But right now she couldn’t care less that he was widely praised for th terjemahan - But right now she couldn’t care less that he was widely praised for th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

But right now she couldn’t care les

But right now she couldn’t care less that he was widely praised for the meticulous attention he gave to restoring historic homes. The man made her hackles rise. Just knowing that he’d occasionally have to be at Hawk Hill in order to supervise the restoration work was irksome. Hawk Hill, a mere trail ride through the woods from Rosewood, was far too close.
“My family and I would be pleased to have you visit Rosewood, Mr. Gage.” Dear Lord, how many lies would she utter for the sake of politeness before this lunch was over? And how infuriating that he seemed to see through her dissembling, as if he’d known her forever instead of five minutes.
“Owen,” he reminded her with that dimpled, too charming smile. “I’ll hold you to that invitation, Jordan.”
Just then Sonia returned to announce that lunch was served, and she once again found herself having to ignore the warmth of his touch when he wrapped his hand about her elbow to escort her and Nonie into the dining room.
She could thank him for one thing. Whereas previously she had been nervous about having to pitch her ideas to Nonie, now she couldn’t wait to get through lunch and begin discussing how best to decorate the guest cottage. Then at least she’d have the satisfaction of saying good-bye to him.
The lunch verged on inedible. The poached salmon was rubbery, the asparagus drastically overcooked, and one bite of the cloyingly sweet key lime pie that Nonie served for dessert had made Owen’s teeth ache. Just as syrupy and distasteful had been Nonie’s “dear” and “darling” every time she addressed him.
Yet surprisingly Owen was enjoying himself. The chance to sit across the china-and-silver-laden table from Jordan Radcliffe more than made up for the meal’s deficiencies.
Owen studied the woman seated across from him. A man who appreciated contrasts, he could not help finding her fascinating. Such a curious mix of social poise and palpable hostility. And for a woman with more prickle than a cactus, she had the smoothest, silkiest skin imaginable. She also happened to live in one of the finest houses in Virginia. This fact alone made Ms. Jordan Radcliffe extremely worthy of his attention.
Guessing what a lunch at Nonie Harrison’s would be like, he’d made every attempt to avoid it. But then she dangled the promise of Jordan Radcliffe’s presence. He would dutifully eat an entire platter of overboiled asparagus for the chance to step inside Rosewood. The house was rumored to be a near-pristine example of Greek Revival architecture in Virginia, passed down through generations of Radcliffes. The family had apparently never deemed it necessary to alter the home built by their ancestor, the storied Francis Radcliffe. To the architectural historian in Owen, visiting a house like Rosewood was like mining the mother lode.
He’d seen a few tantalizing glimpses of the house in a Vogue photo spread that an assistant had brought into his Alexandria office to show him. One of the Radcliffe sisters was a fashion model and had agreed to a photo shoot in the ancestral home. Now he remembered seeing in the spread a picture of Jordan, as well. That he should have noticed her at all was nothing less than remarkable. He’d been scouring the photographs for details of her ancestral home, not for images of its owners.
Indeed, if someone had asked Owen a mere hour ago which would hold greater interest, meeting a direct descendant of Francis Radcliffe, who’d commissioned Rosewood in 1840, or getting a chance to explore the mansion inside and out, his answer would have been immediate. I’ll take door number two.
But that was before he’d met Jordan. To say he found her intriguing was an understatement. When he’d shaken her hand earlier, he’d felt the slight trembling of her fingers clasped in his and caught the flash of feminine awareness in her wide blue eyes. Yet rather than acknowledge that they were two individuals who recognized a spark of attraction between them—he was always more than happy to admit any interest in a beautiful woman—she had abruptly gone all prickly on him.
Her dislike seemed a bit too determined when all they’d done was shake hands, and so to Owen she was that much more interesting. From Nonie’s pointed comment, he’d already figured out that she was divorced, so what was the big deal?
Owen didn’t consider himself particularly conceited, but he was rather accustomed to being liked by the opposite sex. He was decent-looking. He took care of his teeth and trimmed his nails. It wasn’t hard to keep in shape by supplementing the manual labor he put in on his renovation projects with visits to the gym. But most likely the reason women seemed to gravitate toward him was because he’d always been comfortable around them. It was a trait developed early, fostered by the long string of au pairs and nannies his parents hired to care for him as they traveled the world.
By the age of six, Owen had already tapped into the winning combination of using the right words and a few disarming grins to convince almost any woman to do his bidding. Back then, he’d basically been aiming for another slice of cake and an extra half-hour of playtime in the park. At thirty-six, his tastes had evolved, but he still greatly enjoyed playtime.
The women he dated did, too.
Jordan Radcliffe, of the flawless skin, fathomless blue eyes, auburn hair, and willowy figure, was doing everything she could to let him know she wasn’t remotely interested in engaging with him in any kind of activity, recreational or otherwise. Indeed, from the conspicuous lack of interest she displayed, she was letting him know that she considered him about as interesting as dry rot … actually, probably less.
Perhaps it was for the best. He made it a point to avoid women who fairly screamed complicated, no matter how petal-soft their skin. He preferred his affairs to be straightforward, mutually enjoyable, and brief. Brevity was key. Let a relationship continue too long and the woman developed an unfortunate tendency to make plans.
And the only plans that interested him were architectural. He’d worked his hide off to make Owen Gage & Associates one of the best architectural preservation firms in the area. While he liked contrasts and depth in art and architecture, he had no intention of making room in his life for a woman who had “complexity” written all over her.
A shame, because Jordan Radcliffe smelled really good. Owen was still trying to identify the beguiling scent he’d breathed in as he’d escorted her to the dining room and then held her chair for her. The fragrance was light and fresh and, well, he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made it so different from the perfumes women generally favored, but he liked it.
He told himself he should be grateful that she’d made it abundantly clear she didn’t want him anywhere near her sweet-smelling self. Otherwise he might be tempted to ignore his established rules of engagement.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like another cup of coffee, Jordan?”
“No, thank you, Nonie. Lunch was absolutely delicious.”
Nonie immediately switched her attention back to him, and as he was seated opposite Jordan, he caught the sneak peek she gave her wristwatch. The tiny slip in manners made him grin. She’d been the epitome of politeness throughout the meal—a careful, formal etiquette that he suspected she used as a shield. The possibility that Jordan might be as bored as he by Nonie’s monopoly of the conversation made Owen wonder what else went on behind that perfect front.
“And you, Owen, darling? More coffee?” Nonie asked.
“Not for me either, thanks. I should be going—”
“Oh, but you must stay. I planned to take Jordan to the cottage and hear her ideas for how I might decorate it. I want you to come, too.”
The stunned look on Jordan’s face must have mirrored his own. He’d gotten to know Nonie Harrison fairly well over the months his team had worked on restoring her guest cottage, but she continued to amaze him. Was she really that ignorant of the basic notions of professional courtesy? Probably not, he concluded. A spoiled rich woman, she simply wanted what she wanted and never saw any reason why she shouldn’t have it.
“I’m sure Jordan would rather share her ideas without—” he began as Jordan said, “Perhaps tomorrow would be a better time for us to discuss—”
“Nonsense.” Nonie silenced them both with a wave of her diamond-ringed hand. “Why ever would she mind having you accompany us? You did such a fabulous job on the cottage. I want to be certain the finishing touches will be just as wonderful. You understand, Jordan, don’t you?”
Yes, she did understand. Nonie had set up the lunch and the so-called interview as an elaborate cat-and-mouse game. Her insistence that Owen listen while she presented her decorating ideas was one more way of toying with her. Nonie had obviously decided it would be amusing to see whether she would fall apart at the prospect.
Although it was like being a first-year art student and having her paintings examined by Michelangelo, Jordan wasn’t going to back down. She hadn’t sat through this awful lunch, doing her darnedest to ignore the hundred little things about Owen Gage that she really did not want to notice about him—such as the tantalizing contrast of the dark hair sprinkling the back of his long-fingered hands and the snowy white cuff of his shirt sleeve, or how the lines that fanned out from the corners of his eyes and bracketed his mouth deepened whenever he smiled—to give up on the commission now.
“Of course I have no objection to Owen hearing my ideas,” she said, bringing the tally of today’s lies into the double digits.
“There, you see, Owen? She doesn’t mind at all. Let’s go over to the cottage right now, shall we? Oh, this will be so much fun!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tetapi tepat sekarang dia tidak peduli bahwa dia secara luas dipuji untuk perhatian cermat dia memberi untuk memulihkan rumah bersejarah. Laki-laki membuat hackles nya meningkat. Hanya tahu bahwa ia akan kadang-kadang harus di Hawk Hill untuk mengawasi pekerjaan restorasi adalah menjengkelkan. Elang Hill, hanya jejak perjalanan melalui hutan dari Rosewood, adalah terlalu dekat."Keluarga saya dan saya akan senang untuk memiliki Anda kunjungi Rosewood, Mr Gage." Sayang Tuhan, berapa banyak kebohongan yang akan dia mengucapkan demi kesopanan sebelum makan siang ini sudah berakhir? Dan bagaimana menyebalkan bahwa ia tampak untuk melihat melalui tauriyah nya, seolah-olah ia tahu dia selamanya bukan lima menit."Owen," Dia mengingatkan dia dengan berlesung Pipit, terlalu menarik senyum. "Aku akan tahan Anda untuk undangan, Jordan."Hebat.Hanya kemudian Sonia kembali ke mengumumkan bahwa makan siang disajikan, dan ia sekali lagi menemukan dirinya memiliki untuk mengabaikan kehangatan dari sentuhan-nya ketika ia dibungkus tangannya tentang sikunya untuk mengawal dirinya dan Nonie ke ruang makan.Dia bisa berterima kasih padanya untuk satu hal. Sedangkan sebelumnya ia telah gugup karena untuk pitch ide-ide nya untuk Nonie, sekarang dia tidak sabar untuk mendapatkan melalui makan siang dan mulai membahas cara terbaik untuk menghias Pondok tamu. Maka setidaknya dia akan memiliki kepuasan mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada-Nya.Makan Siang verged tidak termakan. Salmon rebus adalah kenyal, asparagus drastis matang, dan satu gigitan kue cloyingly manis jeruk nipis yang Nonie melayani untuk pencuci mulut telah dibuat pengkhotbah Owen ini gigi sakit. Hanya sebagai manis dan tidak menyenangkan telah Nonie's "Sayang" dan "Sayang" setiap kali ia ditujukan padanya.Namun anehnya Owen menikmati dirinya sendiri. Kesempatan untuk duduk di seberang meja Cina-dan-silver-sarat dari Jordan Radcliffe lebih dari yang dibuat untuk kekurangan dalam makanan.Owen belajar wanita yang duduk di hadapannya. Seorang pria yang dihargai kontras, dia tidak bisa membantu mencari wanita menarik. Seperti campuran penasaran sosial ketenangan dan teraba permusuhan. Dan seorang perempuan dengan lebih prickle daripada Kaktus, ia memiliki kulit halus, silkiest dibayangkan. Dia juga kebetulan tinggal di salah satu rumah terbaik di Virginia. Fakta ini saja membuat ibu Jordan Radcliffe sangat layak perhatian.Menebak apa makan siang di Nonie Harrison's akan seperti, dia telah membuat setiap usaha untuk menghindarinya. Tapi kemudian dia berjuntai janji kehadiran Jordan Radcliffe. Ia akan patuh makan platter seluruh overboiled asparagus kesempatan untuk langkah dalam Rosewood. Rumah dikabarkan menjadi contoh yang dekat-murni dari Yunani Revival arsitektur di Virginia, diwariskan turun temurun dari Radcliffes. Keluarga telah rupanya tidak pernah dianggap perlu untuk mengubah rumah yang dibangun oleh leluhur mereka, Francis Radcliffe bertingkat. Untuk arsitektur sejarawan di Owen, mengunjungi rumah seperti Rosewood ingin pertambangan ibu lode.He’d seen a few tantalizing glimpses of the house in a Vogue photo spread that an assistant had brought into his Alexandria office to show him. One of the Radcliffe sisters was a fashion model and had agreed to a photo shoot in the ancestral home. Now he remembered seeing in the spread a picture of Jordan, as well. That he should have noticed her at all was nothing less than remarkable. He’d been scouring the photographs for details of her ancestral home, not for images of its owners.Indeed, if someone had asked Owen a mere hour ago which would hold greater interest, meeting a direct descendant of Francis Radcliffe, who’d commissioned Rosewood in 1840, or getting a chance to explore the mansion inside and out, his answer would have been immediate. I’ll take door number two.But that was before he’d met Jordan. To say he found her intriguing was an understatement. When he’d shaken her hand earlier, he’d felt the slight trembling of her fingers clasped in his and caught the flash of feminine awareness in her wide blue eyes. Yet rather than acknowledge that they were two individuals who recognized a spark of attraction between them—he was always more than happy to admit any interest in a beautiful woman—she had abruptly gone all prickly on him.Her dislike seemed a bit too determined when all they’d done was shake hands, and so to Owen she was that much more interesting. From Nonie’s pointed comment, he’d already figured out that she was divorced, so what was the big deal?Owen didn’t consider himself particularly conceited, but he was rather accustomed to being liked by the opposite sex. He was decent-looking. He took care of his teeth and trimmed his nails. It wasn’t hard to keep in shape by supplementing the manual labor he put in on his renovation projects with visits to the gym. But most likely the reason women seemed to gravitate toward him was because he’d always been comfortable around them. It was a trait developed early, fostered by the long string of au pairs and nannies his parents hired to care for him as they traveled the world.By the age of six, Owen had already tapped into the winning combination of using the right words and a few disarming grins to convince almost any woman to do his bidding. Back then, he’d basically been aiming for another slice of cake and an extra half-hour of playtime in the park. At thirty-six, his tastes had evolved, but he still greatly enjoyed playtime.The women he dated did, too.Jordan Radcliffe, of the flawless skin, fathomless blue eyes, auburn hair, and willowy figure, was doing everything she could to let him know she wasn’t remotely interested in engaging with him in any kind of activity, recreational or otherwise. Indeed, from the conspicuous lack of interest she displayed, she was letting him know that she considered him about as interesting as dry rot … actually, probably less.Perhaps it was for the best. He made it a point to avoid women who fairly screamed complicated, no matter how petal-soft their skin. He preferred his affairs to be straightforward, mutually enjoyable, and brief. Brevity was key. Let a relationship continue too long and the woman developed an unfortunate tendency to make plans.And the only plans that interested him were architectural. He’d worked his hide off to make Owen Gage & Associates one of the best architectural preservation firms in the area. While he liked contrasts and depth in art and architecture, he had no intention of making room in his life for a woman who had “complexity” written all over her.A shame, because Jordan Radcliffe smelled really good. Owen was still trying to identify the beguiling scent he’d breathed in as he’d escorted her to the dining room and then held her chair for her. The fragrance was light and fresh and, well, he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made it so different from the perfumes women generally favored, but he liked it.He told himself he should be grateful that she’d made it abundantly clear she didn’t want him anywhere near her sweet-smelling self. Otherwise he might be tempted to ignore his established rules of engagement.“Are you sure you wouldn’t like another cup of coffee, Jordan?”“No, thank you, Nonie. Lunch was absolutely delicious.”Nonie immediately switched her attention back to him, and as he was seated opposite Jordan, he caught the sneak peek she gave her wristwatch. The tiny slip in manners made him grin. She’d been the epitome of politeness throughout the meal—a careful, formal etiquette that he suspected she used as a shield. The possibility that Jordan might be as bored as he by Nonie’s monopoly of the conversation made Owen wonder what else went on behind that perfect front.“And you, Owen, darling? More coffee?” Nonie asked.“Not for me either, thanks. I should be going—”“Oh, but you must stay. I planned to take Jordan to the cottage and hear her ideas for how I might decorate it. I want you to come, too.”The stunned look on Jordan’s face must have mirrored his own. He’d gotten to know Nonie Harrison fairly well over the months his team had worked on restoring her guest cottage, but she continued to amaze him. Was she really that ignorant of the basic notions of professional courtesy? Probably not, he concluded. A spoiled rich woman, she simply wanted what she wanted and never saw any reason why she shouldn’t have it.“I’m sure Jordan would rather share her ideas without—” he began as Jordan said, “Perhaps tomorrow would be a better time for us to discuss—”“Nonsense.” Nonie silenced them both with a wave of her diamond-ringed hand. “Why ever would she mind having you accompany us? You did such a fabulous job on the cottage. I want to be certain the finishing touches will be just as wonderful. You understand, Jordan, don’t you?”Yes, she did understand. Nonie had set up the lunch and the so-called interview as an elaborate cat-and-mouse game. Her insistence that Owen listen while she presented her decorating ideas was one more way of toying with her. Nonie had obviously decided it would be amusing to see whether she would fall apart at the prospect.Although it was like being a first-year art student and having her paintings examined by Michelangelo, Jordan wasn’t going to back down. She hadn’t sat through this awful lunch, doing her darnedest to ignore the hundred little things about Owen Gage that she really did not want to notice about him—such as the tantalizing contrast of the dark hair sprinkling the back of his long-fingered hands and the snowy white cuff of his shirt sleeve, or how the lines that fanned out from the corners of his eyes and bracketed his mouth deepened whenever he smiled—to give up on the commission now.“Of course I have no objection to Owen hearing my ideas,” she said, bringing the tally of today’s lies into the double digits.“There, you see, Owen? She doesn’t mind at all. Let’s go over to the cottage right now, shall we? Oh, this will be so much fun!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tapi sekarang ia tidak peduli bahwa ia banyak dipuji untuk perhatian cermat dia berikan kepada memulihkan rumah-rumah bersejarah. Pria itu membuat kegusaran dia naik. Hanya mengetahui bahwa ia kadang-kadang harus berada di Elang Bukit untuk mengawasi pekerjaan restorasi itu menjengkelkan. Elang Hill, hanya jejak perjalanan melalui hutan dari Rosewood, terlalu dekat.
"Keluarga saya dan saya akan senang untuk memiliki Anda mengunjungi Rosewood, Mr. Gage." Ya Tuhan, berapa banyak kebohongan dia akan mengucapkan demi kesopanan sebelum makan siang ini usai? Dan bagaimana menyebalkan bahwa ia tampaknya melihat melalui dissembling, seolah-olah ia tahu dirinya selamanya, bukan lima menit.
"Owen," ia mengingatkan dirinya dengan yang berlesung pipit, terlalu menarik senyum. "Aku akan terus Anda untuk undangan, Jordan."
Saat itu Sonia kembali mengumumkan makan siang yang disajikan, dan dia sekali lagi menemukan dirinya harus mengabaikan kehangatan sentuhannya ketika ia membungkus tangannya tentang sikunya untuk mengawal dan Nonie ke ruang makan.
Dia bisa mengucapkan terima kasih untuk satu hal. Padahal sebelumnya ia telah gugup karena untuk pitch ide-idenya untuk Nonie, sekarang dia tidak bisa menunggu untuk melewati makan siang dan mulai membahas bagaimana cara terbaik untuk menghias pondok tamu. Maka setidaknya dia memiliki kepuasan mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepadanya.
Makan siang verged termakan. Salmon rebus karet, asparagus drastis matang, dan satu gigitan dari cloyingly manis key lime pie yang Nonie disajikan untuk hidangan penutup telah membuat Owen gigi sakit. Sama seperti manis dan tidak menyenangkan telah Nonie "Sayang" dan "Sayang" setiap kali dia menyapanya.
Namun mengejutkan Owen sedang menikmati dirinya sendiri. Kesempatan untuk duduk di seberang meja cina-dan-perak-sarat dari Yordania Radcliffe lebih dari dibuat untuk kekurangan makanan ini.
Owen mempelajari wanita yang duduk di depannya. Seorang pria yang dihargai kontras, dia tidak bisa membantu menemukan menarik nya. Seperti campuran penasaran ketenangan sosial dan permusuhan teraba. Dan bagi wanita dengan lebih prickle dari kaktus, dia memiliki halus, kulit silkiest dibayangkan. Dia juga kebetulan tinggal di salah satu rumah terbaik di Virginia. Fakta ini saja membuat Ms. Jordan Radcliffe sangat layak perhatiannya.
Menebak apa makan siang di Nonie Harrison akan seperti, ia membuat setiap usaha untuk menghindarinya. Tapi kemudian dia menggantung janji kehadiran Jordan Radcliffe. Dia akan patuh makan piring seluruh asparagus overboiled untuk kesempatan untuk melangkah masuk Rosewood. Rumah itu dikabarkan menjadi contoh-dekat murni dari Yunani arsitektur Revival di Virginia, turun-temurun dari Radcliffes. Keluarga itu tampaknya tidak pernah dianggap perlu untuk mengubah rumah yang dibangun oleh nenek moyang mereka, bertingkat Francis Radcliffe. Untuk sejarawan arsitektur di Owen, mengunjungi rumah seperti Rosewood seperti pertambangan dengan lapisan ibu.
Dia melihat sekilas menggoda beberapa rumah di Vogue foto spread yang asisten telah dibawa ke kantor Alexandria untuk menunjukkan kepadanya. Salah satu saudara Radcliffe adalah seorang model dan telah setuju untuk pemotretan di rumah leluhur. Sekarang ia ingat melihat di penyebaran gambar Jordan, juga. Bahwa ia harus telah memperhatikan dia sama sekali tidak kurang dari luar biasa. Dia sudah menjelajahi foto-foto untuk rincian rumah leluhur nya, bukan untuk gambar dari pemiliknya.
Memang, jika seseorang telah meminta Owen jam hanya lalu yang akan menahan minat yang lebih besar, bertemu keturunan langsung dari Francis Radcliffe, yang telah ditugaskan rosewood pada tahun 1840, atau mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi mansion di dalam dan luar, jawabannya akan segera. Aku akan mengambil pintu nomor dua.
Tapi itu sebelum ia bertemu Jordan. Mengatakan ia menemukan menarik nya adalah meremehkan. Ketika ia terguncang tangannya sebelumnya, ia akan merasakan sedikit gemetar jari-jarinya tergenggam di dan menangkap flash kesadaran feminin di mata lebar biru. Namun bukannya mengakui bahwa mereka adalah dua individu yang diakui percikan tarik di antara mereka-ia selalu lebih dari senang untuk mengakui kepentingan dalam indah wanita-dia tiba-tiba pergi semua berduri pada dirinya.
Ketidaksukaan nya tampak sedikit terlalu bertekad saat semua yang mereka lakukan adalah berjabat tangan, dan sehingga untuk Owen dia yang jauh lebih menarik. Dari komentar menunjuk Nonie, dia sudah tahu bahwa dia bercerai, jadi apa adalah masalah besar?
Owen tidak menganggap dirinya sangat sombong, tapi dia agak terbiasa disukai oleh lawan jenis. Dia layak mencari. Ia merawat gigi dan dipangkas kukunya. Itu tidak sulit untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh dengan menambah tenaga kerja manual yang dimasukkan ke dalam proyek renovasi dengan kunjungan ke gym. Tapi kemungkinan besar alasan wanita tampaknya tertarik ke arahnya karena ia selalu nyaman di sekitar mereka. Itu suatu sifat dikembangkan awal, dipupuk oleh string panjang au pasangan dan pengasuh orang tuanya disewa untuk merawat dia sebagai mereka berkeliling dunia.
Pada usia enam, Owen sudah menyadap kombinasi pemenang dari menggunakan kata-kata yang tepat dan beberapa pelucutan senjata menyeringai meyakinkan hampir setiap wanita untuk melakukan penawaran. Saat itu, ia pada dasarnya telah bertujuan untuk sepotong kue lagi dan setengah jam tambahan bermain di taman. Pada tiga puluh enam, seleranya telah berevolusi, tapi ia masih sangat menikmati waktu bermain.
Para wanita yang tanggal lakukan, juga.
Jordan Radcliffe, dari kulit mulus, mata biru tak terukur, rambut pirang, dan tokoh ramping, melakukan segala sesuatu yang dia bisa untuk biarkan dia tahu dia tidak tertarik untuk terlibat dengan dia dalam setiap jenis kegiatan, rekreasi atau sebaliknya. Memang, dari kurangnya mencolok dari bunga dia ditampilkan, dia membiarkan dia tahu bahwa dia dianggap dia tentang semenarik busuk kering ... sebenarnya, mungkin kurang.
Mungkin itu yang terbaik. Dia membuat sebuah titik untuk menghindari wanita yang cukup menjerit rumit, tidak peduli seberapa kelopak-lembut kulit mereka. Ia lebih suka urusannya menjadi mudah, saling menyenangkan, dan singkat. Singkatnya adalah kunci. Biarkan hubungan terus terlalu lama dan wanita mengembangkan kecenderungan untuk membuat rencana.
Dan satu-satunya rencana yang menarik baginya adalah arsitektur. Dia bekerja hide off untuk membuat Owen Gage & Associates salah satu yang terbaik perusahaan pelestarian arsitektur di daerah. Sementara ia menyukai kontras dan kedalaman dalam seni dan arsitektur, ia tidak berniat membuat ruang dalam hidupnya untuk seorang wanita yang memiliki "kompleksitas" tertulis di atasnya.
A malu, karena Jordan Radcliffe berbau benar-benar baik. Owen masih berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi aroma memperdaya dia menghirup saat ia mengantarnya ke ruang makan dan kemudian diadakan kursi untuknya. Aroma ringan dan segar dan, well, dia tidak bisa menunjukkan apa yang membuatnya begitu berbeda dari parfum wanita umumnya disukai, tapi dia menyukainya.
Dia mengatakan kepada dirinya sendiri bahwa ia harus bersyukur bahwa ia telah membuat sangat jelas dia didn 't ingin dia berada di dekat nya sendiri harum. Kalau tidak, dia mungkin akan tergoda untuk mengabaikan aturan-Nya didirikan keterlibatan.
"Apakah Anda yakin Anda tidak ingin secangkir kopi, Jordan?"
"Tidak, terima kasih, Nonie. Makan siang benar-benar lezat.
"Nonie segera beralih perhatiannya kembali kepadanya, dan saat ia duduk di seberang Yordan, ia menangkap sekilas dia memberi jam tangannya. Slip kecil dalam perilaku membuatnya tersenyum. Dia sudah lambang kesopanan seluruh makanan-a-hati, etiket formal yang ia menduga ia digunakan sebagai perisai. Kemungkinan bahwa Jordan mungkin bosan karena dia oleh monopoli Nonie percakapan membuat Owen bertanya-tanya apa lagi yang terjadi di balik itu depan yang sempurna.
"Dan Anda, Owen, Sayang? Lebih kopi? "Tanya
Nonie." Bukan untuk saya baik, terima kasih. Aku harus
akan-"" Oh, tapi Anda harus tinggal. Saya berencana untuk mengambil Yordania ke pondok dan mendengar ide-idenya untuk bagaimana saya bisa menghiasnya. Aku ingin kau datang juga.
"Raut tertegun di wajah Jordan harus mencerminkan sendiri. Dia mendapat tahu Nonie Harrison cukup baik selama bulan timnya telah bekerja pada pemulihan dirinya pondok tamu, tapi ia terus memukau dia. Apakah dia benar-benar tahu tentang pengertian dasar sopan santun profesional? Mungkin tidak, pungkasnya. Seorang wanita kaya yang manja, dia hanya ingin apa yang dia inginkan dan tidak pernah melihat alasan mengapa dia tidak harus memilikinya.
"Saya yakin Jordan lebih suka berbagi ide nya without-" ia mulai sebagai Jordan mengatakan, "Mungkin besok akan menjadi waktu yang lebih baik bagi kita untuk discuss-
"" Omong kosong. "Nonie dibungkam mereka berdua dengan gelombang nya tangan berlian cincin. "Mengapa pernah ia akan keberatan memiliki Anda menemani kami? Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang luar biasa di pondok. Saya ingin memastikan sentuhan akhir akan hanya indah. Anda memahami, Jordan, bukan?
"Ya, dia mengerti. Nonie telah mendirikan makan siang dan disebut wawancara sebagai permainan kucing dan tikus yang rumit. Desakan bahwa Owen mendengarkan sementara dia disajikan ide dekorasi nya adalah salah satu cara yang lebih dari bermain-main dengan dia. Nonie telah jelas memutuskan akan menyenangkan untuk melihat apakah ia akan berantakan di prospek.
Meskipun itu seperti menjadi mahasiswa seni tahun pertama dan memiliki lukisan diperiksa oleh Michelangelo, Jordan tidak akan mundur. Dia tidak duduk melalui makan siang ini mengerikan, melakukan darnedest dia untuk mengabaikan ratusan hal kecil tentang Owen Gage bahwa dia benar-benar tidak ingin melihat tentang dirinya-seperti kontras menggoda rambut hitam menyembur bagian belakang yang panjang-meraba tangan dan manset putih bersalju lengan bajunya, atau bagaimana garis yang menyebar dari sudut matanya dan kurung mulutnya diperdalam setiap kali dia tersenyum-untuk menyerah pada komisi sekarang.
"Tentu saja aku tidak keberatan untuk Owen mendengar ide-ide saya, "katanya, membawa penghitungan kebohongan saat ini ke dalam dua
digit." Di sana, Anda lihat, Owen? Dia tidak keberatan sama sekali. Mari kita pergi ke pondok sekarang, akan kita? Oh, ini akan menjadi sangat menyenangkan! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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