Turks Feud Over Change in EducationBy CEYLAN YEGINSUDEC. 8, 2014Contin terjemahan - Turks Feud Over Change in EducationBy CEYLAN YEGINSUDEC. 8, 2014Contin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Turks Feud Over Change in Education

Turks Feud Over Change in Education
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ISTANBUL — President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey promised on Monday to introduce compulsory classes in Ottoman Turkish into the national school curriculum, regardless of public objections.

Ottoman Turkish is an older form of the national language, written in a type of Arabic script, with many words and phrases borrowed from Arabic or Persian. Its official use was discontinued in 1928 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, in favor of a more vernacular form of Turkish, written with the Latin alphabet.

“There are those who do not want this to be taught,” Mr. Erdogan told the Religion Council in Ankara on Monday. “This is a great danger. Whether they like it or not, the Ottoman language will be learned and taught in this country.”

Some people see Mr. Erdogan’s move as reflecting a broader goal of restoring an Ottoman-like state. His remarks have added fuel to a debate set off last week by the National Education Council, which proposed that Ottoman language classes become mandatory at religious high schools and be offered as optional electives in secular high schools. The council also called for classes in “religious values” to be taught to children as young as 6.

The recommendations have drawn widespread criticism from parents and political opponents, who argue that the council — and the Islamist-led government of Mr. Erdogan — is trying to “Islamize” the public schools and roll back Ataturk’s secularization and modernization of Turkey.

“The education system is in shambles, but instead of introducing real reforms, the government is pushing through irrelevant backward subjects that do nothing more than brainwash children with their ideologies,” said Ayse Karvan, a mother of two students at the Behcet Kemal Caglar High School.

“Why Ottoman?” she asked.

“The Turkish language doesn’t even have significant Ottoman roots,” Ms. Karvan said, calling it “irrelevant.”

Mr. Erdogan argued that knowledge of the older language would help Turks reconnect with their past and read old documents and gravestones. “History rests in those gravestones,” he said. “Can there be a bigger weakness than not knowing this?” He called Ataturk’s switch to vernacular Turkish and the Latin alphabet “equal to the severing of our jugular veins.”

Mr. Erdogan’s exercise of power has stirred criticism of his government’s measures to quash opposition and rein in the judiciary and the media, and of his new presidential palace, with more than 1,000 rooms.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Turks Feud Over Change in EducationBy CEYLAN YEGINSUDEC. 8, 2014Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main storyContinue reading the main storyShare This PageISTANBUL — President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey promised on Monday to introduce compulsory classes in Ottoman Turkish into the national school curriculum, regardless of public objections.Ottoman Turkish is an older form of the national language, written in a type of Arabic script, with many words and phrases borrowed from Arabic or Persian. Its official use was discontinued in 1928 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, in favor of a more vernacular form of Turkish, written with the Latin alphabet.“There are those who do not want this to be taught,” Mr. Erdogan told the Religion Council in Ankara on Monday. “This is a great danger. Whether they like it or not, the Ottoman language will be learned and taught in this country.”Some people see Mr. Erdogan’s move as reflecting a broader goal of restoring an Ottoman-like state. His remarks have added fuel to a debate set off last week by the National Education Council, which proposed that Ottoman language classes become mandatory at religious high schools and be offered as optional electives in secular high schools. The council also called for classes in “religious values” to be taught to children as young as 6.The recommendations have drawn widespread criticism from parents and political opponents, who argue that the council — and the Islamist-led government of Mr. Erdogan — is trying to “Islamize” the public schools and roll back Ataturk’s secularization and modernization of Turkey.“The education system is in shambles, but instead of introducing real reforms, the government is pushing through irrelevant backward subjects that do nothing more than brainwash children with their ideologies,” said Ayse Karvan, a mother of two students at the Behcet Kemal Caglar High School.“Why Ottoman?” she asked.“The Turkish language doesn’t even have significant Ottoman roots,” Ms. Karvan said, calling it “irrelevant.”Mr. Erdogan argued that knowledge of the older language would help Turks reconnect with their past and read old documents and gravestones. “History rests in those gravestones,” he said. “Can there be a bigger weakness than not knowing this?” He called Ataturk’s switch to vernacular Turkish and the Latin alphabet “equal to the severing of our jugular veins.”Mr. Erdogan’s exercise of power has stirred criticism of his government’s measures to quash opposition and rein in the judiciary and the media, and of his new presidential palace, with more than 1,000 rooms.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Turki Feud Selama Perubahan Pendidikan
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ISTANBUL - Presiden Recep Tayyip Erdogan dari Turki berjanji pada hari Senin untuk memperkenalkan kelas wajib di Ottoman Turki ke dalam kurikulum sekolah nasional, terlepas dari keberatan masyarakat. Ottoman Turki bentuk yang lebih tua dari bahasa nasional, yang ditulis dalam jenis tulisan Arab, dengan banyak kata dan frase yang dipinjam dari bahasa Arab atau Persia. Keperluan resmi dihentikan pada tahun 1928 oleh Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, pendiri Turki modern, yang mendukung bentuk yang lebih vernakular Turki, ditulis dengan huruf Latin. "Ada orang-orang yang tidak ingin ini harus diajarkan," Mr. Erdogan mengatakan kepada Dewan Agama di Ankara, Senin. "Ini adalah bahaya besar. Apakah mereka suka atau tidak, bahasa Ottoman akan dipelajari dan diajarkan di negeri ini. " Beberapa orang melihat langkah Erdogan sebagai mencerminkan tujuan yang lebih luas memulihkan negara Ottoman-seperti. Pernyataannya telah menambahkan bahan bakar untuk perdebatan berangkat minggu lalu oleh Dewan Pendidikan Nasional, yang menyatakan bahwa kelas bahasa Ottoman menjadi wajib di sekolah-sekolah tinggi agama dan ditawarkan sebagai pilihan opsional di sekolah-sekolah tinggi sekuler. . Dewan juga menyerukan kelas dalam "nilai-nilai agama" yang diajarkan kepada anak-anak berumur 6 Rekomendasi telah menarik kritik dari orang tua dan lawan-lawan politiknya, yang berpendapat bahwa dewan - dan pemerintah Islam pimpinan Erdogan - sedang mencoba untuk "mengislamkan" sekolah negeri dan memutar kembali sekularisasi Ataturk dan modernisasi Turki. "Sistem pendidikan berantakan, tapi bukannya memperkenalkan reformasi nyata, pemerintah mendorong melalui mata pelajaran mundur relevan yang melakukan tidak lebih dari mencuci otak anak-anak dengan ideologi mereka, "kata Ayse Karvan, seorang ibu dari dua siswa di Behcet Kemal Caglar SMA. "Kenapa Ottoman?" tanyanya. "Bahasa Turki bahkan tidak memiliki akar Ottoman signifikan," kata Ms Karvan, menyebutnya "tidak relevan." Mr. Erdogan menyatakan bahwa pengetahuan tentang bahasa yang lebih tua akan membantu Turki berhubungan kembali dengan masa lalu mereka dan membaca dokumen lama dan batu nisan. "Sejarah terletak pada mereka batu nisan," katanya. "Bisa ada kelemahan besar daripada tidak mengetahui hal ini?" Dia menyebut beralih Ataturk untuk vernakular Turki dan Latin alfabet "sama dengan pemutusan pembuluh darah leher kita." Mr. Latihan Erdogan kekuasaan telah menimbulkan kritik dari langkah-langkah pemerintah untuk membatalkan oposisi dan mengendalikan peradilan dan media, dan istana presiden baru, dengan lebih dari 1.000 kamar.

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