Forces that push toward product adaptation include:1. 1. Consumer pref terjemahan - Forces that push toward product adaptation include:1. 1. Consumer pref Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Forces that push toward product ada

Forces that push toward product adaptation include:
1. 1. Consumer preferences. In many categories, consumer taste and preferences can vary substantially across countries. By tailoring its product or service to the local preferences, a firm does a better job of satisfying its local customers. Oreo cookies in China come in various shapes including wafers and straw-like cookies. Oreos sold in China are also less sweet, as the original Oreos turned out to be too sweet for Chinese people. Fillings come in different flavors including green tea and mixed fruit (e.g., mango/orange). Mondelez9 implemented all these changes to better meet the preferences of Chinese consumers.
2. 2. Strong local competitors. In markets with strong local players, the pressure to customize products is usually intense. If companies fail to adapt their products, local consumers are likely to favor local brands that are more in line with their preferences.
3. 3. Managerial motivation. One challenge multinationals face is keeping highly talented local managers. By involving local managers in the product design process, tapping into their creative talent, and listening to their feedback on new product proposals, a company can foster their morale and feeling of belonging. At the 2012 São Paulo Motor Show, Nissan unveiled the EXTREM, a new concept car aimed at young car enthusiasts in Brazil. Although the design team was based in San Diego, creative time on the project was spent mostly in Brazil: Nissan considered it vitally important that design inspiration would come from Brazil itself.10
4. 4. Environmental conditions. Local circumstances (e.g., climate, infrastructure) are another factor that can encourage companies to adapt their products or services. To tap demand in Asian countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia, the Italian firm Piaggio adapted its scooters to the local market environment. It improved its bikes' engine technology for tougher road conditions in the region. Also, in countries such as India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, motorbikes are often the family's main means of transportation. To enable three or more people to ride on one bike, Piaggio lengthened the seats of its scooters.
Modular Product Design Strategies
Whether firms should strive for standardized or localized products is to some extent an irrelevant question. The issue should not be phrased as an either-or dilemma. Instead, product managers should look at it in terms of degree of customization: What elements of my product policy should be tailored to the local market conditions? Which ones can I leave unchanged? To find out which product attributes to adapt and to what extent, market research can offer insights. Conjoint analysis, for example, is one tool that enables management to see how consumers value the various attributes that make up a product or service. Such information can then reveal how product design changes will influence market share (see Appendix).
A modular product design strategy is a strategy that allows firms to modify their product while keeping many of the benefits flowing from a uniform product policy. Modular design to some extent resembles the construction of various sets with LEGO bricks. The approach consists of developing a range of product parts (“modules”) that can be used worldwide. The parts can be assembled into numerous product configurations. Scale economies flow from the mass-production of more-or-less standard product components at a few sites.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Forces that push toward product adaptation include:
1. 1. Consumer preferences. In many categories, consumer taste and preferences can vary substantially across countries. By tailoring its product or service to the local preferences, a firm does a better job of satisfying its local customers. Oreo cookies in China come in various shapes including wafers and straw-like cookies. Oreos sold in China are also less sweet, as the original Oreos turned out to be too sweet for Chinese people. Fillings come in different flavors including green tea and mixed fruit (e.g., mango/orange). Mondelez9 implemented all these changes to better meet the preferences of Chinese consumers.
2. 2. Strong local competitors. In markets with strong local players, the pressure to customize products is usually intense. If companies fail to adapt their products, local consumers are likely to favor local brands that are more in line with their preferences.
3. 3. Managerial motivation. One challenge multinationals face is keeping highly talented local managers. By involving local managers in the product design process, tapping into their creative talent, and listening to their feedback on new product proposals, a company can foster their morale and feeling of belonging. At the 2012 São Paulo Motor Show, Nissan unveiled the EXTREM, a new concept car aimed at young car enthusiasts in Brazil. Although the design team was based in San Diego, creative time on the project was spent mostly in Brazil: Nissan considered it vitally important that design inspiration would come from Brazil itself.10
4. 4. Environmental conditions. Local circumstances (e.g., climate, infrastructure) are another factor that can encourage companies to adapt their products or services. To tap demand in Asian countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia, the Italian firm Piaggio adapted its scooters to the local market environment. It improved its bikes' engine technology for tougher road conditions in the region. Also, in countries such as India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, motorbikes are often the family's main means of transportation. To enable three or more people to ride on one bike, Piaggio lengthened the seats of its scooters.
Modular Product Design Strategies
Whether firms should strive for standardized or localized products is to some extent an irrelevant question. The issue should not be phrased as an either-or dilemma. Instead, product managers should look at it in terms of degree of customization: What elements of my product policy should be tailored to the local market conditions? Which ones can I leave unchanged? To find out which product attributes to adapt and to what extent, market research can offer insights. Conjoint analysis, for example, is one tool that enables management to see how consumers value the various attributes that make up a product or service. Such information can then reveal how product design changes will influence market share (see Appendix).
A modular product design strategy is a strategy that allows firms to modify their product while keeping many of the benefits flowing from a uniform product policy. Modular design to some extent resembles the construction of various sets with LEGO bricks. The approach consists of developing a range of product parts (“modules”) that can be used worldwide. The parts can be assembled into numerous product configurations. Scale economies flow from the mass-production of more-or-less standard product components at a few sites.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kekuatan yang mendorong ke arah adaptasi produk meliputi:
1. 1. preferensi konsumen. Dalam banyak kategori, selera konsumen dan preferensi dapat bervariasi secara substansial di seluruh negara. Dengan menyesuaikan produk atau jasa untuk preferensi lokal, perusahaan melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik memuaskan pelanggan lokal. Cookie Oreo di Cina datang dalam berbagai bentuk termasuk wafer dan cookies jerami-seperti. Oreo dijual di Cina juga kurang manis, seperti Oreo asli ternyata terlalu manis untuk orang-orang Cina. Tambalan datang dalam berbagai rasa termasuk teh hijau dan campuran buah (misalnya, mangga / orange). Mondelez9 menerapkan semua perubahan ini untuk lebih memenuhi preferensi konsumen Cina.
2. 2. pesaing lokal yang kuat. Dalam pasar dengan pemain lokal yang kuat, tekanan untuk menyesuaikan produk biasanya intens. Jika perusahaan gagal untuk menyesuaikan produk mereka, konsumen lokal cenderung mendukung merek lokal yang lebih sesuai dengan preferensi mereka.
3. 3. Motivasi manajerial. Salah satu tantangan multinasional hadapi adalah menjaga manajer lokal yang sangat berbakat. Dengan melibatkan manajer lokal dalam proses desain produk, memanfaatkan bakat kreatif mereka, dan mendengarkan tanggapan mereka pada proposal produk baru, perusahaan dapat menumbuhkan semangat dan rasa memiliki. Pada 2012 São Paulo Motor Show, Nissan meluncurkan Extrem, mobil konsep baru yang ditujukan untuk penggemar mobil muda di Brazil. Meskipun tim desain berbasis di San Diego, waktu kreatif pada proyek ini sebagian besar dihabiskan di Brasil: Nissan menganggap sangat penting bahwa inspirasi desain akan datang dari Brazil itself.10
4. 4. Kondisi lingkungan. Keadaan setempat (misalnya, iklim, infrastruktur) merupakan faktor lain yang dapat mendorong perusahaan untuk menyesuaikan produk atau jasa mereka. Untuk menekan permintaan di negara-negara Asia seperti Vietnam dan Indonesia, perusahaan Italia Piaggio disesuaikan skuter terhadap lingkungan pasar lokal. Ini meningkatkan teknologi mesin sepeda yang 'untuk kondisi jalan yang lebih ketat di wilayah tersebut. Juga, di negara-negara seperti India, Indonesia, dan Vietnam, sepeda motor sering sarana utama keluarga transportasi. Untuk mengaktifkan tiga atau lebih orang untuk naik satu sepeda, Piaggio memperpanjang kursi skuter nya.
Modular Desain Produk Strategi
perusahaan Apakah harus berusaha untuk produk standar atau lokal sampai batas tertentu pertanyaan yang tidak relevan. Masalah ini tidak boleh diungkapkan sebagai baik-atau dilema. Sebaliknya, manajer produk harus melihatnya dari segi tingkat kustomisasi: elemen apa kebijakan produk saya harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasar lokal? Orang yang bisa saya meninggalkan berubah? Untuk mengetahui atribut produk untuk beradaptasi dan sampai sejauh mana, riset pasar dapat menawarkan wawasan. Analisis conjoint, misalnya, adalah salah satu alat yang memungkinkan manajemen untuk melihat bagaimana konsumen menilai berbagai atribut yang membentuk suatu produk atau jasa. Informasi tersebut kemudian dapat mengungkapkan bagaimana perubahan desain produk akan mempengaruhi pangsa pasar (lihat Lampiran).
Strategi desain produk modular adalah strategi yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memodifikasi produk mereka sambil menjaga banyak manfaat yang mengalir dari kebijakan produk yang seragam. Desain modular sampai batas tertentu menyerupai pembangunan berbagai set dengan batu bata LEGO. Pendekatan ini terdiri dari mengembangkan berbagai bagian produk ("modul") yang dapat digunakan di seluruh dunia. Bagian dapat dirakit menjadi berbagai konfigurasi produk. Skala ekonomi mengalir dari produksi massal lebih-atau-kurang komponen produk standar di beberapa situs.

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