CONCEPT OF GOD IN SIKHISM:Sikhism is a non-semitic, Aryan, non Vedic r terjemahan - CONCEPT OF GOD IN SIKHISM:Sikhism is a non-semitic, Aryan, non Vedic r Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



Sikhism is a non-semitic, Aryan, non Vedic religion. Though not a major religion of the world, it is a branch or offshoot of Hinduism founded by Guru Nanak at the end of the 15th Century. It originated in the Area of Pakistan and North West India called Punjab meaning the land of the S rivers. Guru Nanak was born in a Kshatriya (warrior caste) Hindu family but was very strongly influenced by Islam and Muslims.


The word ‘Sikh’ is derived from the word ‘Sisya’ meaning disciple or follower. Sikhism is a religion of 10 Gurus, the first Guru being Guru Nanak and the 10th and the last being Guru Gobind Singh. The sacred book of Sikhism is Sri Guru Granth also called Adi Granth Sahib.


Every Sikh is supposed to keep the five ‘K’s which are also serve as his identity.

(i) Kesh — uncut hair; which all the Gurus kept

(ii) Kangha — comb; used to keep the hair clean.

(iii) Kada — metal or steel bangle; for strength and selfrestrain

(iv) Kirpan — dagger; for self defence

(v) Kaccha — special knee length underwear or underdrawler for agility


The best definition that any Sikh can give regarding concept of God in Sikhism is quote the “Mul Mantra” — the fundamental creed of Sikhism, which occurs at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib.

It is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib volume 1 Japuji, the first verse

“There exists but one God, who is called the true the creator, free from fear and hate, immortal not begotten, self -existant, Great and compassionate”.

Sikhism enjoins on its followers strict monothiesm. It believes in only One Supreme God who is, in the unmanifest form called ‘ek omkara’.

In the manifest form He is called as Omkara and has several attributes such as:

Kartar — The Creator

Sahib — The Lord

Akal — The Eternal

Sattanama — The Holy name

Parvardigar — The Cherisher

Rahim — The Merciful

Karim — The Benevolent

He is also called ‘Wahe Guru’ — the One true boü.

Besides Sikhism being strictly monotheistic, it does not believe in Avataravada — the doctrine of incarnation. Almighty God does not incarnate Himself in what is known as Avatara. Sikhism is also strongly against idol worship

Guru Nanak influenced by Kabir

Guru Nanak was influenced by the sayings of Sant Kabir so much that several chapters of Shri Guru Nanak Sahib contain couplets of Sant Kabir.

One of the famous couplets of Sant Kabir is

“Dukh mein Sumirana sabh karein Sukh mein karein na koya Jo sukh mein sumirana karein To dukh kaye hoye”

(Everyone remembers God during trouble but no one remembers Him during peace and happiness. The one who remembers God during peace and happiness why should he have trouble ?).

Compare this with the following verse of the Holy Qur’an:

“When some trouble toucheth man, He crieth unto his Lord, Turning to Him in repentance: But when He bestoweth A favour upon him As from Himself, (man) Doth forget what he cried And prayed for before, And he doth set upRivals unto Allah”

[Holy Qur’an 39:8]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CONCEPT OF GOD IN SIKHISM:Sikhism is a non-semitic, Aryan, non Vedic religion. Though not a major religion of the world, it is a branch or offshoot of Hinduism founded by Guru Nanak at the end of the 15th Century. It originated in the Area of Pakistan and North West India called Punjab meaning the land of the S rivers. Guru Nanak was born in a Kshatriya (warrior caste) Hindu family but was very strongly influenced by Islam and Muslims.DEFINITION OF SIKH AND SIKHISMThe word ‘Sikh’ is derived from the word ‘Sisya’ meaning disciple or follower. Sikhism is a religion of 10 Gurus, the first Guru being Guru Nanak and the 10th and the last being Guru Gobind Singh. The sacred book of Sikhism is Sri Guru Granth also called Adi Granth Sahib.THE FIVE – ‘K’SEvery Sikh is supposed to keep the five ‘K’s which are also serve as his identity.(i) Kesh — uncut hair; which all the Gurus kept(ii) Kangha — comb; used to keep the hair clean.(iii) Kada — metal or steel bangle; for strength and selfrestrain(iv) Kirpan — dagger; for self defence(v) Kaccha — special knee length underwear or underdrawler for agilityMULMANTRA :- THE FUNDAMENTAL CREED OF SIKHISMThe best definition that any Sikh can give regarding concept of God in Sikhism is quote the “Mul Mantra” — the fundamental creed of Sikhism, which occurs at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib.It is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib volume 1 Japuji, the first verse“There exists but one God, who is called the true the creator, free from fear and hate, immortal not begotten, self -existant, Great and compassionate”.Sikhism enjoins on its followers strict monothiesm. It believes in only One Supreme God who is, in the unmanifest form called ‘ek omkara’.In the manifest form He is called as Omkara and has several attributes such as:Kartar — The CreatorSahib — The LordAkal — The EternalSattanama — The Holy nameParvardigar — The CherisherRahim — The MercifulKarim — The BenevolentHe is also called ‘Wahe Guru’ — the One true boü.Besides Sikhism being strictly monotheistic, it does not believe in Avataravada — the doctrine of incarnation. Almighty God does not incarnate Himself in what is known as Avatara. Sikhism is also strongly against idol worshipGuru Nanak influenced by KabirGuru Nanak was influenced by the sayings of Sant Kabir so much that several chapters of Shri Guru Nanak Sahib contain couplets of Sant Kabir.One of the famous couplets of Sant Kabir is“Dukh mein Sumirana sabh karein Sukh mein karein na koya Jo sukh mein sumirana karein To dukh kaye hoye”(Everyone remembers God during trouble but no one remembers Him during peace and happiness. The one who remembers God during peace and happiness why should he have trouble ?).Compare this with the following verse of the Holy Qur’an:“When some trouble toucheth man, He crieth unto his Lord, Turning to Him in repentance: But when He bestoweth A favour upon him As from Himself, (man) Doth forget what he cried And prayed for before, And he doth set upRivals unto Allah”[Holy Qur’an 39:8]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
KONSEP ALLAH DI Sikhisme: Sikhisme adalah non-Semit, Arya, agama non Vedic. Meskipun bukan agama besar dunia, itu adalah cabang atau cabang dari agama Hindu yang didirikan oleh Guru Nanak pada akhir abad ke-15. Ini berasal di wilayah Pakistan dan India disebut North West Punjab berarti tanah sungai S. Guru Nanak lahir di Ksatria (kasta ksatria) keluarga Hindu tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh Islam dan Muslim. DEFINISI Sikh DAN Sikhisme Kata 'Sikh' berasal dari kata 'sisya' yang berarti murid atau pengikut. Sikhisme adalah agama 10 Gurus, Guru pertama adalah Guru Nanak dan 10 dan yang terakhir menjadi Guru Gobind Singh. Kitab suci Sikhisme adalah Sri Guru Granth juga disebut Adi Granth Sahib. LIMA - 'K'S Setiap Sikh seharusnya menjaga lima 'K yang juga berfungsi sebagai identitasnya. (i) Kesh - rambut dipotong; yang semua Gurus terus (ii) Kangha - sisir; digunakan untuk menjaga rambut bersih. (iii) Kada - logam atau baja bangle; untuk kekuatan dan selfrestrain (iv) Kirpan - belati; untuk pertahanan diri (v) Kaccha - lutut khusus panjang pakaian atau underdrawler untuk kelincahan MULMANTRA: - FUNDAMENTAL CREED Sikhisme Definisi terbaik bahwa setiap Sikh dapat memberikan mengenai konsep Tuhan dalam Sikhisme adalah kutipan "Mul Mantra" - kredo dasar Sikhisme, yang terjadi pada awal Guru Granth Sahib. Hal ini disebutkan dalam Sri Guru Granth Sahib Volume 1 Japuji, ayat pertama "Ada ada satu Allah, yang disebut benar pencipta, bebas dari rasa takut dan kebencian, abadi tidak Tunggal, -existant diri, besar dan penuh kasih ". Sikhisme memerintahkan pada para pengikutnya monothiesm ketat. Percaya hanya satu Tuhan yang Maha, dalam bentuk berwujud disebut 'ek Omkara'. Dalam bentuk nyata Dia disebut sebagai Omkara dan memiliki beberapa atribut seperti: Kartar - Pencipta Sahib - Tuhan Akal - The Eternal Sattanama - Nama Kudus Parvardigar - The semesta Rahim - The Penyayang Karim - The Kebajikan Dia juga disebut 'Wahe Guru' - Satu Bou benar. Selain Sikhisme menjadi ketat monoteistik, tidak percaya pada Avataravada - doktrin inkarnasi. Allah SWT tidak menjelma sendiri dalam apa yang dikenal sebagai Avatara. Sikhisme juga sangat menentang penyembahan berhala Guru Nanak dipengaruhi oleh Kabir Guru Nanak dipengaruhi oleh perkataan Sant Kabir sehingga beberapa bab dari Shri Guru Nanak Sahib berisi bait dari Sant Kabir. Salah satu bait terkenal Sant Kabir adalah "Dukh mein Sumirana sabh karein Sukh mein karein na Koya Jo sukh mein sumirana karein Untuk Dukh kaye Hoye " (Semua orang ingat Allah saat kesulitan, tetapi tidak ada yang ingat kepada-Nya selama kedamaian dan kebahagiaan. Orang yang mengingat Allah selama kedamaian dan kebahagiaan mengapa ia harus mengalami kesulitan?) . Bandingkan dengan ayat berikut dari Al-Qur'an: "Ketika beberapa masalah menjamah manusia, Dia crieth kepada Tuhannya, Beralih kepada-Nya dalam pertobatan: Tetapi ketika Dia bestoweth A nikmat kepadanya Seperti dari diri-Nya, (man) Maha lupa apa yang ia menangis Dan berdoa untuk sebelum, Dan dia Maha mengatur upRivals kepada Allah " [Al-Qur'an 39: 8]

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