Patrick Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in  terjemahan - Patrick Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Patrick Bateman is a wealthy invest

Patrick Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in the late 1980s. His life revolves around dining at trendy restaurants while keeping up appearances for his fiancée, Evelyn, and for his circle of wealthy and shallow associates, most of whom he dislikes. Bateman describes the material accouterments of his lifestyle: his daily morning exercise and beautification routine, his music collection including performers such as Huey Lewis and the News, Phil Collins, and Whitney Houston, his taste for expensive designer clothes, and the lavish couture of his apartment.

Bateman and his associates flaunt their business cards in a display of vanity. Enraged by the superiority of coworker Paul Allen's card, Bateman murders a homeless man and his dog. At a Christmas party, Bateman makes plans to have dinner with Paul, with Paul mistaking Bateman for Marcus Halberstram. Bateman gets Paul drunk and lures him back to his apartment. While playing "Hip to Be Square" on the stereo, explaining to Paul his opinion and understanding of the song, and while wearing a rain coat, Bateman ambushes Paul and murders him with an axe. He disposes of Paul's body, then goes to Paul's apartment to stage the situation so that others believe Paul has run off to London. Bateman is met by Donald Kimball, a detective investigating the disappearance.

Bateman takes two prostitutes, whom he names Christie and Sabrina, to his apartment and lectures them about the improvement he saw in the band Genesis after Phil Collins replaced Peter Gabriel. After they have sex, Bateman tells them to stay. They leave his apartment sexually bruised and bloodied, one requiring surgery.

The next day, Bateman's colleague Luis Carruthers reveals his new business card. Bateman tries to kill Luis in the restroom of an expensive restaurant, but cannot bring himself to strangle him. Luis mistakes the attempted murder for a sexual advance and declares his love for Bateman, who flees in disgust. After murdering a model, Bateman invites his secretary, Jean, to dinner, suggesting she meet him at his apartment for drinks beforehand. When Jean arrives, Bateman, unbeknownst to Jean, holds a nailgun to the back of her head while the two converse. When he receives an answering machine message from his fiancée, he asks Jean to leave. Kimball meets Bateman for lunch and tells him he is not under suspicion.

Bateman has a threesome with Christie and his friend Elizabeth at Paul's apartment. Bateman kills Elizabeth during sex, and Christie runs, discovering multiple female corpses as she searches for an exit. As she is attempting to escape Bateman by running down the stairs of Paul's apartment building, Bateman drops a chainsaw on Christie and murders her.

Bateman breaks off his engagement with Evelyn. That night, as he uses an ATM, he finds a stray kitten; the ATM displays the text "feed me a stray cat". As he prepares to shoot the cat, a woman sees him and tries to stop him; he shoots her and lets the cat go free. A police chase ensues, but Bateman destroys the police cars by shooting their gas tanks. Fleeing to his office, Bateman enters the wrong office building, where he murders a security guard and a janitor. In his office, Bateman calls his lawyer Harold and leaves a lengthy confession on Harold's answering machine.

The following morning, Bateman visits Paul's apartment, expecting it to be full of decomposing bodies, but it is vacant and for sale. The real estate broker tells him to leave. As Bateman goes to meet with his colleagues and lawyer, Jean finds detailed drawings of murder, mutilation, and rape in Bateman's office journal to her horror and sorrow.

Bateman sees Harold at a restaurant and tries to convince him that he is a serial killer. Harold mistakes him for another colleague and laughs off the confession as a joke, saying he had dinner with Paul in London days earlier. Bateman realizes he will continue to escape the punishment he deserves, that there has been no catharsis, and that his confession has meant nothing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Patrick Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in the late 1980s. His life revolves around dining at trendy restaurants while keeping up appearances for his fiancée, Evelyn, and for his circle of wealthy and shallow associates, most of whom he dislikes. Bateman describes the material accouterments of his lifestyle: his daily morning exercise and beautification routine, his music collection including performers such as Huey Lewis and the News, Phil Collins, and Whitney Houston, his taste for expensive designer clothes, and the lavish couture of his apartment.Bateman and his associates flaunt their business cards in a display of vanity. Enraged by the superiority of coworker Paul Allen's card, Bateman murders a homeless man and his dog. At a Christmas party, Bateman makes plans to have dinner with Paul, with Paul mistaking Bateman for Marcus Halberstram. Bateman gets Paul drunk and lures him back to his apartment. While playing "Hip to Be Square" on the stereo, explaining to Paul his opinion and understanding of the song, and while wearing a rain coat, Bateman ambushes Paul and murders him with an axe. He disposes of Paul's body, then goes to Paul's apartment to stage the situation so that others believe Paul has run off to London. Bateman is met by Donald Kimball, a detective investigating the disappearance.Bateman takes two prostitutes, whom he names Christie and Sabrina, to his apartment and lectures them about the improvement he saw in the band Genesis after Phil Collins replaced Peter Gabriel. After they have sex, Bateman tells them to stay. They leave his apartment sexually bruised and bloodied, one requiring surgery.
The next day, Bateman's colleague Luis Carruthers reveals his new business card. Bateman tries to kill Luis in the restroom of an expensive restaurant, but cannot bring himself to strangle him. Luis mistakes the attempted murder for a sexual advance and declares his love for Bateman, who flees in disgust. After murdering a model, Bateman invites his secretary, Jean, to dinner, suggesting she meet him at his apartment for drinks beforehand. When Jean arrives, Bateman, unbeknownst to Jean, holds a nailgun to the back of her head while the two converse. When he receives an answering machine message from his fiancée, he asks Jean to leave. Kimball meets Bateman for lunch and tells him he is not under suspicion.

Bateman has a threesome with Christie and his friend Elizabeth at Paul's apartment. Bateman kills Elizabeth during sex, and Christie runs, discovering multiple female corpses as she searches for an exit. As she is attempting to escape Bateman by running down the stairs of Paul's apartment building, Bateman drops a chainsaw on Christie and murders her.

Bateman breaks off his engagement with Evelyn. That night, as he uses an ATM, he finds a stray kitten; the ATM displays the text "feed me a stray cat". As he prepares to shoot the cat, a woman sees him and tries to stop him; he shoots her and lets the cat go free. A police chase ensues, but Bateman destroys the police cars by shooting their gas tanks. Fleeing to his office, Bateman enters the wrong office building, where he murders a security guard and a janitor. In his office, Bateman calls his lawyer Harold and leaves a lengthy confession on Harold's answering machine.

The following morning, Bateman visits Paul's apartment, expecting it to be full of decomposing bodies, but it is vacant and for sale. The real estate broker tells him to leave. As Bateman goes to meet with his colleagues and lawyer, Jean finds detailed drawings of murder, mutilation, and rape in Bateman's office journal to her horror and sorrow.

Bateman sees Harold at a restaurant and tries to convince him that he is a serial killer. Harold mistakes him for another colleague and laughs off the confession as a joke, saying he had dinner with Paul in London days earlier. Bateman realizes he will continue to escape the punishment he deserves, that there has been no catharsis, and that his confession has meant nothing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Patrick Bateman adalah bankir investasi kaya yang tinggal di Manhattan pada akhir 1980-an. Hidupnya berkisar makan di restoran trendi sekaligus menjaga penampilan untuk tunangannya, Evelyn, dan lingkaran dari kaya dan dangkal rekan, yang kebanyakan dia tidak suka. Bateman menggambarkan accouterments bahan gaya hidupnya: olahraga pagi sehari-hari dan kecantikan rutin, koleksi musiknya termasuk artis seperti Huey Lewis dan Berita, Phil Collins, dan Whitney Houston, seleranya untuk pakaian desainer mahal, dan couture mewah nya apartemen. Bateman dan rekan-rekannya memamerkan kartu nama mereka dalam tampilan kesombongan. Marah dengan keunggulan kartu rekan kerja Paul Allen, Bateman pembunuhan seorang pria tunawisma dan anjingnya. Pada pesta Natal, Bateman membuat rencana untuk makan malam dengan Paul, dengan Paul mengira Bateman untuk Marcus Halberstram. Bateman mendapat Paul mabuk dan umpan dia kembali ke apartemennya. Saat bermain "Hip Menjadi persegi" di stereo, menjelaskan kepada Paul pendapat dan pemahaman tentang lagu, dan sambil mengenakan jas hujan, Bateman penyergapan Paulus dan pembunuhan dia dengan kapak. Dia membuang tubuh Paulus, kemudian pergi ke apartemen Paulus untuk tahap situasi sehingga orang lain percaya Paul telah lari ke London. Bateman dipenuhi oleh Donald Kimball, seorang detektif yang menyelidiki hilangnya. Bateman mengambil dua pelacur, yang ia nama Christie dan Sabrina, ke apartemennya dan kuliah mereka tentang peningkatan ia melihat di band Genesis setelah Phil Collins diganti Peter Gabriel. Setelah mereka melakukan hubungan seks, Bateman memberitahu mereka untuk tinggal. Mereka meninggalkan apartemennya memar seksual dan berdarah, salah satu yang membutuhkan pembedahan. Keesokan harinya, rekan Bateman Luis Carruthers mengungkapkan kartu barunya. Bateman mencoba untuk membunuh Luis di toilet dari restoran mahal, tetapi tidak bisa membawa dirinya untuk mencekiknya. Kesalahan Luis percobaan pembunuhan untuk kemajuan seksual dan menyatakan cintanya kepada Bateman, yang melarikan diri dengan jijik. Setelah membunuh model, Bateman mengajak sekretarisnya, Jean, untuk makan malam, menunjukkan dia bertemu dia di apartemennya untuk minuman terlebih dahulu. Ketika Jean tiba, Bateman, tanpa sepengetahuan Jean, memegang nailgun ke belakang kepalanya sementara dua converse. Ketika ia menerima pesan mesin penjawab dari tunangannya, ia meminta Jean untuk meninggalkan. Kimball memenuhi Bateman untuk makan siang dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia tidak dicurigai. Bateman memiliki threesome dengan Christie dan temannya Elizabeth di apartemen Paulus. Bateman membunuh Elizabeth saat berhubungan seks, dan Christie berjalan, menemukan beberapa mayat perempuan saat ia mencari jalan keluar. Karena ia mencoba untuk melarikan diri Bateman dengan menjalankan menuruni tangga gedung apartemen Paulus, Bateman tetes gergaji di Christie dan pembunuhan dirinya. Bateman putus pertunangannya dengan Evelyn. Malam itu, karena dia menggunakan ATM, ia menemukan anak kucing liar; ATM menampilkan teks "memberi makan saya kucing liar". Saat ia mempersiapkan untuk menembak kucing, seorang wanita melihat dia dan mencoba untuk menghentikannya; dia menembak dirinya dan memungkinkan kucing pergi bebas. Sebuah kejaran polisi terjadi kemudian, tetapi Bateman menghancurkan mobil polisi dengan menembak tangki gas mereka. Melarikan diri ke kantornya, Bateman memasuki gedung kantor yang salah, di mana ia pembunuhan seorang penjaga keamanan dan petugas kebersihan. Di kantornya, Bateman menyebut pengacaranya Harold dan daun pengakuan panjang di mesin penjawab Harold. Keesokan harinya, Bateman mengunjungi apartemen Paulus, mengharapkan untuk menjadi penuh membusuk tubuh, tetapi kosong dan dijual. Broker real estate memberitahu dia untuk pergi. Sebagai Bateman pergi untuk bertemu dengan rekan-rekannya dan pengacara, Jean menemukan gambar rinci pembunuhan, mutilasi, dan pemerkosaan di jurnal kantor Bateman untuk ngeri dan kesedihan. Bateman melihat Harold di sebuah restoran dan mencoba untuk meyakinkan dia bahwa dia adalah pembunuh berantai. Kesalahan Harold dia untuk rekan lain dan tertawa lepas pengakuan sebagai lelucon, mengatakan ia makan malam dengan Paul di London hari sebelumnya. Bateman menyadari bahwa dia akan terus melarikan diri hukuman dia layak, bahwa belum ada katarsis, dan bahwa pengakuannya berarti apa-apa.

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