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VIEW cause and effect paragraphsPa


cause and effect paragraphs
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last edited by PBworks 9 years, 10 months ago
A cause is a reason for, or events leading up to. An effect is the results of a cause or causes. Having the skill to think in the mode of cause and effect is a key to victory in daily situations.
A cause and effect paragraph analyzes the causes or effects of a ceratain situation.
Transitional Expressions For Cause & Effect
To Show Causes
the first cause (second, third)
the first reason (second, third)
yet another factor
is caused by
results from
To Show Effects
one important effect
another result
a third outcome
as a result
then, next, therefore, thus, so
Avoiding Problems in Cause and Effect Writing
1. Do not oversimplify
2. Do not confuse time order with causation
3. Do not confuse causes and effects
Here are some examples of an effect paragraph:
The Positive Effects of Daycare
Since my daughter has been in daycare she has become better at a few different things. To start off, her vocabulary is much larger and more developed. Before she started daycare, my daughter had a few select words that she would say like; momma, dada, Cocoa (one of the puppies), and some other simple words. Now she tries to repeat everything that is said. Another result of her being in daycare is that she has the ability to interact with other children better. In the past, she was only around one child. Now she is around about six to eight kids, and she has learned to share her toys and to play in a group with the other children. Her learning to share has carried over at home when she tells her daddy or me that it’s his turn or mommy’s turn when putting her socks on. A third outcome of her being in daycare is the fact that she is becoming more self-reliant. Before daycare, she wouldn’t try very hard to help me with getting dressed, but now she wants to try to do it all on her own. She puts her pull ups on and tries to pull on her shirts and pants herself. Socks still go on upside down, but at least her shoes go on the correct feet I am really glad that I decided to put her in a daycare, for the benefits have been great.
~© Jessi Johnson 2005~
Effects of Alcohol
Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on a person and the people around them. One important effect is the damage you can do to your body. Drinking can lead to severe illness and even eventual death; some health consequences to consider might be liver disease, kidney failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of their unborn child. Another detriment is that an addiction could lead to drinking and driving; possibly causing a fatal car accident for either yourself and/or an innocent by stander. Another concern to consider is the relationships alcohol can destroy. Alcohol abuse can have very serious affect on a person’s temperament, which can lead to spousal and even child abuse. Alcohol often is the number one cause in divorce and spending time in jail. It can also affect relationships outside of the family; many people have lost life long friends whether it is due to foolish arguments and behavior or possibly death. Lastly, drinking has negative effects on self-esteem and rational thinking. People become more self-centered, develop low self-esteem, doing things or behaving in ways that they would not normally. They have little or no regard to the outcomes of what is said or done when they grow reliant on getting that alcohol high. The negative effects of alcohol abuse are overwhelming when considering the many consequences that drinkers and the people around them have to deal with.
~© Racheal Guza 2005~
Courage At A Cost
Many people believe that the act of courage lies within each individual, and these acts of courage can be brought out by three possible causes. The first cause, and the most obvious, is provocation. Often times this is seen in movies where the villain kidnaps and threatens to kill the hero's family. More often that not, the hero finds it within himself to put aside his fears and overcome near impossible odds to save the day. The majority of the time it is direct threats such as this one that provoke human nature to acts of courage. The second cause is a purpose. In 2001, the Twin Towers fell to terrorist attacks. Military enlistments reached all time highs as many men and women joined the armed forces. For many of these people, the prospect of serving their country, and gaining revenge for the cowardice acts of the terrorists were the only reasons necessary for their courage. The third cause is a belief in a higher power. The presence of God gives many people the courage to do things they would not be able to do otherwise. His words play clearly in their minds," Be strong and of good courage", because: "the lord thy god is with thee whithersoever thou goest"(bible reference). According to God and his followers, his presence is enough cause for courage. For these people, their courage knows no boundaries. Whatever your inspiration for courage may be, you can just about bet it was brought on by one of these three underlying circumstances.
~© Kyle Shearin 2005~
Does Every Child deserve their Real Parents?
Many children are placed into foster care because their situation at home is not satisfactory according to The Department of Family Services. A lot of the situations deal with emotional, physical, and verbal abuse. A young girl named Tiffany was placed into foster care at the age of 8. The lack of a father role model in her life had life changing effects on Tiffany. As an already confused child, she was adopted by a foster home for females. It was run by females only. As a foster child at the time, when Tiffany would go out into public with either her “big sister” or foster parent, she would begin to understand that she wasn’t like most children because all the regular children had their mother and father. She began to develop insecurities about herself and feel like she just didn’t fit in with most children. An even more traumatic effect on Tiffany’s confusion was she was constantly wondering why she had to go through all this. Over the last two years Tiffany has been placed back into her home with her biological mother, but she constantly wonders when she will ever get to meet her real father. Her mother currently has a long term boyfriend. Tiffany is now starting to accept him as her father role model, but deep down Tiffany wonders every day if she will ever get to meet her real father. Tiffany not having her biological father in her life has affected her because she feels like she doesn’t have that normal family that everybody else seems to have. Inside she feels like she is missing something. Overall it hasn’t ruined her life. Tiffany excels in school, sports, and in the social life, but she cannot get rid of the empty feeling of not having her real father in her life. When she gets older she will start to understand what is really going on and maybe that feeling of loneliness will be gone.
~© 2005 Amy Neill~
The Hard Life of Farmers
The lack of rain and snow has horrible effects on farmers. with no rain their land dries up, and it is very difficult to grow anything. When the crops fail, the farmers haven't anay choice but to get a second job in order to make the money they need. Farmong is a full time job and with a second job, farmers are overworked, stressed and even depressed. Many farmers end up selling their land. Some farmers have accepted the government program the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which is the land is left idle to let the grass grow and must be left idle a certian number of years. while the land is in the CRP program, some farmers have taken outside jobs. That is why when it doesn't rain, you notice that most of the farmers are very crabby. As a farmer's daughter, I have experienced some good times and some bad times. I have gained a great respect for farmers everywhere. ~(c)2005 Laura White~
The Effects of Underage Drinking
Underage drinking has many costly consequences adolescents don’t consider before making the decision to drink. One costly affect is a criminal record that never goes away, unless you happen to be under the age of eighteen. With a criminal record job application may be hindered or employers may see that the other candidate has a clear record; therefore the employer may choose the other applicant. Other results are the penalties they receive during court appearances. Depending on the severity of the crime punishment could include, expensive fines, drivers license revocation, community service, and if you happen to be a repeat offender, jail time. Jail time, community service, and driver’s license revocation can interfere with your day-to-day activities putting a damper in your life at that time. Fines are just payments that could have been avoided; I see them as wasting hard earned money for a night of fun. A third outcome of underage drinking could result in expulsion from a schools’ athletic team. If the student is in college the result could be loss of a scholarship. Another very devastating effect is the loss of respect among peers, parents, and other people associated with the offender. Even if it is just beer others could assume that you would break the law in other areas. Although the consequences are always prevalent, some adolescents still choose to risk it to have what they believe is a good time.
~(c)Ashley Neill 2005
Dropping Out
For many teenagers, there are numerous negative factors that can lead them to give up on their education and drop out of school. The first cause is that many teenagers lack positive role models in their lives. The lack of an encouraging adult in their lives can cause them to think negatively about themselves and it does not allow them to live up to their full potential. Also, the lack of a positive role model can cause them to get involved with the wrong kind of people and activities. When students get involved in t
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
PEMANDANGAN sebab dan akibat paragrafVersi terdahuluTerakhir diedit oleh PBworks 9 tahun, 10 bulan yang laluPenyebab adalah alasan untuk, atau peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengarah ke. Efek ini adalah hasil dari penyebab atau penyebab. Memiliki keterampilan untuk berpikir dalam modus sebab dan akibat adalah kunci kemenangan dalam situasi sehari-hari.Penyebab dan efek ayat ini menganalisa penyebab atau efek dari situasi ceratain.Transisional ekspresi untuk sebab & efekUntuk menunjukkan penyebabsebab pertama (kedua, ketiga)Alasan pertama (kedua, ketiga)faktor lain yang belumkarenadisebabkan olehhasil dariUntuk menunjukkan efeksalah satu efek yang pentinghasil lainhasil yang ketigaAkibatnyaAkibatnyakemudian, di samping, oleh karena itu, dengan demikian, jadiMenghindari masalah dalam penyebab dan efek menulis1. tidak menyederhanakan2. jangan membingungkan agar waktu dengan penyebaban3. jangan membingungkan sebab dan akibatBerikut adalah beberapa contoh dari efek ayat:Efek positif dari tempat penitipan anakKarena putriku telah di tempat penitipan anak ia menjadi lebih baik dalam beberapa hal yang berbeda. Untuk memulai, kosakata nya jauh lebih besar dan lebih maju. Sebelum ia mulai tempat penitipan anak, putri saya punya beberapa pilih kata yang dia akan mengatakan seperti; Momma, dada, kakao (salah satu anak anjing), dan beberapa kata lain yang sederhana. Sekarang dia mencoba untuk mengulangi segala sesuatu yang dikatakan. Hasil lain dari keberadaannya di tempat penitipan anak adalah bahwa ia memiliki kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dengan anak-anak lain yang lebih baik. Sebelumnya, dia adalah hanya sekitar satu anak. Sekarang dia adalah sekitar sekitar enam sampai delapan anak, dan dia telah belajar untuk berbagi mainan nya dan bermain dalam kelompok dengan anak-anak lain. Dia belajar untuk berbagi telah dibawa di rumah ketika ia mengatakan kepada ayah atau saya bahwa itu adalah giliran atau ibu giliran Kapan meletakkannya di kaus kaki. Hasil yang ketiga keberadaannya di tempat penitipan anak adalah kenyataan bahwa ia menjadi lebih mandiri. Sebelum tempat penitipan anak, dia tidak berusaha sangat keras untuk membantu saya dengan berpakaian, tapi sekarang dia ingin mencoba untuk melakukan itu semua pada dirinya sendiri. Dia menempatkan tarik nya up pada dan mencoba untuk menarik pada dia kemeja dan celana dirinya. Kaus kaki tetap pergi terbalik, tapi setidaknya pergi sepatu pada kaki benar saya sangat senang bahwa saya memutuskan untuk menempatkan dia di tempat penitipan anak, untuk manfaat telah besar.~ © Jessi Johnson 2005 ~Efek dari alkoholMembiarkan alkohol mengambil kendali atas kehidupan Anda memiliki banyak dampak negatif pada orang dan orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Salah satu efek yang penting adalah kerusakan yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk tubuh Anda. Minum dapat menyebabkan penyakit yang parah dan bahkan akhirnya kematian; beberapa konsekuensi kesehatan untuk mempertimbangkan mungkin penyakit hati, ginjal dan, untuk wanita hamil, kehilangan bayi mereka. Lain merugikan adalah bahwa kecanduan dapat mengakibatkan minum dan mengemudi; mungkin menyebabkan kecelakaan fatal mobil yang baik untuk diri sendiri dan/atau yang tidak bersalah oleh stander bulkier. Keprihatinan lain untuk dipertimbangkan adalah hubungan alkohol dapat menghancurkan. Penyalahgunaan alkohol dapat memiliki pengaruh yang sangat serius pada seseorang temperamen, yang dapat mengakibatkan penganiayaan anak suami-istri dan bahkan. Alkohol sering adalah nomor satu penyebab perceraian dan menghabiskan waktu di penjara. Juga dapat mempengaruhi hubungan di luar keluarga; banyak orang telah kehilangan kehidupan teman-teman lama Apakah itu karena argumen bodoh dan perilaku atau kematian. Terakhir, minum memiliki dampak negatif pada harga diri dan berpikir rasional. Orang-orang menjadi lebih berpusat pada diri sendiri, mengembangkan harga diri yang rendah, melakukan hal-hal atau berperilaku dengan cara yang mereka akan biasanya tidak. Mereka memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada memperhatikan hasil dari apa yang dikatakan atau dilakukan ketika mereka tumbuh bergantung pada mendapatkan bahwa alkohol yang tinggi. Dampak negatif dari penyalahgunaan alkohol luar biasa ketika mempertimbangkan banyak konsekuensi yang peminum dan orang-orang di sekitar mereka harus berurusan dengan.~ © Racheal Guza 2005 ~Keberanian dengan biayaBanyak orang percaya bahwa tindakan keberanian terletak di dalam setiap individu, dan tindakan ini keberanian dapat dibawa oleh tiga kemungkinan penyebab. Sebab pertama, dan yang paling jelas, adalah provokasi. Sering kali ini dilihat dalam film-film yang mana penjahat menculik dan mengancam untuk membunuh pahlawan keluarga. Lebih sering bahwa tidak, pahlawan menemukannya dalam dirinya untuk mengesampingkan ketakutannya dan mengatasi dekat kemungkinan tidak mungkin untuk menyelamatkan hari. Sebagian besar waktu itu adalah ancaman seperti yang satu ini yang memprovokasi sifat manusia untuk bertindak keberanian. Kedua penyebab adalah tujuan. Pada tahun 2001, menara kembar jatuh ke serangan teroris. Militer enlistments mencapai tertinggi sepanjang waktu sebagai banyak laki-laki dan perempuan bergabung dengan angkatan bersenjata. Untuk banyak dari orang-orang ini, prospek melayani negara mereka, dan mendapatkan balas dendam atas kepengecutan tindakan teroris yang satu-satunya alasan yang diperlukan untuk keberanian mereka. Penyebab ketiga adalah keyakinan kekuatan yang lebih tinggi. Kehadiran Allah memberi banyak orang keberanian untuk melakukan hal-hal yang mereka tidak akan mampu melakukan sebaliknya. Kata-katanya bermain jelas dalam pikiran mereka,"menjadi kuat dan teguhkanlah", karena: "Tuhan Allahmu adalah dengan engkau mendampingi engkau menolong"(bible reference). Menurut Tuhan dan pengikutnya, kehadirannya adalah cukup alasan untuk keberanian. Orang-orang ini, keberanian mereka tidak mengenal batas. Apapun Anda inspirasi untuk keberanian mungkin, Anda dapat hanya tentang taruhan itu adalah disebabkan oleh salah satu keadaan mendasari ini tiga.~ © Kyle Shearin 2005 ~Apakah setiap anak layak orangtua mereka nyata?Many children are placed into foster care because their situation at home is not satisfactory according to The Department of Family Services. A lot of the situations deal with emotional, physical, and verbal abuse. A young girl named Tiffany was placed into foster care at the age of 8. The lack of a father role model in her life had life changing effects on Tiffany. As an already confused child, she was adopted by a foster home for females. It was run by females only. As a foster child at the time, when Tiffany would go out into public with either her “big sister” or foster parent, she would begin to understand that she wasn’t like most children because all the regular children had their mother and father. She began to develop insecurities about herself and feel like she just didn’t fit in with most children. An even more traumatic effect on Tiffany’s confusion was she was constantly wondering why she had to go through all this. Over the last two years Tiffany has been placed back into her home with her biological mother, but she constantly wonders when she will ever get to meet her real father. Her mother currently has a long term boyfriend. Tiffany is now starting to accept him as her father role model, but deep down Tiffany wonders every day if she will ever get to meet her real father. Tiffany not having her biological father in her life has affected her because she feels like she doesn’t have that normal family that everybody else seems to have. Inside she feels like she is missing something. Overall it hasn’t ruined her life. Tiffany excels in school, sports, and in the social life, but she cannot get rid of the empty feeling of not having her real father in her life. When she gets older she will start to understand what is really going on and maybe that feeling of loneliness will be gone.~ © 2005 Amy Neill ~Kehidupan keras petaniKurangnya hujan dan salju memiliki efek mengerikan pada petani. dengan hujan tanah mereka mengering, dan sangat sulit untuk tumbuh apapun. Ketika gagal panen, para petani tidak anay pilihan selain harus mendapat pekerjaan kedua untuk membuat uang yang mereka butuhkan. Farmong adalah pekerjaan penuh waktu dan dengan pekerjaan kedua, petani yang bekerja berlebihan, stres dan bahkan depresi. Banyak petani akhirnya menjual tanah mereka. Beberapa petani menerima program pemerintah Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), yang merupakan tanah dibiarkan idle untuk biarkan rumput tumbuh dan harus dibiarkan idle sejumlah tahun. Sementara tanah dalam CRP program, beberapa petani telah mengambil pekerjaan di luar. Itulah sebabnya ketika itu tidak hujan, Anda melihat bahwa sebagian besar para petani sangat pemarah. Sebagai anak seorang petani, saya telah mengalami beberapa kali yang baik dan buruk beberapa kali. Saya telah mendapatkan penghormatan bagi petani di mana-mana. ~ (c) 2005 Laura White ~Efek dari bawah umur minumUnderage drinking has many costly consequences adolescents don’t consider before making the decision to drink. One costly affect is a criminal record that never goes away, unless you happen to be under the age of eighteen. With a criminal record job application may be hindered or employers may see that the other candidate has a clear record; therefore the employer may choose the other applicant. Other results are the penalties they receive during court appearances. Depending on the severity of the crime punishment could include, expensive fines, drivers license revocation, community service, and if you happen to be a repeat offender, jail time. Jail time, community service, and driver’s license revocation can interfere with your day-to-day activities putting a damper in your life at that time. Fines are just payments that could have been avoided; I see them as wasting hard earned money for a night of fun. A third outcome of underage drinking could result in expulsion from a schools’ athletic team. If the student is in college the result could be loss of a scholarship. Another very devastating effect is the loss of respect among peers, parents, and other people associated with the offender. Even if it is just beer others could assume that you would break the law in other areas. Although the consequences are always prevalent, some adolescents still choose to risk it to have what they believe is a good time.~(c)Ashley Neill 2005Dropping OutFor many teenagers, there are numerous negative factors that can lead them to give up on their education and drop out of school. The first cause is that many teenagers lack positive role models in their lives. The lack of an encouraging adult in their lives can cause them to think negatively about themselves and it does not allow them to live up to their full potential. Also, the lack of a positive role model can cause them to get involved with the wrong kind of people and activities. When students get involved in t
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