Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Bukanlah Keluarga, klan tidak, kita bisa juga dalam?" Usia menengah jubah ungu pahit dan astringent, adalah melihat Tuhan keenam gunung dan laut, mengungkapkan sangat menyesal bahwa ia berkenalan selama sepuluh ribu tahun dengan Tuhan keenam dari gunung dan laut, memiliki persahabatan yang besar, tetapi sekarang, adalah benar-benar begitu hasilnya."Seal yang Anda katakan bahwa walaupun benar-benar ada, mungkin tidak memiliki sarana De Cang sana, yang tidak contoh!" Usia menengah jubah ungu, sekali lagi untuk membuka mulut."De Cang? Ia menggenggam reinkarnasi, keempat Gunung memiliki paling istimewa, karena itu dia dengan bantuan kekuatan reinkarnasi, dapat menghindari 33 hari Seal, menjadi bersama-sama, tapak Enter sumber Dao! ""Namun seluruh pegunungan dan laut pesawat, kecuali dia, tetapi juga yang? Tidak memiliki, tidak memiliki siapa pun lagi, dapat menginjak Enter Dao!""Hanya jika orang-orang beberapa lama ini, ketika ini orang kemerosotan vitalitas, meletus adalah ukiran kehidupan memotong, ada menggunakan apa!""Namun tua itu, asalkan telah dipisahkan dari pegunungan dan laut pesawat, begitu lama sebagai menjadi 33 hari dari elastis dengan beralih, bahkan jika kehilangan status, bahkan jika kehilangan kebebasan, tapi... Memiliki besar Dao!""Tidak menggunakan banyak, beberapa ribu tahun kemudian, pegunungan dan laut pesawat tidak lagi, tapi orang tua juga, dan setidaknya juga Dao Senior, jika kebetulan kesempatan, prestasi Paragon posisi, dalam 33 hari, ada ruang kecil tua!" Keenam Tuhan gunung dan laut, orang tua, tertawa.In his laughter, the purple robe middle age is silent, is even more bitter and astringent, his Cultivation revolves rapidly, may actually the mutual lack of understanding, preventing him to step into six source boundaries.Such situation, is not one time two, in fact ten thousand years ago, he had the qualifications of breakthrough, but ten thousand years of attempt, impact time and time again, is unable to succeed throughout.Even if at this moment, he puts together completely all, setting in deathtrap, is unable to trade the breakthrough of Cultivation, 33 seals, exist throughout, suppression imperceptibly, is 33 days of rampant capital.Alien race Dao Senior clone laughs at this moment, in the smiling face is bringing cruelly, the ridicule are more, he looks at present these two Lord of the Mountain and Sea remnantly, looks that some people revolt, some people try to break through, look at two people's conversations, he is very happy.In his memory, the immortal who that once kept aloof, now the life and death in an instant, this matter, for him is biggest enjoyment.„Choice pledges allegiance to my 33 days of cultivation, will have the qualifications of Cultivation breakthrough, dark blue Fellow Daoist, perhaps soon, you can treat as an equal with me.” This alien race Dao Senior clone looks with a smile to that sixth Lord of the Mountain and Sea.„Built up this person, you swallowed mountain and sea pill, helping our 33 days of slaughter extinguish Mountains and Seas Plane, you have made the great merit.”That sixth Lord of the Mountain and Sea breathes deeply, innermost feelings bring to be complex and inspired, holds the fist in the other hand toward alien race Dao Senior does obeisance.Ka in the sound, purple robe middle age all around light screen, started the disruption, the purple robe middle age mirthless smile, he was defeated once more.„Already said with you, you are impossible to succeed, is impenetrably thickheaded, this Mountains and Seas Plane, except for De Cang, does not have the second person again, can become Dao Senior!” The sixth Lord of the Mountain and Sea big sleeve flings, has been ready that must swallow, his item, sneers to open mouth.Instance that but spreads in his words, suddenly, an ice-cold sound, suddenly in this side starry sky, instantaneous reverberation.„You said that except for De Cang, nobody can become Dao Senior again?”Sudden that this sound presents, let alone this sixth Lord of the Mountain and Sea, even if that alien race Dao Senior clone, before then does not have the least bit to realize, this moment one, this alien race Dao Senior facial color big change, fierce turning head.Sixth Lord of the Mountain and Sea was also startled, whole body Cultivation has thundered, turned around instantaneously.
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