HARDWARE A major threat to computer system hardware is the threat toav terjemahan - HARDWARE A major threat to computer system hardware is the threat toav Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

HARDWARE A major threat to computer

HARDWARE A major threat to computer system hardware is the threat to
availability. Hardware is the most vulnerable to attack and the least susceptible to
automated controls. Threats include accidental and deliberate damage to equipment
as well as theft. The proliferation of personal computers and workstations and the
widespread use of LANs increase the potential for losses in this area. Theft of
CD-ROMs and DVDs can lead to loss of confidentiality. Physical and administrative
security measures are needed to deal with these threats.
SOFTWARE Software includes the operating system, utilities, and application
programs. A key threat to software is an attack on availability. Software, especially
application software, is often easy to delete. Software can also be altered or
damaged to render it useless. Careful software configuration management, which
includes making backups of the most recent version of software, can maintain high
availability. A more difficult problem to deal with is software modification that
results in a program that still functions but that behaves differently than before,
which is a threat to integrity/authenticity. Computer viruses and related attacks fall
into this category. A final problem is protection against software piracy. Although
certain countermeasures are available, by and large the problem of unauthorized
copying of software has not been solved.
DATA Hardware and software security are typically concerns of computing center
professionals or individual concerns of personal computer users. A much more
widespread problem is data security, which involves files and other forms of data
controlled by individuals, groups, and business organizations.
Security concerns with respect to data are broad, encompassing availability,
secrecy, and integrity. In the case of availability, the concern is with the destruction
of data files, which can occur either accidentally or maliciously.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
HARDWARE A ancaman utama terhadap perangkat keras sistem komputer adalah ancamanketersediaan. Perangkat keras adalah yang paling rentan untuk menyerang dan paling rentan terhadapkontrol otomatis. Ancaman termasuk kerusakan yang disengaja dan disengaja ke peralatanserta pencurian. Proliferasi komputer pribadi dan workstation danmeluasnya penggunaan LAN meningkatkan potensi kerugian di daerah ini. PencurianCD-Rom dan DVD dapat menyebabkan hilangnya kerahasiaan. Fisik dan administrasilangkah-langkah keamanan yang diperlukan untuk menangani ancaman ini.SOFTWARE Software meliputi sistem operasi, utilitas, dan aplikasiprogram. Ancaman utama terhadap perangkat lunak adalah serangan pada ketersediaan. Perangkat lunak, terutamaaplikasi perangkat lunak, ini sering mudah untuk menghapus. Perangkat lunak juga dapat diubah ataurusak untuk menulisnya tidak berguna. Manajemen konfigurasi software berhati-hati, yangtermasuk membuat backup dari versi terbaru dari perangkat lunak, dapat mempertahankan tinggiketersediaan. Lebih sulit untuk menangani masalahnya modifikasi perangkat lunak yanghasil dalam program yang masih berfungsi tetapi yang berperilaku berbeda daripada sebelumnya,yang merupakan ancaman bagi integritas keaslian. Virus komputer dan serangan terkait jatuhdalam kategori ini. Masalah akhir adalah perlindungan terhadap pembajakan perangkat lunak. Meskipuntertentu penanggulangan tersedia, oleh dan besar masalah yang tidak sahmenyalin perangkat lunak belum terpecahkan.Keamanan Hardware dan software DATA yang biasanya keprihatinan pusat komputerprofesional atau masalah individu pengguna komputer pribadi. Banyak lagimasalah luas adalah keamanan data, yang melibatkan file dan bentuk-bentuk lain datadikendalikan oleh individu, kelompok, dan organisasi bisnis.Masalah keamanan terhadap data luas, meliputi ketersediaan,kerahasiaan, dan integritas. Dalam hal ketersediaan, perhatian adalah dengan pemusnahandata file, yang dapat terjadi baik sengaja atau jahat.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
HARDWARE A major threat to computer system hardware is the threat to
availability. Hardware is the most vulnerable to attack and the least susceptible to
automated controls. Threats include accidental and deliberate damage to equipment
as well as theft. The proliferation of personal computers and workstations and the
widespread use of LANs increase the potential for losses in this area. Theft of
CD-ROMs and DVDs can lead to loss of confidentiality. Physical and administrative
security measures are needed to deal with these threats.
SOFTWARE Software includes the operating system, utilities, and application
programs. A key threat to software is an attack on availability. Software, especially
application software, is often easy to delete. Software can also be altered or
damaged to render it useless. Careful software configuration management, which
includes making backups of the most recent version of software, can maintain high
availability. A more difficult problem to deal with is software modification that
results in a program that still functions but that behaves differently than before,
which is a threat to integrity/authenticity. Computer viruses and related attacks fall
into this category. A final problem is protection against software piracy. Although
certain countermeasures are available, by and large the problem of unauthorized
copying of software has not been solved.
DATA Hardware and software security are typically concerns of computing center
professionals or individual concerns of personal computer users. A much more
widespread problem is data security, which involves files and other forms of data
controlled by individuals, groups, and business organizations.
Security concerns with respect to data are broad, encompassing availability,
secrecy, and integrity. In the case of availability, the concern is with the destruction
of data files, which can occur either accidentally or maliciously.
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