Group 3: Deficiencies in mineral nutrients that remaining ionic form.  terjemahan - Group 3: Deficiencies in mineral nutrients that remaining ionic form.  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Group 3: Deficiencies in mineral nu

Group 3: Deficiencies in mineral nutrients that remaining ionic form.
This group includes some of the most familiar mineral elements: The macronutrients potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and the micronutrients chlorine, manganese, and sodium. They may be found in solution in the cytosol or vacuoles, or they may be bound electrostatically or as ligands to larger carbon-containing compounds.

CALCIUM. Calcium ions (Ca) are used in the synthesis of new cell walls, particularly the middle lamellae that separate newly divided cells. Calcium is also used in the mitotic spindle during cell division. It is required for the normal functioning of plant membranes and has been implicated as a second messenger for various plant responses to both environmental and hormonal signals (Sanders et al. 1999). In its function as a second messenger, calcium may bind to calmodulin, a protein found in the cytosol of plant cells. The calmodulin–calcium complex regulates many metabolic processes.
Characteristic symptoms of calcium deficiency include necrosis of young meristematic regions, such as the tips of roots or young leaves, where cell division and wall formation are most rapid. Necrosis in slowly growing plants may be preceded by a general chlorosis and downward hooking of the young leaves. Young leaves may also appear deformed. The root system of a calcium-deficient plant may appear brownish, short, and highly branched. Severe stunting may result if the meristematic regions of the plant die prematurely.

MAGNESIUM. In plant cells, magnesium ions (Mg) have a specific role in the activation of enzymes involved in respiration, photosynthesis, and the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Magnesium is also a part of the ring structure of the chlorophyll molecule (see Figure7.6A). Acharacteristic symptom of magnesium deficiency is chlorosis between the leaf veins, occurring first in the older leaves because of the mobility of this element. This pattern of chlorosis results because the chlorophyll in the vascular bundles remains unaffected for longer periods than the chlorophyll in the cells between the bundles does. If the deficiency is extensive, the leaves may become yellow or white. An additional symptom of magnesium deficiency may be prematureleaf abscission.

CHLORINE. The element chlorine is found in plants as the chloride ion (Cl). It is required for the water-splitting reaction of photosynthesis through which oxygen is produced (see Chapter 7) (Clarke and Eaton-Rye 2000). In addition, chlorine may be required for cell division in both leaves and roots (Harling et al. 1997). Plants deficient in chlorine develop wilting of the leaf tips followed by general leaf chlorosis and necrosis. The leaves may also exhibit reduced growth. Eventually, the leaves may take on a bronzelike color (“bronzing”). Roots of chlorine-deficient plants may appear stunted and thickened near the root tips.

Chloride ions are very soluble and generally available in soils because seawater is swept into the air by wind and is delivered to soil when it rains. Therefore, chlorine deficiency is unknown in plants grown in native or agricultural habitats. Most plants generally absorb chlorine at levels much higher than those required for normal functioning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Group 3: Deficiencies in mineral nutrients that remaining ionic form. This group includes some of the most familiar mineral elements: The macronutrients potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and the micronutrients chlorine, manganese, and sodium. They may be found in solution in the cytosol or vacuoles, or they may be bound electrostatically or as ligands to larger carbon-containing compounds.CALCIUM. Calcium ions (Ca) are used in the synthesis of new cell walls, particularly the middle lamellae that separate newly divided cells. Calcium is also used in the mitotic spindle during cell division. It is required for the normal functioning of plant membranes and has been implicated as a second messenger for various plant responses to both environmental and hormonal signals (Sanders et al. 1999). In its function as a second messenger, calcium may bind to calmodulin, a protein found in the cytosol of plant cells. The calmodulin–calcium complex regulates many metabolic processes.Characteristic symptoms of calcium deficiency include necrosis of young meristematic regions, such as the tips of roots or young leaves, where cell division and wall formation are most rapid. Necrosis in slowly growing plants may be preceded by a general chlorosis and downward hooking of the young leaves. Young leaves may also appear deformed. The root system of a calcium-deficient plant may appear brownish, short, and highly branched. Severe stunting may result if the meristematic regions of the plant die prematurely.MAGNESIUM. In plant cells, magnesium ions (Mg) have a specific role in the activation of enzymes involved in respiration, photosynthesis, and the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Magnesium is also a part of the ring structure of the chlorophyll molecule (see Figure7.6A). Acharacteristic symptom of magnesium deficiency is chlorosis between the leaf veins, occurring first in the older leaves because of the mobility of this element. This pattern of chlorosis results because the chlorophyll in the vascular bundles remains unaffected for longer periods than the chlorophyll in the cells between the bundles does. If the deficiency is extensive, the leaves may become yellow or white. An additional symptom of magnesium deficiency may be prematureleaf abscission.CHLORINE. The element chlorine is found in plants as the chloride ion (Cl). It is required for the water-splitting reaction of photosynthesis through which oxygen is produced (see Chapter 7) (Clarke and Eaton-Rye 2000). In addition, chlorine may be required for cell division in both leaves and roots (Harling et al. 1997). Plants deficient in chlorine develop wilting of the leaf tips followed by general leaf chlorosis and necrosis. The leaves may also exhibit reduced growth. Eventually, the leaves may take on a bronzelike color (“bronzing”). Roots of chlorine-deficient plants may appear stunted and thickened near the root tips. Chloride ions are very soluble and generally available in soils because seawater is swept into the air by wind and is delivered to soil when it rains. Therefore, chlorine deficiency is unknown in plants grown in native or agricultural habitats. Most plants generally absorb chlorine at levels much higher than those required for normal functioning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kelompok 3: Kekurangan nutrisi mineral yang tersisa bentuk ionik.
Kelompok ini mencakup beberapa elemen yang paling akrab mineral: The macronutrients kalium, kalsium, dan magnesium, dan mikronutrien klorin, mangan, dan natrium. Mereka dapat ditemukan dalam larutan dalam sitosol atau vakuola, atau mereka mungkin terikat elektrostatis atau sebagai ligan untuk senyawa yang mengandung karbon yang lebih besar.

KALSIUM. Ion kalsium (Ca) yang digunakan dalam sintesis dinding sel baru, terutama lamellae tengah yang memisahkan sel-sel baru dibagi. Kalsium juga digunakan dalam gelendong mitosis selama pembelahan sel. Hal ini diperlukan untuk fungsi normal dari membran tanaman dan telah terlibat sebagai utusan kedua untuk berbagai respon tanaman untuk kedua sinyal lingkungan dan hormonal (Sanders et al. 1999). Dalam fungsinya sebagai utusan kedua, kalsium dapat mengikat calmodulin, protein yang ditemukan dalam sitosol sel tumbuhan. The kalmodulin-kalsium kompleks mengatur banyak proses metabolisme.
Gejala khas dari kekurangan kalsium termasuk nekrosis daerah meristematik muda, seperti ujung akar atau daun muda, di mana pembelahan sel dan pembentukan dinding yang paling cepat. Nekrosis pada tanaman perlahan-lahan tumbuh dapat didahului oleh klorosis umum dan hooking ke bawah dari daun muda. Daun muda juga dapat muncul cacat. Sistem akar dari tanaman kekurangan calcium mungkin muncul kecoklatan, pendek, dan bercabang. Stunting berat dapat terjadi jika daerah meristematik tanaman mati sebelum waktunya.

MAGNESIUM. Pada sel tumbuhan, ion magnesium (Mg) memiliki peran tertentu dalam aktivasi enzim yang terlibat dalam respirasi, fotosintesis, dan sintesis DNA dan RNA. Magnesium juga merupakan bagian dari struktur cincin dari molekul klorofil (lihat Figure7.6A). Gejala Acharacteristic defisiensi magnesium adalah klorosis antara urat-urat daun, terjadi pertama di daun yang lebih tua karena mobilitas elemen ini. Pola hasil klorosis karena klorofil dalam ikatan pembuluh tetap tidak terpengaruh untuk waktu yang lebih lama dari klorofil dalam sel antara bundel tidak. Jika kekurangan luas, daun mungkin menjadi kuning atau putih. Gejala tambahan kekurangan magnesium mungkin amputasi prematureleaf.

KLORIN. Unsur klorin ditemukan pada tumbuhan sebagai ion klorida (Cl). Hal ini diperlukan untuk reaksi air-pemisahan fotosintesis di mana oksigen dihasilkan (lihat Bab 7) (Clarke dan Eaton-Rye 2000). Selain itu, klorin mungkin diperlukan untuk pembelahan sel di kedua daun dan akar (Harling et al. 1997). Tanaman kekurangan klorin mengembangkan layu dari ujung daun diikuti oleh klorosis daun umum dan nekrosis. Daun juga menunjukkan pertumbuhan berkurang. Akhirnya, daun dapat mengambil warna bronzelike ( "bronzing"). Akar tanaman klorin-kekurangan mungkin muncul kerdil dan menebal di dekat ujung akar.

Ion klorida sangat larut dan umumnya tersedia dalam tanah karena air laut menyapu ke udara oleh angin dan dikirim ke tanah saat hujan. Oleh karena itu, defisiensi klorin tidak diketahui pada tanaman tumbuh di habitat asli atau pertanian. Kebanyakan tanaman umumnya menyerap klorin pada tingkat yang jauh lebih tinggi dari yang dibutuhkan untuk fungsi normal.
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