Phoneme & Minimal PairPhoneme is the smallest phonetic unit in a langu terjemahan - Phoneme & Minimal PairPhoneme is the smallest phonetic unit in a langu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Phoneme & Minimal PairPhoneme is th

Phoneme & Minimal Pair
Phoneme is the smallest phonetic unit in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning. In other words, phoneme is a speech sound that signals a difference in meaning.
Consider, for example, the words “dime” and “dine”. They sound exactly alike except for the /m/ and the /n/, but their meanings are different.
Therefore, it must be the /m/ and /n/ that made the difference in meaning, and these two nasals are established as English phonemes.
Likewise, if we compare the sounds of “sin” and “sing”, we find only one difference between them: sin ends in the alveolar nasal /n/ and sing ends in the velar nasal /ŋ/. (Don’t be deceived by the spelling of sing; the letters “ng” represent a single sound /ŋ/. This contrast is evidence that /n/ and /ŋ/ are both phonemes.
Pairs of words like those above that demonstrate a single phonemic contrast are called minimal pairs. In other words, one method of establishing the phonemes of a language is by means of minimal pairs.

The Rules for Minimal Pairs:
1. The words must have the same number of sounds;
2. The words must be identical in every sound except for one;
3. The sound that is different must be in the same position in each word;
4. The words must have different meaning.

Allophone is the variants of the phonemes that occur in detailed phonetic transcriptions. In other words, allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds (phones) use to pronounce a single phoneme.
Allophone is non-distinctive individual variation of the phoneme.
The use of an allophone does not change the meaning of a word.

[p] and [ph] are allophones of the phoneme /p/
in some cases, such as:
/p/ as in pin [pɪn] is aspirated (as if pronounced by [ph];
/p/ as in spin [spɪn] is unaspirated (plain);
In the word paper, the first /p/ is aspirated and pronounced as [ph], and the second /p/ is usually unaspirated and pronounced as a plain [p], like:
[‘peɪpə(r)] → [‘pheɪpə(r)]).

Suprasegmental Phonemes
Vowels and consonants can be thought of as the segments of which speech is composed. Together they form the syllables, which go to make up utterances. Related to the syllables, there are other features known as suprasegmentals.
In other words, suprasegmental features are the aspects of speech that involve more than single consonants or vowels.
These features are independent of the categories required for describing segmental features (vowels and consonants), which involve, for examples, air stream mechanism, states of the glottis, and so on.
The components of suprasegmental features consist of: stress, pitch, intonation, tone, and tempo.

Stress is the rhythm of a language. In pronunciation, stress can refers to words, part of words, or even one word in a group of words that receives the most emphasis.
Stress is one of the suprasegmental features of utterances. It applies not to individual vowels and consonants but to whole syllables. In the level of word, a stressed syllable is pronounced with a greater amount of energy than an unstressed syllable.

Based on the aspect of articulator, pitch is influenced by the tension of the vocal cords. If the vocal cords are stretched, the pitch of the sound will go up.
Pitch refers to the normal melodic height of an individual’s speech. It is like a degree of highness or lowness of one’s speech.
We make use of pitch as a part of our signaling system. Although we employ many degrees of pitch in speaking, we use only four levels of relative pitch as phonemes. They are:
4 >> extra-high
3 >> high
2 >> normal
1 >> low
This is to say, the normal pitch of speaking voice, whatever its actual height, is called level 2; and from this, we make various upward and downward. These variations of pitch we make in speaking will affect the intonation of our speech.

Intonation shows how the ‘music’ of a language rises and falls over a speech. In other words, it can be also described as a fluctuation of one’s voice, which is characterized as a downward or upward movement of a voice or sound in an utterance as a result of the pitch variations. Thus, the intonation of a sentence is the pattern of pitch changes that occurs.

Pitch variations that affect the meaning of a word are called tone. The meaning of the word depends on its tone.
Tone is shown or heard in how something is being said. It is more like an attitude rather than being a voice pattern. Emotion has also a great deal of influence to one’s tone. By using different tones, the words in a sentence can have different meanings.

Tempo of speech is the relative speed or slowness of utterance which is measured by the rate of syllable succession/movement, the number, and duration of pauses in a sentence.
In English, speakers try to make the amount of time to say something the same between the stressed syllables. If there are three or four unstressed syllable between the stressed syllables, for example, the unstressed syllables will be spoken faster, so that the speaker can keep the rhythm. For this reason, English is a said as a “stressed time language”.

A cluster is when two consonants of different places of articulation are produced together in the same syllable.
Note that clusters are determined based on the sounds, not the letters of the words.

Cluster can appear in the initial, medial, or final positions of words:
Initial clusters are usually formed by combining various consonants with the /s/, /r/, or /l/ phonemes.
sleep ['sli:p], green ['gri:n], blue ['blu:]
Medial clusters usually appear at the beginning of a second or third syllable in a multisyllabic word.
regret [rɪ'gret], apply [ə'plaɪ], approve [ə'pru:v]
Final clusters are usually composed of a variety of phonemes including /sk/, /mp/, /ns/, /st/, and /ŋk/.
desk ['desk], camp ['kæmp], mince ['mɪns], fast ['fɑ:st],
bank ['bæŋk].
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Phoneme & Minimal PairPhoneme is the smallest phonetic unit in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning. In other words, phoneme is a speech sound that signals a difference in meaning.Consider, for example, the words “dime” and “dine”. They sound exactly alike except for the /m/ and the /n/, but their meanings are different.Therefore, it must be the /m/ and /n/ that made the difference in meaning, and these two nasals are established as English phonemes.Likewise, if we compare the sounds of “sin” and “sing”, we find only one difference between them: sin ends in the alveolar nasal /n/ and sing ends in the velar nasal /ŋ/. (Don’t be deceived by the spelling of sing; the letters “ng” represent a single sound /ŋ/. This contrast is evidence that /n/ and /ŋ/ are both phonemes.Pairs of words like those above that demonstrate a single phonemic contrast are called minimal pairs. In other words, one method of establishing the phonemes of a language is by means of minimal pairs.The Rules for Minimal Pairs:1. The words must have the same number of sounds;2. The words must be identical in every sound except for one;3. The sound that is different must be in the same position in each word;4. The words must have different meaning. Allophones:Allophone is the variants of the phonemes that occur in detailed phonetic transcriptions. In other words, allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds (phones) use to pronounce a single phoneme.Allophone is non-distinctive individual variation of the phoneme.The use of an allophone does not change the meaning of a word.Example:[p] and [ph] are allophones of the phoneme /p/in some cases, such as:/p/ as in pin [pɪn] is aspirated (as if pronounced by [ph];/p/ as in spin [spɪn] is unaspirated (plain);In the word paper, the first /p/ is aspirated and pronounced as [ph], and the second /p/ is usually unaspirated and pronounced as a plain [p], like:[‘peɪpə(r)] → [‘pheɪpə(r)]).Suprasegmental PhonemesVowels and consonants can be thought of as the segments of which speech is composed. Together they form the syllables, which go to make up utterances. Related to the syllables, there are other features known as suprasegmentals.In other words, suprasegmental features are the aspects of speech that involve more than single consonants or vowels.These features are independent of the categories required for describing segmental features (vowels and consonants), which involve, for examples, air stream mechanism, states of the glottis, and so on.The components of suprasegmental features consist of: stress, pitch, intonation, tone, and tempo.STRESS:Stress is the rhythm of a language. In pronunciation, stress can refers to words, part of words, or even one word in a group of words that receives the most emphasis.Stress is one of the suprasegmental features of utterances. It applies not to individual vowels and consonants but to whole syllables. In the level of word, a stressed syllable is pronounced with a greater amount of energy than an unstressed syllable. PITCH:Based on the aspect of articulator, pitch is influenced by the tension of the vocal cords. If the vocal cords are stretched, the pitch of the sound will go up.Pitch refers to the normal melodic height of an individual’s speech. It is like a degree of highness or lowness of one’s speech.We make use of pitch as a part of our signaling system. Although we employ many degrees of pitch in speaking, we use only four levels of relative pitch as phonemes. They are:4 >> extra-high3 >> high2 >> normal1 >> lowThis is to say, the normal pitch of speaking voice, whatever its actual height, is called level 2; and from this, we make various upward and downward. These variations of pitch we make in speaking will affect the intonation of our speech. INTONATION:Intonation shows how the ‘music’ of a language rises and falls over a speech. In other words, it can be also described as a fluctuation of one’s voice, which is characterized as a downward or upward movement of a voice or sound in an utterance as a result of the pitch variations. Thus, the intonation of a sentence is the pattern of pitch changes that occurs. TONE:Pitch variations that affect the meaning of a word are called tone. The meaning of the word depends on its tone. Tone is shown or heard in how something is being said. It is more like an attitude rather than being a voice pattern. Emotion has also a great deal of influence to one’s tone. By using different tones, the words in a sentence can have different meanings. TEMPO:Tempo of speech is the relative speed or slowness of utterance which is measured by the rate of syllable succession/movement, the number, and duration of pauses in a sentence.In English, speakers try to make the amount of time to say something the same between the stressed syllables. If there are three or four unstressed syllable between the stressed syllables, for example, the unstressed syllables will be spoken faster, so that the speaker can keep the rhythm. For this reason, English is a said as a “stressed time language”.CLUSTERS:A cluster is when two consonants of different places of articulation are produced together in the same syllable.Note that clusters are determined based on the sounds, not the letters of the words.Cluster can appear in the initial, medial, or final positions of words:Initial clusters are usually formed by combining various consonants with the /s/, /r/, or /l/ phonemes.Examples:sleep ['sli:p], green ['gri:n], blue ['blu:]Medial clusters usually appear at the beginning of a second or third syllable in a multisyllabic word.Examples:
regret [rɪ'gret], apply [ə'plaɪ], approve [ə'pru:v]
Final clusters are usually composed of a variety of phonemes including /sk/, /mp/, /ns/, /st/, and /ŋk/.
desk ['desk], camp ['kæmp], mince ['mɪns], fast ['fɑ:st],
bank ['bæŋk].
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Fonem & Minimal Pair
fonem adalah unit terkecil fonetik dalam bahasa yang mampu menyampaikan perbedaan dalam arti. Dengan kata lain, fonem adalah bunyi ujaran yang sinyal perbedaan makna.
Perhatikan, misalnya, kata-kata "uang receh" dan "makan". Mereka terdengar persis sama kecuali untuk / m / dan / n /, tetapi maknanya berbeda.
Oleh karena itu, harus menjadi / m / dan / n / yang membuat perbedaan dalam arti, dan dua nasal ini didirikan sebagai English . fonem
Demikian juga, jika kita membandingkan suara "dosa" dan "bernyanyi", kita menemukan hanya satu perbedaan antara mereka: dosa berakhir di hidung alveolar / n / dan bernyanyi berakhir di velar nasal / ŋ /. (Jangan tertipu oleh ejaan bernyanyi; huruf "ng" mewakili suara / ŋ / kontras ini adalah bukti tunggal yang / n / dan / ŋ / keduanya fonem..
Pasangan kata-kata seperti yang di atas yang menunjukkan Sebaliknya fonem tunggal disebut pasangan minimal Dengan kata lain, salah satu metode membangun fonem dari bahasa adalah dengan cara pasang minimal.. Aturan Pasangan Minimal: 1. Kata-kata harus memiliki jumlah yang sama dari suara; 2. Kata-kata harus identik dalam setiap suara kecuali satu; 3. Suara yang berbeda harus berada di posisi yang sama di setiap kata; 4. Kata-kata harus memiliki arti yang berbeda. alofon: alofon adalah varian dari fonem yang terjadi di fonetik rinci transkripsi. Dengan kata lain, alofon adalah salah satu dari serangkaian beberapa kemungkinan suara yang diucapkan (ponsel) menggunakan mengucapkan fonem tunggal. alofon adalah variasi individu non-khas dari fonem. Penggunaan alofon tidak mengubah makna dari . Kata Contoh: [p] dan [ph] adalah alofon dari fonem / p / dalam beberapa kasus, seperti: / p / seperti pada pin [pɪn] adalah disedot (seolah-olah diucapkan oleh [ph]; / p / sebagai di putaran [spɪn] adalah diaspirasikan (plain); Dalam kertas kata, yang pertama / p / yang disedot dan diucapkan sebagai [ph], dan yang kedua / p / biasanya diaspirasikan dan diucapkan sebagai plain [p], seperti: ['peɪpə (r)] → [' pheɪpə (r)]). suprasegmental Fonem Vokal dan konsonan dapat dianggap sebagai segmen yang berbicara terdiri. Bersama-sama mereka membentuk suku kata, yang pergi untuk membuat ucapan-ucapan. Terkait dengan suku kata, ada fitur lain yang dikenal sebagai suprasegmentals. Dengan kata lain, fitur suprasegmental adalah aspek pidato yang melibatkan lebih dari konsonan tunggal atau vokal. Fitur-fitur ini adalah independen dari kategori diperlukan untuk menggambarkan fitur segmental (vokal dan konsonan) ., yang melibatkan, untuk contoh, mekanisme aliran udara, negara glotis, dan sebagainya Komponen fitur suprasegmental terdiri dari: stres, pitch, intonasi, nada, dan tempo. STRES: Stres adalah irama bahasa. Dalam pengucapan, stres bisa mengacu pada kata-kata, bagian dari kata-kata, atau bahkan satu kata dalam kelompok kata yang menerima paling penekanan. Stres adalah salah satu fitur suprasegmental dari ucapan-ucapan. Ini berlaku untuk tidak vokal dan konsonan individu tetapi untuk seluruh suku kata. Di tingkat kata, suku kata stres diucapkan dengan jumlah yang lebih besar dari energi dari satu suku kata tanpa tekanan. PITCH: Berdasarkan aspek artikulator, lapangan dipengaruhi oleh ketegangan pita suara. Jika pita suara yang membentang, nada suara akan naik. Pitch mengacu pada ketinggian melodi normal pidato individu. Hal ini seperti tingkat kebesaran atau rendahnya pidato seseorang. Kami menggunakan lapangan sebagai bagian dari sistem sinyal kami. Meskipun kami mempekerjakan banyak derajat lapangan dalam berbicara, kami hanya menggunakan empat tingkat relatif lapangan sebagai fonem. Mereka adalah: 4 >> ekstra-tinggi 3 >> tinggi 2 >> biasa 1 >> rendah ini mengatakan, lapangan normal berbicara suara, apa pun tinggi sebenarnya, disebut tingkat 2; dan dari ini, kami membuat berbagai atas dan ke bawah. Variasi ini dari lapangan kita buat dalam berbicara akan mempengaruhi intonasi kita bicara. Intonasi: Intonasi menunjukkan bagaimana 'musik' dari kenaikan bahasa dan jatuh di atas pidato. Dengan kata lain, dapat juga digambarkan sebagai fluktuasi suara seseorang, yang dicirikan sebagai gerakan ke bawah atau ke atas dari suara atau suara dalam ucapan sebagai akibat dari variasi lapangan. Dengan demikian, intonasi kalimat adalah pola perubahan lapangan yang terjadi. TONE: variasi pitch yang mempengaruhi arti dari sebuah kata yang disebut nada. Arti kata tergantung pada nada. Nada ditampilkan atau mendengar bagaimana sesuatu yang dikatakan. Hal ini lebih seperti sikap daripada menjadi pola suara. Emosi juga memiliki banyak pengaruh untuk nada seseorang. Dengan menggunakan nada yang berbeda, kata-kata dalam kalimat dapat memiliki arti yang berbeda. TEMPO: Tempo pidato adalah kecepatan relatif atau lambatnya ucapan yang diukur dengan tingkat suku kata suksesi / gerakan, jumlah, dan durasi jeda dalam kalimat . Dalam bahasa Inggris, speaker mencoba untuk membuat jumlah waktu untuk mengatakan sesuatu yang sama antara suku kata stres. Jika ada tiga atau empat suku kata tanpa tekanan antara suku kata stres, misalnya, suku kata tanpa tekanan akan diucapkan lebih cepat, sehingga pembicara dapat menjaga ritme. Untuk alasan ini, bahasa Inggris adalah dikatakan sebagai "menekankan bahasa waktu". KELOMPOK:. Sebuah cluster adalah ketika dua konsonan dari tempat yang berbeda artikulasi diproduksi bersama dalam suku kata yang sama Perhatikan bahwa cluster ditentukan berdasarkan suara, bukan huruf . kata Cluster dapat muncul di posisi awal, medial, atau akhir kata: cluster awal biasanya dibentuk dengan menggabungkan berbagai konsonan dengan s /, / r /, atau / l / fonem /. Contoh: tidur ['sli : p], hijau ['gri: n], biru [' blu:] cluster Medial biasanya muncul pada awal suku kata kedua atau ketiga dalam kata multisyllabic. Contoh: menyesal [rɪ'gret], berlaku [ə'plaɪ ], menyetujui [ə'pru: v] cluster Akhir biasanya terdiri dari berbagai fonem termasuk / sk /, / mp /, / ns /, / st /, dan / nk /. Contoh: meja [meja '], camp ['kæmp], berbasa [' mɪns], cepat ['fɑ: st], Bank [' bæŋk].

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