Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Mei pada saat ini, dalam ras alien beralih retret hal ini, akal ilahi fluktuasi di sekitar bahwa beberapa ratus blok hitam, mengaum tiba dengan takjub, tampaknya sekering di bersama-sama, berubah kepada orang-orang yang menakjubkan, rasa ilahi, langsung menjulang Meng Hao.Pengertian ini ilahi, seolah-olah memenuhi Dao Senior, menghindari yang dapat takut, sudah berubah menjadi esensi, mengubah wajah raksasa, telah meliput starry langit, raung menuju Meng Hao, menelan pendekatan."Bagaimana Dao Senior, Tumbang di sini!!" Harus whoosh sangat, yaitu tidak suara ras alien, dalam beberapa ratus blok hitam, beberapa ratus ras asing sekering di suara bersama-sama rasa ilahi!Munculnya suara ini, membuat langit berbintang mengganggu segera, membuat runtuhnya Bima Sakti, membuat nihility seluruh yang seketika menggigil, berubah menjadi arti yang najis, kerumunan."Pergi!" Ras alien suara dari ilahi arti, gemuruh, seluruh ras asing lainnya, juga mengungkapkan cahaya baik pada saat ini, hanya Ghost, memaksakan cara ditekan saat itu yang menunggu Meng Hao untuk menarik.Tampilan Meng Hao tenang, tetapi memiliki cahaya dingin untuk menghindari, pengertian rohani meletus di saat ini, dengan wajah bahwa orang ilahi rasa mengembun, dampak sengit.Seolah-olah berubah menjadi raksasa tinju, tinju di bang di wajah itu!Gemuruh!Kepalan yang pengertian rohani ini mengembun, di bawah bang dunia warna, langsung wajah ilahi rasa yang orang mengembun, tinju langsung runtuh, dibagi!Ka in the sound, the starry sky had one after another crack, spread all directions, each crack seems the void dragon, the place visited, these alien races send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, dodges, as long as the alien race in crack range, either the body was divided, either is the direct mortal body collapse.Meanwhile, around in this several hundred black blocks, there is a sad and shrill pitiful yell to spread, thunders, these several hundred black blocks, the complete disruption, collapses in an instant, among alien race cultivator, together destroy both body and soul.Looks from afar, this alarmed!The sound of intermittent inspiration spreads, when all around alien race, subconscious withdrawing, looks completely to Meng Hao, arrived at peak with amazement, the body was shivering, in each of them's mind, before has not arrived at Mountains and Seas Plane, thinks one were supreme, contemptuous Mountains and Seas Plane, took killing by mistreatment the immortal as happily.But now, after seeing the Meng Hao terrifying, these person of seals in the bone, hides in the soul belong to the memories of their ancestor, as if opening slowly.That is their ancestors, is the Paragon immortal world world of mortals, conquered picture.Meng Hao facial color cloudy and cold, this all around alien race are too many, by his present Cultivation, is very difficult to achieve to extinguish completely kills, this moment vision sweeps away, all his vision look at the place, immediately retreats that these alien races shiver.Meng Hao coldly snorted, stand forth, his front, has not dared to stop in anybody, completely in retreats, is not willingly, condensed in Meng Hao behind, has formed a circle, arranged surrounding.Surrounded obviously is Meng Hao, may at this moment shiver the fear, is actually these alien races.Yuwen Jian follows in Meng Hao behind, he looks at this, surging of mind, already tumbled peak.Meng Hao indifferent stand forth, takes a step, in his front, he saw a broken sacrificial altar gradually, this sacrificial altar ancient, does not know that had many years, above full is the rusty stain.
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