easy indeed want us to live together. all because of love among us. Mo terjemahan - easy indeed want us to live together. all because of love among us. Mo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

easy indeed want us to live togethe

easy indeed want us to live together. all because of love among us. Moreover, we already have offspring.
I've given you a long time for you to prove how big your same seriousness of our relationship.
don't just because we want to continue to live together at the expense of others, it's the same thing we are happy over the agony of others.
Why don't you find out and the course according to law in order to settle in indonesia
Why do you throw away a long time and thus is an opportunity you

As for some reason which makes a person interested to carry out marriages, namely:
1. Expect a treasure this view does not constitute a healthy Outlook, especially arising from the groom
It would drop him for being under the influence of women and children.
2. due to heredity, caste or nationality When this factor which makes the expectations, then it will not provide a means to avail as well.
But they also can't deny that at this moment also there are still people who looked at the position and degree is more important.
Otherwise it is equivalent to fear in social life in 2012.

Do not let marriage be trade because of infatuation by his good looks/beauty, success, possessions, etc.
The marriage simply by virtue of lust (infatuation) more often ended in divorce.
Because there is no guarantee that remain, such as event bubbling water or flashes in the sky.
Make the marriage as a charity to reproduce fields and dig science.

Not a few people imagine that different country wedding or marriage to a foreigner is a thing that is very difficult.
because of the,,,,
various problems often accompany him. said that from the start, the long distance relationship agree's parents.
the foster household, parenting and family responsibilities.
Not to mention differences in language, culture, lifestyle and mindset that is obvious.
It seems to be more complicated if the Affairs of wedlock was drawn further into the issue of immigration, prenup, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (domestic violence),
the challenge of State (policy, regulation and legislation), the public as well as from within his own family.

Choose life partner –
men as well as women — indeed the consideration need to really mature.
The initial intention and purpose of marriage should be arranged and understood correctly.
same thing her myself I want to get married once in my life. If you want me and my life come to my place and settled in indonesia.
Age 18 (eighteen) years of age or already married;
At the time of filing the petition already residing in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia the shortest 5 (five) consecutive years or at least 10 (ten) short years not consecutive;
Healthy physical and spiritual;
Speak Indonesia and recognizes the basic State of Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945;
Never imposed a criminal for committing a criminal offence who were threatened with imprisonment of 1 (one) year or more;
If by acquiring Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, did not become a citizen of double;
Having a job and/or fixed income; and
Pay the money to the nationality of the State Treasury.
Make application in writing in the language of Indonesia legal enough on paper to the Head Office of The Department of law and human rights REPUBLIC of INDONESIA or representative in foreign countries with at least contain:
Full name;
Place and date of birth;
Address of the place of stay;
The Nationality Of The Applicant;
The full name of husband or wife;
Place and date of birth, as well as husband or wife;
Citizenship of the husband or the wife.
10. the petition enclosed with:
Copy of applicant's birth certificate quote passed by the competent authority;
Mark Population Card copy or certificate of residence applicants who passed by the competent authority;
Copy birth certificate quote and Sign Card Of a citizen of Indonesia applicant's husband or wife who is authorized by the competent authority;
Copy the quotation certificate of marriage/licenses of the applicant and the husband or wife who is authorized by the competent authority;
Certificate from housing Office of immigration applicants assert that the applicant has been residing in Indonesia the shortest 5 (five) consecutive years or at least 10 (ten) short years not consecutive;
Affidavits of police from police records in the applicant's residence;
Affidavits from the Applicant State representatives explained that after the applicant acquired the Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, he lost his citizenship to the country concerned;
A written statement that the applicant will each to the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, and will be defending it in earnest and will run the obligations laid upon the State as a citizen of Indonesia with a heartfelt and sincere, and
The applicant's latest photo color 4 x 6 size as 6 (six) pieces.
That Is, The
decided to live with a loved one, not simply resting on the outward aspect.
There is actually more important than that, namely religion.
The facts on the ground indicate that (prospective) spouse's different faiths still have difficulties to realize their dreams is married to different religious pattern.
A number of the Government's policy that if we understand actually gives space,
even a guarantee to them, but it does not apply to the technical institution in the lower level as the Religious Affairs Office (KUA)
as well as The population and the civil registry.
Even the barriers for prospective spouse's different religions have encountered when about to take care of the documents on level wedding RT, RW, and Wards.
This shows that different religious marriage still hasn't got a ' proper place ' in our country which is plural
and uphold this philosophy Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

now for my husband's chosen candidate profile photo Adolf Hitler, his thoughts, his hard work and his love.
under the leadership of hitler they were able to rise from slump after defeat in World War I.
at the very least examples of his unyielding attitude.

so from now I'm affirming same you never again harass my life. I want quiet, I want to be happy at my spouse that you substitute in my heart.
Let our story so beautiful memories, later in a long time you can pay a visit to your country if you want to see the development of our children.
Don't be afraid of my husband's equal in the future. He thought his broad and wise in taking decisions. This is all also infusion of he (my husband's nominee)
so please remove the jealousy you from now on. haven't we will be happy if the people we love are the same person right
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
easy indeed want us to live together. all because of love among us. Moreover, we already have offspring.I've given you a long time for you to prove how big your same seriousness of our relationship.don't just because we want to continue to live together at the expense of others, it's the same thing we are happy over the agony of others.Why don't you find out and the course according to law in order to settle in indonesiaWhy do you throw away a long time and thus is an opportunity youAs for some reason which makes a person interested to carry out marriages, namely:1. Expect a treasure this view does not constitute a healthy Outlook, especially arising from the groomIt would drop him for being under the influence of women and children.2. due to heredity, caste or nationality When this factor which makes the expectations, then it will not provide a means to avail as well.But they also can't deny that at this moment also there are still people who looked at the position and degree is more important.Otherwise it is equivalent to fear in social life in 2012.Do not let marriage be trade because of infatuation by his good looks/beauty, success, possessions, etc.The marriage simply by virtue of lust (infatuation) more often ended in divorce.Because there is no guarantee that remain, such as event bubbling water or flashes in the sky.Make the marriage as a charity to reproduce fields and dig science.Not a few people imagine that different country wedding or marriage to a foreigner is a thing that is very difficult.because of the,,,,various problems often accompany him. said that from the start, the long distance relationship agree's parents.the foster household, parenting and family responsibilities.Not to mention differences in language, culture, lifestyle and mindset that is obvious.It seems to be more complicated if the Affairs of wedlock was drawn further into the issue of immigration, prenup, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (domestic violence),the challenge of State (policy, regulation and legislation), the public as well as from within his own family.Choose life partner –men as well as women — indeed the consideration need to really mature.The initial intention and purpose of marriage should be arranged and understood correctly.same thing her myself I want to get married once in my life. If you want me and my life come to my place and settled in indonesia.THE REQUIREMENT APPLICATION OF CITIZENSHIP (NATURALIZATION)Age 18 (eighteen) years of age or already married;At the time of filing the petition already residing in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia the shortest 5 (five) consecutive years or at least 10 (ten) short years not consecutive;Healthy physical and spiritual;Speak Indonesia and recognizes the basic State of Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945;Never imposed a criminal for committing a criminal offence who were threatened with imprisonment of 1 (one) year or more;
If by acquiring Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, did not become a citizen of double;
Having a job and/or fixed income; and
Pay the money to the nationality of the State Treasury.
Make application in writing in the language of Indonesia legal enough on paper to the Head Office of The Department of law and human rights REPUBLIC of INDONESIA or representative in foreign countries with at least contain:
Full name;
Place and date of birth;
Address of the place of stay;
The Nationality Of The Applicant;
The full name of husband or wife;
Place and date of birth, as well as husband or wife;
Citizenship of the husband or the wife.
10. the petition enclosed with:
Copy of applicant's birth certificate quote passed by the competent authority;
Mark Population Card copy or certificate of residence applicants who passed by the competent authority;
Copy birth certificate quote and Sign Card Of a citizen of Indonesia applicant's husband or wife who is authorized by the competent authority;
Copy the quotation certificate of marriage/licenses of the applicant and the husband or wife who is authorized by the competent authority;
Certificate from housing Office of immigration applicants assert that the applicant has been residing in Indonesia the shortest 5 (five) consecutive years or at least 10 (ten) short years not consecutive;
Affidavits of police from police records in the applicant's residence;
Affidavits from the Applicant State representatives explained that after the applicant acquired the Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, he lost his citizenship to the country concerned;
A written statement that the applicant will each to the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, and will be defending it in earnest and will run the obligations laid upon the State as a citizen of Indonesia with a heartfelt and sincere, and
The applicant's latest photo color 4 x 6 size as 6 (six) pieces.
That Is, The
decided to live with a loved one, not simply resting on the outward aspect.
There is actually more important than that, namely religion.
The facts on the ground indicate that (prospective) spouse's different faiths still have difficulties to realize their dreams is married to different religious pattern.
A number of the Government's policy that if we understand actually gives space,
even a guarantee to them, but it does not apply to the technical institution in the lower level as the Religious Affairs Office (KUA)
as well as The population and the civil registry.
Even the barriers for prospective spouse's different religions have encountered when about to take care of the documents on level wedding RT, RW, and Wards.
This shows that different religious marriage still hasn't got a ' proper place ' in our country which is plural
and uphold this philosophy Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

now for my husband's chosen candidate profile photo Adolf Hitler, his thoughts, his hard work and his love.
under the leadership of hitler they were able to rise from slump after defeat in World War I.
at the very least examples of his unyielding attitude.

so from now I'm affirming same you never again harass my life. I want quiet, I want to be happy at my spouse that you substitute in my heart.
Let our story so beautiful memories, later in a long time you can pay a visit to your country if you want to see the development of our children.
Don't be afraid of my husband's equal in the future. He thought his broad and wise in taking decisions. This is all also infusion of he (my husband's nominee)
so please remove the jealousy you from now on. haven't we will be happy if the people we love are the same person right
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
mudah memang ingin kita hidup bersama. semua karena cinta di antara kita. Selain itu, kami sudah keturunan.
Saya sudah memberikan waktu lama bagi Anda untuk membuktikan seberapa besar keseriusan yang sama Anda dari hubungan kami.
tidak hanya karena kita ingin terus hidup bersama dengan mengorbankan orang lain, itu hal yang sama kami senang atas penderitaan orang lain.
Mengapa kau tidak mencari tahu dan tentu saja menurut hukum untuk menetap di Indonesia
Mengapa Anda membuang waktu yang lama dan dengan demikian adalah kesempatan Anda Adapun beberapa alasan yang membuat seseorang tertarik untuk melakukan pernikahan, yaitu: 1. Mengharapkan harta pandangan ini bukan merupakan Outlook sehat, terutama yang timbul dari pengantin pria itu akan menurunkannya karena di bawah pengaruh wanita dan anak-anak. 2. karena faktor keturunan, kasta atau kebangsaan Ketika faktor ini yang membuat harapan, maka tidak akan menyediakan sarana untuk memanfaatkan juga. Tapi mereka juga tidak bisa menyangkal bahwa pada saat ini juga masih ada orang yang melihat posisi dan gelar lebih penting. Jika tidak setara dengan takut dalam kehidupan sosial di tahun 2012. Jangan biarkan pernikahan menjadi perdagangan karena tergila-gila dengan kebaikannya penampilan / kecantikan, kesuksesan, harta, dll Pernikahan hanya berdasarkan nafsu (tergila-gila) lebih sering berakhir dengan perceraian. Karena tidak ada jaminan yang tetap, seperti acara menggelegak air atau berkedip di langit. Membuat pernikahan sebagai amal untuk mereproduksi bidang dan menggali ilmu. Tidak sedikit orang membayangkan bahwa negara yang berbeda pernikahan atau perkawinan untuk orang asing adalah hal yang sangat sulit. karena ,,,, berbagai masalah sering menemaninya. mengatakan bahwa dari awal, hubungan jarak jauh setuju orang tua itu. rumah tangga, pengasuhan dan tanggung jawab keluarga asuh. Belum lagi perbedaan bahasa, budaya, gaya hidup dan pola pikir yang jelas. Ini tampaknya lebih rumit jika Urusan nikah adalah ditarik lebih jauh ke dalam masalah imigrasi, perjanjian pranikah, KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGA (KDRT), tantangan Negara (kebijakan, peraturan dan perundang-undangan), masyarakat maupun dari dalam keluarga sendiri. Pilih pasangan hidup - laki-laki maupun perempuan - memang pertimbangan harus benar-benar matang. Tujuan awal dan tujuan pernikahan harus diatur dan dipahami dengan benar. Hal yang sama dia sendiri saya ingin menikah sekali dalam hidup saya. Jika Anda ingin saya dan hidup saya datang ke tempat saya dan menetap di Indonesia. KEWAJIBAN APLIKASI KEWARGANEGARAAN (naturalisasi) Usia 18 (delapan belas) tahun atau sudah menikah; Pada saat pengajuan permohonan sudah bertempat tinggal di wilayah Republik Indonesia 5 (lima) tahun berturut-turut terpendek atau setidaknya 10 (sepuluh) tahun tidak berturut-turut pendek; Sehat jasmani dan rohani; Berbahasa Indonesia dan mengakui Negara dasar Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945; Tidak pernah dikenakan penjahat untuk melakukan tindak pidana yang diancam dengan pidana penjara 1 (satu) tahun atau lebih; ​​Jika dengan memperoleh Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia, tidak menjadi warga negara ganda; Memiliki pekerjaan dan / atau pendapatan tetap; dan Membayar uang untuk kewarganegaraan dari Kas Negara. Membuat aplikasi secara tertulis dalam bahasa Indonesia cukup hukum di atas kertas ke Kantor Kepala Departemen Hukum dan HAM REPUBLIK INDONESIA atau perwakilan di luar negeri dengan paling sedikit memuat: nama lengkap; Tempat dan tanggal lahir; Alamat tempat tinggal; The Kebangsaan Of Pemohon; Nama lengkap dari suami atau istri; Tempat dan tanggal lahir, serta suami atau istri; Kewarganegaraan dari suami atau istri . 10. petisi tertutup dengan: Fotokopi kutipan akte kelahiran pemohon yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang; Mark Kartu Penduduk menyalin atau sertifikat pelamar tinggal yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang; Copy kutipan akte kelahiran dan Masuk Card Of warga suami Indonesia pemohon atau istri yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang; Salin sertifikat kutip perkawinan / izin dari pemohon dan suami atau istri yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang; Surat Keterangan dari Kantor perumahan pelamar imigrasi menyatakan bahwa pemohon telah bertempat tinggal di Indonesia 5 terpendek (lima) tahun berturut-turut atau paling singkat 10 (sepuluh) tahun yang singkat tidak berturut-turut; keterangan tertulis polisi dari catatan polisi di pemohon tinggal; keterangan tertulis dari perwakilan Pemohon Negara menjelaskan bahwa setelah pemohon memperoleh Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia, ia kehilangan kewarganegaraan ke negara yang bersangkutan; Sebuah pernyataan tertulis bahwa pemohon akan masing-masing untuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945, dan akan mempertahankannya dengan sungguh-sungguh dan akan menjalankan kewajiban diletakkan pada Negara sebagai warga negara Indonesia dengan sepenuh hati dan tulus, dan pemohon warna foto terbaru 4 x 6 ukuran sebagai 6 (enam) buah. Itu adalah, The memutuskan untuk hidup dengan orang yang dicintai, tidak hanya bertumpu pada aspek lahiriah . Ada sebenarnya lebih penting dari itu, yaitu agama. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan yang berbeda (calon) pasangan masih mengalami kesulitan untuk mewujudkan impian mereka menikah dengan pola agama yang berbeda. Sejumlah kebijakan Pemerintah bahwa jika kita memahami benar memberikan ruang, bahkan jaminan kepada mereka, tetapi tidak berlaku untuk instansi teknis di tingkat yang lebih rendah sebagai Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) serta populasi dan catatan sipil. Bahkan hambatan untuk agama yang berbeda calon pasangan ini telah mengalami ketika hendak mengurus dokumen di tingkat pernikahan RT, RW, dan Kelurahan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pernikahan agama yang berbeda masih belum mendapat 'tempat yang tepat' di negara kita yang plural dan menjunjung tinggi filosofi ini Bhineka Tunggal Ika. sekarang ke suami saya profil calon yang dipilih foto Adolf Hitler, pikirannya, kerja keras dan kasih-Nya. bawah kepemimpinan hitler mereka mampu bangkit dari keterpurukan setelah kalah dalam Perang Dunia I. di contoh paling tidak sikap pantang menyerah nya. jadi dari sekarang aku menegaskan sama Anda tidak pernah lagi mengusik hidup saya. Saya ingin tenang, aku ingin bahagia di pasangan saya yang menggantikan dalam hati saya. Biarkan cerita kita kenangan begitu indah, kemudian dalam waktu yang lama Anda bisa berkunjung ke negara Anda jika Anda ingin melihat perkembangan anak-anak kita. Jangan takut suami saya sama di masa depan. Dia pikir nya yang luas dan bijaksana dalam mengambil keputusan. Ini semua juga infus dia (calon suami saya) jadi silakan menghapus cemburu Anda dari sekarang. belum kami akan senang jika orang yang kita cintai adalah sama orang yang tepat

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