The time like the run­ning water, is four days passes by in an in­stan terjemahan - The time like the run­ning water, is four days passes by in an in­stan Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The time like the run­ning water, i

The time like the run­ning water, is four days passes by in an in­stant.
All as usual, Wang Zecheng has not re­vealed any clues as be­fore, but the co­op­er­a­tion of pro­tec­tor base and mil­i­tary crowded, I also re­turn to base one time, has car­ried out „wait­ing for gains with­out pains” plan, what a pity has de­fended in the cus­toms en­tire the day a night, does not have as be­fore, when Wang Zecheng ap­pear­ance, can only an­nounce the duty de­feat.
In the game, falls over one an­other sharply.
And, the player of sec­ond fly­ing up­wards su­pe­rior god ap­peared, is the first mas­ter maple­wood of In­dian war zone is drunk, is I have en­coun­tered re­peat­edly the human, the maple­wood is drunk time to enter bro­ken lone­some god again not to come out sec­ond, after the day bound­ary col­lected the mas­ters in 15 In­dian war zones had ini­ti­ated the chal­lenge to the god em­peror, dead in bat­tle 12 peo­ple of prices to strike to kill that god em­peror, ob­tained a su­pe­rior god god­ship of in­cor­rupt­ible &; flame &; great crag three big prin­ci­ples, of­fi­cially be­came one of the I strongest matches.
These in four days no­body flies up­wards ac­tu­ally the god, it is said is po­si­tion god al­to­gether also dozens of Ji­gyeong-ri, had been mas­sa­cred three peo­ple by me, later had been mas­sa­cred 10 by the sky rose and Lin Xi­aowu et al., the un­ceas­ing in­va­sion of player causes the god war, among the Chi­nese gods at­tacks to kill and swal­low mu­tu­ally, ac­cord­ing to the in­com­plete sta­tis­tics, some po­si­tion said that the rivers and lakes hun­dred dawn fresh peo­ple said in bro­ken lone­some god the total of po­si­tion god al­ready less than 10 peo­ple, wants to find dif­fi­cultly, not to men­tion mas­sacres in the gain the god god­ship, more­over only saves. In sev­eral god swal­lows mu­tu­ally, the strength con­stantly is grow­ing stronger, the strength has not missed many com­pared with the god em­peror, the dif­fi­culty of killing is also ul­tra-large.
There­fore many peo­ple cross the bound­ary to go to the day bound­ary di­rectly, hopes for that the di­rect chal­lenge god em­peror suc­ceeds, what a pity ma­jor­ity was de­feated, and Frost has cap­tured a su­pe­rior god god­ship for Lan­come in god once more, there­fore the bro­ken lone­some god al­to­gether seven big god em­per­ors, were killed one by me fi­nally, had been killed two by Frost, was drunk to kill one by the maple­wood, re­main­ing 3, after per­haps could not only wait for Wan Er et al. one month of CD, en­ters god again, these god em­per­ors must kill off!
Now thinks that any god em­peror, any god king, like is raises pigs re­gard­ing the player ac­tu­ally, so long as the pop­u­la­tion col­lected much suf­fices, can over­throw these god em­peror and god king's rule.
No­body flies up­wards the god, but lower po­si­tion god ac­tu­ally many peo­ple fly up­wards, is only a Chi­nese area has over 20 peo­ple to fly up­wards in these 4 days, en­tire server the player of lower po­si­tion god rank had 117 peo­ple, but the Chi­nese play­ers have 47 peo­ple, ob­vi­ously the Chi­nese play­ers grasped in this game are ab­solutely dri­ving.
Night, gets on­line, the rank has reached 248 lev­els under sev­eral days of train­ings, this night is very tran­quil, has not gone out to prac­tice the level, every­where strolls in the city, is strolling, sud­denly has the player to point at the dis­tant place in the city wall, said: „Looked quickly that that side had smoke to brave, toot!”
„? Is that side the di­rec­tion of every book city? Fire?”
„Ends, the [Zhan Long] base caught fire!”
Does not know that they are shout­ing any­thing, I jumped to jump onto the city, looked out into the dis­tance, truly was belch­ing smoke, but did not catch fire, that was the fire Shen­shan di­rec­tion rocket!
Rocket pen­e­tra­tion cloud layer of bunch, even can see the faint flame.
This was the de­fend­ing the bor­der bor­der de­fense has been in dan­ger, the war
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The time like the run­ning water, is four days passes by in an in­stant.All as usual, Wang Zecheng has not re­vealed any clues as be­fore, but the co­op­er­a­tion of pro­tec­tor base and mil­i­tary crowded, I also re­turn to base one time, has car­ried out „wait­ing for gains with­out pains” plan, what a pity has de­fended in the cus­toms en­tire the day a night, does not have as be­fore, when Wang Zecheng ap­pear­ance, can only an­nounce the duty de­feat.In the game, falls over one an­other sharply.And, the player of sec­ond fly­ing up­wards su­pe­rior god ap­peared, is the first mas­ter maple­wood of In­dian war zone is drunk, is I have en­coun­tered re­peat­edly the human, the maple­wood is drunk time to enter bro­ken lone­some god again not to come out sec­ond, after the day bound­ary col­lected the mas­ters in 15 In­dian war zones had ini­ti­ated the chal­lenge to the god em­peror, dead in bat­tle 12 peo­ple of prices to strike to kill that god em­peror, ob­tained a su­pe­rior god god­ship of in­cor­rupt­ible &; flame &; great crag three big prin­ci­ples, of­fi­cially be­came one of the I strongest matches.These in four days no­body flies up­wards ac­tu­ally the god, it is said is po­si­tion god al­to­gether also dozens of Ji­gyeong-ri, had been mas­sa­cred three peo­ple by me, later had been mas­sa­cred 10 by the sky rose and Lin Xi­aowu et al., the un­ceas­ing in­va­sion of player causes the god war, among the Chi­nese gods at­tacks to kill and swal­low mu­tu­ally, ac­cord­ing to the in­com­plete sta­tis­tics, some po­si­tion said that the rivers and lakes hun­dred dawn fresh peo­ple said in bro­ken lone­some god the total of po­si­tion god al­ready less than 10 peo­ple, wants to find dif­fi­cultly, not to men­tion mas­sacres in the gain the god god­ship, more­over only saves. In sev­eral god swal­lows mu­tu­ally, the strength con­stantly is grow­ing stronger, the strength has not missed many com­pared with the god em­peror, the dif­fi­culty of killing is also ul­tra-large.There­fore many peo­ple cross the bound­ary to go to the day bound­ary di­rectly, hopes for that the di­rect chal­lenge god em­peror suc­ceeds, what a pity ma­jor­ity was de­feated, and Frost has cap­tured a su­pe­rior god god­ship for Lan­come in god once more, there­fore the bro­ken lone­some god al­to­gether seven big god em­per­ors, were killed one by me fi­nally, had been killed two by Frost, was drunk to kill one by the maple­wood, re­main­ing 3, after per­haps could not only wait for Wan Er et al. one month of CD, en­ters god again, these god em­per­ors must kill off!Now thinks that any god em­peror, any god king, like is raises pigs re­gard­ing the player ac­tu­ally, so long as the pop­u­la­tion col­lected much suf­fices, can over­throw these god em­peror and god king's rule.No­body flies up­wards the god, but lower po­si­tion god ac­tu­ally many peo­ple fly up­wards, is only a Chi­nese area has over 20 peo­ple to fly up­wards in these 4 days, en­tire server the player of lower po­si­tion god rank had 117 peo­ple, but the Chi­nese play­ers have 47 peo­ple, ob­vi­ously the Chi­nese play­ers grasped in this game are ab­solutely dri­ving.Night, gets on­line, the rank has reached 248 lev­els under sev­eral days of train­ings, this night is very tran­quil, has not gone out to prac­tice the level, every­where strolls in the city, is strolling, sud­denly has the player to point at the dis­tant place in the city wall, said: „Looked quickly that that side had smoke to brave, toot!”„? Is that side the di­rec­tion of every book city? Fire?”„Ends, the [Zhan Long] base caught fire!”Does not know that they are shout­ing any­thing, I jumped to jump onto the city, looked out into the dis­tance, truly was belch­ing smoke, but did not catch fire, that was the fire Shen­shan di­rec­tion rocket!Rocket pen­e­tra­tion cloud layer of bunch, even can see the faint flame.This was the de­fend­ing the bor­der bor­der de­fense has been in dan­ger, the war
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Waktu seperti air mengalir, adalah empat hari lewat dalam sekejap.
Semua seperti biasa, Wang Zecheng belum mengungkapkan apapun petunjuk seperti sebelumnya, tapi kerjasama dasar pelindung dan militer ramai, saya juga kembali ke dasar satu waktu, telah dilakukan out "menunggu keuntungan tanpa rasa sakit" rencana, apa sayang membela di pabean sepanjang hari malam, tidak memiliki seperti sebelumnya, ketika Wang Zecheng penampilan, hanya dapat mengumumkan kekalahan tugas.
dalam permainan, jatuh di atas satu sama lain tajam.
Dan, pemain terbang tuhan atas superior kedua muncul, adalah maplewood induk pertama zona perang India mabuk, yang saya temui berulang kali manusia, maplewood adalah waktu mabuk untuk masuk rusak dewa kesepian lagi tidak keluar kedua , setelah batas hari dikumpulkan master dalam 15 zona perang India telah memulai tantangan untuk kaisar dewa, mati dalam pertempuran 12 orang dari harga untuk menyerang untuk membunuh bahwa tuhan kaisar, memperoleh godship dewa unggul fana & ; api & ; karang besar tiga prinsip besar, resmi menjadi salah satu yang saya pertandingan terkuat.
ini dalam empat hari tidak ada lalat atas sebenarnya dewa, dikatakan adalah posisi dewa sama sekali juga puluhan Jigyeong-ri, telah dibantai tiga orang oleh saya, kemudian memiliki dibantai 10 oleh langit naik dan Lin Xiaowu et al., invasi tak henti-hentinya dari pemain menyebabkan dewa perang, antara serangan dewa Cina untuk membunuh dan menelan saling, menurut statistik yang tidak lengkap, beberapa posisi mengatakan bahwa sungai dan danau ratus orang segar fajar mengatakan pada tuhan kesepian rusak total posisi tuhan sudah kurang dari 10 orang, ingin menemukan difficultly, belum lagi pembantaian di gain dewa godship, apalagi hanya menghemat. Dalam beberapa menelan dewa saling, kekuatan terus tumbuh kuat, kekuatan belum terjawab banyak dibandingkan dengan kaisar dewa, kesulitan pembunuhan juga ultra-besar.
Oleh karena itu banyak orang menyeberang perbatasan untuk pergi ke batas hari langsung, harapan untuk itu langsung tantangan dewa kaisar berhasil, sayang sebagian dikalahkan, dan Frost telah menangkap godship superior Tuhan untuk Lancome pada tuhan sekali lagi, oleh karena dewa kesepian rusak sama sekali tujuh dewa kaisar besar, tewas satu oleh saya akhirnya, memiliki telah menewaskan dua oleh Frost, mabuk membunuh satu per maplewood itu, tersisa 3, setelah mungkin tidak bisa hanya menunggu Wan Er et al. satu bulan dari CD, memasuki dewa lagi, kaisar dewa ini harus membunuh!
Sekarang berpikir bahwa setiap dewa kaisar, setiap raja dewa, seperti yang menimbulkan babi mengenai pemain sebenarnya, asalkan populasi dikumpulkan banyak sudah cukup, dapat menggulingkan Tuhan kaisar ini dan dewa raja aturan.
Tidak ada yang terbang ke atas dewa, tapi tuhan posisi yang lebih rendah sebenarnya banyak orang terbang ke atas, hanya daerah Cina memiliki lebih dari 20 orang untuk terbang ke atas dalam 4 hari ini, seluruh server pemain dari posisi yang lebih rendah tuhan peringkat memiliki 117 orang , namun para pemain Cina memiliki 47 orang, jelas para pemain Cina digenggam dalam game ini benar-benar mengemudi.
malam, mendapat online, peringkat tersebut telah mencapai 248 tingkat di bawah beberapa hari pelatihan, malam ini sangat tenang, tidak pergi keluar untuk praktek tingkat, di mana-mana berjalan-jalan di kota, yang berjalan, tiba-tiba memiliki pemain untuk menunjukkan di tempat yang jauh di tembok kota, mengatakan: "Tampak cepat sisi yang memiliki asap untuk berani, tiupan!"
"? Adalah sisi bahwa arah setiap kota buku? Api? "
" Ends, yang [Zhan Panjang] dasar terbakar! "
Apakah tidak tahu bahwa mereka berteriak apa-apa, aku melompat untuk melompat ke kota, memandang ke kejauhan, benar-benar telah menyemburkan asap, tapi tidak terbakar, itu api Shenshan arah roket!
lapisan penetrasi Rocket awan sekelompok, bahkan dapat melihat nyala samar.
ini adalah membela pertahanan perbatasan perbatasan telah dalam bahaya, perang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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