As noted above, volunteers frequently have complex motivations to unde terjemahan - As noted above, volunteers frequently have complex motivations to unde Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As noted above, volunteers frequent

As noted above, volunteers frequently have complex motivations to undertake
voluntary work. For the research participants this complexity seemed to be echoed in
the variety of changes they described in relation to the Rape Crisis training. All
participants talked of the course in relation to other changes in their lives. Often
volunteering to become a Rape Crisis counsellor was part of a wider set of
behaviours focused on personal change. The women’s experiences of the training are
part of complex webs of life stories that weave together a variety of, complementary
and contrasting, themes and events. The interconnections between different areas
gave texture and meaning to participants’ experiences. For example, Corinne
included the following multiple change elements from various aspects of her life in
order to explain the personally meaningful experience of training as a Rape Crisis
counsellor: psychotherapy, fertility issues, massage therapy, paid work, feminist
politics, counselling skills, personal relationships. Each of these elements (only some
of which were directly related to training) contained a little story of change that
contributed toward the overall changes she experienced during the training course.
Corinne summarised the complexity of her intertwined stories using a strong
metaphor of unstable ground:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As noted above, volunteers frequently have complex motivations to undertakevoluntary work. For the research participants this complexity seemed to be echoed inthe variety of changes they described in relation to the Rape Crisis training. Allparticipants talked of the course in relation to other changes in their lives. Oftenvolunteering to become a Rape Crisis counsellor was part of a wider set ofbehaviours focused on personal change. The women’s experiences of the training arepart of complex webs of life stories that weave together a variety of, complementaryand contrasting, themes and events. The interconnections between different areasgave texture and meaning to participants’ experiences. For example, Corinneincluded the following multiple change elements from various aspects of her life inorder to explain the personally meaningful experience of training as a Rape Crisiscounsellor: psychotherapy, fertility issues, massage therapy, paid work, feministpolitics, counselling skills, personal relationships. Each of these elements (only someof which were directly related to training) contained a little story of change thatcontributed toward the overall changes she experienced during the training course.Corinne summarised the complexity of her intertwined stories using a strongmetaphor of unstable ground:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Seperti disebutkan di atas, relawan sering memiliki motivasi yang kompleks untuk melakukan
pekerjaan sukarela. Untuk peserta penelitian kompleksitas ini tampaknya bergema di
berbagai perubahan yang mereka dijelaskan dalam kaitannya dengan pelatihan Rape Crisis. Semua
peserta berbicara tentu saja dalam kaitannya dengan perubahan lain dalam kehidupan mereka. Seringkali
relawan untuk menjadi seorang konselor Rape Crisis adalah bagian dari satu set yang lebih luas dari
perilaku difokuskan pada perubahan pribadi. Pengalaman perempuan dari pelatihan ini adalah
bagian dari jaring kompleks cerita hidup yang menenun bersama-sama berbagai, saling melengkapi
dan kontras, tema dan peristiwa. Interkoneksi antara daerah yang berbeda
memberikan tekstur dan makna pengalaman peserta. Misalnya, Corinne
termasuk beberapa elemen perubahan dari berbagai aspek hidupnya berikut
untuk menjelaskan pengalaman pribadi yang bermakna dari pelatihan sebagai Rape Crisis
konselor: psikoterapi, masalah kesuburan, terapi pijat, pekerjaan yang dibayar, feminis
politik, keterampilan konseling, pribadi hubungan. Masing-masing elemen (hanya beberapa
di antaranya terkait langsung dengan pelatihan) berisi cerita kecil perubahan
yang. Kontribusi terhadap perubahan keseluruhan ia alami selama pelatihan
Corinne diringkas kompleksitas cerita terjalin nya menggunakan kuat
metafora tanah yang tidak stabil:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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