Monster, die!” Suddenly, the old man fierily yelled out, then the awl  terjemahan - Monster, die!” Suddenly, the old man fierily yelled out, then the awl  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Monster, die!” Suddenly, the old ma

Monster, die!” Suddenly, the old man fierily yelled out, then the awl treasure left his hand.

The awl, initially as big as a palm, after leaving his hand, immediately became several meters in size. It gave off dazzling golden light, and with extremely powerful might and with encircling, powerful symbols, it was fiercely shot towards the monster.


At that instant, Chu Feng hiddenly cursed because with his sharp Spirit power, he was able to instantly determine that the awl wasn’t a normal treasure but a special weapon made by a Gold-cloak World Spiritist.

That weapon could be used only once, but its power was extremely frightening. In particular, the one that the old man had was not simple at all.

If it were before, perhaps Chu Feng would hope the old man could succeed. After all, as long as he could kill the monster, Chu Feng himself would also have a chance to escape. But now, it was the exact opposite.

He discovered that the monster seemed quite familiar, and was very possibly someone he knew. Or else, the monster wouldn’t have let him go alive and instead, deal with the people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago.

But now, only if nothing happened to the monster did Chu Feng have a chance to continue surviving. Otherwise, if something were to happen to the monster and the old man survived instead, then Chu Feng would undoubtedly die.

However, quite unexpectedly, as the monster faced such a horrifying Spirit Formation weapon, it didn’t dodge nor did it defend itself. It just bluntly walked towards the Spirit Formation weapon, using its physical body to stop it.

*boom* Finally, the weapon crashed into the body of the monster, but it only made a deafening explosion for a single moment. Although it did indeed create horrifying ripples, before those ripples even dispersed, they were absorbed by the monster.

That’s right. The terrifying attack made by the Spirit Formation weapon was indeed absorbed by the monster. The weapon that the old man meticulously prepared was actually akin to an egg striking a rock—it could not damage the monster in the slightest.

“How can this be.” Seeing that, even the old man himself was stupefied from fright. According to his understanding, the Spirit Formation weaponry had a possibility to heavily injure even rank five Martial Lords. The situation was something that shouldn’t happen.

Unless… unless one’s power truly reached an irrepressible state!

“Elder, what do we do? Even that weapon couldn’t do anything!”

At the same time, the wild big man and the fair-faced man were completely terrified. That awl was their last chance, and now, that chance was destroyed. They really did have a feeling of despair, of having no more roads to walk.

“What else can we do? We can only wait to die.” The old man coldly snorted, then a hint of fierceness flashed into his eyes. As he spoke, he grabbed both the wild man and the fair-faced man, and actually threw the two young ones, who were on the same side as him, in front of the monster.

*hmm* And just the two of them were tossed next to the monster, they were lifted up by the monster’s unique power. It was the starting point of its refining rhythm.

“Milord, may I ask where you came from? But please, don’t kill me! I am willing to follow you. Be it becoming a cow, horse, pig, dog… I have no problems. I will not say any grudgeful words, so please, milord, have mercy on me!”

“Have mercy, have mercy! Please don’t kill me! I am willing to be your most loyal servant; I can search even more cultivation resources for you; I can bait stronger cultivators and provide them to you for refining! Please don’t kill me!”

The wild big man and the fair-faced man were completely terrified. They, who were cowards to death, started to shamelessly plead. Especially the fair-faced man—he even suggested that he would provide cultivation resources for the monster. They were inferior to even pigs and dogs. Animals.


However, the monster was not moved in the slightest by their imploration. Two heart-wrenching screams rang out, and the two started to suffer the cruelest torment.

Cruel. It was truly cruel. Although they were also enduring the pain of being refined, and the process of being refined was the exact same as other people, the time they spent in that condition was extremely long.

Indeed. The monster had the intent to torture them. It actually slowed the tormenting speed and at such a distance, Chu Feng could clearly see their skins becoming split, accompanied by streams of fresh red blood surging into the monster’s body, getting absorbed and refined by it.

After fracturing their skin, next came flesh, bones, and inner organs. Before those even finished being refined though, the two of them remained alive. It could be seen how much agony they felt.

After a lengthy process of tormenting, only two sets of bones remained; but this time, the monster didn’t do the same as before. It didn’t just throw them to the side. It actually shattered their bones, then engulfed them.

The way it dealt with them did not just include the stretching of time. It also included the increase of tormenting strength, and it even consumed their bones. Truly not even any remnants remained.

“Haha, Chu Feng, look! This monster’s method of doing things is very similar to yours! Fierce enough and cruel enough. I like it.” At that instant, Eggy actually cheered happily with an anger-venting face.

“What? Am I normally that cruel?” asked Chu Feng after he heard those words, along with an innocent face.

“You? You’re a lot crueler than that thing. When you become enraged, you simply stop being human! Haha, but, I like exactly that. To be human is to be fierce. Particularly so when facing an enemy. Not only do you need to be cold-blooded and heartless, you must be insane and fierce. Only then could it make their hearts tremble upon hearing your name and lose all courage to fight against you,” said Eggy gigglingly.

At that instant, Chu Feng felt that he couldn’t really say anything back. It wasn’t like he was an idiot, so naturally, he knew what kind of person he was upon becoming mad. But, he had never regretted, and instead, felt that Eggy was very correct. Facing enemies, he had to be fierce and merciless, and become a demon without any traces of humanity.

So, after he saw, with his own eyes, the monster refining the wild big man and the fair-faced man with extremely cruel methods, not only did he not feel bad, he even felt refreshed because those two were his enemies.

No, not only those two, there was also the rank three Martial Lord.

“You’re, you’re, you’re with that thing! You’re, you’re, you’re with that monster!”

In comparison to Chu Feng’s calm countenance and his inside screaming refreshing!, the elder from the Immortal Execution Archipelago had a face as pale as paper. His body was endlessly trembling as well.

As he backed away, he pointed at Chu Feng. He already had a guess in his heart regarding the monster’s abnormal action—the brat, who was not simple at all, was on the same side as the monster. He, instead, was the one who was like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.


The monster didn’t give the old man too many chances to breathe. It willed, then the old man, like the wild big man and fair-faced man before, started to receive a heartless torture.

However, compared to those two, the torment he endured was actually even more wretched, but to Chu Feng, the old man definitely got what he deserved.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Rakasa, mati!" Tiba-tiba, orang tua fierily berteriak, maka harta awl lagi di tangannya.Awl, awalnya sebagai besar sebagai palm, setelah meninggalkan tangannya, segera menjadi beberapa meter dalam ukuran. Ini memberikan cahaya keemasan yang mempesona, dan dengan sangat kuat dan dengan simbol-simbol yang mengelilingi bangunan, kuat, keras ditembak terhadap rakasa."Omong kosong!"Saat itu, Chu Feng hiddenly dikutuk karena dengan kuasanya Roh yang tajam, ia dapat langsung menentukan bahwa awl bukan harta normal tapi senjata khusus yang dibuat oleh pemantera dunia emas-jubah.Senjata yang dapat digunakan hanya sekali, tetapi kekuatan adalah sangat menakutkan. Secara khusus, salah satu yang orang tua memiliki itu tidak sederhana sekali.Jika itu sebelumnya, mungkin Chu Feng berharap orang tua bisa berhasil. Setelah semua, asalkan ia bisa membunuh rakasa, Feng Chu sendiri juga akan memiliki kesempatan untuk melarikan diri. Tapi sekarang, itu adalah sebaliknya.Ia menemukan bahwa rakasa tampaknya cukup akrab, dan adalah sangat mungkin seseorang dia tahu. Atau yang lain, rakasa tidak akan membiarkan dia pergi hidup dan sebaliknya, berurusan dengan orang-orang dari Kepulauan eksekusi yang abadi.Tapi sekarang, hanya jika tidak ada yang terjadi untuk rakasa memang Chu Feng memiliki kesempatan untuk terus bertahan. Sebaliknya, jika sesuatu terjadi kepada rakasa dan orang tua Selamat sebaliknya, kemudian Chu Feng pasti akan mati.Namun, secara tak terduga, seperti rakasa menghadapi senjata seperti itu mengerikan pembentukan Roh, itu tidak menghindari atau apakah itu mempertahankan diri. Itu hanya blak-blakan berjalan menuju pembentukan Roh senjata, menggunakan tubuhnya fisik untuk menghentikannya.* boom * akhirnya, senjata jatuh ke dalam tubuh rakasa, tapi itu hanya membuat ledakan memekakkan telinga sesaat. Meskipun itu memang membuat riak-riak yang mengerikan, sebelum mereka riak bahkan tersebar, mereka diserap oleh rakasa.Itu benar. Serangan mengerikan yang dibuat oleh senjata pembentukan Roh memang diserap oleh rakasa. Senjata yang orang tua yang cermat disiapkan benar-benar sama dengan telur mencolok batu — itu tidak bisa merusak rakasa sedikit pun."Bagaimana bisa ini menjadi." Melihat bahwa, bahkan orang tua itu sendiri adalah boléh dari ketakutan. Menurut pemahamannya, persenjataan Roh pembentukan memiliki kemungkinan untuk melukai berat bahkan peringkat lima bela diri Tuhan. Situasi ini sesuatu yang seharusnya tidak terjadi.Kecuali... kecuali satu kekuatan benar-benar mencapai keadaan tak tertahankan!"Penatua, apa yang harus kita lakukan? Bahkan senjata tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa!"Pada saat yang sama, orang besar liar dan adil yang dihadapi orang yang benar-benar ketakutan. Awl itu adalah kesempatan terakhir mereka, dan sekarang, kesempatan itu telah dimusnahkan. Mereka benar-benar memiliki perasaan putus asa, karena tidak ada jalan lain untuk berjalan.“What else can we do? We can only wait to die.” The old man coldly snorted, then a hint of fierceness flashed into his eyes. As he spoke, he grabbed both the wild man and the fair-faced man, and actually threw the two young ones, who were on the same side as him, in front of the monster.*hmm* And just the two of them were tossed next to the monster, they were lifted up by the monster’s unique power. It was the starting point of its refining rhythm.“Milord, may I ask where you came from? But please, don’t kill me! I am willing to follow you. Be it becoming a cow, horse, pig, dog… I have no problems. I will not say any grudgeful words, so please, milord, have mercy on me!”“Have mercy, have mercy! Please don’t kill me! I am willing to be your most loyal servant; I can search even more cultivation resources for you; I can bait stronger cultivators and provide them to you for refining! Please don’t kill me!”The wild big man and the fair-faced man were completely terrified. They, who were cowards to death, started to shamelessly plead. Especially the fair-faced man—he even suggested that he would provide cultivation resources for the monster. They were inferior to even pigs and dogs. Animals.“Ahh~~~”However, the monster was not moved in the slightest by their imploration. Two heart-wrenching screams rang out, and the two started to suffer the cruelest torment.
Cruel. It was truly cruel. Although they were also enduring the pain of being refined, and the process of being refined was the exact same as other people, the time they spent in that condition was extremely long.

Indeed. The monster had the intent to torture them. It actually slowed the tormenting speed and at such a distance, Chu Feng could clearly see their skins becoming split, accompanied by streams of fresh red blood surging into the monster’s body, getting absorbed and refined by it.

After fracturing their skin, next came flesh, bones, and inner organs. Before those even finished being refined though, the two of them remained alive. It could be seen how much agony they felt.

After a lengthy process of tormenting, only two sets of bones remained; but this time, the monster didn’t do the same as before. It didn’t just throw them to the side. It actually shattered their bones, then engulfed them.

The way it dealt with them did not just include the stretching of time. It also included the increase of tormenting strength, and it even consumed their bones. Truly not even any remnants remained.

“Haha, Chu Feng, look! This monster’s method of doing things is very similar to yours! Fierce enough and cruel enough. I like it.” At that instant, Eggy actually cheered happily with an anger-venting face.

“What? Am I normally that cruel?” asked Chu Feng after he heard those words, along with an innocent face.

“You? You’re a lot crueler than that thing. When you become enraged, you simply stop being human! Haha, but, I like exactly that. To be human is to be fierce. Particularly so when facing an enemy. Not only do you need to be cold-blooded and heartless, you must be insane and fierce. Only then could it make their hearts tremble upon hearing your name and lose all courage to fight against you,” said Eggy gigglingly.

At that instant, Chu Feng felt that he couldn’t really say anything back. It wasn’t like he was an idiot, so naturally, he knew what kind of person he was upon becoming mad. But, he had never regretted, and instead, felt that Eggy was very correct. Facing enemies, he had to be fierce and merciless, and become a demon without any traces of humanity.

So, after he saw, with his own eyes, the monster refining the wild big man and the fair-faced man with extremely cruel methods, not only did he not feel bad, he even felt refreshed because those two were his enemies.

No, not only those two, there was also the rank three Martial Lord.

“You’re, you’re, you’re with that thing! You’re, you’re, you’re with that monster!”

In comparison to Chu Feng’s calm countenance and his inside screaming refreshing!, the elder from the Immortal Execution Archipelago had a face as pale as paper. His body was endlessly trembling as well.

As he backed away, he pointed at Chu Feng. He already had a guess in his heart regarding the monster’s abnormal action—the brat, who was not simple at all, was on the same side as the monster. He, instead, was the one who was like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.


The monster didn’t give the old man too many chances to breathe. It willed, then the old man, like the wild big man and fair-faced man before, started to receive a heartless torture.

However, compared to those two, the torment he endured was actually even more wretched, but to Chu Feng, the old man definitely got what he deserved.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rakasa, mati! "Tiba-tiba, orang tua fierily berteriak, maka harta penusuk meninggalkan tangannya. Penusuk, awalnya sebesar telapak tangan, setelah meninggalkan tangannya, langsung menjadi beberapa meter dalam ukuran. Ini memberi off cahaya emas menyilaukan, dan dengan kekuatan yang sangat kuat dan dengan melingkari, simbol kuat, itu keras menembak ke arah rakasa. "Crap!" Pada saat itu, Chu Feng hiddenly dikutuk karena dengan kekuatan Roh yang tajam, ia mampu langsung menentukan bahwa penusuk itu bukan harta yang normal tetapi senjata khusus yang dibuat oleh Gold-jubah Dunia Spiritist. Senjata itu bisa digunakan hanya sekali, tapi kekuatannya sangat menakutkan. Secara khusus, salah satu yang orang tua miliki adalah tidak sederhana sama sekali. Kalau sebelumnya, mungkin Chu Feng berharap orang tua bisa berhasil. Setelah semua, selama dia bisa membunuh rakasa, Chu Feng sendiri akan juga memiliki kesempatan untuk melarikan diri. Tapi sekarang, itu adalah sebaliknya. Ia menemukan bahwa rakasa tampak cukup akrab, dan sangat mungkin seseorang dia tahu. Atau yang lain, rakasa tidak akan membiarkan dia pergi hidup dan sebagai gantinya, berurusan dengan orang-orang dari Eksekusi Nusantara Immortal. Tapi sekarang, hanya jika tidak ada yang terjadi untuk rakasa tersebut tidak Chu Feng memiliki kesempatan untuk melanjutkan hidup. Jika tidak, jika sesuatu terjadi pada rakasa dan orang tua selamat sebaliknya, maka Chu Feng pasti akan mati. Namun, secara tak terduga, seperti rakasa yang dihadapi seperti Formasi Roh senjata mengerikan, tidak mengelak juga tidak membela diri . Itu hanya terus terang berjalan menuju senjata Formasi Roh, menggunakan tubuh fisik untuk menghentikannya. * Booming * Akhirnya, senjata jatuh ke dalam tubuh rakasa, tetapi hanya membuat ledakan memekakkan telinga untuk satu saat. Meskipun memang membuat riak mengerikan, sebelum mereka riak bahkan tersebar, mereka diserap oleh rakasa tersebut. Itu benar. Serangan menakutkan yang dibuat oleh senjata Formasi Roh memang diserap oleh rakasa tersebut. Senjata yang orang tua cermat dipersiapkan sebenarnya mirip dengan telur mencolok batu-itu tidak bisa merusak rakasa sedikit pun. "Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi." Melihat itu, bahkan orang tua sendiri tertegun dari ketakutan. Menurut pemahamannya, persenjataan Formasi Roh memiliki kemungkinan untuk berat melukai bahkan peringkat lima Lords Martial. Situasi adalah sesuatu yang seharusnya tidak terjadi. Kecuali ... kecuali kekuatan seseorang yang benar-benar mencapai negara tak tertahankan! "Elder, apa yang kita lakukan? Bahkan senjata yang tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa! "Pada saat yang sama, orang besar liar dan orang adil berwajah benar-benar ketakutan. Penusuk itu adalah kesempatan terakhir mereka, dan sekarang, kesempatan itu hancur. Mereka benar-benar memiliki perasaan putus asa, karena tidak ada lebih banyak jalan untuk berjalan. "Apa lagi yang bisa kita lakukan? Kita hanya bisa menunggu untuk mati. "Orang tua itu dingin mendengus, kemudian sedikit keganasan berkelebat ke matanya. Saat ia berbicara, ia meraih kedua orang liar dan orang adil berwajah, dan benar-benar melemparkan dua yang muda, yang berada di sisi yang sama seperti dia, di depan rakasa. * Hmm * Dan hanya dua dari mereka melemparkan sebelah rakasa, mereka diangkat oleh kekuatan yang unik rakasa itu. Itu adalah titik awal dari ritme penyulingan. "Tuanku, mungkin aku bertanya di mana Anda berasal dari? Tapi tolong, jangan bunuh saya! Saya bersedia mengikuti Anda. Baik itu menjadi sapi, kuda, babi, anjing ... saya tidak memiliki masalah. Saya tidak akan mengatakan kata-kata grudgeful, jadi tolong, tuan, kasihanilah aku! "" Kasihanilah, kasihanilah! Jangan membunuhku! Saya bersedia untuk menjadi hamba yang paling setia; Saya dapat mencari sumber bahkan lebih budidaya untuk Anda; Saya dapat umpan pembudidaya kuat dan memberikan mereka kepada Anda untuk pemurnian! Jangan bunuh aku! "Pria besar liar dan orang adil berwajah benar-benar ketakutan. Mereka, yang pengecut mati, tanpa malu-malu mulai memohon. Terutama laki-laki-dia adil berwajah bahkan menyarankan bahwa ia akan menyediakan sumber daya untuk budidaya rakasa. Mereka kalah dengan meratakan babi dan anjing. Hewan. "Ahh ~~~" Namun, rakasa itu tidak bergerak sedikit pun oleh imploration mereka. Dua menyayat hati jeritan terdengar, dan dua mulai menderita siksaan paling kejam. Kejam. Itu benar-benar kejam. Meskipun mereka juga abadi rasa sakit yang halus, dan proses yang disempurnakan adalah sama persis seperti orang lain, waktu yang mereka habiskan dalam kondisi yang sangat panjang. Memang. Rakasa memiliki maksud untuk menyiksa mereka. Ini sebenarnya memperlambat kecepatan menyiksa dan pada jarak seperti itu, Chu Feng jelas bisa melihat kulit mereka menjadi split, disertai dengan aliran darah merah segar merangsek ke dalam tubuh rakasa itu, mendapatkan diserap dan disempurnakan oleh itu. Setelah rekah kulit mereka, berikutnya datang daging , tulang, dan organ dalam. Sebelum mereka bahkan selesai disempurnakan meskipun, mereka berdua tetap hidup. Ini bisa dilihat berapa banyak penderitaan yang mereka rasakan. Setelah proses panjang menyiksa, hanya dua set tulang tetap; tapi kali ini, rakasa tidak melakukan hal yang sama seperti sebelumnya. Itu tidak hanya melemparkan mereka ke samping. Ini benar-benar hancur tulang-tulang mereka, kemudian ditelan mereka. Cara itu berurusan dengan mereka tidak hanya termasuk peregangan waktu. Ini juga termasuk peningkatan menyiksa kekuatan, dan bahkan dikonsumsi tulang-tulang mereka. Benar-benar bahkan tidak sisa-sisa apapun tetap. "Haha, Chu Feng, lihat! Metode ini rakasa itu melakukan hal-hal sangat mirip dengan Anda! Sengit cukup dan cukup kejam. Aku menyukainya. "Pada saat itu, Eggy sebenarnya bersorak gembira dengan wajah marah-ventilasi." Apa? Aku biasanya yang kejam? "Tanya Chu Feng setelah ia mendengar kata-kata, bersama dengan wajah polos." Kau? Anda banyak kejam daripada hal itu. Ketika Anda menjadi marah, Anda hanya berhenti menjadi manusia! Haha, tapi, aku suka hal itu. Untuk menjadi manusia adalah menjadi sengit. Terutama jadi ketika menghadapi musuh. Anda tidak hanya harus berdarah dingin dan tak berperasaan, Anda harus gila dan sengit. Hanya maka bisa membuat hati mereka gemetar setelah mendengar nama Anda dan kehilangan semua keberanian untuk melawan, "kata Eggy gigglingly. Saat itu, Chu Feng merasa bahwa ia tidak bisa benar-benar mengatakan apa-apa kembali. Itu tidak seperti ia adalah seorang idiot, jadi tentu, ia tahu orang macam apa dia setelah menjadi gila. Tapi, ia tidak pernah menyesal, dan sebaliknya, merasa bahwa Eggy sangat benar. Menghadapi musuh, ia harus sengit dan tanpa ampun, dan menjadi setan tanpa jejak kemanusiaan. Jadi, setelah ia melihat, dengan mata kepalanya sendiri, yang rakasa menyempurnakan pria besar liar dan orang adil berwajah dengan metode yang sangat kejam, tidak hanya dia tidak merasa buruk, ia bahkan merasa segar karena kedua adalah musuh-musuhnya. Tidak ada, tidak hanya dua, ada juga peringkat tiga Martial Tuhan. "Kau, kau, kau dengan hal yang ! Anda, Anda, Anda dengan rakasa itu! "Dibandingkan dengan Chu Feng tenang wajah dan di dalam berteriak menyegarkan !, tua nya dari Eksekusi Immortal Nusantara memiliki wajah pucat seperti kertas. Tubuhnya gemetar tanpa henti juga. Saat ia mundur, ia menunjuk Chu Feng. Dia sudah punya menebak dalam hatinya tentang rakasa itu normal tindakan-brat, yang tidak sederhana sama sekali, berada di sisi yang sama seperti rakasa. Dia, sebaliknya, adalah orang yang seperti domba memasuki mulut harimau. "Ahh ~~` "The rakasa tidak memberikan orang tua terlalu banyak peluang untuk bernapas. Ini menghendaki, maka orang tua, seperti orang besar dan adil berwajah manusia liar sebelumnya, mulai menerima penyiksaan kejam. Namun, dibandingkan dengan kedua, siksaan yang dialaminya sebenarnya bahkan lebih celaka, tetapi untuk Chu Feng, orang tua pasti punya apa yang dia pantas.

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