similarly serve to describe mitigation methods that can be used to ame terjemahan - similarly serve to describe mitigation methods that can be used to ame Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

similarly serve to describe mitigat

similarly serve to describe mitigation methods that can be used to ameliorate the
effects of fading. The mitigation approaches to be used when designing a system
should be considered in two basic steps: first, choose the type of mitigation to re-
duce or remove any distortion degradation; next, choose a diversity type that can
best approach AWGN system performance.

15.5.1 Mitigation to Combat Frequency-Selective Distortion

Equalization can mitigate the effects of channel-induced ISI that is brought on by
frequency-selective fading. That is, it can help modify system performance de-
scribed by the curve that is "awful" in Figure 15.17 to the one that is merely "bad."
The process of equalizing for mitigating ISI effects involves using methods to
gather the dispersed symbol energy back into its original time interval. In effect, an
equalizer is an inverse filter of the channel. If the channel is frequency selective,
the equalizer enhances the frequency components with small amplitudes and atten-
uates those with large amplitudes. The goal is for the combination of channel and
equalizer filter to provide a flat composite received frequency response and linear
phase [30]. Because in a mobile system the channel response varies with time, the
equalizer filter must also change or adapt to the time-varying channel characteris-
tics. Such equalizer filters are therefore adaptive devices that accomplish more
than distortion mitigation; they also provide diversity. Since distortion mitigation is achieved by gathering the dispersed symbol's energy back into the symbol's origi-
achieved by gathering the dispersed symbol's energy back into the symbol's origi-
nal time interval (so that it doesn't hamper the detection of other symbols). the
equalizer is simultaneously providing the receiver with symbol energy that would
otherwise be lost
The decision feedback equalizer (DFE) has a feedforward section that is a
linear transversal filter POI whose stage length and tap weights are selected to co-
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
demikian juga melayani untuk menggambarkan mitigasi metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki efek memudar. Pendekatan mitigasi yang akan digunakan ketika merancang sistem harus dipertimbangkan dalam dua langkah dasar: pertama, memilih jenis mitigasi untuk re - Duce atau menghapus distorsi degradasi; berikutnya, memilih jenis keragaman yang dapat pendekatan terbaik kinerja sistem AWGN.15.5.1 mitigasi untuk memerangi frekuensi-selektif distorsiPemerataan dapat mengurangi dampak channel-induced ISI yang disebabkan oleh frekuensi-selektif memudar. Yang dapat membantu memodifikasi sistem kinerja de- scribed oleh kurva yang "buruk" dalam gambar 15.17 untuk salah satu yang hanya "buruk." Proses penyetaraan untuk mengurangi efek ISI melibatkan menggunakan metode untuk mengumpulkan simbol tersebar energi kembali ke interval waktu yang asli. Akibatnya, Equalizer adalah filter invers saluran. Jika saluran tersebut frekuensi selektif equalizer meningkatkan frekuensi komponen dengan amplitudo kecil dan atten- uates mereka dengan amplitudo besar. Tujuannya adalah untuk kombinasi saluran dan Equalizer filter untuk memberikan gabungan datar menerima respon frekuensi dan linier fase [30]. Karena dalam sistem mobile saluran respon yang bervariasi dengan waktu, Equalizer filter juga harus mengubah atau beradaptasi dengan berbagai waktu saluran characteris- tics. Seperti equalizer filter yang karena itu adaptif perangkat yang mencapai lebih daripada distorsi mitigasi; mereka juga menyediakan keragaman. Karena distorsi mitigasi dicapai dengan mengumpulkan simbol tersebar energi kembali ke simbol origi- dicapai dengan mengumpulkan simbol tersebar energi kembali ke simbol origi- Nal interval waktu (sehingga itu tidak menghambat deteksi simbol-simbol lainnya). The Equalizer secara bersamaan menyediakan penerima dengan simbol energi yang akan dapat hilang Equalizer umpan balik keputusan (DFE) memiliki bagian feedforward yang filter linear transversal POI bobot panjang dan keran panggung yang dipilih untuk co-
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
similarly serve to describe mitigation methods that can be used to ameliorate the
effects of fading. The mitigation approaches to be used when designing a system
should be considered in two basic steps: first, choose the type of mitigation to re-
duce or remove any distortion degradation; next, choose a diversity type that can
best approach AWGN system performance.

15.5.1 Mitigation to Combat Frequency-Selective Distortion

Equalization can mitigate the effects of channel-induced ISI that is brought on by
frequency-selective fading. That is, it can help modify system performance de-
scribed by the curve that is "awful" in Figure 15.17 to the one that is merely "bad."
The process of equalizing for mitigating ISI effects involves using methods to
gather the dispersed symbol energy back into its original time interval. In effect, an
equalizer is an inverse filter of the channel. If the channel is frequency selective,
the equalizer enhances the frequency components with small amplitudes and atten-
uates those with large amplitudes. The goal is for the combination of channel and
equalizer filter to provide a flat composite received frequency response and linear
phase [30]. Because in a mobile system the channel response varies with time, the
equalizer filter must also change or adapt to the time-varying channel characteris-
tics. Such equalizer filters are therefore adaptive devices that accomplish more
than distortion mitigation; they also provide diversity. Since distortion mitigation is achieved by gathering the dispersed symbol's energy back into the symbol's origi-
achieved by gathering the dispersed symbol's energy back into the symbol's origi-
nal time interval (so that it doesn't hamper the detection of other symbols). the
equalizer is simultaneously providing the receiver with symbol energy that would
otherwise be lost
The decision feedback equalizer (DFE) has a feedforward section that is a
linear transversal filter POI whose stage length and tap weights are selected to co-
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