It is the easiest method to set. Few parameters determine the quality  terjemahan - It is the easiest method to set. Few parameters determine the quality  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is the easiest method to set. Fe

It is the easiest method to set. Few parameters determine the quality of the Golbal Illumination. Instead high rendering times are to be expected.
- It preserves all the details, such as small shadows of indirect light or complicated geometries. Thanks to the QMC very detailed and accurate images can be obtained.
- It is possible to solve flickering problems using the Direct computation (in other words the presence of “vibrating” pixels which can ruin the playback of the video)
- It is uses little RAM
- When using Motion blur, indirect light is correctly computed.
- It is a very slow method, most of all for complex scenes, such as indoor ones.
- The real problem for this method is the presence noise, which involves the whole render, most of all in the shadowy areas. The only way to set it up is by increasing the values in the settings, which in turn increases computation times.

Irradiance Map (IM)
It is a method based on the Irradiance Caching. In this case the GI is computed in strategic points of the scene only. Usually these are in areas requiring more attention, like mesh areas. For example between very near polygons or very detailed geometrical shapes. It is up to the user to decide how many points must to be considered, where tp locate them, and how their interpolation has to be computed. The IM requires many more setup parameters to be adjusted compared to the QMC, and their correct knowledge, practice and experience can lead to high-quality results in a short time too.

- It is very quick to compute compared to the QMC GI, especially on scenes containing models with even surfaces.
- Noise is practically absent. This method’s main problem is the appearance of “stains” in certain areas, due to low settings.
- The IM can be saved in an opposite cache and reused when necessary, for instance in Fly-through animations. In this case it is to be remarked that the position of every object must be kept the same, for the color and lights intensity as well. The only objects which can be moved are, obviously, cameras. This idea will be explained up a head.
- One can use the IM for accelerating the computation of the VRayShadows produced by VRay lights. Usually VRayShadows by default use direct method of shadow computation and not approximated ones, for a better quality. This computation can become very long when many VRayLights are present. In this case the IM can be useful, enacbling one to speed up shadow computation.

- some details, such as small shadows generated by indirect light may not be rendered correctly, due to the interpolation of the GI
- during animations, when using low setting values, some flickering effects on the animation can occur
- it requires much more memory than the QMC GI
- indirect illumination is not correctly computes through objects to where Motion blur is applied. But often this defect is not evident enough to ruin the overall animation quality.

Photon map (PM)
This method computes the GI by emitting, from light sources, rays which then proceed to bounce within the scene. It is very useful for interior and/or semi-interior scenes, with many lights or little opening. Usually the PM does not produce stasfying results if used on its own. Instead, it is very useful if employed together with the QMC GI or the IM. In fact, by combining the speed and the original approximation of the PM with the previous methods, one is able to obtain excellent quality images in relatively short times.

- the PM produces a very quick computation of the GI even if approximate and not so detailed.
- The PM can be saved and reused for speeding up the rendering of new views of the same scene and for Fly-through animations.
- The PM does not depend on the view, and, once computed, it is always available, whichever the zone of the scene to be rendered.
- It is not worth using the PM as engine for primary bounces because of its lack of precision, most of all for very detailed scenes.
- It requires a lot of memory
- The PM needs real light sources for producing the GI. Self-lighting objects and environmental light (skylight) are not able to produce photons, therefore neither the GI.

Light Cache (LC)
Light Cache is a method for the approximate computation of the GI. It is basically very similar to Photon Map, but has managed to keep only its merits, solving the faults. The LC is created by emitting the rays from the observer’s frame towards the scene. The LC is an universal method for GI computation: it can be used both for indoor and outdoor scenes, and both for primary and secondary bounces, together with the IM and the QMC GI.
- LC is very simple to set. Only rays deriving from the camera are used, contrarily to what happens in the Photon Map, wwhich must compute each single light source as well. In fact with the PM, it is necessary to set the number of photons for each source. This operation is pointless in the LC.
- LC works with any onject able o emit light, including self-lighting objects, non-photometric lights and skylight.
- LC produces correct result along corners in a room and near little objects. Instead, PM is not extremely efficient in corners, creating particularly dark areas.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ini adalah metode paling mudah untuk mengatur. Beberapa parameter ini menentukan kualitas penerangan Golbal. Sebaliknya kali tinggi render yang diharapkan.Keuntungan-Mempertahankan semua detail, seperti bayang-bayang kecil tidak langsung cahaya atau rumit geometri. Berkat QMC sangat rinci dan akurat gambar dapat diperoleh.-Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk memecahkan masalah berkedip dengan menggunakan perhitungan langsung (dengan kata lain keberadaan "bergetar" pixel yang dapat merusak pemutaran video)-Ini adalah menggunakan sedikit RAM-Bila menggunakan Motion blur, tidak langsung cahaya benar dihitung.Kerugian-Ini adalah metode yang sangat lambat, paling penting untuk adegan-adegan yang kompleks, seperti orang-orang indoor.-Masalah nyata untuk metode ini adalah kehadiran kebisingan, yang melibatkan render seluruh, paling penting di daerah gelap. Satu-satunya cara untuk mengatur itu adalah dengan meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam pengaturan, yang pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan waktu perhitungan.Irradiance peta (IM)Ini adalah metode yang didasarkan pada Irradiance Caching. Dalam kasus ini GI dihitung di titik-titik strategis adegan hanya. Biasanya ini adalah di daerah-daerah yang memerlukan perhatian lebih, seperti mesh daerah. Misalnya antara sangat dekat poligon atau bentuk geometris yang sangat rinci. Hal ini sampai harus user untuk memutuskan berapa banyak poin untuk dipertimbangkan, mana tp menemukan mereka, dan bagaimana mereka interpolasi harus dihitung. IM memerlukan banyak lebih setup parameter harus disesuaikan dibandingkan QMC, dan mereka benar pengetahuan, praktek dan pengalaman dapat menyebabkan hasil kualitas tinggi dalam waktu singkat juga.Adcantages-Sangat sangat cepat untuk menghitung dibandingkan QMC GI, terutama di adegan-adegan yang mengandung model dengan bahkan permukaan.-Praktis tidak ada kebisingan. Masalah utama metode ini adalah munculnya "noda" di area tertentu, karena pengaturan rendah.IM-dapat disimpan dalam cache yang berlawanan dan kembali ketika diperlukan, misalnya dalam Fly-melalui animasi. Dalam hal ini ia akan menjadi berkomentar bahwa posisi setiap objek harus tetap sama, untuk intensitas warna dan lampu serta. Jelas, hanya benda-benda yang dapat dipindahkan adalah kamera. Ide ini akan dijelaskan atas kepala.-Satu dapat menggunakan IM untuk mempercepat perhitungan VRayShadows yang dihasilkan oleh lampu VRay. Biasanya VRayShadows secara default menggunakan metode langsung bayangan komputasi dan tidak diperkirakan yang, untuk kualitas yang lebih baik. Perhitungan ini dapat menjadi sangat panjang ketika banyak VRayLights hadir. Dalam kasus ini IM dapat berguna, enacbling satu untuk mempercepat bayangan komputasi.235/p220Kerugian-beberapa perincian, seperti bayang-bayang kecil yang dihasilkan oleh tidak langsung cahaya tidak dapat diterjemahkan dengan benar, karena interpolasi GI-selama animasi, bila menggunakan pengaturan rendah nilai, beberapa efek yang berkedip pada animasi dapat terjadi-itu memerlukan lebih banyak memori dari QMC GI-pencahayaan tidak langsung adalah tidak benar menghitung melalui objek untuk mana Motion blur diterapkan. Tetapi seringkali masalah ini tidak cukup jelas untuk merusak kualitas animasi keseluruhan.Peta foton (PM)Metode ini menghitung GI dengan memancarkan, dari sumber cahaya, sinar yang kemudian melanjutkan untuk bangkit dalam adegan. Hal ini sangat berguna untuk interior dan/atau semi interior adegan, dengan banyak lampu atau sedikit pembukaan. Biasanya PM tidak menghasilkan hasil stasfying jika digunakan sendiri. Sebaliknya, itu sangat berguna jika digunakan bersama dengan QMC GI atau IM. Pada kenyataannya, dengan menggabungkan kecepatan dan pendekatan asli dari PM dengan metode sebelumnya, ada mampu mendapatkan gambar berkualitas tinggi dalam waktu relatif pendek.Keuntungan-PM menghasilkan sangat cepat perhitungan GI bahkan jika perkiraan dan tidak begitu rinci.PM-dapat disimpan dan digunakan untuk mempercepat rendering dari pandangan baru adegan yang sama dan terbang-melalui animasi.PM-tidak tergantung pada tampilan, dan, setelah dihitung, selalu tersedia, mana zona adegan yang akan diberikan.Kerugian-Hal ini tidak layak menggunakan PM sebagai mesin untuk bouncing utama karena kurangnya presisi, paling penting untuk adegan-adegan yang sangat rinci.-Hal ini membutuhkan banyak memori-PM membutuhkan sumber cahaya nyata untuk memproduksi GI. Benda-benda diri pencahayaan dan lingkungan cahaya (skylight) yang tidak mampu menghasilkan foton, oleh karena itu tidak GI.Cahaya Cache (LC)Cahaya Cache adalah sebuah metode untuk perhitungan perkiraan GI. Ini pada dasarnya sangat mirip dengan peta foton, tetapi telah berhasil mempertahankan hanya kemampuannya, memecahkan kesalahan. LC dibuat oleh memancarkan sinar dari frame pengamat menuju adegan. LC adalah metode universal untuk perhitungan GI: dapat digunakan baik untuk adegan indoor dan outdoor, dan baik untuk bouncing primer dan sekunder, bersama dengan IM dan QMC GI.Keuntungan-LC ini sangat sederhana untuk mengatur. Hanya sinar berasal dari kamera yang digunakan, sebaliknya untuk apa yang terjadi di peta foton, wwhich harus menghitung setiap satu sumber cahaya juga. Bahkan dengan PM, diperlukan untuk mengatur jumlah foton untuk masing-masing sumber. Operasi ini sia-sia di LC.-LC bekerja dengan setiap obyek o dapat memancarkan cahaya, termasuk objek diri pencahayaan, lampu non-fotometrik dan skylight.-LC menghasilkan hasil benar sepanjang sudut di kamar dan dekat dengan benda-benda kecil. Sebaliknya, PM tidak sangat efisien di sudut-sudut, menciptakan daerah sangat gelap.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
It is the easiest method to set. Few parameters determine the quality of the Golbal Illumination. Instead high rendering times are to be expected.
- It preserves all the details, such as small shadows of indirect light or complicated geometries. Thanks to the QMC very detailed and accurate images can be obtained.
- It is possible to solve flickering problems using the Direct computation (in other words the presence of “vibrating” pixels which can ruin the playback of the video)
- It is uses little RAM
- When using Motion blur, indirect light is correctly computed.
- It is a very slow method, most of all for complex scenes, such as indoor ones.
- The real problem for this method is the presence noise, which involves the whole render, most of all in the shadowy areas. The only way to set it up is by increasing the values in the settings, which in turn increases computation times.

Irradiance Map (IM)
It is a method based on the Irradiance Caching. In this case the GI is computed in strategic points of the scene only. Usually these are in areas requiring more attention, like mesh areas. For example between very near polygons or very detailed geometrical shapes. It is up to the user to decide how many points must to be considered, where tp locate them, and how their interpolation has to be computed. The IM requires many more setup parameters to be adjusted compared to the QMC, and their correct knowledge, practice and experience can lead to high-quality results in a short time too.

- It is very quick to compute compared to the QMC GI, especially on scenes containing models with even surfaces.
- Noise is practically absent. This method’s main problem is the appearance of “stains” in certain areas, due to low settings.
- The IM can be saved in an opposite cache and reused when necessary, for instance in Fly-through animations. In this case it is to be remarked that the position of every object must be kept the same, for the color and lights intensity as well. The only objects which can be moved are, obviously, cameras. This idea will be explained up a head.
- One can use the IM for accelerating the computation of the VRayShadows produced by VRay lights. Usually VRayShadows by default use direct method of shadow computation and not approximated ones, for a better quality. This computation can become very long when many VRayLights are present. In this case the IM can be useful, enacbling one to speed up shadow computation.

- some details, such as small shadows generated by indirect light may not be rendered correctly, due to the interpolation of the GI
- during animations, when using low setting values, some flickering effects on the animation can occur
- it requires much more memory than the QMC GI
- indirect illumination is not correctly computes through objects to where Motion blur is applied. But often this defect is not evident enough to ruin the overall animation quality.

Photon map (PM)
This method computes the GI by emitting, from light sources, rays which then proceed to bounce within the scene. It is very useful for interior and/or semi-interior scenes, with many lights or little opening. Usually the PM does not produce stasfying results if used on its own. Instead, it is very useful if employed together with the QMC GI or the IM. In fact, by combining the speed and the original approximation of the PM with the previous methods, one is able to obtain excellent quality images in relatively short times.

- the PM produces a very quick computation of the GI even if approximate and not so detailed.
- The PM can be saved and reused for speeding up the rendering of new views of the same scene and for Fly-through animations.
- The PM does not depend on the view, and, once computed, it is always available, whichever the zone of the scene to be rendered.
- It is not worth using the PM as engine for primary bounces because of its lack of precision, most of all for very detailed scenes.
- It requires a lot of memory
- The PM needs real light sources for producing the GI. Self-lighting objects and environmental light (skylight) are not able to produce photons, therefore neither the GI.

Light Cache (LC)
Light Cache is a method for the approximate computation of the GI. It is basically very similar to Photon Map, but has managed to keep only its merits, solving the faults. The LC is created by emitting the rays from the observer’s frame towards the scene. The LC is an universal method for GI computation: it can be used both for indoor and outdoor scenes, and both for primary and secondary bounces, together with the IM and the QMC GI.
- LC is very simple to set. Only rays deriving from the camera are used, contrarily to what happens in the Photon Map, wwhich must compute each single light source as well. In fact with the PM, it is necessary to set the number of photons for each source. This operation is pointless in the LC.
- LC works with any onject able o emit light, including self-lighting objects, non-photometric lights and skylight.
- LC produces correct result along corners in a room and near little objects. Instead, PM is not extremely efficient in corners, creating particularly dark areas.
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