Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda...! Nama saya adalah Engr Merza Abdulrasool Altawash,Bahrain kewarganegaraan, lahir di Manama, Bahrain, kepala akuntan untuk(BAPCO) Bahrain Perminyakan perusahaan Awali, Bahrain pada saat, saya datangmenemukan Anda dalam pencarian direktori Internet pencari, profilmenangkap perhatian saya dan saya menemukan hal yang menyenangkan untuk menawarkan kemitraan dalamproyek dan aku berniat untuk mengkompensasi mahal dengan 15% dari jumlah totaldi bawah ini, silahkan saya menulis kepada Anda terlepas, silakan mempertimbangkan proposal inipesan sangat permintaan dari saudara sangat membutuhkan moral Anda penuhdukungan dan Allah dapat memberikan Anda dan keluarga ketenangan terbatas dalam hidup dansetelah.Ada serangkaian kontrak dieksekusi kemudian oleh liuk dariperusahaan-perusahaan multinasional dalam industri minyak mendukung Perminyakan Bahrain (BAPCO)Perusahaan dan sumber asli dari dana ini datang dari dieksekusikontrak dalam perluasan jaringan pipa dalam untuk mentah turunStream distribusi produk dan evakuasi selanjutnya dan kontrak untukberbalik pemeliharaan (TAM) berbagai kilang di negeri ini,konstruksi tangki penyimpanan untuk produk minyak bumi (Depot) dan kemudianitu sengaja lebih dari ditagih, saya berbagi total dana ini adalah $1,5Juta Usd sebagai personil atas dalam kesepakatan.Mei saya membuat perjanjian dengan jasa kurir diplomatik yang telahsudah pindah dana dari Awali, Bahrain berhasil dan disimpanand registered as a rated VIP personal Effects into a Finance and Vaultcompany for temporary safe keeping, It is important to note that the fundare neatly packed and locked up in a Secure Box in equivalent bonds, I needa faithful, trustworthy partner, someone who is dedicated and committed toduty with trust to help in receiving the fund on my behalf to establishthis fund into a lucrative business to build a new future career with meand who would share a very brilliant ideas with me on what to invest thiscapital funds on and also i intended to invest in sources of jobs forpeople, help or buy medical equipment for government hospitals or build andinstall a private hospital, and real estate or buy land at the edge of thebeach and make a hotel to be visited by tourists, but then l will love towelcome any of your suggestion for good investment at your ends of whichyou know that could give us good money in returns, then you have to let meknow as my partner in your next mail please....Please do not worry or panic for whatsoever reason as the whole process ofthis transaction will be going through the Diplomatic Channel coveragemeans and the fund is not a stolen fund, trafficking OR money laundryrelated to terrorism and there are no danger or whatever involved and themost important thing for me now is if you could provide a confidentexpectation to make a very smooth transaction without much time delay,because l want the fund out from the deposited finance vault company toavoid any further deposit charges Asap and you are to remove 15% of thetotal fund to yourself as your benefit and Your part of this deal is toensure that you assist me to receive this fund in your name as thebeneficiary and help in investing of it, I will play my part by making surethat you receive this fund in good condition of which will be 100% riskfree...The use of diplomatic means is to make sure that the funds is wellprotected and without any attempt of tampering with and the deposited saidprivate finance vault company is never a profit making organization whichcould be search for on-line and they do have an international diplomaticimmunity that would allowed them to bring in the fund in the Secure Boxthrough any airport in the world and have it deliver safely to you withoutany government or protocol custom checking at all, because they works inpartnership with the united Nations immunity to move valuable things aroundthe world for potential people, such as VIP personnel, I have also arrangedwith the deposited private finance vault company whom i told that i willget a partner beneficiary soon to receive the Secure Box on my behalf.Before i could link you up with the Vault company in-charge of this fund asmy beneficiary and to affect this step, please you are to send me thefollowing full details below as soon as possible so that i can advance themuntuk membiayai Vault perusahaan seperti yang saya katakan di atas untuk memperbarui file mereka sebagai sayaPenerima untuk meminta transfer dana di kotak aman Anda sebagaiahli waris dan memungkinkan mereka untuk proses rilis yang diperlukan danpengiriman kertas di nama Anda.
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