based on individual differences within the same hybrid, selection for  terjemahan - based on individual differences within the same hybrid, selection for  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

based on individual differences wit

based on individual differences within the same
hybrid, selection for A. galliresistance in layers
is a realistic approach [28]. It also emphasizes
the importance of examining several animals for
assessing the parasitological status of a flock.
Rotational use of the paddock on farm X did
apparently not have any influence on the mean
worm burden at the end of the observation peri-od compared with the layers on the permanently
used paddock. However, the chosen design does
not allow any conclusion to be drawn on poten-tial discrepancies of worm burdens within the
trial period. Fecal egg counts were significant-ly lower in the rotational system, although the
magnitude of the reduction was limited to 10%
compared with the flocks on the permanently
used paddock. A difference in this range will
most likely not have any practical consequenc-es; however, it cannot be excluded that these ef-fects would become more pronounced after sev-eral years. A more profound effect on Heterakis
orAscaridiafecal egg output of approximately
30% (P< 0.05) was observed in the paddocks
on farm Y, where chips were used and removed
regularly compared with the paddocks without
chips. The effect was lower and less or not sig-nificant in the second flock, presumably due to
an overall reduction of fecal egg counts after an-thelmintic treatment of flock Y2 in early winter.
Based on the results of Maurer et al. [7], survival
of infectious stages of helminths is reduced in
organic materials, as high numbers of helminth
eggs in litter corresponded with parasite-naïve
tracer chickens harboring fewer helminths af-ter exposure to litter than after exposure to soil
with much lower helminth egg concentrations.
Similar observations are reported by extension
specialists (W. Baumann, personal communica-tion) [29], who expect chaffed wood to reduce
survival of infectious stages of helminths. The
phenomenon is not completely understood, but
there are indications for reduced survival of hel-minth eggs in ligneous litter material. As hens
in large free-range flocks tend to remain inside
[30] or in the vicinity of the house, the design
of this area is of increasing importance with in-creasing flock size.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
based on individual differences within the same hybrid, selection for A. galliresistance in layers is a realistic approach [28]. It also emphasizes the importance of examining several animals for assessing the parasitological status of a flock.Rotational use of the paddock on farm X did apparently not have any influence on the mean worm burden at the end of the observation peri-od compared with the layers on the permanently used paddock. However, the chosen design does not allow any conclusion to be drawn on poten-tial discrepancies of worm burdens within the trial period. Fecal egg counts were significant-ly lower in the rotational system, although the magnitude of the reduction was limited to 10% compared with the flocks on the permanently used paddock. A difference in this range will most likely not have any practical consequenc-es; however, it cannot be excluded that these ef-fects would become more pronounced after sev-eral years. A more profound effect on Heterakis orAscaridiafecal egg output of approximately 30% (P< 0.05) was observed in the paddocks on farm Y, where chips were used and removed regularly compared with the paddocks without chips. The effect was lower and less or not sig-nificant in the second flock, presumably due to an overall reduction of fecal egg counts after an-thelmintic treatment of flock Y2 in early winter. Based on the results of Maurer et al. [7], survival of infectious stages of helminths is reduced in organic materials, as high numbers of helminth eggs in litter corresponded with parasite-naïve tracer chickens harboring fewer helminths af-ter exposure to litter than after exposure to soil with much lower helminth egg concentrations. Similar observations are reported by extension specialists (W. Baumann, personal communica-tion) [29], who expect chaffed wood to reduce survival of infectious stages of helminths. The phenomenon is not completely understood, but there are indications for reduced survival of hel-minth eggs in ligneous litter material. As hens in large free-range flocks tend to remain inside [30] or in the vicinity of the house, the design of this area is of increasing importance with in-creasing flock size.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
berdasarkan perbedaan individu dalam yang sama
hybrid, seleksi untuk A. galliresistance di lapisan
adalah pendekatan yang realistis [28]. Hal ini juga menekankan
pentingnya memeriksa beberapa hewan untuk
menilai status parasitologi dari kawanan.
Menggunakan rotasi dari paddock di peternakan X tidak
tampaknya tidak memiliki pengaruh pada rata-rata
beban cacing pada akhir peri-od observasi dibandingkan dengan lapisan pada permanen
paddock digunakan. Namun, desain yang dipilih tidak
tidak memungkinkan kesimpulan apapun untuk ditarik pada perbedaan poten-esensial dari beban cacing dalam
masa percobaan. Jumlah telur tinja yang signifikan-ly lebih rendah dalam sistem rotasi, meskipun
besarnya penurunan itu terbatas pada 10%
dibandingkan dengan ternak pada permanen
paddock digunakan. Perbedaan dalam kisaran ini akan
kemungkinan besar tidak memiliki praktis consequenc-es; Namun, hal itu tidak dapat dikecualikan bahwa ef-fects akan menjadi lebih jelas setelah sev-eral tahun. Sebuah efek yang lebih besar pada Heterakis
orAscaridiafecal telur output sekitar
30% (P <0,05) diamati di padang
di pertanian Y, di mana chip yang digunakan dan dihapus
secara teratur dibandingkan dengan padang tanpa
chip. Efeknya lebih rendah dan kurang atau tidak sig-nifikan dalam kawanan kedua, mungkin karena
pengurangan keseluruhan jumlah telur tinja setelah-thelmintic pengobatan kawanan Y2 di awal musim dingin.
Berdasarkan hasil Maurer et al. [7], kelangsungan hidup
dari tahap infeksi cacing berkurang dalam
bahan organik, angka sebagai tinggi cacing
telur di sampah berhubungan dengan parasit-naif
ayam pelacak menyimpan cacing sedikit af-ter paparan sampah daripada setelah paparan tanah
dengan telur cacing yang jauh lebih rendah konsentrasi.
Pengamatan serupa dilaporkan oleh ekstensi
spesialis (W. Baumann, pribadi communica-tion) [29], yang mengharapkan chaffed kayu untuk mengurangi
kelangsungan hidup tahap infeksi cacing. The
Fenomena tidak sepenuhnya dipahami, tetapi
ada indikasi untuk kelangsungan hidup berkurang telur hel-minth dalam bahan sampah mengandung lignin. Seperti ayam
dalam jumlah besar angon ternak cenderung tertinggal di dalam
[30] atau di sekitar rumah, desain
dari daerah ini semakin penting dengan di-kekusutan ukuran kawanan.
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