Jun Xie realized that his strange situation had further granted him a  terjemahan - Jun Xie realized that his strange situation had further granted him a  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jun Xie realized that his strange s

Jun Xie realized that his strange situation had further granted him a mysterious encounter of epic proportions! This “Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune” is immeasurably mysterious, and its effectiveness will undoubtedly be far superior to others. As for the Nine Layered Exquisite Pagoda, he had no doubt that this is an incomparable treasure!

No matter how ignorant Jun Xie may be, even he had heard of the mythical legend of Hongjun Laozu. It is said that this Great God is the Master of the Three Great Sage Gods: Taishang Dao Jun (Honoured Lord of the Dao and its Virtue), Yuanshi Tianzun (Honoured Lord of the Origin) and Tongtian Jiaozhu (Grandmaster of Heaven). These individuals are heaven-shaking myths without equal under Heaven! For this pagoda to be named after Hongjun Laozu, its abilities can never be questionable.
[TL: I must be a super ignorant person, then… Sigh…]

Jun Xie was almost overwhelmed by the desire to immediately practice the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, but was finally able to restrain himself. Calming himself down, he inspected his own body and could not help but feel surprised.

The surface of his skin was completely covered by a layer of black, greenish muddy liquid. The unbelievably disgusting muddy liquid was releasing a sickeningly foul stench. In addition, it was a very thick layer!

A name with legendary qualities and origin suddenly appeared within Jun Xie’s sea of consciousness: Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser? Could it be? After just that one time of extreme pain, all the impurities within my body have been ejected out? Jun Xie became uncontrollable ecstatic! If only I knew earlier that there would be this kind of miraculous effect, even another round of pain would be no big deal!

Indeed, as far as Jun Xie was concerned, no amount of pain can be compared with the benefits of increasing his body’s strength. As long as his body strength can be upgraded, what was a little bit of pain? No matter how unbearably painful it might be, it was still worth it!

Jun Xie stood up in excitement. Enduring the stench emanating from his body, he swiftly ran towards a pond within his family residence. Unhesitatingly, he jumped in with a resounding plop.

Suddenly, several voices rang out in unison, asking: “Who is it?”

Jun Xie snorted and replied: “Me! This Young Master wants to take a bath; nobody is allowed to disturb me!”

“Ah, it is the Young Master,” After that, no more sound was heard.

Within the study, Grandpa Jun wrinkled his brows: “What was that?”

Butler Pang quickly went out to check. He immediately returned and replied with a bow. “It is the Young Master, it is reported that he jumped into the Luo Yue pond to take a bath.”

“A bath? He jumped into Luo Yue pond in the middle of the night to take a bath?” Grandpa Jun’s temper began to rise again, his nose became twisted, his breath became short, he shouted with an uneven voice: “This damned creature!” In a huff, he went to sleep.

For the past few days, he had been looking forward to his grandson turning over a new leaf. At this moment, his expectations had been shattered into a million pieces. All that remained was an unspeakable discomfort throbbing within his chest.

Such is reality, the greater the hope, the greater too the disappointment will be. At this moment, Grandpa Jun really wanted to drag in the damned brat and beat his ass with a stick until it peachy flowers “blossom”. Then this ungrateful grandson of his will realize why the flowers are so red…

Jun Xie was floating quietly upon the water surface. His body was straightened and he relied on both his hands and feet to gently stabilize himself from time to time, allowing him to float on without sinking. Jun Xie felt himself awash with a feeling of comfort.

After having washed away all the thick layer of dirt on his body, Jun Xie felt as though he had just climbed out of a pit of excrement. His body was completely refreshed. The only problem was that even though his mind
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jun Xie realized that his strange situation had further granted him a mysterious encounter of epic proportions! This “Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune” is immeasurably mysterious, and its effectiveness will undoubtedly be far superior to others. As for the Nine Layered Exquisite Pagoda, he had no doubt that this is an incomparable treasure!No matter how ignorant Jun Xie may be, even he had heard of the mythical legend of Hongjun Laozu. It is said that this Great God is the Master of the Three Great Sage Gods: Taishang Dao Jun (Honoured Lord of the Dao and its Virtue), Yuanshi Tianzun (Honoured Lord of the Origin) and Tongtian Jiaozhu (Grandmaster of Heaven). These individuals are heaven-shaking myths without equal under Heaven! For this pagoda to be named after Hongjun Laozu, its abilities can never be questionable. [TL: I must be a super ignorant person, then… Sigh…]Jun Xie was almost overwhelmed by the desire to immediately practice the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, but was finally able to restrain himself. Calming himself down, he inspected his own body and could not help but feel surprised. The surface of his skin was completely covered by a layer of black, greenish muddy liquid. The unbelievably disgusting muddy liquid was releasing a sickeningly foul stench. In addition, it was a very thick layer! A name with legendary qualities and origin suddenly appeared within Jun Xie’s sea of consciousness: Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser? Could it be? After just that one time of extreme pain, all the impurities within my body have been ejected out? Jun Xie became uncontrollable ecstatic! If only I knew earlier that there would be this kind of miraculous effect, even another round of pain would be no big deal! Indeed, as far as Jun Xie was concerned, no amount of pain can be compared with the benefits of increasing his body’s strength. As long as his body strength can be upgraded, what was a little bit of pain? No matter how unbearably painful it might be, it was still worth it!Jun Xie stood up in excitement. Enduring the stench emanating from his body, he swiftly ran towards a pond within his family residence. Unhesitatingly, he jumped in with a resounding plop. Suddenly, several voices rang out in unison, asking: “Who is it?”Jun Xie snorted and replied: “Me! This Young Master wants to take a bath; nobody is allowed to disturb me!”“Ah, it is the Young Master,” After that, no more sound was heard. …Within the study, Grandpa Jun wrinkled his brows: “What was that?”Butler Pang quickly went out to check. He immediately returned and replied with a bow. “It is the Young Master, it is reported that he jumped into the Luo Yue pond to take a bath.”“A bath? He jumped into Luo Yue pond in the middle of the night to take a bath?” Grandpa Jun’s temper began to rise again, his nose became twisted, his breath became short, he shouted with an uneven voice: “This damned creature!” In a huff, he went to sleep.
For the past few days, he had been looking forward to his grandson turning over a new leaf. At this moment, his expectations had been shattered into a million pieces. All that remained was an unspeakable discomfort throbbing within his chest.

Such is reality, the greater the hope, the greater too the disappointment will be. At this moment, Grandpa Jun really wanted to drag in the damned brat and beat his ass with a stick until it peachy flowers “blossom”. Then this ungrateful grandson of his will realize why the flowers are so red…

Jun Xie was floating quietly upon the water surface. His body was straightened and he relied on both his hands and feet to gently stabilize himself from time to time, allowing him to float on without sinking. Jun Xie felt himself awash with a feeling of comfort.

After having washed away all the thick layer of dirt on his body, Jun Xie felt as though he had just climbed out of a pit of excrement. His body was completely refreshed. The only problem was that even though his mind
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Juni Xie menyadari bahwa situasinya aneh telah lanjut diberikan kepadanya pertemuan misterius proporsi epik! Ini "Art of Unlocking Surga Fortune" adalah tak terkira misterius, dan efektivitasnya diragukan lagi akan jauh lebih unggul lain. Adapun Pagoda Sembilan Layered indah, ia tidak ragu bahwa ini adalah harta yang tak tertandingi! Tidak peduli seberapa bodoh Juni Xie mungkin, bahkan ia pernah mendengar legenda mitos Hongjun Laozu. Dikatakan bahwa Allah yang besar ini adalah Guru dari Tiga Besar Sage Dewa: Taishang Dao Juni (Honoured Lord of the Dao dan yang Kebajikan), Yuanshi Tianzun (Honoured Lord of the Origin) dan Tongtian Jiaozhu (Grandmaster of Heaven). Orang-orang ini-langit gemetar mitos tanpa sama di bawah Surga! Untuk pagoda ini diberi nama setelah Hongjun Laozu, kemampuannya tidak bisa dipertanyakan. [TL: Aku harus menjadi orang yang super bodoh, maka ... Sigh ...] Juni Xie hampir kewalahan oleh keinginan untuk segera berlatih Seni Unlocking Surga Fortune , tapi akhirnya bisa menahan diri. Menenangkan dirinya ke bawah, ia diperiksa tubuhnya sendiri dan tidak bisa membantu tetapi merasa terkejut. Permukaan kulitnya benar-benar tertutup oleh lapisan hitam, cairan berlumpur kehijauan. Cairan berlumpur luar biasa menjijikkan itu melepaskan bau memuakkan busuk. Selain itu, itu adalah lapisan sangat tebal! Sebuah nama dengan kualitas legendaris dan asal tiba-tiba muncul dalam laut Juni Xie kesadaran: Pulp Rending Meridian Pembersih? Mungkinkah? Setelah hanya satu kali dari rasa sakit yang hebat, semua kotoran dalam tubuh saya telah dikeluarkan keluar? Juni Xie menjadi tak terkendali gembira! Kalau saja aku tahu sebelumnya bahwa akan ada semacam ini efek ajaib, bahkan putaran lain dari nyeri akan ada masalah besar! Memang, sejauh Juni Xie khawatir, tidak ada jumlah nyeri dapat dibandingkan dengan manfaat dari peningkatan tubuhnya kekuatan. Selama kekuatan tubuhnya dapat ditingkatkan, apa yang sedikit rasa sakit? Tidak peduli seberapa tak tertahankan menyakitkan mungkin, itu masih layak! Juni Xie berdiri dalam kegembiraan. Abadi bau yang berasal dari tubuhnya, ia dengan cepat berlari menuju kolam dalam kediaman keluarganya. Tanpa ragu, ia melompat di dengan plop gemilang. Tiba-tiba, beberapa suara terdengar serempak, bertanya: "Siapa itu?" Juni Xie mendengus dan menjawab: "Me! Guru Muda ini ingin mandi; ! tidak ada yang diperbolehkan untuk mengganggu saya "." Ah, itu adalah Tuan Muda, "Setelah itu, tidak ada lagi suara terdengar ... Dalam penelitian ini, Kakek Juni keriput alisnya:"? Apa itu "Butler Pang cepat pergi ke memeriksa. Dia segera kembali dan menjawab dengan busur. "Ini adalah Guru Muda, dilaporkan bahwa ia melompat ke kolam Luo Yue untuk mandi." "Mandi? ? Dia melompat ke Luo Yue kolam di tengah malam untuk mandi "marah Kakek Jun mulai bangkit kembali, hidungnya menjadi bengkok, napas menjadi pendek, ia berteriak dengan suara tidak merata:"! Makhluk terkutuk ini "Dalam gusar, ia pergi tidur. Selama beberapa hari terakhir, ia telah melihat ke depan untuk cucunya membalik lembaran baru. Pada saat ini, harapannya telah hancur berkeping-keping. Yang tersisa adalah ketidaknyamanan tak terkatakan berdenyut dalam dadanya. Itulah kenyataannya, semakin besar harapan, semakin besar juga kekecewaan akan. Pada saat ini, Kakek Juni benar-benar ingin menyeret dalam bocah terkutuk dan memukuli pantatnya dengan tongkat sampai bunga peachy "mekar". Kemudian cucu tidak tahu berterima kasih ini nya akan menyadari mengapa bunga yang begitu merah ... Juni Xie mengambang dengan tenang di atas permukaan air. Tubuhnya diluruskan dan ia mengandalkan kedua tangan dan kaki dengan lembut menstabilkan diri dari waktu ke waktu, sehingga dia mengapung tanpa tenggelam. Juni Xie merasa dirinya dibanjiri dengan perasaan nyaman. Setelah membasuh semua lapisan tebal kotoran di tubuhnya, Juni Xie merasa seolah-olah dia baru saja turun dari lubang kotoran. Tubuhnya benar-benar segar. Satu-satunya masalah adalah bahwa meskipun pikirannya

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