(4) The lawful destruction of any animal for the purposes of protectin terjemahan - (4) The lawful destruction of any animal for the purposes of protectin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

(4) The lawful destruction of any a

(4) The lawful destruction of any animal for the purposes of protecting the public, other
animals, property, or the public health.
(5) The physical alteration of livestock or poultry for the purpose of conforming with
breed or show standards.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-360.1 (2013). Immunity for veterinarian reporting animal cruelty.
Any veterinarian licensed in this State who has reasonable cause to believe that an animal has
been the subject of animal cruelty in violation of G.S. 14-360 and who makes a report of animal
cruelty, or who participates in any investigation or testifies in any judicial proceeding that arises
from a report of animal cruelty, shall be immune from civil liability, criminal liability, and
liability from professional disciplinary action and shall not be in breach of any veterinarianpatient
confidentiality, unless the veterinarian acted in bad faith or with a malicious purpose. It
shall be a rebuttable presumption that the veterinarian acted in good faith. A failure by a
veterinarian to make a report of animal cruelty shall not constitute grounds for disciplinary action
under G.S. 90-187.8.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-361 (2013). Instigating or promoting cruelty to animals.
If any person shall willfully set on foot, or instigate, or move to, carry on, or promote, or engage
in, or do any act towards the furtherance of any act of cruelty to any animal, he shall be guilty of
a Class 1 misdemeanor.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-361.1 (2013). Abandonment of animals.
Any person being the owner or possessor, or having charge or custody of an animal, who
willfully and without justifiable excuse abandons the animal is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-362 (2013). Cockfighting.
A person who instigates, promotes, conducts, is employed at, allows property under his
ownership or control to be used for, participates as a spectator at, or profits from an exhibition
featuring the fighting of a cock is guilty of a Class I felony. A lease of property that is used or is
intended to be used for an exhibition featuring the fighting of a cock is void, and a lessor who
knows this use is made or is intended to be made of his property is under a duty to evict the
lessee immediately.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
(4) pemusnahan sah hewan untuk keperluan melindungi publik lainnya
binatang, properti, atau health.
(5) umum perubahan fisik ternak atau unggas untuk sesuai dengan
berkembang biak atau menunjukkan standar.
N. C kejadian Manzanar § 14-360.1 (2013). Kekebalan untuk dokter hewan pelaporan kekejaman binatang.
Setiap dokter hewan berlisensi di negara ini yang telah menimbulkan wajar untuk percaya bahwa binatang memiliki
menjadi subjek kekejaman binatang melanggar GS 14-360 dan yang membuat laporan hewan
kekejaman, atau yang berpartisipasi dalam penyidikan atau bersaksi dalam persidangan yudisial manapun yang muncul
dari sebuah laporan dari kekejaman terhadap hewan, akan kebal dari tanggung jawab perdata, tanggung jawab pidana, dan
tanggung jawab dari tindakan disipliner yang profesional dan tidak akan melanggar veterinarianpatient setiap
kerahasiaan, kecuali dokter hewan bertindak itikad buruk atau dengan tujuan jahat. Itu
akan rebuttable praduga bahwa dokter hewan bertindak itikad baik. Kegagalan oleh
dokter hewan untuk membuat laporan kekejaman binatang tidak dapat alasan untuk tindakan disipliner
di bawah GS 90-187.8.
N. C KEJADIAN MANZANAR § 14-361 (2013). Menghasut atau mempromosikan kekejaman terhadap hewan.
jika setiap orang akan sengaja terletak berjalan kaki, atau menghasut, atau pindah ke, membawa, mempromosikan atau terlibat
, atau melakukan tindakan terhadap pemajuan tindakan kekejaman binatang apapun, ia harus bersalah atas
pelanggaran kelas 1.
N. C kejadian Manzanar § 14-361.1 (2013). Ditinggalkannya hewan.
Setiap orang menjadi pemilik atau pemilik, atau memiliki biaya atau hak asuh binatang, yang
sengaja dan tanpa alasan meninggalkan hewan bersalah atas pelanggaran kelas 2.
N. C kejadian Manzanar § 14-362 (2013). Sabungan.
orang yang instigates, mempromosikan, melakukan, bekerja di, memungkinkan properti di bawah nya
kepemilikan atau kontrol digunakan untuk, berpartisipasi sebagai penonton, atau keuntungan dari sebuah pameran
menampilkan pertempuran ayam bersalah atas kelas saya kejahatan. Sewa properti yang digunakan atau
dimaksudkan untuk digunakan untuk sebuah pameran yang menampilkan pertempuran ayam kekosongan, dan lessor yang
tahu ini menggunakan dibuat atau dimaksudkan untuk dijadikan nya properti berada di bawah kewajiban untuk membatalkan
penyewa segera.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
(4) The lawful destruction of any animal for the purposes of protecting the public, other
animals, property, or the public health.
(5) The physical alteration of livestock or poultry for the purpose of conforming with
breed or show standards.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-360.1 (2013). Immunity for veterinarian reporting animal cruelty.
Any veterinarian licensed in this State who has reasonable cause to believe that an animal has
been the subject of animal cruelty in violation of G.S. 14-360 and who makes a report of animal
cruelty, or who participates in any investigation or testifies in any judicial proceeding that arises
from a report of animal cruelty, shall be immune from civil liability, criminal liability, and
liability from professional disciplinary action and shall not be in breach of any veterinarianpatient
confidentiality, unless the veterinarian acted in bad faith or with a malicious purpose. It
shall be a rebuttable presumption that the veterinarian acted in good faith. A failure by a
veterinarian to make a report of animal cruelty shall not constitute grounds for disciplinary action
under G.S. 90-187.8.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-361 (2013). Instigating or promoting cruelty to animals.
If any person shall willfully set on foot, or instigate, or move to, carry on, or promote, or engage
in, or do any act towards the furtherance of any act of cruelty to any animal, he shall be guilty of
a Class 1 misdemeanor.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-361.1 (2013). Abandonment of animals.
Any person being the owner or possessor, or having charge or custody of an animal, who
willfully and without justifiable excuse abandons the animal is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-362 (2013). Cockfighting.
A person who instigates, promotes, conducts, is employed at, allows property under his
ownership or control to be used for, participates as a spectator at, or profits from an exhibition
featuring the fighting of a cock is guilty of a Class I felony. A lease of property that is used or is
intended to be used for an exhibition featuring the fighting of a cock is void, and a lessor who
knows this use is made or is intended to be made of his property is under a duty to evict the
lessee immediately.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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