer in silence.
“My baby,” I say, but my voice doesn’t work.
We come to a stop and people rush all around me. I’m lifted up, then down again. Pushed down a bright white hallway.
I hear my mother saying she demands to be with me, but someone won’t let her go wherever it is they’re taking me. I reach up, forcing my eyes open again. I try to open my mouth, but I can’t speak. I feel so weak, but somehow I manage to find my mother’s hand and hold on tight. I see the doctor nod his head.
“Thank you,” Mom says. “You’re going to be okay, Penny. Everything’s okay.”
I’m cold and shivering. The pain is still there, but it’s weaker now. More distant.
The terror, though, is close.
“Stand aside, please. We’re going to move her over to the bed.”
Hands slip under me, then move me from one bed to another.
I feel another gush between my legs and moan in fear. I thought my heart couldn’t break any more, but this is life at its cruelest. My heart breaks in my chest with every second that ticks by.
“Penny, are you experiencing cramping?” the nurse asks.
I nod and press one hand against my stomach. It hurts so bad, my head is spinning.
“What’s happening?” I say, finally finding the strength to speak. “Is my baby going to be okay? Please.”
I watch the nurse begin cleaning up the pad on top of the bed. It’s covered in blood. I turn away as she removes it and places another pad down.
All I can think about is the bad choices I’ve made. This is all my fault. The drinking. The accident. The stress of carrying this secret.
“Miss Wright, I’m very sorry, but it seems you’re having a miscarriage,” she says. “We’re going to give you some medication to ease your pain and something else to ease any nausea you might be experiencing.”
I try to sit up, but the nurse puts her hand on my shoulder.
“Just try to relax,” she says. “We’re going to help you through this.”
“No, don’t give me any medicine that might hurt the baby,” I say. “I don’t want to hurt the baby.”
Someone puts a pillow behind my head, lifting me up. I look over and see a kind-eyed nurse.
“Thank you,” I say.
She nods and pats my hand. “We’re going to do everything we can to make you comfortable,” she says.
I lay back against the pillow, tears falling down my cheeks and into my hair. Why are they talking like there’s no hope? There has to be something they can do.
I need to be strong. I have to be strong for my baby.
“I’m here,” my mom says. “I’m right here beside you.”
I realize with a sudden force that the one person I want by my side right now is hundreds of miles away.
Mason is the only one I want here. He’s the only one who would understand what this feels like.
“I need Mason,” I say. I search my mother’s eyes. “Please. Can you find him?”
My mother strokes my hair. “Penny, you’ve got to let him go,” she says. “Maybe this is for the best. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you’ll see. Everything’s going to be okay.”
Rage flares through me, white hot.
I release my mother’s hand and pull my cheek away from her caress. “Don’t ever say something like that to me again,” I say. “Get out.”
“Penny.” She shakes her head. “Sweetheart—”
“Please, someone get her out of here,” I say.
A nurse touches my mother’s shoulder. “Maybe it would be better if you waited outside, Mrs. Wright,” she says. “Penny’s under a tremendous amount of stress right now and we need to do everything we can to keep her calm.”
My mother protests, but the nurses usher her from the room.
For a moment, I’m alone in the room and everything is quiet except for the beating of my heart on the monitor.
I lay my hands against my belly and pray that there’s another heart still beating somewhere deep inside.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Miss Wright, dapat Anda membuka mata Anda untuk saya, sayang?"Aku mendengar suara, tetapi bercampur dengan bunyi sirene. Aku mencoba untuk membuka mata saya, tapi tidak bisa. Semua aku bisa melihat dalam pikiran saya adalah darah."Penelope, saya perlu Anda untuk mencoba untuk membuka mata Anda. Tinggal dengan saya, oke?"Aku tidak mengenali suara wanita, tapi aku berkonsentrasi pada mencoba untuk memaksa mataku terbuka.Mereka bergetar dan gambar melewati seperti gambar cepat. Seorang wanita yang bersandar saya. Dia berpakaian semacam seragam.IV di lenganku. Ibu saya duduk di samping saya, matanya penuh dengan air mata.Mataku tutup lagi. Mereka begitu berat, sulit untuk menjaga mereka terbuka. Aku merasa seperti aku akan muntah, tetapi saya tidak dapat menemukan suara saya untuk memberitahu siapa pun, sehingga aku menderita dalam keheningan."Bayi saya," kataku, tapi suara saya tidak bekerja.Kami datang ke terburu-buru berhenti dan orang-orang di sekitar saya. Aku ditinggikan, kemudian turun lagi. Didorong ke bawah lorong putih cerah.Aku mendengar ibuku mengatakan dia meminta saya, tapi seseorang tidak akan membiarkan dia pergi dimanapun mereka mengambil saya. Saya mencapai, memaksa mataku terbuka lagi. Aku mencoba untuk membuka mulut saya, tetapi saya tidak bisa bicara. Aku merasa begitu lemah, tapi entah bagaimana aku berhasil menemukan ibu saya tangan dan berpegang pada ketat. Saya melihat dokter mengangguk kepalanya."Terima kasih," ibu mengatakan. "Kau akan menjadi biasa, Penny. Semuanya baik-baik saja."Saya dingin dan menggigil. Rasa sakit yang masih ada, tapi lemah sekarang. Lebih jauh.Teror, meskipun, dekat.“Stand aside, please. We’re going to move her over to the bed.”Hands slip under me, then move me from one bed to another.I feel another gush between my legs and moan in fear. I thought my heart couldn’t break any more, but this is life at its cruelest. My heart breaks in my chest with every second that ticks by.“Penny, are you experiencing cramping?” the nurse asks.I nod and press one hand against my stomach. It hurts so bad, my head is spinning.“What’s happening?” I say, finally finding the strength to speak. “Is my baby going to be okay? Please.”I watch the nurse begin cleaning up the pad on top of the bed. It’s covered in blood. I turn away as she removes it and places another pad down.All I can think about is the bad choices I’ve made. This is all my fault. The drinking. The accident. The stress of carrying this secret.“Miss Wright, I’m very sorry, but it seems you’re having a miscarriage,” she says. “We’re going to give you some medication to ease your pain and something else to ease any nausea you might be experiencing.”I try to sit up, but the nurse puts her hand on my shoulder.“Just try to relax,” she says. “We’re going to help you through this.”“No, don’t give me any medicine that might hurt the baby,” I say. “I don’t want to hurt the baby.”Someone puts a pillow behind my head, lifting me up. I look over and see a kind-eyed nurse.“Thank you,” I say.She nods and pats my hand. “We’re going to do everything we can to make you comfortable,” she says.I lay back against the pillow, tears falling down my cheeks and into my hair. Why are they talking like there’s no hope? There has to be something they can do.I need to be strong. I have to be strong for my baby.“I’m here,” my mom says. “I’m right here beside you.”I realize with a sudden force that the one person I want by my side right now is hundreds of miles away.Mason is the only one I want here. He’s the only one who would understand what this feels like.“I need Mason,” I say. I search my mother’s eyes. “Please. Can you find him?”My mother strokes my hair. “Penny, you’ve got to let him go,” she says. “Maybe this is for the best. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you’ll see. Everything’s going to be okay.”Rage flares through me, white hot.I release my mother’s hand and pull my cheek away from her caress. “Don’t ever say something like that to me again,” I say. “Get out.”“Penny.” She shakes her head. “Sweetheart—”“Please, someone get her out of here,” I say.A nurse touches my mother’s shoulder. “Maybe it would be better if you waited outside, Mrs. Wright,” she says. “Penny’s under a tremendous amount of stress right now and we need to do everything we can to keep her calm.”Saya ibu protes, tetapi para perawat yang mengantarkan dirinya dari ruang.Sejenak, aku sendirian dalam kamar dan semuanya tenang kecuali pemukulan hatiku pada monitor.Aku meletakkan tanganku terhadap perut saya dan berdoa bahwa ada lain jantung masih berdetak di suatu tempat jauh di dalam.
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