35100:28:07,694 --> 00:28:09,184None of them could believe it!35200:28 terjemahan - 35100:28:07,694 --> 00:28:09,184None of them could believe it!35200:28 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

35100:28:07,694 --> 00:28:09,184Non

00:28:07,694 --> 00:28:09,184
None of them could believe it!

00:28:09,596 --> 00:28:13,191
They've held the trial
and found your dad guilty.

00:28:14,801 --> 00:28:15,825
What does that mean?

00:28:16,202 --> 00:28:20,730
Nobody knows. They haven't sentenced
him yet. It could mean prison, or...

00:28:21,140 --> 00:28:23,301
Why are they playing so tough?

00:28:24,210 --> 00:28:25,837
The State Department thinks...

00:28:26,045 --> 00:28:29,173
...they don't want other nations thinking
they're chicken of the U.S.

00:28:29,382 --> 00:28:30,872
They're trying to set an example.

00:28:31,150 --> 00:28:32,117
When are they going in?

00:28:33,219 --> 00:28:36,586
The Marines! They ain't going to sit
and take this crap!

00:28:37,490 --> 00:28:38,923
Nothing's being planned.

00:28:39,125 --> 00:28:41,719
But my dad thinks they'll
work something out.

00:28:42,061 --> 00:28:43,892
What are they going to work out?

00:28:44,731 --> 00:28:47,962
How many years is he going to
stay in that shithole?

00:28:49,102 --> 00:28:50,433
What are they doing about it?

00:28:50,903 --> 00:28:52,598
Dad says they're negotiating.

00:28:54,407 --> 00:28:56,841
They won't do shit and you know it!

00:29:11,090 --> 00:29:12,421
Doug's here.

00:29:13,593 --> 00:29:16,323
I'm sorry about not being able to
return your calls...

00:29:16,763 --> 00:29:19,789
...but since thing's heated up,
the general's had me hopping.

00:29:20,099 --> 00:29:22,260
Colonel, don't lie to me.

00:29:22,535 --> 00:29:24,400
Are you guys planning something?

00:29:24,604 --> 00:29:25,798
We're doing all we can.

00:29:26,773 --> 00:29:28,240
Which is nothing, isn't it?

00:29:28,441 --> 00:29:29,931
They're trying to talk to them.

00:29:30,143 --> 00:29:31,667
Trying to make them listen to reason.

00:29:31,878 --> 00:29:35,075
Other than that,
we got nothing on the boards.

00:29:35,448 --> 00:29:36,437
I'm sorry.

00:29:37,450 --> 00:29:39,111
Yeah, so am I.

00:30:13,653 --> 00:30:16,144
I heard what happened
to your dad, and I...

00:30:18,324 --> 00:30:21,657
Marty, I was wondering
if you could slip me in?

00:30:23,496 --> 00:30:24,360
Tell you what...

00:30:24,564 --> 00:30:26,794
There's someone due in now,
but he's running late.

00:30:26,999 --> 00:30:29,559
I'll load it up, and
you take it till he gets here.

00:30:32,672 --> 00:30:34,606
Just keep cool about this.

00:30:34,907 --> 00:30:37,501
It isn't the same as
sneaking you in at night.

00:30:50,022 --> 00:30:52,354
Okay, I'll set you up with some MiGs.

00:30:54,394 --> 00:30:55,759
Enemy squadron sighted.

00:31:01,033 --> 00:31:02,933
All right, you bastards.

00:31:09,709 --> 00:31:11,677
Climbing to flight level 2-7-0.

00:31:14,881 --> 00:31:17,008
Have radar. Locking on to engage.

00:31:27,860 --> 00:31:28,952
What else you got, Marty?

00:31:33,199 --> 00:31:34,029
This is Bluebird.

00:31:34,500 --> 00:31:36,798
Enemy approachlng
at fllght level 2-2-0.

00:31:37,003 --> 00:31:38,027
- Conflrm.
- Roger.

00:31:43,042 --> 00:31:44,373

00:31:53,019 --> 00:31:54,680
Excellent move.

00:32:01,494 --> 00:32:02,791
That's four.

00:32:07,500 --> 00:32:09,024
I don't believe it.

00:32:11,671 --> 00:32:14,265
The dlve's too extreme! Pull It up!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
35100:28:07,694 --> 00:28:09,184None of them could believe it!35200:28:09,596 --> 00:28:13,191They've held the trialand found your dad guilty.35300:28:14,801 --> 00:28:15,825What does that mean?35400:28:16,202 --> 00:28:20,730Nobody knows. They haven't sentencedhim yet. It could mean prison, or...35500:28:21,140 --> 00:28:23,301Why are they playing so tough?35600:28:24,210 --> 00:28:25,837The State Department thinks...35700:28:26,045 --> 00:28:29,173...they don't want other nations thinkingthey're chicken of the U.S.35800:28:29,382 --> 00:28:30,872They're trying to set an example.35900:28:31,150 --> 00:28:32,117When are they going in?36000:28:33,219 --> 00:28:36,586The Marines! They ain't going to sitand take this crap!36100:28:37,490 --> 00:28:38,923Nothing's being planned.36200:28:39,125 --> 00:28:41,719But my dad thinks they'llwork something out.36300:28:42,061 --> 00:28:43,892What are they going to work out?36400:28:44,731 --> 00:28:47,962How many years is he going tostay in that shithole?36500:28:49,102 --> 00:28:50,433What are they doing about it?36600:28:50,903 --> 00:28:52,598Dad says they're negotiating.36700:28:54,407 --> 00:28:56,841They won't do shit and you know it!36800:29:11,090 --> 00:29:12,421Doug's here.36900:29:13,593 --> 00:29:16,323I'm sorry about not being able toreturn your calls...37000:29:16,763 --> 00:29:19,789...but since thing's heated up,the general's had me hopping.37100:29:20,099 --> 00:29:22,260Colonel, don't lie to me.37200:29:22,535 --> 00:29:24,400Are you guys planning something?37300:29:24,604 --> 00:29:25,798We're doing all we can.37400:29:26,773 --> 00:29:28,240Which is nothing, isn't it?37500:29:28,441 --> 00:29:29,931They're trying to talk to them.37600:29:30,143 --> 00:29:31,667Trying to make them listen to reason.37700:29:31,878 --> 00:29:35,075Other than that,we got nothing on the boards.37800:29:35,448 --> 00:29:36,437I'm sorry.37900:29:37,450 --> 00:29:39,111Yeah, so am I.38000:30:13,653 --> 00:30:16,144I heard what happenedto your dad, and I...38100:30:18,324 --> 00:30:21,657Marty, I was wonderingif you could slip me in?38200:30:23,496 --> 00:30:24,360Tell you what...38300:30:24,564 --> 00:30:26,794There's someone due in now,but he's running late.38400:30:26,999 --> 00:30:29,559I'll load it up, andyou take it till he gets here.38500:30:32,672 --> 00:30:34,606Just keep cool about this.38600:30:34,907 --> 00:30:37,501It isn't the same assneaking you in at night.38700:30:50,022 --> 00:30:52,354Okay, I'll set you up with some MiGs.38800:30:54,394 --> 00:30:55,759Enemy squadron sighted.38900:31:01,033 --> 00:31:02,933All right, you bastards.39000:31:09,709 --> 00:31:11,677Climbing to flight level 2-7-0.39100:31:14,881 --> 00:31:17,008Have radar. Locking on to engage.39200:31:27,860 --> 00:31:28,952What else you got, Marty?39300:31:33,199 --> 00:31:34,029This is Bluebird.39400:31:34,500 --> 00:31:36,798Enemy approachlngat fllght level 2-2-0.39500:31:37,003 --> 00:31:38,027- Conflrm.- Roger.39600:31:43,042 --> 00:31:44,373Shit!39700:31:53,019 --> 00:31:54,680Excellent move.39800:32:01,494 --> 00:32:02,791That's four.39900:32:07,500 --> 00:32:09,024I don't believe it.40000:32:11,671 --> 00:32:14,265The dlve's too extreme! Pull It up!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 28: 07.694 -> 00: 28: 09.184
Tak satu pun dari mereka bisa percaya! 352 00: 28: 09.596 -> 00: 28: 13.191 Mereka mengadakan sidang . Dan menemukan ayahmu bersalah 353 00: 28: 14.801 -> 00: 28: 15.825 Apa artinya? 354 00: 28: 16.202 -> 00: 28: 20.730 tidak ada yang tahu. Mereka tidak dihukum belum dia. Ini bisa berarti penjara, atau ... 355 00: 28: 21.140 -> 00: 28: 23.301 Mengapa mereka bermain begitu sulit? 356 00: 28: 24.210 -> 00: 28: 25.837 Departemen Luar Negeri berpikir .. . 357 00: 28: 26.045 -> 00: 28: 29.173 ... mereka tidak ingin negara lain berpikir mereka ayam dari AS 358 00: 28: 29.382 -> 00: 28: 30.872 mereka mencoba untuk memberi contoh. 359 00: 28: 31.150 -> 00: 28: 32.117 Kapan mereka akan di? 360 00: 28: 33.219 -> 00: 28: 36.586 Marinir! Mereka tidak akan duduk dan mengambil omong kosong ini! 361 00: 28: 37.490 -> 00: 28: 38.923 Tidak ada yang sedang direncanakan. 362 00: 28: 39.125 -> 00: 28: 41.719 Tapi ayah saya berpikir mereka ll kerja sesuatu. 363 00: 28: 42.061 -> 00: 28: 43.892 Apa yang mereka akan bekerja? 364 00: 28: 44.731 -> 00: 28: 47.962 Berapa tahun dia akan tinggal di yang kumuh? 365 00: 28: 49.102 -> 00: 28: 50.433 Apa yang mereka lakukan tentang hal itu? 366 00: 28: 50.903 -> 00: 28: 52.598 . Ayah mengatakan mereka sedang bernegosiasi 367 00:28: 54.407 -> 00: 28: 56.841 Mereka tidak akan melakukan omong kosong dan kau tahu itu! 368 00: 29: 11.090 -> 00: 29: 12.421 Doug di sini. 369 00: 29: 13.593 -> 00:29: 16.323 saya minta maaf tidak bisa kembali panggilan Anda ... 370 00: 29: 16.763 -> 00: 29: 19.789 ... tapi karena hal yang memanas, . sang jenderal telah saya melompat 371 00:29: 20.099 -> 00: 29: 22.260 Kolonel, jangan berbohong padaku. 372 00: 29: 22.535 -> 00: 29: 24.400 Apakah kalian merencanakan sesuatu? 373 00: 29: 24.604 -> 00:29 : 25798 Kami melakukan semua yang kami bisa. 374 00: 29: 26.773 -> 00: 29: 28.240 yang ada, bukan? 375 00: 29: 28.441 -> 00: 29: 29.931 Mereka mencoba untuk berbicara dengan mereka. 376 00: 29: 30.143 -> 00: 29: 31.667 mencoba untuk membuat mereka mendengarkan alasan. 377 00: 29: 31.878 -> 00: 29: 35.075 selain itu, kita punya apa-apa di papan. 378 00: 29: 35.448 -> 00: 29: 36.437 aku minta maaf. 379 00: 29: 37.450 -> 00: 29: 39.111 Ya, aku juga 380 00: 30: 13.653 - > 00: 30: 16.144 saya mendengar apa yang terjadi pada ayahmu, dan aku ... 381 00: 30: 18.324 -> 00: 30: 21.657 Marty, aku bertanya-tanya ? jika Anda bisa menyelinap saya di 382 00:30: 23.496 -> 00: 30: 24.360 Begini ... 383 00: 30: 24.564 -> 00: 30: 26.794 Ada seseorang karena sekarang, tapi dia berjalan terlambat. 384 00: 30: 26.999 -> 00 : 30: 29.559 saya akan beban itu, dan Anda bawa sampai ia tiba di sini. 385 00: 30: 32.672 -> 00: 30: 34.606 Hanya tetap tenang tentang hal ini. 386 00: 30: 34.907 -> 00 : 30: 37.501 Hal ini tidak sama dengan menyelinap Anda di malam hari. 387 00: 30: 50.022 -> 00: 30: 52.354 Oke, saya akan membuat Anda siap dengan beberapa MiG. 388 00: 30: 54.394 - -> 00: 30: 55.759 Musuh skuadron terlihat. 389 00: 31: 01.033 -> 00: 31: 02.933 Baiklah, Anda bajingan. 390 00: 31: 09.709 -> 00: 31: 11.677 Climbing dengan tingkat penerbangan 2 . -7-0 391 00: 31: 14.881 -> 00: 31: 17.008 Memiliki radar. Penguncian pada untuk terlibat. 392 00: 31: 27.860 -> 00: 31: 28.952 Apa lagi yang Anda punya, Marty? 393 00: 31: 33.199 -> 00: 31: 34.029 ini adalah Bluebird. 394 00: 31: 34,500 -> 00: 31: 36.798 Musuh approachlng di tingkat fllght 2-2-0. 395 00: 31: 37.003 -> 00: 31: 38.027 - Conflrm. - Roger. 396 00: 31: 43.042 -> 00: 31: 44.373 Sial! 397 00: 31: 53.019 -> 00: 31: 54.680 sangat baik bergerak. 398 00: 32: 01.494 -> 00: 32: 02.791 Itu empat. 399 00: 32: 07.500 -> 00: 32: 09.024 saya tidak percaya itu. 400 00: 32: 11.671 -> 00: 32: 14.265 The dlve terlalu ekstrim! Tarik keatas!

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