Intraspecific Survivorship. B. cucurbitae, B.dorsalis, B. latifrons, a terjemahan - Intraspecific Survivorship. B. cucurbitae, B.dorsalis, B. latifrons, a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Intraspecific Survivorship. B. cucu

Intraspecific Survivorship. B. cucurbitae, B.
dorsalis, B. latifrons, and C. capitata successfully
completed development between 16 and 32°C (Table
1). Survivorship was low (for example, 0.05).
Larval survivorship of B. latifrons was significantly
lower than that of all other species at 16,
24, and 32°C. The larval survivorship of C. capitata
at 32°C was significantly lower than B. cucurbitae
and B. dorsalis.
Pupal survivorship of B. latifrons was significantly
lower than that of all other species at 16 and
24°C. This species did not differ from C. capitata
at 32°C, but both had significantly lower pupal survival
than B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis at 32°C.
Interspecific Comparisons of Stage Durations.
Egg stage durations varied significantly
among species at each rearing temperature. B. latifrons
exhibited a significantly longer egg stage
than all other species at all temperatures, with the
exception of C. capitata at 18°C. The latter species,
in turn, had a significantly longer egg stage than
both B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae at 24—32°C. B.
dorsalis exhibited a significantly greater mean egg
duration than B. cucurbitae at 16, 24, and 32°C.
Larval development time of B. latifrons was significantly
greater than all other species at 16, 24,
and 32°C. This development time was greater than
that of C. capitata at 18°C, and that of both C.
capitata and B. cucurbitae at 29°C. B. dorsalis exhibited
a significantly longer larval stage than B.
cucurbitae and C. capitata at 24 and 32°C.
Pupal stage durations did not vary significantly
among species at 16 and 18°C. The pupal durations
of both B. latifrons and B. dorsalis were significantly
longer than those of B. cucurbitae at 24 and
29°C. The pupal stage of B. latifrons was significantly
longer than that of all other species at 32°C.
Interspecific Comparisons of Developmental
Rates. Immature stage durations varied inversely
with temperature; consequently, developmental
rates were directly related to temperature (Table
3; Fig. 1). Slopes of the developmental rate regressions
for eggs varied significantly among species
(F = 63.54; df = 3, 51; P < 0.0001). The
slopes for all 3 Bactrocera spp. differed significantly
from the slope of C. capitata, with B. cucurbitae
and B. dorsalis exhibiting a more rapid
(both P < 0.0001) and B. latifrons exhibiting a less
rapid increase (P < 0.05), in developmental rate
with respect to temperature. There was a significant
difference among the regression coefficients
in the larval stage (F = 3.45; df = 3, 51; P < 0.05).
Specifically, the slope for B. latifrons differed from
that of B. cucurbitae (P < 0.05). In contrast to the
earlier stages, there was no significant interspecific
variation in slopes (F = 2.06; df = 3, 50; P > 0.10)
of the developmental rate regressions for pupae.
Developmental thresholds (x-intercepts) were
lower for the larval stage than for the egg and pupal
stages for all species. C. capitata developmental
threshold values for all stages were slightly lower
than those for all Bactrocera species.
Thermal constants for development (degreedays)
were calculated by species for each stage (Table
4). The pupal stage had the highest value within
each species, and B. latifrons had the highest
value within each stage.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Intraspecific Survivorship. B. cucurbitae, B.dorsalis, B. latifrons, and C. capitata successfullycompleted development between 16 and 32°C (Table1). Survivorship was low (for example, <50%)for all stages of B. latifrons reared at 16°C and forthe pupal stages of B. latifrons and C. capitatareared at 32°C.Intraspecific Duration of Development. From32 to 16°C for B. cucurbitae, B. dorsalis, B. latifrons,and C. capitata, respectively, duration of theegg stage ranged from 0.86 to 3.4, 1.1 to 5.0, 2.0to 9.3, and 1.5 to 5.7 d, duration of the larval stageranged from 5.1 to 13.7, 6.4 to 16.6, 7.3 to 24.0,and 5.3 to 15.0 d, and duration of the pupal stageranged from 6.9 to 22.9, 7.9 to 25.5, 8.9 to 28.3,and 7.9 to 25.5 d (Table 2).Interspecific Comparisons of Survivorship. B.latifrons exhibited significantly lower egg survivalthan all other species at all temperatures, exceptC. capitata at 18°C. Survival of B. cucurbitae eggs was significantly greater than all other species at24 and 32°C, and numerically greater than all otherspecies at all temperatures, although the differenceswere not significant (P > 0.05).Larval survivorship of B. latifrons was significantlylower than that of all other species at 16,24, and 32°C. The larval survivorship of C. capitataat 32°C was significantly lower than B. cucurbitaeand B. dorsalis.Pupal survivorship of B. latifrons was significantlylower than that of all other species at 16 and24°C. This species did not differ from C. capitataat 32°C, but both had significantly lower pupal survivalthan B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis at 32°C.Interspecific Comparisons of Stage Durations.Egg stage durations varied significantlyamong species at each rearing temperature. B. latifronsexhibited a significantly longer egg stagethan all other species at all temperatures, with theexception of C. capitata at 18°C. The latter species,in turn, had a significantly longer egg stage thanboth B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae at 24—32°C. B.dorsalis exhibited a significantly greater mean eggduration than B. cucurbitae at 16, 24, and 32°C.Larval development time of B. latifrons was significantlygreater than all other species at 16, 24,and 32°C. This development time was greater thanthat of C. capitata at 18°C, and that of both C.capitata and B. cucurbitae at 29°C. B. dorsalis exhibiteda significantly longer larval stage than B.cucurbitae and C. capitata at 24 and 32°C.Pupal stage durations did not vary significantlyamong species at 16 and 18°C. The pupal durationsof both B. latifrons and B. dorsalis were significantlylonger than those of B. cucurbitae at 24 and29°C. The pupal stage of B. latifrons was significantlylonger than that of all other species at 32°C.Interspecific Comparisons of DevelopmentalRates. Immature stage durations varied inverselywith temperature; consequently, developmentalrates were directly related to temperature (Table3; Fig. 1). Slopes of the developmental rate regressionsfor eggs varied significantly among species(F = 63.54; df = 3, 51; P < 0.0001). Theslopes for all 3 Bactrocera spp. differed significantlyfrom the slope of C. capitata, with B. cucurbitaeand B. dorsalis exhibiting a more rapid(both P < 0.0001) and B. latifrons exhibiting a lessrapid increase (P < 0.05), in developmental ratewith respect to temperature. There was a significantdifference among the regression coefficientsin the larval stage (F = 3.45; df = 3, 51; P < 0.05).Specifically, the slope for B. latifrons differed fromthat of B. cucurbitae (P < 0.05). In contrast to theearlier stages, there was no significant interspecificvariation in slopes (F = 2.06; df = 3, 50; P > 0.10)of the developmental rate regressions for pupae.Developmental thresholds (x-intercepts) werelower for the larval stage than for the egg and pupalstages for all species. C. capitata developmentalthreshold values for all stages were slightly lowerthan those for all Bactrocera species.Thermal constants for development (degreedays)were calculated by species for each stage (Table4). The pupal stage had the highest value withineach species, and B. latifrons had the highestvalue within each stage.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Intraspesifik ketahanan hidup. B. cucurbitae, B.
dorsalis, B. latifrons, dan C. capitata berhasil
menyelesaikan pembangunan antara 16 dan 32 ° C (Tabel
1). Kesintasan rendah (misalnya, <50%)
untuk semua tahap B. latifrons dipelihara pada 16 ° C dan untuk
tahap kepompong B. latifrons dan C. capitata
dipelihara pada 32 ° C.
Durasi Intraspesifik Pembangunan. Dari
32-16 ° C untuk B. cucurbitae, B. dorsalis, B. latifrons,
dan C. capitata, masing-masing, durasi
tahap telur berkisar 0,86-3,4, 1,1-5,0, 2.0
ke 9.3, dan 1,5-5,7 d , durasi tahap larva
berkisar 5,1-13,7, 6,4-16,6, 7,3-24,0,
dan 5,3-15,0 d, dan durasi tahap kepompong
berkisar 6,9-22,9, 7,9-25,5, 8,9-28,3,
dan 7,9-25,5 d (Tabel 2).
Perbandingan interspesifik dari ketahanan hidup. B.
latifrons dipamerkan kelangsungan hidup telur secara signifikan lebih rendah
daripada semua spesies lain di semua suhu, kecuali
C. capitata pada 18 ° C. Kelangsungan hidup B. telur cucurbitae secara signifikan lebih besar daripada semua spesies lain di
24 dan 32 ° C, dan numerik lebih besar dari semua yang lain
spesies di semua suhu, meskipun perbedaan
tidak signifikan (P> 0,05).
Kesintasan larva B. latifrons adalah secara signifikan
lebih rendah dari semua spesies lain di 16,
24, dan 32 ° C. The kesintasan larva C. capitata
pada 32 ° C secara signifikan lebih rendah daripada B. cucurbitae
dan B. dorsalis.
Kesintasan pupa B. latifrons secara signifikan
lebih rendah dari semua spesies lain pada 16 dan
24 ° C. Spesies ini tidak berbeda dari C. capitata
pada 32 ° C, namun keduanya memiliki kelangsungan hidup kepompong secara signifikan lebih rendah
daripada B. cucurbitae dan B. dorsalis pada 32 ° C.
Perbandingan interspesifik Stage Durasi.
Jangka waktu tahap telur bervariasi secara signifikan
di antara spesies pada setiap membesarkan temperatur. B. latifrons
dipamerkan tahap telur secara signifikan lebih lama
daripada semua spesies lain di semua suhu, dengan
pengecualian C. capitata pada 18 ° C. Spesies yang terakhir,
pada gilirannya, memiliki tahap telur secara signifikan lebih lama dari
kedua B. dorsalis dan B. cucurbitae di 24-32 ° CB
dorsalis dipamerkan rata-rata telur signifikan lebih besar
durasi dari B. cucurbitae di 16, 24, dan 32 ° C.
waktu perkembangan larva B. latifrons secara signifikan
lebih besar dari semua spesies lain di 16, 24,
dan 32 ° C. Waktu pengembangan ini lebih besar dari
yang dari C. capitata pada 18 ° C, dan yang kedua C.
capitata dan B. cucurbitae pada 29 ° dorsalis CB dipamerkan
tahap signifikan lebih lama daripada larva B.
cucurbitae dan C. capitata pada 24 dan 32 ° C.
pupa tahap jangka waktu tidak berbeda secara signifikan
antara spesies di 16 dan 18 ° C. Durasi kepompong
dari kedua B. latifrons dan B. dorsalis secara signifikan
lebih lama dibandingkan B. cucurbitae pada 24 dan
29 ° C. Tahap pupa B. latifrons secara signifikan
lebih lama dari itu semua spesies lain pada 32 ° C.
Perbandingan interspesifik dari Developmental
Tarif. Jangka waktu tahap dewasa bervariasi berbanding terbalik
dengan suhu; akibatnya, perkembangan
tarif yang terkait langsung dengan suhu (Tabel
3; Gambar 1.). Lereng regresi tingkat perkembangan
telur bervariasi secara signifikan di antara spesies
(F = 63,54; df = 3, 51; P <0,0001). The
lereng untuk semua 3 Bactrocera spp. berbeda secara signifikan
dari lereng C. capitata, dengan B. cucurbitae
dan B. dorsalis memamerkan lebih cepat
(baik P <0,0001) dan B. latifrons menunjukkan kurang
peningkatan pesat (P <0,05), di tingkat perkembangan
sehubungan dengan suhu . Ada signifikan
perbedaan antara koefisien regresi
dalam tahap larva (F = 3,45; df = 3, 51; P <0,05).
Secara khusus, lereng untuk B. latifrons berbeda dari
yang dari B. cucurbitae (P <0,05). Berbeda dengan
tahap-tahap awal, tidak ada interspesifik signifikan
variasi dalam lereng (F = 2,06; df = 3, 50; P>
0,10). Dari regresi tingkat perkembangan untuk pupa
ambang Developmental (x-penyadapan) yang
lebih rendah untuk larva yang Tahap dibandingkan telur dan kepompong
tahap untuk semua spesies. C. capitata perkembangan
nilai ambang batas untuk semua tahapan yang sedikit lebih rendah
dari yang untuk semua spesies Bactrocera.
Konstanta Thermal untuk pembangunan (degreedays)
dihitung oleh spesies untuk setiap tahap (Tabel
4). Tahap pupa memiliki nilai tertinggi dalam
setiap spesies, dan B. latifrons memiliki tertinggi
nilai dalam setiap tahap.
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