It's no secret that smoking is bad for your overall health but using t terjemahan - It's no secret that smoking is bad for your overall health but using t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It's no secret that smoking is bad

It's no secret that smoking is bad for your overall health but using tobacco products can have serious consequences on your oral health, too.


6 Habits That Will Save Your Smile

The Surprising Habit That Helps Protect Your Heart
In addition to affecting your overall health, tobacco use and smoking can cause a number of oral health issues, ranging from oral cancer to discolored teeth.

“You can get yellow teeth [and] a yellow tongue," says Thomas Kilgore, DMD, professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and associate dean at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. "You see a lot of staining on the tongue.”

Smoking and tobacco use can lead to more serious oral health complications as well, including gum disease and oral cancer.

Smoking and Oral Cancer

“The most serious issue is mouth cancer,” Dr. Kilgore says. “It’s hard to say what percentage of people who smoke will get mouth cancer, but the death rate of those who do get it is high — between 40 and 50 percent of all cases, and that hasn’t changed over the last few decades.”

The American Cancer Society estimates that 90 percent of people with oral cancer (cancer affecting the lips, tongue, throat, and mouth) have used tobacco in some form. Likewise, the risk of oral cancer is six times higher among smokers relative to non-smokers. Your individual risk of oral cancer depends on how long you’ve been using tobacco — the longer you use it, the greater your risk.

Smoking and Periodontal Disease

“Smoking cigarettes doesn’t cause dental decay, but it does cause periodontal, or gum, disease,” Kilgore explains. “Bone loss is part of periodontal disease. It starts out as inflammation of the gums. In the natural and unfortunate progression, the bone supporting the roots of your teeth becomes inflamed,” and then the underlying bone can deteriorate, he adds.

“There are surgical and nonsurgical therapies to reverse or slow the progression of periodontal disease,” Kilgore says, but without proper treatment, gum disease does eventually lead to tooth loss and jawbone damage. One study found that smoking was associated with more than 50 percent of periodontal disease cases.

For Oral Health, No Tobacco Is Safe

People often think that different forms of tobacco are "safer" than others. However, says Kilgore, “Tobacco in any form has risks. It’s hard to figure out which is worse” — when tobacco is chewed, smoked, or inhaled.

The bottom line is that regular exposure to tobacco in any form can compromise your health. Kilgore points out that “pipe smokers may not smoke very often, but they can [still] get cancer of the lips, as they’re always holding the pipe in the same place on the lip.” Additionally, “there’s a myth that chewing tobacco has less risk, but it’s been shown pretty clearly that this isn’t true.”

And people who use smokeless (chewing) tobacco are at a four to six time greater risk of oral cancer than people who don't use tobacco at all. People who use smokeless tobacco are also at higher risk of tooth decay and cavities because some varieties of chewing tobacco contain sugar for a sweeter taste, and sugar is a primary cause of tooth decay.

Protecting Your Oral Heath

The following three principles can help to ensure good oral health throughout the years:

Quit smoking. After you’ve quit smoking, your risk of oral health problems decreases significantly. And the longer you remain a non-smoker, the lower your risk becomes. A decade after you’ve quit, your risk for periodontal disease is similar to that of a person who never smoked at all. “A lot of dentists now are taking the initiative to ask patients about their smoking habits, and are talking about the [nicotine] patch” and other ways to help people quit, Kilgore says.
Get regular dental checkups. As with most cancers, early detection can improve your outcome. “The good news is that regular checkups by a dentist are a good way to catch oral cancer early,” advises Kilgore. “Any mouth ulcers can be checked out with a biopsy, and you can get a diagnosis.” The sooner you start treatment, the better your odds of survival.
Brush properly. “Most people who have periodontal disease develop it from not brushing and flossing properly,” Kilgore notes. The heat and carcinogens found in cigarettes and tobacco are also damaging to your mouth and gums. So people who use tobacco need to be doubly careful about brushing and flossing correctly and doing so as often as recommended. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist to watch you brush and floss to make sure you’re doing a thorough job.
Having Trouble Quitting? Visit the Dentist Regularly

If you do use tobacco, cutting back and eventually quitting are some of the most important actions you can take to improve both your oral health and your overall health.

Tobacco use “is a tremendously addictive habit, so in the meantime, regular dental visits can help with early detection” of gum disease and precancerous mouth sores, Kilgore says. He adds that the people at greatest risk for oral cancer are chronic smokers who don’t visit their dentists regularly. “By the time oral cancer is detected, it’s hard to treat," he says. Plus, the treatments can be more challenging at later stages. Surgery and radiation treatments are often disfiguring and can affect your ability to speak and eat.

Talk to your dentist or general doctor about what can help you to kick your smoking and other tobacco habits today
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sudah bukan rahasia lagi bahwa merokok buruk bagi kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan, tetapi menggunakan tembakau dapat memiliki konsekuensi serius pada kesehatan mulut Anda, terlalu. Terkait6 kebiasaan yang akan menyelamatkan senyum AndaKebiasaan mengejutkan yang membantu melindungi jantung AndaSelain mempengaruhi kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan, penggunaan tembakau dan Rokok dapat menyebabkan sejumlah masalah kesehatan mulut, mulai dari kanker mulut gigi berubah warna."Anda bisa mendapatkan gigi kuning [dan] lidah kuning," kata Thomas Kilgore, DMD, Profesor bedah mulut dan Maksilofasial dan associate dean di Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. "Anda melihat banyak noda pada lidah."Penggunaan Rokok dan tembakau dapat menyebabkan komplikasi yang lebih serius kesehatan mulut juga, termasuk penyakit gusi dan kanker mulut.Merokok dan Oral kanker"Masalah paling serius adalah kanker mulut," kata Dr Kilgore. "Sulit untuk mengatakan berapa persentase dari orang yang Merokok akan mendapatkan kanker mulut, tetapi tingkat kematian orang yang mendapatkannya tinggi — antara 40 dan 50 persen dari semua kasus, dan bahwa tidak berubah selama beberapa dekade terakhir."American Cancer Society memperkirakan bahwa 90 persen orang dengan kanker mulut (kanker mempengaruhi bibir, lidah, tenggorokan, dan mulut) telah menggunakan tembakau dalam beberapa bentuk. Demikian juga, risiko kanker mulut enam kali lebih tinggi antara para perokok dibandingkan non-perokok. Risiko kanker mulut individu tergantung pada berapa lama Anda telah menggunakan tembakau — semakin lama Anda menggunakannya, semakin besar risiko Anda.Merokok dan Periodontal penyakit"Merokok tidak menyebabkan kerusakan pada gigi, tapi itu menyebabkan periodontal, atau gusi, penyakit," Kilgore menjelaskan. "Kehilangan tulang adalah bagian dari penyakit periodontal. Itu dimulai sebagai peradangan pada gusi. Dalam perkembangan alam dan Malang, tulang yang mendukung akar gigi Anda menjadi meradang", dan kemudian tulang dapat memburuk, ia menambahkan."Ada bantuan suplai terapi untuk membatalkan atau memperlambat perkembangan penyakit periodontal," Kilgore mengatakan, tapi tanpa pengobatan yang tepat, penyakit gusi akhirnya membawa kehilangan gigi dan tulang rahang kerusakan. Satu studi menemukan bahwa rokok ini dikaitkan dengan lebih dari 50 persen dari kasus-kasus penyakit periodontal.Untuk kesehatan mulut, tidak ada tembakau amanOrang sering berpikir bahwa berbagai bentuk tembakau "aman" daripada yang lain. Namun, mengatakan Kilgore, "tembakau dalam bentuk apapun memiliki risiko. Sangat sulit untuk mengetahui mana yang lebih buruk"-Kapan tembakau dikunyah, asap, atau dihirup.Intinya adalah bahwa paparan rutin terhadap tembakau dalam bentuk apapun dapat membahayakan kesehatan Anda. Kilgore menunjukkan bahwa "pipa perokok mungkin tidak merokok sangat sering, tetapi mereka [masih] bisa mendapatkan kanker bibir, karena mereka selalu memegang pipa di tempat yang sama di bibir." Selain itu, "ada mitos bahwa mengunyah tembakau memiliki risiko kurang, tetapi telah ditunjukkan cukup jelas bahwa ini tidak benar."Dan orang-orang yang menggunakan tembakau tanpa asap (mengunyah) di empat sampai enam kali lebih besar risiko kanker mulut dari orang-orang yang tidak menggunakan tembakau sama sekali. Orang yang menggunakan tembakau tanpa asap juga beresiko tinggi kerusakan gigi dan rongga karena beberapa varietas mengunyah tembakau mengandung gula untuk rasa manis, dan gula adalah penyebab utama kerusakan gigi.Melindungi kesehatan mulut AndaTiga prinsip berikut dapat membantu untuk memastikan kesehatan mulut yang baik selama bertahun-tahun:Berhenti Merokok. Setelah Anda telah berhenti merokok, risiko kesehatan mulut masalah berkurang secara signifikan. Dan semakin lama Anda tetap bukan perokok, semakin rendah risiko Anda menjadi. Satu dasawarsa setelah Anda telah berhenti, risiko penyakit periodontal mirip dengan orang yang pernah merokok sama sekali. "Banyak dokter sekarang mengambil inisiatif untuk meminta pasien tentang kebiasaan Rokok mereka dan berbicara tentang patch [nikotin]" dan cara lain untuk membantu orang berhenti, Kilgore mengatakan.Mendapatkan pemeriksaan gigi secara teratur. Seperti dengan kebanyakan kanker, Deteksi dini dapat meningkatkan hasil Anda. "Kabar baiknya adalah bahwa regular oleh dokter gigi adalah cara yang baik untuk menangkap kanker mulut awal," menyarankan Kilgore. "Setiap bisul mulut dapat memeriksa dengan biopsi, dan Anda bisa mendapatkan diagnosis." Semakin cepat Anda memulai pengobatan, lebih baik peluang Anda untuk bertahan hidup.Sikat dengan benar. "Kebanyakan orang yang memiliki penyakit periodontal mengembangkan dari tidak menyikat gigi dan flossing dengan benar," catatan Kilgore. Panas dan karsinogen yang ditemukan dalam rokok dan tembakau juga merusak untuk mulut dan gusi. Jadi orang-orang yang menggunakan tembakau perlu berhati-hati dua kali lipat tentang menyikat gigi dan flossing secara benar dan melakukannya sering seperti yang direkomendasikan. Tanyakan dokter gigi atau gigi higienis untuk menonton Anda sikat dan floss untuk memastikan Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang menyeluruh.Mengalami kesulitan berhenti? Mengunjungi dokter gigi secara teraturJika Anda menggunakan tembakau, memotong kembali dan akhirnya berhenti adalah beberapa tindakan yang paling penting yang dapat Anda ambil untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mulut Anda dan kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan.Penggunaan tembakau "kebiasaan yang sangat adiktif, jadi sementara itu, kunjungan teratur gigi dapat membantu dengan deteksi dini" penyakit gusi dan luka mulut prakanker, Kilgore mengatakan. Dia menambahkan bahwa orang-orang di risiko terbesar untuk kanker mulut perokok kronis yang tidak mengunjungi dokter gigi mereka secara teratur. "Pada saat oral kanker terdeteksi, sangat sulit untuk mengobati," katanya. Plus, perawatan dapat lebih menantang di tahap selanjutnya. Operasi dan radiasi pengobatan sering menodai dan dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan Anda untuk berbicara dan makan.Berbicara dengan dokter gigi atau dokter umum tentang apa yang dapat membantu Anda untuk menendang Anda Merokok dan kebiasaan tembakau lain hari ini
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
It's no secret that smoking is bad for your overall health but using tobacco products can have serious consequences on your oral health, too.


6 Habits That Will Save Your Smile

The Surprising Habit That Helps Protect Your Heart
In addition to affecting your overall health, tobacco use and smoking can cause a number of oral health issues, ranging from oral cancer to discolored teeth.

“You can get yellow teeth [and] a yellow tongue," says Thomas Kilgore, DMD, professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and associate dean at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. "You see a lot of staining on the tongue.”

Smoking and tobacco use can lead to more serious oral health complications as well, including gum disease and oral cancer.

Smoking and Oral Cancer

“The most serious issue is mouth cancer,” Dr. Kilgore says. “It’s hard to say what percentage of people who smoke will get mouth cancer, but the death rate of those who do get it is high — between 40 and 50 percent of all cases, and that hasn’t changed over the last few decades.”

The American Cancer Society estimates that 90 percent of people with oral cancer (cancer affecting the lips, tongue, throat, and mouth) have used tobacco in some form. Likewise, the risk of oral cancer is six times higher among smokers relative to non-smokers. Your individual risk of oral cancer depends on how long you’ve been using tobacco — the longer you use it, the greater your risk.

Smoking and Periodontal Disease

“Smoking cigarettes doesn’t cause dental decay, but it does cause periodontal, or gum, disease,” Kilgore explains. “Bone loss is part of periodontal disease. It starts out as inflammation of the gums. In the natural and unfortunate progression, the bone supporting the roots of your teeth becomes inflamed,” and then the underlying bone can deteriorate, he adds.

“There are surgical and nonsurgical therapies to reverse or slow the progression of periodontal disease,” Kilgore says, but without proper treatment, gum disease does eventually lead to tooth loss and jawbone damage. One study found that smoking was associated with more than 50 percent of periodontal disease cases.

For Oral Health, No Tobacco Is Safe

People often think that different forms of tobacco are "safer" than others. However, says Kilgore, “Tobacco in any form has risks. It’s hard to figure out which is worse” — when tobacco is chewed, smoked, or inhaled.

The bottom line is that regular exposure to tobacco in any form can compromise your health. Kilgore points out that “pipe smokers may not smoke very often, but they can [still] get cancer of the lips, as they’re always holding the pipe in the same place on the lip.” Additionally, “there’s a myth that chewing tobacco has less risk, but it’s been shown pretty clearly that this isn’t true.”

And people who use smokeless (chewing) tobacco are at a four to six time greater risk of oral cancer than people who don't use tobacco at all. People who use smokeless tobacco are also at higher risk of tooth decay and cavities because some varieties of chewing tobacco contain sugar for a sweeter taste, and sugar is a primary cause of tooth decay.

Protecting Your Oral Heath

The following three principles can help to ensure good oral health throughout the years:

Quit smoking. After you’ve quit smoking, your risk of oral health problems decreases significantly. And the longer you remain a non-smoker, the lower your risk becomes. A decade after you’ve quit, your risk for periodontal disease is similar to that of a person who never smoked at all. “A lot of dentists now are taking the initiative to ask patients about their smoking habits, and are talking about the [nicotine] patch” and other ways to help people quit, Kilgore says.
Get regular dental checkups. As with most cancers, early detection can improve your outcome. “The good news is that regular checkups by a dentist are a good way to catch oral cancer early,” advises Kilgore. “Any mouth ulcers can be checked out with a biopsy, and you can get a diagnosis.” The sooner you start treatment, the better your odds of survival.
Brush properly. “Most people who have periodontal disease develop it from not brushing and flossing properly,” Kilgore notes. The heat and carcinogens found in cigarettes and tobacco are also damaging to your mouth and gums. So people who use tobacco need to be doubly careful about brushing and flossing correctly and doing so as often as recommended. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist to watch you brush and floss to make sure you’re doing a thorough job.
Having Trouble Quitting? Visit the Dentist Regularly

If you do use tobacco, cutting back and eventually quitting are some of the most important actions you can take to improve both your oral health and your overall health.

Tobacco use “is a tremendously addictive habit, so in the meantime, regular dental visits can help with early detection” of gum disease and precancerous mouth sores, Kilgore says. He adds that the people at greatest risk for oral cancer are chronic smokers who don’t visit their dentists regularly. “By the time oral cancer is detected, it’s hard to treat," he says. Plus, the treatments can be more challenging at later stages. Surgery and radiation treatments are often disfiguring and can affect your ability to speak and eat.

Talk to your dentist or general doctor about what can help you to kick your smoking and other tobacco habits today
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