As a child, Ruvik was slightly tall for his age. He was pale and posse terjemahan - As a child, Ruvik was slightly tall for his age. He was pale and posse Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As a child, Ruvik was slightly tall

As a child, Ruvik was slightly tall for his age. He was pale and possessed short blonde hair, that was presented in a neatened style. He wore formal clothing consisting of black dress pants, a white shirt, a black waist coat and a red tie, and brown shoes. He was quite a thin child. He also possessed blue eyes. At this time his skin was clear and free of any scarring or blemishes. Like his sister Laura, he too resembled one of his parents, he himself resembling his father.

Young Adult

Coming of age, Ruvik grew to be fairly tall. During this time he was still working alongside Jimenez and continued to wear formal clothing, consisting of; a plain white shirt which was slightly unbuttoned around the neck, dark gray dress pants and brown shoes. He also supported heavy bandaging for his wounds around his hands and head (covering the majority of it. Due to his horrific injuries, he lacked any hair and his eyes had become more gray. He was of average, if not, slightly thin build.


During the events of The Evil Within, Ruvik wore a tattered white robe that appeared to be burnt at its ends (including sleeve endings). Apart from this, the only other piece of clothing he wore light grey pants that showed evident burns, resulting in them ending at his knees. Various burns covered his body, particularly his torso and face, leaving him heavily scarred. The remainder of unburnt skin was left a sickly pale tone, giving him the appearance of a walking cadaver. The top right half of his cranium has been removed and replaced with a clear artificial skull, exposing his brain. Various holes are evidence in the artificial skull, a possible implication of self-experimentation.


Ruvik had an extraordinary affinity for the academic fields of Psychology and Biology (mainly human anatomy) as a young child and seemed to bury himself in his work to keep him distracted from issues with his father. The only person he could relate to was his sister, Laura. Despite his strange experiments when he was younger, he appeared sane until the fire claimed Laura and left him a shell of his former self due to losing the only person he cared for.

In his early adulthood, Ruvik rejected any further skin regenerative surgery or treatment to remind himself of what was taken from him. Pure insanity, schizophrenia and his desire to further his research drove him to kill his parents for locking him in the basement. After he claimed his family's fortune, he made contributions to the hospital to acquire research "Materials".


This section contains spoilers for The Evil Within.
Viewed through various flashbacks, it is learned that Ruvik (Ruben Victoriano) was a very intellectually gifted, but perhaps mentally unstable child; despite this and notes indicating a strained, though respectful, relationship with his father, he was quite close to his sister, Laura. Ruben lived in a family estate alongside his sister and parents, and his family was known to Doctor Marcelo Jimenez for their frequent and hefty donations to Beacon Mental Hospital.

At some point a young Ruben met and talked with the doctor, who had discovered the young boy's research facility, and assured the troubled boy that he was no monster, and that he, too had done things some would consider 'distasteful' in the name of progress. Beyond this, his father was evidently involved in a religious organization of some sort, donating to the church frequently and ignoring the various scandals faced by the institution, something that Ruben frowned upon.

The Fire

While playing in a barn on their family's property, several men approached and set fire to the building as an act of vengeance against their parents, who had evidently been buying and managing large amounts of land in the area. Laura saved Ruben by pushing him through a small window in the barn, but was unable to get out of the barn herself and was killed in the flames soon after; Ruben was horrifically disfigured from his
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As a child, Ruvik was slightly tall for his age. He was pale and possessed short blonde hair, that was presented in a neatened style. He wore formal clothing consisting of black dress pants, a white shirt, a black waist coat and a red tie, and brown shoes. He was quite a thin child. He also possessed blue eyes. At this time his skin was clear and free of any scarring or blemishes. Like his sister Laura, he too resembled one of his parents, he himself resembling his father.Young AdultComing of age, Ruvik grew to be fairly tall. During this time he was still working alongside Jimenez and continued to wear formal clothing, consisting of; a plain white shirt which was slightly unbuttoned around the neck, dark gray dress pants and brown shoes. He also supported heavy bandaging for his wounds around his hands and head (covering the majority of it. Due to his horrific injuries, he lacked any hair and his eyes had become more gray. He was of average, if not, slightly thin build.PresentDuring the events of The Evil Within, Ruvik wore a tattered white robe that appeared to be burnt at its ends (including sleeve endings). Apart from this, the only other piece of clothing he wore light grey pants that showed evident burns, resulting in them ending at his knees. Various burns covered his body, particularly his torso and face, leaving him heavily scarred. The remainder of unburnt skin was left a sickly pale tone, giving him the appearance of a walking cadaver. The top right half of his cranium has been removed and replaced with a clear artificial skull, exposing his brain. Various holes are evidence in the artificial skull, a possible implication of self-experimentation.PersonalityRuvik had an extraordinary affinity for the academic fields of Psychology and Biology (mainly human anatomy) as a young child and seemed to bury himself in his work to keep him distracted from issues with his father. The only person he could relate to was his sister, Laura. Despite his strange experiments when he was younger, he appeared sane until the fire claimed Laura and left him a shell of his former self due to losing the only person he cared for.In his early adulthood, Ruvik rejected any further skin regenerative surgery or treatment to remind himself of what was taken from him. Pure insanity, schizophrenia and his desire to further his research drove him to kill his parents for locking him in the basement. After he claimed his family's fortune, he made contributions to the hospital to acquire research "Materials".PastSPOILERSThis section contains spoilers for The Evil Within.Viewed through various flashbacks, it is learned that Ruvik (Ruben Victoriano) was a very intellectually gifted, but perhaps mentally unstable child; despite this and notes indicating a strained, though respectful, relationship with his father, he was quite close to his sister, Laura. Ruben lived in a family estate alongside his sister and parents, and his family was known to Doctor Marcelo Jimenez for their frequent and hefty donations to Beacon Mental Hospital. At some point a young Ruben met and talked with the doctor, who had discovered the young boy's research facility, and assured the troubled boy that he was no monster, and that he, too had done things some would consider 'distasteful' in the name of progress. Beyond this, his father was evidently involved in a religious organization of some sort, donating to the church frequently and ignoring the various scandals faced by the institution, something that Ruben frowned upon. The FireWhile playing in a barn on their family's property, several men approached and set fire to the building as an act of vengeance against their parents, who had evidently been buying and managing large amounts of land in the area. Laura saved Ruben by pushing him through a small window in the barn, but was unable to get out of the barn herself and was killed in the flames soon after; Ruben was horrifically disfigured from his
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebagai seorang anak, Ruvik sedikit tinggi untuk anak seusianya. Dia pucat dan memiliki rambut pirang pendek, yang disajikan dalam gaya neatened. Dia mengenakan pakaian formal yang terdiri dari celana panjang hitam, kemeja putih, jas pinggang hitam dan dasi merah, dan sepatu coklat. Dia cukup seorang anak tipis. Dia juga memiliki mata biru. Pada saat ini kulitnya jelas dan bebas dari bekas luka atau cacat. Seperti adiknya Laura, dia juga mirip salah satu dari orang tuanya, ia sendiri menyerupai ayahnya. Dewasa Muda Kedatangan usia, Ruvik tumbuh menjadi cukup tinggi. Selama waktu ini ia masih bekerja bersama Jimenez dan terus memakai pakaian formal, yang terdiri dari; kemeja putih polos yang sedikit membuka kancing di leher, celana panjang abu-abu gelap dan sepatu coklat. Ia juga didukung perban berat untuk luka-lukanya sekitar tangan dan kepalanya (menutupi sebagian dari itu. Karena luka yang mengerikan, ia tidak memiliki rambut apapun dan matanya menjadi lebih abu-abu. Dia rata-rata, jika tidak, sedikit tipis membangun. Hadir Selama peristiwa of Evil Within, Ruvik mengenakan jubah putih compang-camping yang muncul untuk dibakar pada ujung-ujungnya (termasuk ujung lengan). Selain itu, satu-satunya bagian lain dari pakaian yang dikenakannya celana abu-abu terang yang menunjukkan luka bakar jelas, sehingga di dalamnya berakhir di lututnya. Berbagai luka bakar menutupi tubuhnya, terutama batang tubuh dan wajahnya, meninggalkan dia sangat bekas luka. Sisa kulit tidak terbakar yang tersisa nada pucat sakit-sakitan, memberinya penampilan mayat berjalan. Sisi kanan atas tengkorak nya telah dihapus dan diganti dengan tengkorak buatan yang jelas, memperlihatkan otaknya. Berbagai lubang bukti tengkorak buatan, implikasi yang mungkin dari diri eksperimen. Kepribadian Ruvik memiliki afinitas yang luar biasa untuk bidang akademik Psikologi dan Biologi (terutama anatomi manusia) sebagai anak muda dan tampaknya mengubur dirinya dalam karyanya untuk menjaga dia terganggu dari masalah dengan ayahnya. Satu-satunya orang yang bisa berhubungan dengan itu adiknya, Laura. Meskipun eksperimen aneh ketika ia masih muda, ia muncul waras sampai api diklaim Laura dan meninggalkannya shell diri mantan karena kehilangan satu-satunya orang yang dia dirawat. Pada masa dewasa awal, Ruvik menolak setiap kulit bedah regeneratif lanjut atau pengobatan untuk mengingatkan dirinya sendiri tentang apa yang diambil darinya. Kegilaan murni, skizofrenia dan keinginannya untuk lebih penelitiannya mendorongnya untuk membunuh orang tuanya untuk mengunci dia di ruang bawah tanah. Setelah ia mengklaim kekayaan keluarganya, ia membuat kontribusi ke rumah sakit untuk memperoleh penelitian "Bahan". Past Spoiler Bagian ini berisi spoiler untuk Evil Within. Dilihat melalui berbagai kilas balik, itu dipelajari bahwa Ruvik (Ruben Victoriano) adalah sangat berbakat intelektual , tapi anak mungkin secara mental tidak stabil; meskipun ini dan catatan menunjukkan tegang, meskipun hormat, hubungan dengan ayahnya, dia cukup dekat dengan adiknya, Laura. Ruben tinggal di sebuah real keluarga bersama adik dan orang tuanya, dan keluarganya dikenal Dokter Marcelo Jimenez untuk sumbangan mereka sering dan lumayan ke Rumah Sakit Jiwa Beacon. Di beberapa titik Ruben muda bertemu dan berbicara dengan dokter, yang telah menemukan muda fasilitas penelitian anak itu, dan meyakinkan anak bermasalah bahwa ia tidak rakasa, dan bahwa ia, hal juga telah melakukan beberapa akan mempertimbangkan 'menjijikkan' dalam nama kemajuan. Di luar ini, ayahnya jelas terlibat dalam organisasi keagamaan dari beberapa macam, menyumbang ke gereja sering dan mengabaikan berbagai skandal yang dihadapi oleh lembaga, sesuatu yang Ruben disukai. Api Saat bermain di gudang pada properti keluarga mereka, beberapa laki-laki mendekati dan membakar bangunan sebagai tindakan balas dendam terhadap orang tua mereka, yang jelas telah membeli dan mengelola sejumlah besar tanah di daerah. Laura disimpan Ruben dengan mendorong dia melalui jendela kecil di gudang, tetapi tidak mampu keluar dari gudang sendiri dan tewas dalam api segera setelah; Ruben itu mengerikan rusak dari-Nya

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