Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning 1. Brand positioning terjemahan - Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning 1. Brand positioning Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Customer-Based Brand Equity and Bra

Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning
1. Brand positioning model describes how to establish competitive advantages in the minds of
customers in the marketplace;
2. Brand resonance model describes how to take these competitive advantages and create
intense, active loyalty relationships with customers for brands; and
3. Brand value chain model describes how to trace the value creation process to better understand
the financial impact of marketing expenditures and investments to create loyal customers
and strong brands.

Brand awareness consists of brand recognition and brand recall performance:
• Brand recognition is consumers’ ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when given
the brand as a cue. In other words, when they go to the store, will they be able to recognize
the brand as one to which they have already been exposed?
• Brand recall is consumers’ ability to retrieve the brand from memory when given the product
category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or a purchase or usage situation as a cue. In other
words, consumers’ recall of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes will depend on their ability to retrieve the
brand when they think of the cereal category or of what they should eat for breakfast or a snack,
whether at the store when making a purchase or at home when deciding what to eat.

Advantages of Brand Awareness.
Learning Advantages: Brand awareness influences the formation and strength of the associations
that make up the brand image. To create a brand image, marketers must first establish a
brand node in memory, the nature of which affects how easily the consumer learns and stores
additional brand associations. The first step in building brand equity is to register the brand in the
minds of consumers. If the right brand elements are chosen, the task becomes easier.
Consideration Advantages: Consumers must consider the brand whenever they are making
a purchase for which it could be acceptable or fulfilling a need it could satisfy. Raising brand
awareness increases the likelihood that the brand will be a member of the consideration set, the
handful of brands that receive serious consideration for purchase.13 Much research has shown
that consumers are rarely loyal to only one brand but instead have a set of brands they would
consider buying and another—possibly smaller—set of brands they actually buy on a regular
basis. Because consumers typically consider only a few brands for purchase, making sure that the
brand is in the consideration set also makes other brands less likely to be considered or recalled.14
Choice Advantages: The third advantage of creating a high level of brand awareness
is that it can affect choices among brands in the consideration set, even if there are
essentially no other associations to those brands.15 For example, consumers have
been shown to adopt a decision rule in some cases to buy only more familiar, wellestablished
brands.16 Thus, in low-involvement decision settings, a minimum level of brand
awareness may be sufficient for product choice, even in the absence of a well-formed attitude.1
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning 1. Brand positioning model describes how to establish competitive advantages in the minds ofcustomers in the marketplace; 2. Brand resonance model describes how to take these competitive advantages and create intense, active loyalty relationships with customers for brands; and 3. Brand value chain model describes how to trace the value creation process to better understandthe financial impact of marketing expenditures and investments to create loyal customersand strong brands.Brand awareness consists of brand recognition and brand recall performance:• Brand recognition is consumers’ ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when giventhe brand as a cue. In other words, when they go to the store, will they be able to recognizethe brand as one to which they have already been exposed?• Brand recall is consumers’ ability to retrieve the brand from memory when given the productcategory, the needs fulfilled by the category, or a purchase or usage situation as a cue. In otherwords, consumers’ recall of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes will depend on their ability to retrieve thebrand when they think of the cereal category or of what they should eat for breakfast or a snack,whether at the store when making a purchase or at home when deciding what to eat.Advantages of Brand Awareness. Learning Advantages: Brand awareness influences the formation and strength of the associationsthat make up the brand image. To create a brand image, marketers must first establish abrand node in memory, the nature of which affects how easily the consumer learns and storesadditional brand associations. The first step in building brand equity is to register the brand in theminds of consumers. If the right brand elements are chosen, the task becomes easier.Consideration Advantages: Consumers must consider the brand whenever they are makinga purchase for which it could be acceptable or fulfilling a need it could satisfy. Raising brandawareness increases the likelihood that the brand will be a member of the consideration set, thehandful of brands that receive serious consideration for purchase.13 Much research has shownthat consumers are rarely loyal to only one brand but instead have a set of brands they wouldconsider buying and another—possibly smaller—set of brands they actually buy on a regularbasis. Because consumers typically consider only a few brands for purchase, making sure that thebrand is in the consideration set also makes other brands less likely to be considered or recalled.14Choice Advantages: The third advantage of creating a high level of brand awarenessis that it can affect choices among brands in the consideration set, even if there areessentially no other associations to those brands.15 For example, consumers havebeen shown to adopt a decision rule in some cases to buy only more familiar, wellestablishedbrands.16 Thus, in low-involvement decision settings, a minimum level of brandawareness may be sufficient for product choice, even in the absence of a well-formed attitude.1
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pelanggan Berbasis Brand Equity dan Brand Positioning
1. Model brand positioning menjelaskan bagaimana untuk membangun keunggulan kompetitif dalam pikiran
pelanggan di pasar;
2. Model merek resonansi menjelaskan bagaimana untuk mengambil ini keunggulan kompetitif dan menciptakan
intens, hubungan loyalitas aktif dengan pelanggan untuk merek; dan
3. Merek Model rantai nilai menjelaskan cara untuk melacak proses penciptaan nilai untuk lebih memahami
dampak keuangan dari pengeluaran pemasaran dan investasi untuk membuat pelanggan setia
dan merek yang kuat. Kesadaran merek terdiri dari pengenalan merek dan kinerja brand recall: • Pengakuan Merek adalah kemampuan konsumen untuk mengkonfirmasi paparan sebelum merek ketika diberikan merek sebagai isyarat. Dengan kata lain, ketika mereka pergi ke toko, akan mereka dapat mengenali merek sebagai salah satu yang mereka telah terkena? • Merek recall adalah kemampuan konsumen untuk mengambil merek dari memori ketika diberikan produk kategori, kebutuhan dipenuhi oleh kategori, atau situasi pembelian atau penggunaan sebagai isyarat. Di lain kata-kata, mengingat konsumen dari Kellogg Corn Flakes akan tergantung pada kemampuan mereka untuk mengambil merek ketika mereka berpikir tentang kategori sereal atau apa yang harus mereka makan untuk sarapan atau camilan, baik di toko ketika melakukan pembelian atau di rumah ketika memutuskan apa yang harus makan. Keuntungan dari Brand Awareness. Belajar Keuntungan: Kesadaran merek mempengaruhi pembentukan dan kekuatan asosiasi yang membentuk brand image. Untuk membuat citra merek, pemasar harus terlebih dahulu membangun simpul merek dalam memori, sifat yang mempengaruhi bagaimana dengan mudah konsumen belajar dan toko asosiasi merek tambahan. Langkah pertama dalam membangun ekuitas merek adalah untuk mendaftarkan merek di benak konsumen. Jika unsur-unsur merek yang tepat dipilih, tugas menjadi lebih mudah. ​​Pertimbangan Keuntungan: Konsumen harus mempertimbangkan merek setiap kali mereka membuat pembelian yang bisa diterima atau memenuhi kebutuhan itu bisa memuaskan. Meningkatkan brand awareness meningkatkan kemungkinan bahwa merek akan menjadi anggota dari himpunan pertimbangan, beberapa merek yang menerima pertimbangan serius untuk purchase.13 Banyak penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa konsumen jarang setia hanya satu merek tetapi memiliki satu set merek mereka akan mempertimbangkan pembelian dan lain-mungkin lebih kecil-set merek mereka benar-benar membeli pada biasa dasar. Karena konsumen biasanya mempertimbangkan hanya beberapa merek untuk pembelian, pastikan bahwa merek dalam pertimbangan mengatur juga membuat merek lain cenderung dianggap atau recalled.14 Penghargaan Keuntungan: Keuntungan ketiga menciptakan tingkat tinggi kesadaran merek adalah bahwa hal itu dapat mempengaruhi pilihan antara merek di set pertimbangan, bahkan jika ada dasarnya tidak ada asosiasi lain untuk mereka brands.15 Misalnya, konsumen telah terbukti mengadopsi aturan keputusan dalam beberapa kasus untuk membeli hanya lebih akrab, wellestablished brands.16 demikian , dalam pengaturan keputusan keterlibatan rendah, tingkat minimum brand awareness mungkin cukup untuk pilihan produk, bahkan dalam adanya attitude.1 well-formed

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