Raises town Yue Dao­bian to over­run, the dis­tant rais­ing arm, great terjemahan - Raises town Yue Dao­bian to over­run, the dis­tant rais­ing arm, great Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Raises town Yue Dao­bian to over­ru

Raises town Yue Dao­bian to over­run, the dis­tant rais­ing arm, great an­tiq­uity locked Qin Lu, struck loudly!
Um, the BOSS de­fen­sive power can also ac­cept, can large scale bro­ken de­fend, dashes, but , a Longchi sword fly­ing high plate flower, „” the thorn the dou­ble hit skill, town Yue Daoxie plun­ders, to erupt the com­pany to incur the ef­fect slant­i­ngly, rides, when thou­sand strike the bang to come out by sword al­ter­nate cut­ting, the bang re­sulted in Qin Lu the whole body to trem­ble greatly, the ha­tred value shifted to my body in­stan­ta­neously, „whish” a thun­der stroke dodged, was not only I, wiped the tea also to­gether to incur, the elec­tric­ity fled in all di­rec­tions the feel­ing on iron armor to be re­ally over­whelmed with emo­tion
Looked like my magic de­fense com­pared with hav­ing the wip­ing tea of Lion King shield in­tre­pidly many, should be the wall of skill mump­ing ef­fect, pro­moted 200% de­fenses and re­sis­tances, this ef­fect was not false.
Qin Lu raised four hooves, was sound­ing under my at­tack, flame saved into one to pro­tect the shield in the body week, when pro­tected the shield com­pleted, I again cut down the Xun tri­gram wind to cut + cold ice fierce time was shocked
The strik­ing power falls short greatly, was the pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power of this skill too also high?
Wipes the tea same not to move, said hur­riedly: „Long-dis­tance weak­ens the out­put, do not let hate OT!”
Xing Lie, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month have not called a halt with enough time, Qin Lu flushed, wipes the tea hur­ried heroic hit, but MISS fell, but my tying up beast locked also by MISS, but must use the stunt, raised the arm di­rectly is grasp­ing of pur­ga­tory, this stunt was 100% suc­cesses, so long as the hit were ac­cu­rately good, fi­nally Qin Lu stand­ing there, raised the head, above the antler the thun­der only flashes be­fore, the di­rect bang in the crowd, Xing Lie, Lin Xi­aowu, thou­sand area units Yaochi three peo­ple was struck by light­ning to dodge in­stan­ta­neously to the sec­ond kills.!
„Stands firm, brings back to life!”
Lin Wan Er flushed, the blade edge of three dou­ble hit var­i­ous god con­strain the BOSS ha­tred value, in BOSS thun­der and light­ning tech­nique by the iron um­brella de­fense, said in­stan­ta­neously at the same time: „Dream Yao goes against strangely, de­fended with the iron um­brella on the line!”
A Li Mengyao nod, had al­ready been eager to try, wore a black ink flame cov­er­all to in­sti­gate the iron pear to clash blue, the image of iron um­brella and shield was fuses in to­gether, raised the sword to chop to di­vide, was grasp­ing the iron um­brella de­fense, Qin Lu sev­eral thun­der and light­ning tech­niques also only rum­bled she not to ar­rive at 1 W HP, can def­i­nitely be able to with­stand, the demon anti- ef­fect of month spirit cav­alry sol­dier truly ex­pected with me was the same.
The month mon­ster face also rapidly joins fight, 5-7 per­son close com­bats di­vert BOSS, other per­son of long-dis­tance out­puts.
The short ten min­utes, Qin Lu HP less than 40%, me has blocked im­me­di­ately the way: „Wipes the tea, with the coun­try stunt, I also to­gether uses, this can mas­sacre this BOSS loss­less!”
Wipes the tea nod to smile: „Good, just the day be­fore yes­ter­day fox helped me buy a ring of ad­di­tional 30 Rage points upper lim­its!”
The Lion King shield sinks slightly, wipes the tea to start the stunt to be suc­cess­ful, im­me­di­ately the shield of group lion ar­rives on body of our one group of peo­ple, in the top of the head of every­one had one to pro­tect the shield ef­fect, 4000 foun­da­tion de­fenses and 800 magic de­fense, were used to hit Qin Lu this demon Wu Shuangxiu BOSS are it would be the best!
Town Yue Dao in my hand also sent out one to re­sound to leap, the stunt started, town Yue Zhange pro­moted the sur­round­ing friend side unit 4000 foun­da­tion strik­ing power, con­ti
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Raises town Yue Dao­bian to over­run, the dis­tant rais­ing arm, great an­tiq­uity locked Qin Lu, struck loudly!„17361!”Um, the BOSS de­fen­sive power can also ac­cept, can large scale bro­ken de­fend, dashes, but , a Longchi sword fly­ing high plate flower, „” the thorn the dou­ble hit skill, town Yue Daoxie plun­ders, to erupt the com­pany to incur the ef­fect slant­i­ngly, rides, when thou­sand strike the bang to come out by sword al­ter­nate cut­ting, the bang re­sulted in Qin Lu the whole body to trem­ble greatly, the ha­tred value shifted to my body in­stan­ta­neously, „whish” a thun­der stroke dodged, was not only I, wiped the tea also to­gether to incur, the elec­tric­ity fled in all di­rec­tions the feel­ing on iron armor to be re­ally over­whelmed with emo­tion„18022!”„14227!”Looked like my magic de­fense com­pared with hav­ing the wip­ing tea of Lion King shield in­tre­pidly many, should be the wall of skill mump­ing ef­fect, pro­moted 200% de­fenses and re­sis­tances, this ef­fect was not false.Qin Lu raised four hooves, was sound­ing under my at­tack, flame saved into one to pro­tect the shield in the body week, when pro­tected the shield com­pleted, I again cut down the Xun tri­gram wind to cut + cold ice fierce time was shocked„4727!”„5002!”The strik­ing power falls short greatly, was the pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power of this skill too also high?Wipes the tea same not to move, said hur­riedly: „Long-dis­tance weak­ens the out­put, do not let hate OT!”Xing Lie, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month have not called a halt with enough time, Qin Lu flushed, wipes the tea hur­ried heroic hit, but MISS fell, but my tying up beast locked also by MISS, but must use the stunt, raised the arm di­rectly is grasp­ing of pur­ga­tory, this stunt was 100% suc­cesses, so long as the hit were ac­cu­rately good, fi­nally Qin Lu stand­ing there, raised the head, above the antler the thun­der only flashes be­fore, the di­rect bang in the crowd, Xing Lie, Lin Xi­aowu, thou­sand area units Yaochi three peo­ple was struck by light­ning to dodge in­stan­ta­neously to the sec­ond kills.!„Stands firm, brings back to life!”Lin Wan Er flushed, the blade edge of three dou­ble hit var­i­ous god con­strain the BOSS ha­tred value, in BOSS thun­der and light­ning tech­nique by the iron um­brella de­fense, said in­stan­ta­neously at the same time: „Dream Yao goes against strangely, de­fended with the iron um­brella on the line!”A Li Mengyao nod, had al­ready been eager to try, wore a black ink flame cov­er­all to in­sti­gate the iron pear to clash blue, the image of iron um­brella and shield was fuses in to­gether, raised the sword to chop to di­vide, was grasp­ing the iron um­brella de­fense, Qin Lu sev­eral thun­der and light­ning tech­niques also only rum­bled she not to ar­rive at 1 W HP, can def­i­nitely be able to with­stand, the demon anti- ef­fect of month spirit cav­alry sol­dier truly ex­pected with me was the same.The month mon­ster face also rapidly joins fight, 5-7 per­son close com­bats di­vert BOSS, other per­son of long-dis­tance out­puts.The short ten min­utes, Qin Lu HP less than 40%, me has blocked im­me­di­ately the way: „Wipes the tea, with the coun­try stunt, I also to­gether uses, this can mas­sacre this BOSS loss­less!”Wipes the tea nod to smile: „Good, just the day be­fore yes­ter­day fox helped me buy a ring of ad­di­tional 30 Rage points upper lim­its!”The Lion King shield sinks slightly, wipes the tea to start the stunt to be suc­cess­ful, im­me­di­ately the shield of group lion ar­rives on body of our one group of peo­ple, in the top of the head of every­one had one to pro­tect the shield ef­fect, 4000 foun­da­tion de­fenses and 800 magic de­fense, were used to hit Qin Lu this demon Wu Shuangxiu BOSS are it would be the best!Town Yue Dao in my hand also sent out one to re­sound to leap, the stunt started, town Yue Zhange pro­moted the sur­round­ing friend side unit 4000 foun­da­tion strik­ing power, con­ti
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Meningkatkan kota Yue Daobian untuk menaklukkan, lengan peningkatan yang jauh, sangat kuno terkunci Qin Lu, memukul keras!
Um, BOSS kekuatan pertahanan juga dapat menerima, dapat skala besar rusak membela, tanda hubung, tetapi, pedang Longchi terbang tinggi piring bunga, "" duri keterampilan hit ganda, kota Yue Daoxie merampas, meletus perusahaan untuk dikenakan efek slantingly, wahana, ketika ribu menyerang bang untuk keluar dengan memotong alternatif pedang, bang mengakibatkan Qin Lu keseluruhan tubuh gemetar sangat, nilai kebencian bergeser ke tubuh saya seketika, "whish" stroke petir mengelak, tidak hanya saya, mengusap teh juga bersama-sama untuk dikenakan, listrik lari ke segala arah perasaan pada baju besi harus benar-benar kewalahan dengan emosi
Tampak seperti pertahanan sihir saya dibandingkan dengan memiliki teh menyeka dari Lion King melindungi, berani banyak, harus dinding efek skill mumping, dipromosikan 200% pertahanan dan resistensi, efek ini tidak palsu.
Qin Lu mengangkat empat kuku, itu terdengar diserang saya, api disimpan menjadi satu untuk melindungi perisai pada minggu tubuh, ketika dilindungi perisai selesai, saya kembali memotong trigram angin Xun untuk memotong + waktu sengit es dingin terkejut
"4727 ! "
"! 5002 "
kekuatan mencolok jatuh pendek sangat, adalah promosi kekuatan defensif keterampilan ini juga juga tinggi?
Wipes teh yang sama tidak bergerak, cepat-cepat berkata:" jarak jauh melemahkan output, jangan biarkan kebencian OT! "
Xing Lie, Lin Xiaowu, Dong Cheng bulan belum disebut berhenti dengan waktu yang cukup, Qin Lu memerah, tisu teh bergegas heroik hit, tapi LEWATKAN jatuh, tapi saya mengikat binatang dikunci juga oleh LEWATKAN, tapi harus menggunakan aksi tersebut, mengangkat lengan langsung adalah menggenggam api penyucian, aksi ini adalah 100% keberhasilan, asalkan hit yang akurat baik, akhirnya Qin Lu berdiri di sana, mengangkat kepala, di atas tanduk guntur hanya berkedip sebelumnya, bang langsung di kerumunan , Xing Lie, Lin Xiaowu, ribu unit daerah Yaochi tiga orang disambar petir untuk menghindari instan ke membunuh kedua.!
"Stand perusahaan, membawa kembali ke kehidupan!"
Lin Wan Er memerah, tepi pisau dari tiga hit ganda berbagai dewa membatasi nilai kebencian BOSS, di guntur dan kilat teknik BOSS oleh pertahanan besi payung, mengatakan seketika pada saat yang sama: "! Mimpi Yao bertentangan anehnya, membela dengan payung besi pada baris"
anggukan Li Mengyao, sudah lebih dulu bersemangat untuk mencoba, memakai tinta api coverall hitam untuk menghasut pir besi berbenturan biru, gambar payung besi dan perisai adalah sekering bersama-sama, mengangkat pedang untuk memotong untuk membagi, itu menggenggam pertahanan besi payung, Qin Lu beberapa guntur dan teknik petir juga hanya bergemuruh dia tidak tiba pada 1 W HP, pasti dapat mampu menahan, efek setan anti bulan semangat kavaleri tentara yang benar-benar diharapkan dengan saya adalah sama.
bulan rakasa wajah juga cepat bergabung melawan, 5 -7 orang memerangi dekat mengalihkan BOSS, orang lain dari output jarak jauh.
The pendek sepuluh menit, Qin Lu HP kurang dari 40%, saya telah memblokir segera jalan: "Wipes teh, dengan aksi negara, saya juga bersama-sama menggunakan !, ini dapat pembantaian BOSS lossless ini "
Wipes anggukan teh untuk tersenyum:"! Baik, hanya sehari sebelum kemarin fox membantu saya membeli cincin tambahan 30 Kemarahan poin batas atas "
The Lion King perisai tenggelam sedikit, tisu teh untuk mulai aksi untuk menjadi sukses, segera perisai singa kelompok tiba di tubuh salah satu kelompok kami orang, di atas kepala setiap orang memiliki satu untuk melindungi efek perisai, 4000 pertahanan dasar dan 800 pertahanan sihir, digunakan untuk memukul Qin Lu setan ini Wu Shuangxiu BOSS yang akan menjadi yang terbaik!
kota Yue Dao di tangan saya juga mengirimkan satu bergema melompat, aksi dimulai, kota Yue Zhange dipromosikan teman sekitarnya Unit sisi 4000 pondasi kekuatan mencolok, conti
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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