Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in this studybelonged to t terjemahan - Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in this studybelonged to t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains

Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in this study
belonged to the E-A, CAS, EAI and Beijing lineages. Epidemiologically,
the most important type within the E-A
lineage was SIT 149 (T3-ETH). This strain is isolated frequently
in Ethiopia and among Ethiopian immigrants in
Denmark (SpolDB4,
bd_myco.html; Brudey et al. 2006). The CAS lineage is primarily
found in East Africa (including this study area;
SpolDB4; Groenheit et al. 2011), North India and Pakistan,
reflecting intercontinental human migration (Gagneux et al.
2006; Gagneux and Small 2007). Identification of strains of
the EAI lineage among the pastoralists is interesting since
this lineage has not yet been reported from the north and
central Ethiopia. Its presence among the southern Ethiopian
pastoralists may be explained by a closer contact with pastoral
communities in Somalia and Kenya, where the EAI
lineage has been described previously (SpolDB4; Brudey
et al. 2006), rather than contacts of people from the northern
and the central highlands of Ethiopia (Gutacker et al. 2006).
Further investigation is required to determine the epidemiological
significance of the Beijing strain noted in this study.
In Africa, isolates of the Beijing lineage are most common in
Southern Africa but occurs sporadically in East Africa as well
(Groenheit et al. 2011). The M. bovis isolates from human
pulmonary TB patients matched with both the dominant
spoligotype of the animal isolates in the area (SB0133) and
with SB0303, which has been isolated from cattle in central
Ethiopia and in other countries of East Africa (Berg et al.
2011), thus indicating cattle-to-human transmission. All
M. bovis isolates collected in this study had spacers 3–7
missing, a spoligotype feature that serves as a marker for
strains belonging to the African 2 lineage of M. bovis that is
highly prevalent in East Africa (Berg et al. 2011). It is therefore
likely that the M. bovis isolates of this study belong to the
African 2 lineage but further typing is needed for final categorization.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in this studybelonged to the E-A, CAS, EAI and Beijing lineages. Epidemiologically,the most important type within the E-Alineage was SIT 149 (T3-ETH). This strain is isolated frequentlyin Ethiopia and among Ethiopian immigrants inDenmark (SpolDB4,; Brudey et al. 2006). The CAS lineage is primarilyfound in East Africa (including this study area;SpolDB4; Groenheit et al. 2011), North India and Pakistan,reflecting intercontinental human migration (Gagneux et al.2006; Gagneux and Small 2007). Identification of strains ofthe EAI lineage among the pastoralists is interesting sincethis lineage has not yet been reported from the north andcentral Ethiopia. Its presence among the southern Ethiopianpastoralists may be explained by a closer contact with pastoralcommunities in Somalia and Kenya, where the EAIlineage has been described previously (SpolDB4; Brudeyet al. 2006), rather than contacts of people from the northernand the central highlands of Ethiopia (Gutacker et al. 2006).Further investigation is required to determine the epidemiologicalsignificance of the Beijing strain noted in this study.In Africa, isolates of the Beijing lineage are most common inSouthern Africa but occurs sporadically in East Africa as well(Groenheit et al. 2011). The M. bovis isolates from humanpulmonary TB patients matched with both the dominantspoligotype hewan mengisolasi di daerah (SB0133) dandengan SB0303, yang telah diisolasi dari ternak di centralEthiopia dan di negara-negara lain di Afrika Timur (Berg et al.2011), dengan demikian menunjukkan ternak-ke-manusia. SemuaM. bovis isolat yang dikumpulkan dalam studi ini telah spacer 3 – 7hilang, fitur spoligotype yang berfungsi sebagai penanda untukstrain milik keturunan Afrika 2 M. bovis yangsangat umum di Afrika Timur (Berg et al. 2011). Oleh karena itukemungkinan bahwa M. bovis isolat dari studi ini milikKeturunan Afrika 2 tapi mengetik lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk akhir kategorisasi.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis terisolasi dalam penelitian ini
milik EA, CAS, EAI dan Beijing garis keturunan. Epidemiologis,
jenis yang paling penting dalam EA
keturunan adalah SIT 149 (T3-ETH). Regangan ini sering diisolasi
di Ethiopia dan di antara imigran Ethiopia di
Denmark (SpolDB4,
bd_myco.html; Brudey et al 2006.). Silsilah CAS terutama
ditemukan di Afrika Timur (termasuk daerah penelitian ini;
SpolDB4; Groenheit et al 2011.), India Utara dan Pakistan,
yang mencerminkan migrasi manusia antarbenua (Gagneux et al.
2006; Gagneux dan Kecil 2007). Identifikasi strain
silsilah EAI antara penggembala menarik karena
garis keturunan ini belum dilaporkan dari utara dan
tengah Ethiopia. Kehadirannya di antara Ethiopia selatan
penggembala dapat dijelaskan oleh hubungan yang lebih dekat dengan pastoral
masyarakat di Somalia dan Kenya, di mana EAI
keturunan telah dijelaskan sebelumnya (SpolDB4; Brudey
et al 2006.), Daripada kontak orang dari utara
dan dataran tinggi tengah Ethiopia (Gutacker et al. 2006).
Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menentukan epidemiologi
pentingnya strain Beijing mencatat dalam penelitian ini.
Di Afrika, isolat dari garis keturunan Beijing yang paling umum di
Afrika Selatan tetapi terjadi secara sporadis di Afrika Timur serta
(Groenheit et al. 2011). M. bovis isolat dari manusia
pasien TB paru cocok dengan kedua dominan
spoligotype hewan isolat di daerah (SB0133) dan
dengan SB0303, yang telah diisolasi dari sapi di pusat
Ethiopia dan di negara-negara lain di Afrika Timur (Berg et al .
2011), yang mengindikasikan ternak ke manusia transmisi. Semua
M. bovis isolat dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini memiliki spacer 3-7
hilang, fitur spoligotype yang berfungsi sebagai penanda untuk
strain milik Afrika 2 keturunan M. bovis yang
sangat lazim di Afrika Timur (Berg et al. 2011). Oleh karena itu
kemungkinan bahwa M. bovis isolat dari penelitian ini milik
Afrika 2 keturunan tapi mengetik lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk kategorisasi akhir.
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Bahasa lainnya
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