“If I can become a master sculptor, then…then father will no longer ha terjemahan - “If I can become a master sculptor, then…then father will no longer ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“If I can become a master sculptor,

“If I can become a master sculptor, then…then father will no longer have to sell our family possessions.” This is what Linley was thinking.

“Sculpting?” Hogg glanced at Linley, his eyes cold.

“Linley, do you know that amongst the hundreds of millions of people in the Holy Union, there are at least several million who have studied sculpting. But in the entire Holy Union, the number of true masters can be counted on one hand. In addition, if you don’t have a good instructor, you simply cannot succeed on your own.”

“The inner circle of sculptors is not one which ordinary people are allowed into. You only see the sky-high valuation of the works of the masters, but do you know that the vast majority of sculptors only make a few dozen gold coins each year?”

Hogg’s voice was very fierce.

Linley was so frightened, he immediately knelt down. Just now, he only spoke because he thought that sculpting could improve his family’s situation. He didn’t expect his father to say so much and lecture him so sternly.

“Enough. The ancestral hall needs some cleaning. After lunch, go and clean it up.” Hogg said coldly.

“Yes, father.” Linley said respectfully.

Looking at Linley, Hogg sighed in his heart. “Sculpting? Oh, child. Do you know that in the past, I also practiced sculpting? I spent ten full years of my life trying to learn. But unfortunately, my sculptures weren’t worth a single coin.” Hogg, too, had once foolishly dreamed of becoming a master sculptor and thereby improving his clan’s situation.

But in his heart, he felt very helpless. Despite spending ten years training, his sculptures were still worthless. The field of sculpting could be described as a pyramid.

Those famous master sculptors were at the top of the pyramid. They enjoyed a high status, and each sculpture they made was worth hundreds of thousands of coins.

But the valuation of the work of the countless low level sculptors at the bottom of the pyramid was soul-crushingly low. Most of their works would just be bought by commoners for just a few silver coins to use as decorations in their homes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“If I can become a master sculptor, then…then father will no longer have to sell our family possessions.” This is what Linley was thinking.“Sculpting?” Hogg glanced at Linley, his eyes cold.“Linley, do you know that amongst the hundreds of millions of people in the Holy Union, there are at least several million who have studied sculpting. But in the entire Holy Union, the number of true masters can be counted on one hand. In addition, if you don’t have a good instructor, you simply cannot succeed on your own.”“The inner circle of sculptors is not one which ordinary people are allowed into. You only see the sky-high valuation of the works of the masters, but do you know that the vast majority of sculptors only make a few dozen gold coins each year?”Hogg’s voice was very fierce.Linley was so frightened, he immediately knelt down. Just now, he only spoke because he thought that sculpting could improve his family’s situation. He didn’t expect his father to say so much and lecture him so sternly.“Enough. The ancestral hall needs some cleaning. After lunch, go and clean it up.” Hogg said coldly.“Yes, father.” Linley said respectfully.Looking at Linley, Hogg sighed in his heart. “Sculpting? Oh, child. Do you know that in the past, I also practiced sculpting? I spent ten full years of my life trying to learn. But unfortunately, my sculptures weren’t worth a single coin.” Hogg, too, had once foolishly dreamed of becoming a master sculptor and thereby improving his clan’s situation.
But in his heart, he felt very helpless. Despite spending ten years training, his sculptures were still worthless. The field of sculpting could be described as a pyramid.

Those famous master sculptors were at the top of the pyramid. They enjoyed a high status, and each sculpture they made was worth hundreds of thousands of coins.

But the valuation of the work of the countless low level sculptors at the bottom of the pyramid was soul-crushingly low. Most of their works would just be bought by commoners for just a few silver coins to use as decorations in their homes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Jika saya bisa menjadi master pematung, maka ... maka ayah tidak akan lagi harus menjual harta keluarga kami." Ini adalah apa yang dipikirkan Linley. "Sculpting?" Hogg melirik Linley, matanya dingin. "Linley, apakah Anda tahu bahwa di antara ratusan juta orang di Uni Kudus, setidaknya ada beberapa juta yang telah mempelajari mematung. Tapi di seluruh Uni Kudus, jumlah guru yang benar dapat dihitung dengan satu tangan. Selain itu, jika Anda tidak memiliki instruktur yang baik, Anda tidak bisa berhasil pada Anda sendiri. " " The lingkaran dalam pematung bukan salah satu yang orang biasa yang diizinkan masuk ke. Anda hanya melihat valuasi langit-tinggi karya master, tetapi apakah Anda tahu bahwa sebagian besar pematung hanya membuat beberapa lusin koin emas setiap tahun? " Suara Hogg sangat sengit. Linley begitu ketakutan, ia segera berlutut turun. Baru saja, ia hanya berbicara karena ia berpikir bahwa patung bisa memperbaiki situasi keluarganya. Dia tidak berharap ayahnya mengatakan begitu banyak dan kuliah dia begitu tegas. "Cukup. Ruang leluhur membutuhkan beberapa pembersihan. Setelah makan siang, pergi dan membersihkannya. "Hogg berkata dingin. " Ya, ayah. "Linley kata hormat. Melihat Linley, Hogg mendesah dalam hatinya. "Sculpting? Oh, anak. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa di masa lalu, saya juga berlatih mematung? Aku menghabiskan sepuluh tahun penuh kehidupan saya mencoba untuk belajar. Namun sayangnya, patung saya yang tidak layak koin tunggal. "Hogg, juga pernah bodoh bermimpi menjadi seorang pematung utama dan dengan demikian meningkatkan situasi klannya. Tapi dalam hatinya, ia merasa sangat tak berdaya. Meskipun menghabiskan pelatihan sepuluh tahun, patung-patung itu masih berharga. Bidang mematung bisa digambarkan sebagai piramida. Mereka pematung utama yang terkenal berada di puncak piramida. Mereka menikmati status tinggi, dan masing-masing patung yang mereka buat adalah senilai ratusan ribu koin. Tapi valuasi karya pematung tingkat rendah yang tak terhitung jumlahnya di bagian bawah piramida adalah jiwa-crushingly rendah. Sebagian besar karya mereka hanya akan dibeli oleh rakyat jelata hanya beberapa koin perak untuk digunakan sebagai dekorasi di rumah mereka.

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