Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
71100:36:05,400 --> 00:36:06,606Honey bunny!71200:36:07,120 --> 00:36:08,929There you are!71300:36:09,720 --> 00:36:11,131Sweetie pie.71400:36:11,320 --> 00:36:13,687I've been looking all over for you.71500:36:14,280 --> 00:36:15,441Who is that?71600:36:15,640 --> 00:36:18,166Hi. I am Dr. Shannon.71700:36:19,720 --> 00:36:22,485- I am her lover.- What?71800:36:22,680 --> 00:36:26,685We had a little fightbut I'm sure you know whose fault it was.71900:36:27,680 --> 00:36:28,681It was not my fault.72000:36:28,880 --> 00:36:30,882(SPEAKING IN SPANISH)72100:36:31,120 --> 00:36:33,407(IN ENGLISH)You never accept that it's your fault.72200:36:33,600 --> 00:36:35,921You never talk about your feelings.72300:36:36,120 --> 00:36:40,489It's like being in lovewith some tiny little brick wall.72400:36:41,920 --> 00:36:43,490How the hell you understand her?72500:36:43,720 --> 00:36:45,324- I don't know. It's really hard.- I don't.72600:36:45,520 --> 00:36:47,887I usually don't even knowwhat she's talking about.72700:36:48,080 --> 00:36:50,242But we use body language.72800:36:52,840 --> 00:36:54,649That's bullshit. I'm calling the cops.72900:36:54,840 --> 00:36:57,366- Don't do that.- No! This is outrageous.73000:36:57,560 --> 00:36:58,686No, no, no.73100:36:59,760 --> 00:37:01,888This is Rachel profiling.73200:37:02,280 --> 00:37:05,762- What?- I can't be a doctor because I am Colombian?73300:37:05,960 --> 00:37:09,965Uh-huh. And I can't be a lesbianbecause she's so unattractive...73400:37:10,200 --> 00:37:14,762and she has a mustacheand talks like some tiny little robot?73500:37:15,000 --> 00:37:18,686Well, let me tell you something: She's my tiny little weird robot.73600:37:19,600 --> 00:37:21,523- And I love her.- What are you doing?73700:37:21,760 --> 00:37:23,205Wait, what are you doing?73800:37:23,400 --> 00:37:27,007Trying to show him I love you. I'mdistracting him so he won't call the cops!73900:37:27,200 --> 00:37:28,361- Mm.- Mm-hm, mm-hm.74000:37:28,600 --> 00:37:30,967(MOANING)74100:37:33,640 --> 00:37:36,120- Kiss me. Kiss me. Men love this.- Okay.74200:37:37,680 --> 00:37:40,763Yeah, I need to reporttwo suspicious women on my property.74300:37:40,960 --> 00:37:42,371- It's not working!- Act sexy!74400:37:42,560 --> 00:37:43,971- Okay! Sexy.- Come, come.74500:37:44,160 --> 00:37:46,401- Oh, yeah! Pull my hair. I like that! Yeah!- Ha-ha-ha.74600:37:46,600 --> 00:37:49,251Yeah, I love itwhen you pull my hair like that.74700:37:49,440 --> 00:37:50,851I feel so sexy.74800:38:05,960 --> 00:38:07,405(GUNSHOT THEN SCREAMING)74900:38:07,600 --> 00:38:09,762(STUTTERING) My finger! Oh, God!75000:38:10, 440--> 00:38:11, 726Aku melakukan ini bukan hanya Cooper.75100:38:11, 920--> 00:38:13, 729Cooper Anda... Anda Cooper apa?75200:38:14, 000--> 00:38:16, 480Mana itu?Itu harus berada di sini di suatu tempat.75300:38:16, 680--> 00:38:19, 286Aku tidak percaya hal ini terjadi lagi!75400:38:19, 520--> 00:38:21, 807-Aku harus menemukan jari!-Kami harus keluar dari sini!75500:38:22, 000--> 00:38:23, 490(ORANG MENANGIS)75600:38:24, 880--> 00:38:25, 927(WHIMPERS)75700:38:26, 120--> 00:38:28, 009Doggy buruk. Apa yang Anda lakukan?75800:38:28, 880--> 00:38:31, 565-Oh, tidak ada.-Hannibal!75900:38:31, 760--> 00:38:33, 285Saya mendapatkan sakit sekarang.76000:38:33, 480--> 00:38:35, 403-Hannibal.- Laki-laki: Aku hanya makan Anda!76100:38:35, 600--> 00:38:38, 001Aku akan memberimuHeimlich, baiklah?76200:38:38, 200--> 00:38:40, 089Ini adalah di mana aku pergi ke!76300:38:40, 280--> 00:38:42, 601Ini adalah tanganku banjo!76400:38:44, 040--> 00:38:46, 805Anjing tidak memiliki jari.76500:38:47, 240--> 00:38:48, 287Apa?76600:38:49, 080--> 00:38:50, 127Deden: anjing...76700:38:51, 160 00:38:53, 731-->tidak memiliki jari!76800:38:54, 960--> 00:38:56, 769Hal ini di rambut saya!76900:38:57, 720--> 00:38:58, 801(NAPAS)77000:38:58, 960--> 00:39:00, 246(TERTAWA)77100:39:01, 120--> 00:39:02, 690(TERENGAH-ENGAH)77200:39:03, 480--> 00:39:04, 766(BERBICARA DALAM BAHASA SPANYOL)77300:39:05,760 --> 00:39:08,969Okay! You have two choices: Youcan stay here and mess with us...77400:39:09,200 --> 00:39:13,046or take this to the hospital, have itreattached and shake with a full set.77500:39:14,080 --> 00:39:15,127Hey, come on!77600:39:15,640 --> 00:39:16,926Slow down!77700:39:17,720 --> 00:39:20,644- Hold on, you're going too fast.- You would be able to keep up...77800:39:20,840 --> 00:39:23,047if you hadn't bought another pairof stripper shoes.77900:39:23,400 --> 00:39:26,085And do not think that I forgotyou tried to escape.78000:39:26,280 --> 00:39:29,363I can't believe I bought that stupidshoe story about your brother.78100:39:29,560 --> 00:39:31,608He's probablyan investment banker in Miami.78200:39:31,920 --> 00:39:35,561That I tried to escapedoesn't mean that the story's not true.78300:39:35,760 --> 00:39:38,047And I came back to save you...78400:39:38,240 --> 00:39:39,571so you're welcome!78500:39:39,760 --> 00:39:41,683I am not saying thank you!78600:39:43,520 --> 00:39:44,681I don't think...78700:39:44,880 --> 00:39:46,723I don't think I can make it.78800:39:47,800 --> 00:39:49,325Oh, you are gonna make it.78900:39:49,520 --> 00:39:51,761I woke up this morningand my partner was killed.79000:39:51,960 --> 00:39:54,645I have been set up, shot at,and hunted down.79100:39:54,840 --> 00:39:57,684Beberapa pria yang ditembak mati jarinya,dan aku mencoba untuk Heimlich anjingnya.79200:39:57, 880--> 00:39:59, 723Aku membiarkan Anda mendapatkan kedua dasar dengan saya...79300:39:59, 920--> 00:40:02, 366atau mungkin ketiga.Aku belum pernah jelas tentang hal itu.79400:40:02, 560--> 00:40:03, 891Mohon tempat dekat Dallas...79500:40:04, 080--> 00:40:07, 801dan polisi akan menangkap kitasetiap menit. Sekarang bergerak bokongmu.79600:40:09, 840--> 00:40:11, 285Ugh.79700:40:18, 960--> 00:40:20, 371Kunci. Aku punya kunci.79800:40:21, 240--> 00:40:22, 571Terima kasih Tuhan.79900:40:43, 000--> 00:40:44, 968Desnalgada, Anda akan membunuh kita!80000:40:45, 160 00:40:47, 447-->Membuka jendela atau menempatkan beberapa musik.80100:40:47, 640--> 00:40:48, 687-Oke.-Yee.80200:40:50, 560--> 00:40:54, 121REPORTER: para DPO perempuan duaApakah masih pada lam. Polisi yang...80300:40:54, 800--> 00:40:57, 326(WARTAWAN BERBICARA DALAM BAHASA SPANYOL)80400:40:58, 600--> 00:40:59, 965("ROSE GARDEN" BERMAIN LEBIH DARI RADIO)80500:41:02, 320--> 00:41:05, 961Saya tidak pernah menjanjikan Anda sebuah kebun mawar.80600:41:06, 320--> 00:41:09, 722Bersama dengan sinar matahari.80700:41:09, 920--> 00:41:13, 322Ada harus menjadi sedikit hujan kadang-kadang80800:41:14, 120--> 00:41:15, 281(HUMS KEMUDIAN BERHENTI MUSIK)80900:41:17, 040--> 00:41:19, 202Hei. Aku bernama setelah lagu itu.81000:41:19, 400--> 00:41:21, 164Oh, jadi nama Anda adalah "Buruk Song"?
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