Front Frost draws out the sharp knife blade sud­denly, said: „I felt t terjemahan - Front Frost draws out the sharp knife blade sud­denly, said: „I felt t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Front Frost draws out the sharp kni

Front Frost draws out the sharp knife blade sud­denly, said: „I felt the in­tense cruel aura, heroic memo­r­ial park dust-laden many years, but the liv­ing did not stop us!”
The war flag that in the des­o­lated bat­tle­field, bro­ken de­cays at the same time flut­ters against the wind, above mark an image of brave fighter, is not know­ing that was which em­pire the war flag of an­tiq­uity, is un­able to re­search, under the war flag, a com­bat gen­eral sat cross-legged to sit there, the skele­ton has cor­rupted to fin­ish, only re­main­ing bones of the dead one piles, ac­tu­ally as be­fore put on golden color to fight the armor, the right hand are grasp­ing a han­dle blood red long sword, sta­tic sit­ting there.
Im­me­di­ately, the mil­i­tary gov­er­nor Wang Xuan stature in crowd trem­bles, looks at this re­mains, said panic-strick­enly: „Day, is it pos­si­ble that this was south the an­tiq­uity hero shen, was the sharp knife blade in his hand the deep red blade edge in fable? The day, that is the in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment that god ar­ti­san Lu builds, the deep red blade edge in fable ap­pears un­ex­pect­edly here, was too sim­ply in­con­ceiv­able”
Say­ing, in Wang Xuan the eyes is com­pletely greedy, walks to go for­ward, puts out a hand to move the sword hilt of deep red blade edge can­not bear.
Luo Lin shouted to clear the way lowly: „Wang Xuan, do not alarm these deads, they once for the hero who the sur­vival of hu­man­ity paid with the life, do not move the deep red blade edge, our only du­ties were to ob­tain des­per­ately!”
But, Wang Xuan has not obeyed in Luo Lin's words as be­fore, put out a hand to grip the han­dle of deep red blade edge, im­me­di­ately the whole per­son stature trem­bled, seemed like pos­sessed by a demon to be the same, in the eye was pass­ing thickly greedy with the mean­ing of going on a puni­tive ex­pe­di­tion against, Ha Ha said with a smile: „Deep red blade edge, is re­ally the deep red blade edge in fable!! My Wang Xu­an­jiang will bring the deep red blade edge to re­turn to the whole wide world, con­quers the south­ern un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties by the deep red blood, ex­tends south the Ba Huang City do­main to Zhen­hai closes, mak­ing ser­vant of this day know the name of my Wang Xuan!”
Frost looks at Wang Xuan lightly, then looks to Luo Lin, said: „Does not suit, in this heroic memo­r­ial park does not have the holy aura, on the con­trary is dead air/Qi, is it pos­si­ble that were the souls of 17 he­roes melted by the demon?”
Luo Lin nods: „Has the pos­si­bil­ity very much, looked that Wang Xuan this moral­ity moral char­ac­ter knew”
Wang Xuan ac­tu­ally sud­denly turns round, an eye is flood­ing the scar­let, is look­ing an­grily at Luo Lin, shouted to clear the way: „Ig­no­rant young child, I must make you taste fierce of deep red blade edge, dies!”
The arm catches up, holds up the deep red blade edge to plan a sword kills Luo Lin time, Wang Xuan ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that is un­able to draw the sword hilt, turns around to look, is fright­ened out of one's wits, that grasps the skele­ton vac­il­la­tion of sword hilt slowly, in a pair of eye socket shows the scar­let, even ex­udes the low and deep fierce laugh­ter: „Dares to seize south me the shen weapon, you are court­ing death!”
Say­ing, south shen gen­tly touches, im­me­di­ately Wang Xuan the arm break, mis­er­able howl­ing falls to fly, with crash-bang the skele­ton sound, this an­tiq­uity hero has stood di­rectly, Level has also demon­strated that 110 lev­els of Saint sun­light step BOSS!
„Na Minglai!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Front Frost draws out the sharp knife blade sud­denly, said: „I felt the in­tense cruel aura, heroic memo­r­ial park dust-laden many years, but the liv­ing did not stop us!”The war flag that in the des­o­lated bat­tle­field, bro­ken de­cays at the same time flut­ters against the wind, above mark an image of brave fighter, is not know­ing that was which em­pire the war flag of an­tiq­uity, is un­able to re­search, under the war flag, a com­bat gen­eral sat cross-legged to sit there, the skele­ton has cor­rupted to fin­ish, only re­main­ing bones of the dead one piles, ac­tu­ally as be­fore put on golden color to fight the armor, the right hand are grasp­ing a han­dle blood red long sword, sta­tic sit­ting there.Im­me­di­ately, the mil­i­tary gov­er­nor Wang Xuan stature in crowd trem­bles, looks at this re­mains, said panic-strick­enly: „Day, is it pos­si­ble that this was south the an­tiq­uity hero shen, was the sharp knife blade in his hand the deep red blade edge in fable? The day, that is the in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment that god ar­ti­san Lu builds, the deep red blade edge in fable ap­pears un­ex­pect­edly here, was too sim­ply in­con­ceiv­able”Say­ing, in Wang Xuan the eyes is com­pletely greedy, walks to go for­ward, puts out a hand to move the sword hilt of deep red blade edge can­not bear.„Stop!”Luo Lin shouted to clear the way lowly: „Wang Xuan, do not alarm these deads, they once for the hero who the sur­vival of hu­man­ity paid with the life, do not move the deep red blade edge, our only du­ties were to ob­tain des­per­ately!”
But, Wang Xuan has not obeyed in Luo Lin's words as be­fore, put out a hand to grip the han­dle of deep red blade edge, im­me­di­ately the whole per­son stature trem­bled, seemed like pos­sessed by a demon to be the same, in the eye was pass­ing thickly greedy with the mean­ing of going on a puni­tive ex­pe­di­tion against, Ha Ha said with a smile: „Deep red blade edge, is re­ally the deep red blade edge in fable!! My Wang Xu­an­jiang will bring the deep red blade edge to re­turn to the whole wide world, con­quers the south­ern un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties by the deep red blood, ex­tends south the Ba Huang City do­main to Zhen­hai closes, mak­ing ser­vant of this day know the name of my Wang Xuan!”
Frost looks at Wang Xuan lightly, then looks to Luo Lin, said: „Does not suit, in this heroic memo­r­ial park does not have the holy aura, on the con­trary is dead air/Qi, is it pos­si­ble that were the souls of 17 he­roes melted by the demon?”
Luo Lin nods: „Has the pos­si­bil­ity very much, looked that Wang Xuan this moral­ity moral char­ac­ter knew”
Wang Xuan ac­tu­ally sud­denly turns round, an eye is flood­ing the scar­let, is look­ing an­grily at Luo Lin, shouted to clear the way: „Ig­no­rant young child, I must make you taste fierce of deep red blade edge, dies!”
The arm catches up, holds up the deep red blade edge to plan a sword kills Luo Lin time, Wang Xuan ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that is un­able to draw the sword hilt, turns around to look, is fright­ened out of one's wits, that grasps the skele­ton vac­il­la­tion of sword hilt slowly, in a pair of eye socket shows the scar­let, even ex­udes the low and deep fierce laugh­ter: „Dares to seize south me the shen weapon, you are court­ing death!”
Say­ing, south shen gen­tly touches, im­me­di­ately Wang Xuan the arm break, mis­er­able howl­ing falls to fly, with crash-bang the skele­ton sound, this an­tiq­uity hero has stood di­rectly, Level has also demon­strated that 110 lev­els of Saint sun­light step BOSS!
„Na Minglai!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Depan Frost menarik keluar pisau tajam tiba-tiba, mengatakan: "Saya merasakan aura yang kejam intens, heroik taman memorial debu-sarat bertahun-tahun, namun hidup tidak menghentikan kita!"
Perang bendera yang di medan perang desolated, rusak meluruh di yang berdebar saat yang sama melawan angin, di atas menandai gambar pejuang pemberani, tidak mengetahui bahwa itu yang kerajaan bendera perang kuno, tidak dapat penelitian, di bawah bendera perang, seorang jenderal tempur duduk bersila untuk duduk di sana, kerangka telah rusak untuk menyelesaikan, tulang hanya tersisa orang mati satu tumpukan, sebenarnya seperti sebelumnya memakai warna emas untuk melawan armor, tangan kanan menggenggam pegangan darah pedang panjang merah, statis duduk di sana.
Segera, gubernur militer Wang Xuan perawakan di gemetar kerumunan, melihat ini tetap, kata panik-strickenly: "Hari, apakah mungkin bahwa ini adalah selatan kuno pahlawan shen, adalah pisau tajam di tangannya tepi pisau merah tua dalam dongeng? Hari, yang merupakan instrumen magis rendah bahwa tuhan tukang Lu membangun, tepi pisau merah tua dalam dongeng muncul tiba-tiba di sini, terlalu sederhana terbayangkan "
Mengatakan, di Wang Xuan mata benar-benar serakah, berjalan maju, menempatkan sebuah tangan untuk memindahkan gagang pedang tepi pisau merah tua tidak tahan.
Luo Lin berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "Wang Xuan, tidak alarm deads ini, mereka sekali untuk pahlawan yang kelangsungan hidup umat manusia dibayar dengan hidup, tidak bergerak tepi pisau merah tua, tugas kami hanya itu untuk mendapatkan putus asa! "
Tapi, Wang Xuan belum dipatuhi dalam kata-kata Luo Lin seperti sebelumnya, mengulurkan tangan untuk pegangan gagang tepi pisau merah tua, segera seluruh orang bertubuh gemetar, tampak seperti kerasukan setan untuk menjadi sama, di mata lewat tebal serakah dengan makna terjadi pada ekspedisi untuk menghukum, kata Ha Ha dengan senyum: "Jauh tepi pisau merah, adalah benar-benar mendalam tepi pisau merah dalam dongeng !! Saya Wang Xuanjiang akan membawa tepi pisau merah tua untuk kembali ke dunia yang luas, menaklukkan bangsa beradab selatan dengan darah merah tua, meluas selatan domain Ba Huang City ke Zhenhai menutup, membuat hamba hari ini tahu nama saya ! Wang Xuan "
Frost melihat Wang Xuan ringan, maka terlihat Luo Lin, mengatakan:" Apakah tidak sesuai, di taman memorial heroik ini tidak memiliki aura suci, sebaliknya adalah udara mati / Qi, apakah mungkin yang ? jiwa dari 17 pahlawan meleleh oleh setan "
Luo Lin mengangguk:" Apakah kemungkinan sangat banyak, tampak bahwa Wang Xuan karakter moral moralitas ini tahu "
Wang Xuan sebenarnya tiba-tiba berbalik, mata membanjiri merah, sedang mencari marah pada luo Lin, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "! anak kecil bodoh, saya harus membuat Anda merasakan sengit tepi pisau merah tua, meninggal"
lengan menangkap, memegang tepi pisau merah tua untuk merencanakan pedang membunuh Luo waktu Lin, Wang Xuan benar-benar menemukan bahwa tidak dapat menarik gagang pedang, berbalik untuk melihat, adalah ketakutan keluar dari kecerdasan seseorang, yang menggenggam kebimbangan kerangka pedang gagang perlahan, dalam sepasang rongga mata menunjukkan merah, bahkan memancarkan rendah dan tertawa sengit dalam: "! Dares untuk merebut selatan saya senjata shen, Anda pacaran kematian"
Mengatakan, selatan shen lembut menyentuh, segera Wang Xuan lengan istirahat, melolong menyedihkan jatuh untuk terbang, dengan kecelakaan-bang suara kerangka, kuno ini pahlawan telah berdiri langsung, tingkat juga telah menunjukkan bahwa 110 tingkat Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS!
"Na Minglai!"
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