Specifically, thermal comfort and energy efficiency were thefocus ofmu terjemahan - Specifically, thermal comfort and energy efficiency were thefocus ofmu Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

Specifically, thermal comfort and e

Specifically, thermal comfort and energy efficiency were the
focus ofmultiple studies [7–16].Inrecent years,thefield of research
in thermal comfort has attracted the attention of many researchers
around the world, perhaps partially due to the increased public
discussion about climate change. Overall thermal comfort and the
assessment of indoor environmental quality do not depend solely
on physical parameters. The human body’s physiological and psychological
responses to the environment are dynamic and integrate
various physical phenomena that interact with the space (light,
noise, vibration, temperature, humidity, etc.) [17]
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
Specifically, thermal comfort and energy efficiency were thefocus ofmultiple studies [7–16].Inrecent years,thefield of researchin thermal comfort has attracted the attention of many researchersaround the world, perhaps partially due to the increased publicdiscussion about climate change. Overall thermal comfort and theassessment of indoor environmental quality do not depend solelyon physical parameters. The human body’s physiological and psychologicalresponses to the environment are dynamic and integratevarious physical phenomena that interact with the space (light,noise, vibration, temperature, humidity, etc.) [17]
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Hasil (Melayu) 2:[Salinan]
Secara khusus, keselesaan dan tenaga haba kecekapan adalah
tumpuan ofmultiple kajian [7-16] tahun .Inrecent, thefield penyelidikan
dalam keselesaan haba telah menarik perhatian ramai penyelidik
di seluruh dunia, mungkin sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh orang ramai meningkat
perbincangan mengenai perubahan iklim. Keselesaan haba keseluruhan dan
penilaian kualiti persekitaran dalaman tidak bergantung semata-mata
pada parameter fizikal. Fisiologi dan psikologi badan manusia
balas kepada alam sekitar adalah dinamik dan mengintegrasikan
pelbagai fenomena fizikal yang berinteraksi dengan ruang (cahaya,
bunyi bising, getaran, suhu, kelembapan, dan lain-lain) [17]
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