AbstractThe Information and Communications Technology (ICT) enable the terjemahan - AbstractThe Information and Communications Technology (ICT) enable the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

AbstractThe Information and Communi

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) enable the simplification of activities carried out all business and
particularly in financial activities. For this purpose, in this paper we will discuss the importance of teaching financial
mathematics and the importance to have a financial instrument for developing calculations in several scenarios in real time to
making decision. It is described, how in a classroom would teach in the traditional system in a specific theme of mathematics,
such as: "debt restructuring and modeling equivalent of the equation" Starting from the theoretical explanation, we continue
with the design of financial simulator programmed into a spreadsheet.
Keywords: Financial mathematics, Teaching-learning process, Educational software, ICT
1. Introduction
The process in the education - learning of mathematics, has being positively influenced by the communication and
information technologies. However, these technologies are design, administrated and executed by people, which means,
the hand of the people still above all of them. Therefore, emerges one question, ¿it’s really true that the use of
communication and information technologies have positively influenced in the education-learning of the mathematics?
Probably the answer could be yes, and actually the use of new information technologies has significantly promoted the
education-learning process. How we may view this process as a first construct: (See figure 1).
Figura 1. Teaching-learning model through the use of ICT
Source: adapted from García and Edel (2008)
The variables in the process E-A-E are: The process (education -Learning), the media (the ICTs), the product (significant
learning). However in the process of the traditional education -learning, one of the main elements is the teacher, therefore
this variable should be considered in the model. Whit this consideration, now the model has to be reconsidered as a new
construct: (See figure 2)
Figura 2. Teaching-learning model through the use of ICT
Source: adapted from García and Edel (2008)
Into traditional learning, the teacher has become the main factor as an element capable of developing new knowledge in
the student. It certainly is the person who has the experience and the knowledge, as well as being the student guide. That
is, starting from the explanation and the activities that the professor provides in class, the students they develop in the
practice this newly acquired knowledge. But what happens before this process?, Does the student tend to reject
mathematics, so it is necessary to integrate new variables for the teaching and learning process, which could make it
attractive to the student. This element could be a spreadsheet, in which it’s possible to design a series of calculus
simulations, which allows performing simulations with mathematical exercises. (Garcia-Santillán, Escalera-Chávez,
Córdova-Rangel and López-Morales, 2014, Nies: 2007).
1.1 The simulation and the modeling in education-learning
Simulation is the hardware and software configuration in which, through some computational algorithms, can reproduce
the behavior of a given process. In the process, the actual situations are replaced by other, artificially designed. With this
may can be learned about the actions resulting from this simulation process and may be transferred to real-life situations
with equal efficiency.
In this activity is accumulated not only theoretical information, is also put into practice. The simulators are
constituted by a procedure, which helps for the creation of concepts and knowledge building in general. It is carried out
for application to this new context in which, for some reason, the student cannot be accessed from the methodological
context in which knowledge is developed. In this digital era without a doubt, the potential in the use of computers and
software in the educational field is to recognize. The technological advances allow to the students, --through the
computer and the simulation-, addressing learning situations that, for some physical and economics restrictions, could be
difficult to experiment in a natural environment or in a laboratory.
The simulation allows construction of ideal scenarios, as well the manipulation of the variables to observe its
impact in certain phenomena, or just for give to the apprentice a teaching resort for the replica of the learned theories.
The influence of the simulation in the educational process have a broad spectrum, this last is based in three main
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
AbstrakTeknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) mengaktifkan penyederhanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan semua bisnis danterutama dalam kegiatan keuangan. Untuk tujuan ini, dalam karya tulis ini kita akan membahas pentingnya pengajaran keuanganmatematika dan pentingnya memiliki instrumen keuangan untuk mengembangkan perhitungan dalam beberapa skenario secara real time untukmembuat keputusan. Itu dijelaskan, caranya di kelas akan mengajar dalam sistem tradisional di tema tertentu matematika,seperti: "utang restrukturisasi dan pemodelan setara dengan persamaan" mulai dari penjelasan teoretis, kami terusdengan desain keuangan simulator diprogram ke dalam spreadsheet.Kata kunci: Keuangan matematika, proses belajar-mengajar, perangkat lunak edukasi, ICT1. PendahuluanProses pendidikan - belajar matematika, telah dipengaruhi positif oleh komunikasi danteknologi informasi. Namun, teknologi ini adalah desain, dikelola dan dijalankan oleh orang-orang, yang berarti,tangan orang-orang masih di atas mereka semua. Oleh karena itu, muncul satu pertanyaan, ¿it's benar-benar benar bahwa penggunaankomunikasi dan teknologi informasi telah positif mempengaruhi proses pendidikan-pembelajaran Matematika?Mungkin jawabannya bisa ya, dan benar-benar penggunaan teknologi informasi terkini secara signifikan telah dipromosikanproses belajar-pendidikan. Bagaimana kita bisa melihat proses ini sebagai membangun pertama: (Lihat gambar 1).Figura 1. Teaching-learning model through the use of ICTSource: adapted from García and Edel (2008)The variables in the process E-A-E are: The process (education -Learning), the media (the ICTs), the product (significantlearning). However in the process of the traditional education -learning, one of the main elements is the teacher, thereforethis variable should be considered in the model. Whit this consideration, now the model has to be reconsidered as a newconstruct: (See figure 2)Figura 2. Teaching-learning model through the use of ICTSource: adapted from García and Edel (2008)Into traditional learning, the teacher has become the main factor as an element capable of developing new knowledge inthe student. It certainly is the person who has the experience and the knowledge, as well as being the student guide. Thatis, starting from the explanation and the activities that the professor provides in class, the students they develop in thepractice this newly acquired knowledge. But what happens before this process?, Does the student tend to rejectmathematics, so it is necessary to integrate new variables for the teaching and learning process, which could make itattractive to the student. This element could be a spreadsheet, in which it’s possible to design a series of calculussimulations, which allows performing simulations with mathematical exercises. (Garcia-Santillán, Escalera-Chávez,Córdova-Rangel and López-Morales, 2014, Nies: 2007).1.1 The simulation and the modeling in education-learningSimulation is the hardware and software configuration in which, through some computational algorithms, can reproducethe behavior of a given process. In the process, the actual situations are replaced by other, artificially designed. With thismay can be learned about the actions resulting from this simulation process and may be transferred to real-life situationswith equal efficiency.In this activity is accumulated not only theoretical information, is also put into practice. The simulators areconstituted by a procedure, which helps for the creation of concepts and knowledge building in general. It is carried outfor application to this new context in which, for some reason, the student cannot be accessed from the methodologicalcontext in which knowledge is developed. In this digital era without a doubt, the potential in the use of computers andsoftware in the educational field is to recognize. The technological advances allow to the students, --through thecomputer and the simulation-, addressing learning situations that, for some physical and economics restrictions, could bedifficult to experiment in a natural environment or in a laboratory.The simulation allows construction of ideal scenarios, as well the manipulation of the variables to observe itsimpact in certain phenomena, or just for give to the apprentice a teaching resort for the replica of the learned theories.The influence of the simulation in the educational process have a broad spectrum, this last is based in three mainfeatures:
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