Language is the important element in our live. Meyer (2002, p. 1) stat terjemahan - Language is the important element in our live. Meyer (2002, p. 1) stat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Language is the important element i

Language is the important element in our live. Meyer (2002, p. 1) states “language as one of many different systems of communication, a system that is unique to human beings and different from, for instance, the systems of communication that animals employ. Language exists in three modes: speech, writing, and signs (which are used by people who are deaf). Language can be said as a means of communication which is not only in form of written language but also in spoken language.
The success of communication process is affected by the meaning of words. Some words have a unique characteristic in meaning ; some of them have a meaning with a form of word, while some of them have many forms of words represented one meaning. It is always called as homonyms. Homonyms are several words with the same form. Homonyms is divided into two categories ; they are homophone and homograph. Homograph is some words which are spelt in the same way but pronounced differently. Besides, homophone is some words which are spelt in different way but pronounced in the same way.
English homonym, homophone and homograph are Linguistic branch which are popular taught in university especially for student in English department. The branch of semantics that deals with the word meaning is called lexical semantics. We can focus to find many things related to English Homonym in many situations when we were learning about the language
Semantics is the study of meaning in language. Based on the definition, we may be tempted to think that once we understand the semantics of a language, we completely understand that language. Meaning, however, involves more than just the semantic interpretation of an utterance” (Hurford and Heasley, 1983:1). Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language (Saeed)
Lexical relations are relationship of the meaning of a word to other words” (Bolinger, 1968:11). “Meaning property is one of several features or component which together can be said to make up the meaning of a word or utterance” (Lyons, 1977:57). All of lexical relations and meaning properties can be differentiated by looking all the words or sentences. Lexical relations are classified by Saeed in his text as homonymy, polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, member-collection, and portion-mass (Saeed 63-67). In this study, the researcher will be focuses toward homonymy. The definition of each classification has been described by Saeed in his book, “Semantics”. Homonymy are unrelated sense of the same phonological word.
According to Verhaar (2006, p. 395), and Pateda (1989, p. 98), homonym is the relation between two words or more which have the same form but different meaning. Verhaar add explains that homonym consists of homophone and homograph. Homonym not only focuses on the same form of word, but if the words have the same sound, it is called homophone. Whereas homograph is the pair or more of words which have the same spelling, but have different pronunciation. Homophone and homograph are the words which have similar pronunciation and spelling but the meaning are different, the homophone is the words which have the same pronunciation, different spelling and different meaning, and homograph is words which have the same spelling but different pronunciation and different meaning. In this study, researcher takes the issue about students ’Homonym’, and the reason of choosing this issue is because it relate to language learning especially English, however there are so many English department students have problems with this issue. There are many students admitted that they are confused and forget about English homonym, homophone and homograph especially in using and identifying in sentences.
Although English homonym, homophone and homograph are something which have been learned and the materials are easy to find, there are so many students in English department cannot use and identify the English homonym, homophone and homograph it self. It is proved by some interviews which researcher did to English department students. Some of them are still confused about the term and theory of English homonymy, homophone and homograph, and some of them still confuse about the differences between English homonym, homophone and homograph with other theory which have similarity to them. It is caused by there are some materials have similar characteristic with these materials, for example polysemy, where polysemy has similar characteristic with homonym.
Homonymy and polysemy are relations that deal with unrelated and related multiple meanings respectively of a word form. Homonymy deals with words that have the same form but different meanings. Polysemy is used to describe a single word that has many meanings. Intuition and the cognitive judgements of speakers as well as the historical development of a word help to determine whether we have a single word with many meanings or different words with the same form (Saeed, 2003, p. 64). In conventi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Language is the important element in our live. Meyer (2002, p. 1) states “language as one of many different systems of communication, a system that is unique to human beings and different from, for instance, the systems of communication that animals employ. Language exists in three modes: speech, writing, and signs (which are used by people who are deaf). Language can be said as a means of communication which is not only in form of written language but also in spoken language. The success of communication process is affected by the meaning of words. Some words have a unique characteristic in meaning ; some of them have a meaning with a form of word, while some of them have many forms of words represented one meaning. It is always called as homonyms. Homonyms are several words with the same form. Homonyms is divided into two categories ; they are homophone and homograph. Homograph is some words which are spelt in the same way but pronounced differently. Besides, homophone is some words which are spelt in different way but pronounced in the same way.English homonym, homophone and homograph are Linguistic branch which are popular taught in university especially for student in English department. The branch of semantics that deals with the word meaning is called lexical semantics. We can focus to find many things related to English Homonym in many situations when we were learning about the languageSemantics is the study of meaning in language. Based on the definition, we may be tempted to think that once we understand the semantics of a language, we completely understand that language. Meaning, however, involves more than just the semantic interpretation of an utterance” (Hurford and Heasley, 1983:1). Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language (Saeed) Lexical relations are relationship of the meaning of a word to other words” (Bolinger, 1968:11). “Meaning property is one of several features or component which together can be said to make up the meaning of a word or utterance” (Lyons, 1977:57). All of lexical relations and meaning properties can be differentiated by looking all the words or sentences. Lexical relations are classified by Saeed in his text as homonymy, polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, member-collection, and portion-mass (Saeed 63-67). In this study, the researcher will be focuses toward homonymy. The definition of each classification has been described by Saeed in his book, “Semantics”. Homonymy are unrelated sense of the same phonological word. According to Verhaar (2006, p. 395), and Pateda (1989, p. 98), homonym is the relation between two words or more which have the same form but different meaning. Verhaar add explains that homonym consists of homophone and homograph. Homonym not only focuses on the same form of word, but if the words have the same sound, it is called homophone. Whereas homograph is the pair or more of words which have the same spelling, but have different pronunciation. Homophone and homograph are the words which have similar pronunciation and spelling but the meaning are different, the homophone is the words which have the same pronunciation, different spelling and different meaning, and homograph is words which have the same spelling but different pronunciation and different meaning. In this study, researcher takes the issue about students ’Homonym’, and the reason of choosing this issue is because it relate to language learning especially English, however there are so many English department students have problems with this issue. There are many students admitted that they are confused and forget about English homonym, homophone and homograph especially in using and identifying in sentences. Although English homonym, homophone and homograph are something which have been learned and the materials are easy to find, there are so many students in English department cannot use and identify the English homonym, homophone and homograph it self. It is proved by some interviews which researcher did to English department students. Some of them are still confused about the term and theory of English homonymy, homophone and homograph, and some of them still confuse about the differences between English homonym, homophone and homograph with other theory which have similarity to them. It is caused by there are some materials have similar characteristic with these materials, for example polysemy, where polysemy has similar characteristic with homonym.Homonymy and polysemy are relations that deal with unrelated and related multiple meanings respectively of a word form. Homonymy deals with words that have the same form but different meanings. Polysemy is used to describe a single word that has many meanings. Intuition and the cognitive judgements of speakers as well as the historical development of a word help to determine whether we have a single word with many meanings or different words with the same form (Saeed, 2003, p. 64). In conventi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bahasa adalah unsur penting dalam hidup kita. Meyer (2002, p. 1) menyatakan "bahasa sebagai salah satu dari banyak sistem yang berbeda komunikasi, sistem yang unik untuk manusia dan berbeda dari, misalnya, sistem komunikasi yang hewan mempekerjakan. Bahasa ada dalam tiga mode: pidato, menulis, dan tanda-tanda (yang digunakan oleh orang-orang yang tuli). Bahasa dapat dikatakan sebagai sarana komunikasi yang tidak hanya dalam bentuk bahasa tertulis tetapi juga dalam bahasa lisan.
Keberhasilan proses komunikasi dipengaruhi oleh arti kata-kata. Beberapa kata memiliki karakteristik unik dalam arti; beberapa dari mereka memiliki makna dengan bentuk kata, sementara beberapa dari mereka memiliki banyak bentuk kata-kata diwakili satu makna. Itu selalu disebut sebagai homonim. Homonim beberapa kata-kata dengan bentuk yang sama. Homonim dibagi menjadi dua kategori; mereka homophone dan homograf. Homograf adalah beberapa kata yang dieja dengan cara yang sama tapi diucapkan berbeda. Selain itu, homophone adalah beberapa kata yang dieja dengan cara yang berbeda tetapi diucapkan dengan cara yang sama.
Homonim Inggris, homophone dan homograf adalah Linguistic cabang yang populer diajarkan di universitas terutama untuk mahasiswa di jurusan bahasa Inggris. Cabang semantik yang berhubungan dengan arti kata disebut semantik leksikal. Kita bisa fokus untuk menemukan banyak hal yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris homonim dalam banyak situasi ketika kita sedang belajar tentang bahasa
Semantik adalah studi tentang makna dalam bahasa. Berdasarkan definisi, kita mungkin tergoda untuk berpikir bahwa sekali kita memahami semantik bahasa, kita benar-benar mengerti bahasa tersebut. Artinya, bagaimanapun, melibatkan lebih dari sekedar interpretasi semantik ucapan "(Hurford dan Heasley, 1983: 1). Semantik adalah studi tentang makna dikomunikasikan melalui bahasa (Saeed)
hubungan leksikal adalah hubungan makna kata ke kata lain "(Bolinger, 1968: 11). "Artinya properti merupakan salah satu fitur atau komponen yang bersama-sama dapat dikatakan untuk membuat makna kata atau ucapan" (Lyons, 1977: 57). Semua hubungan leksikal dan sifat makna dapat dibedakan dengan melihat semua kata-kata atau kalimat. Hubungan leksikal diklasifikasikan oleh Saeed dalam teks sebagai homonimi, polisemi, sinonimi, antonimi, hyponymy, meronim, anggota-koleksi, dan bagian-massa (Saeed 63-67). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti akan berfokus terhadap homonimi. Definisi setiap klasifikasi telah dijelaskan oleh Saeed dalam bukunya, "Semantik". Homonimi adalah rasa tidak terkait dari kata fonologis yang sama.
Menurut Verhaar (2006, p. 395), dan Pateda (1989, p. 98), homonim adalah hubungan antara dua kata atau lebih yang memiliki bentuk yang sama tetapi arti yang berbeda. Verhaar menambahkan menjelaskan bahwa homonim terdiri dari homophone dan homograf. Homonim tidak hanya berfokus pada bentuk yang sama dari kata, tetapi jika kata-kata memiliki suara yang sama, hal itu disebut homophone. Sedangkan homograf adalah pasangan atau lebih dari kata-kata yang memiliki ejaan yang sama, namun memiliki pengucapan yang berbeda. Homophone dan homograf adalah kata-kata yang memiliki pengucapan yang sama dan ejaan tapi arti yang berbeda, homophone adalah kata-kata yang memiliki pengucapan yang sama, ejaan yang berbeda dan makna yang berbeda, dan homograf adalah kata-kata yang memiliki ejaan yang sama tapi pengucapan yang berbeda dan makna yang berbeda . Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil isu tentang siswa homonim ', dan alasan memilih masalah ini adalah karena berhubungan dengan pembelajaran bahasa terutama bahasa Inggris, namun ada begitu banyak siswa jurusan bahasa Inggris telah masalah dengan masalah ini. Ada banyak siswa mengakui bahwa mereka bingung dan melupakan bahasa Inggris homonim, homophone dan homograf terutama dalam menggunakan dan mengidentifikasi dalam kalimat.
Meskipun bahasa Inggris homonim, homophone dan homograf adalah sesuatu yang telah dipelajari dan bahan yang mudah untuk menemukan, ada begitu banyak siswa di jurusan bahasa Inggris tidak dapat menggunakan dan mengidentifikasi homonim Inggris, homophone dan homograf itu sendiri. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan beberapa wawancara yang peneliti lakukan untuk siswa jurusan bahasa Inggris. Beberapa dari mereka masih bingung tentang istilah dan teori English homonimi, homophone dan homograf, dan beberapa dari mereka masih bingung tentang perbedaan antara bahasa Inggris homonim, homophone dan homograf dengan teori lain yang memiliki kesamaan dengan mereka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh ada beberapa bahan memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan bahan-bahan ini, misalnya polisemi, di mana polisemi memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan homonim.
Homonimi dan polisemi yang hubungan yang berhubungan dengan tidak berhubungan dan terkait beberapa arti masing-masing dari bentuk kata. Penawaran homonimi dengan kata-kata yang memiliki bentuk yang sama tetapi arti yang berbeda. Polisemi digunakan untuk menggambarkan satu kata yang memiliki banyak makna. Intuisi dan penilaian kognitif speaker serta sejarah perkembangan bantuan kata untuk menentukan apakah kita memiliki satu kata dengan banyak makna atau kata-kata yang berbeda dengan bentuk yang sama (Saeed, 2003, hal. 64). di Conventi
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