Introduction1.1 Severe malnutrition in BangladeshSevere malnutrition i terjemahan - Introduction1.1 Severe malnutrition in BangladeshSevere malnutrition i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Introduction1.1 Severe malnutrition

1.1 Severe malnutrition in Bangladesh
Severe malnutrition is an important cause of death in children. In
Bangladesh 1.2 % [1] of the ~17 [2] million under-five children,
approximately 200,000 are believed to be severely wasted . But according
to new WHO- Growth Reference Standard 2006, the proportion of children
with severe wasting is 2.9 % thus the total number being 500,000 (BBSUNICEF,
2007) [3]. The death rate among children hospitalized for SAM was
as high as 15 percent (Islam et al., 2006) [4]. Once properly treated, severely
malnourished children would grow up to lead a normal life. Severe
malnutrition in children can be successfully treated by using WHO
guidelines that have been shown to be feasible and sustainable even in
small district hospitals with limited resources. Where the WHO guidelines
have been implemented as recommended, substantial reductions in case
fatality rates have been achieved. WHO guidelines are a structured
approach to care and involve 10 steps in two phases and take into account
the profound physiological changes that exist in severe malnutrition.
1.2 Management of severe acute malnutrition: combining facility-based
and community-based care
In Bangladesh, severe acute malnutrition in children has traditionally been
managed at the facility level through inpatient therapeutic care. A small
proportion of cases receive this treatment because active case finding in
the community is rare or absent, many families cannot afford the
economic and opportunity costs associated with facility-based inpatient
care, and health facilities cannot reasonably handle such a high case load.
Facility-based inpatient care is essential when severe acute malnutrition
has progressed to a stage where children have medical complications that
are life-threatening. If severe acute malnutrition is identified in the early
stages when complications are absent, the technical aspects of treatment
are very simple. There is universal consensus that severe acute malnutrition
without complications does not require inpatient treatment and can be
effectively managed at the community level. Therefore, to maximize
coverage and access to therapeutic care for severely malnourished children,
an approach that combines the following components is most appropriate:
q Active case seeking in the community for severe acute malnutrition
through rapid screening methods such as mid-upper arm circumference
q Management at the facility level for severely malnourished children with
q Management at the community level for severely malnourished children
without complications and children who have been discharged from
facility-based inpatient care.
The advantages of a combined facility-based and community-based approach
are many:
q Active case-finding in the community identifies severely malnourished
children early in the progression of the condition, before medical
complications occur. If cases can be identified at an early stage, only
10-15 % of severely malnourished children will require facility-based
inpatient treatment.
q Rational use of facility-based inpatient care allows health facilities to focus
resources on the specialized care of severely malnourished children with
Severe acute
Without complications
Community-based management
Children are given therapeutic food and
routine medicines to treat simple medical
conditions at an outpatient communitybased
With complications
Facility-based management
Treatment comprises the first 7 steps of
inpatient care (stabilization phase) in a
health facility. When completed, child is
transferred to community-based care.
National Guidelines for the Management of Severely Malnourished Children in Bangladesh
National Guidelines for the Management of Severely Malnourished Children in Bangladesh
q Access to community-based care for children without complications
benefits children by reducing exposure to hospital-acquired infections and
benefits families by reducing the time that caregivers spend away from
home and other siblings, and by reducing opportunity costs.
q Maximum coverage and access is possible making services accessible to
the highest possible proportion of severely malnourished children. By
improving access to treatment, it also ensures that children continue
treatment until they have recovered and thus reduces default cases.
A model for community-based management of severe acute malnutrition
without complications, including locally produced ready-to-use therapeutic
foods*, is currently under development in Bangladesh. Until communitybased
care is in place, all children with severe acute malnutrition should be
treated through facility-based care in a health facility.
1.3 About the National Guidelines
The National Guidelines for the Management of Severely Malnourished
Children in Bangladesh are intended for doctors, senior nurses and other
senior health professionals responsible for inpatient therapeutic care of
severely malnourished children in health facilities. They are based on the
global guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), which have
been adapted, where necessary, to the context of Bangladesh.
The guidelines are designed for circumstances where community-based
management of severe acute malnutrition is not available and therefore
include the complete protocol for management of severe acute
malnutrition, including:
u Assessment of SAM and admission criteria
u General principles for management (the '10 Steps')
u Treatment of associated conditions
u How to address failure to respond to treatment
u Guidelines for discharge before recovery is complete
u Emergency treatment of shock and severe anaemia.
*A local ready-to-use therapeutic food can be based on the 'pushti' packet, which is currently
used for demonstrative feeding of severely underweight and growth faltering children covered by
the government's National Nutrition Programme.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1.1 malnutrisi berat di Bangladesh
malnutrisi berat merupakan penyebab penting dari kematian pada anak-anak. Di
Bangladesh 1,2% [1] dari ~ 17 anak-anak balita [2] juta,
sekitar 200.000 diyakini sangat sia-sia. Tetapi menurut penge
untuk baru WHO - pertumbuhan referensi standar 2006, proporsi anak
dengan wasting parah adalah 2,9% sehingga jumlah menjadi 500,000 (BBSUNICEF,
2007) [3]. Angka kematian di antara anak-anak yang dirawat di rumah sakit untuk SAM
setinggi 15 persen (Islam et al., 2006) [4]. Setelah dirawat dengan baik, parah
kekurangan gizi anak-anak akan tumbuh untuk menjalani hidup normal. Parah
malnutrisi pada anak-anak dapat berhasil diobati dengan menggunakan WHO
pedoman yang telah terbukti layak dan berkelanjutan bahkan di
rumah sakit distrik kecil dengan sumber daya yang terbatas. Mana pedoman WHO
telah dilaksanakan yang direkomendasikan, pengurangan substansial dalam kasus
Tingkat fatalitas telah dicapai. Pedoman yang terstruktur
pendekatan untuk perawatan dan melibatkan 10 langkah dalam dua tahap dan memperhitungkan
perubahan fisiologis mendasar yang ada di parah malnutrisi.
1.2 pengelolaan malnutrisi berat akut: menggabungkan fasilitas
dan perawatan berbasis masyarakat
di Bangladesh, malnutrisi berat akut pada anak-anak secara tradisional
dikelola di tingkat fasilitas melalui rawat inap terapeutik. Kecil
proporsi kasus menerima perawatan ini karena kasus aktif mencari di
masyarakat jarang atau tidak ada, banyak keluarga tidak mampu
ekonomi dan biaya kesempatan yang berkaitan dengan fasilitas rawat inap
perawatan, dan fasilitas kesehatan tidak cukup menangani seperti tinggi kasus beban.
berbasis fasilitas rawat inap adalah penting ketika berat kurang gizi akut
telah berkembang ke tahap di mana anak-anak memiliki komplikasi medis yang
mengancam jiwa. Jika kurang gizi akut parah dikenalpasti di awal
tahap ketika komplikasi absen, aspek-aspek teknis pengobatan
sangat sederhana. Ada konsensus universal kurang gizi akut yang parah
tanpa komplikasi tidak memerlukan rawat inap dan bisa
efektif dikelola di tingkat masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, untuk memaksimalkan
cakupan dan akses ke perawatan terapi untuk anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi,
pendekatan yang menggabungkan komponen-komponen berikut paling sesuai:
q kasus aktif mencari dalam masyarakat untuk malnutrisi berat akut
melalui cepat skrining metode seperti lingkar lengan atas pertengahan
q pengelolaan di tingkat Fasilitas untuk anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi dengan
q pengelolaan di tingkat masyarakat untuk anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi
tanpa komplikasi dan anak-anak yang telah dibuang dari
berbasis fasilitas rawat inap perawatan.
keuntungan dari pendekatan berbasis fasilitas dan berbasis masyarakat gabungan
q kasus-temuan aktif dalam komunitas mengidentifikasi gizi
anak-anak di awal perkembangan kondisi, sebelum medis
komplikasi terjadi. Jika kasus dapat diidentifikasi pada tahap awal, hanya
10-15% anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi akan memerlukan fasilitas
pengobatan rawat inap.
q rasional penggunaan fasilitas rawat memungkinkan fasilitas kesehatan untuk fokus
sumber daya pada perawatan khusus anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi dengan
akut parah
tanpa komplikasi
pengelolaan berbasis masyarakat
anak diberi terapi makanan dan
obat-obatan rutin untuk mengobati sederhana medis
kondisi di rawat jalan communitybased
dengan komplikasi
manajemen berbasis fasilitas
pengobatan terdiri dari langkah-langkah pertama 7
rawat inap (stabilisasi tahap) di
fasilitas kesehatan. Ketika selesai, anak adalah
ditransfer ke berbasis masyarakat perawatan.
Nasional pedoman untuk manajemen dari parah kekurangan gizi anak-anak di Bangladesh
Pedoman Nasional untuk manajemen dari parah kekurangan gizi anak-anak di Bangladesh
q akses berbasis masyarakat peduli untuk anak-anak tanpa komplikasi
manfaat anak dengan mengurangi paparan infeksi yang diperoleh rumah sakit dan
manfaat Keluarga dengan mengurangi waktu yang menghabiskan pengasuh dari
rumah dan saudaranya yang lain, dan dengan mengurangi biaya kesempatan.
q maksimum cakupan dan akses muka membuat layanan dapat diakses oleh
proporsi tertinggi mungkin anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi. Oleh
meningkatkan akses terhadap pengobatan, itu juga memastikan bahwa anak terus
pengobatan sampai mereka telah pulih dan dengan demikian mengurangi kasus default.
model bagi pengelolaan berbasis masyarakat malnutrisi berat akut
tanpa komplikasi, termasuk lokal diproduksi siap-untuk-menggunakan terapi
makanan *, sedang pembangunan di Bangladesh. Sampai communitybased
perawatan di tempat, Semua anak dengan malnutrisi berat akut harus
diobati melalui fasilitas perawatan di fasilitas kesehatan.
1.3 tentang panduan the nasional
The Nasional pedoman untuk manajemen dari gizi
Anak-anak di Bangladesh dimaksudkan untuk dokter, perawat senior dan lain
profesional senior kesehatan bertanggung jawab untuk rawat inap terapi perawatan
anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi di fasilitas kesehatan. Mereka didasarkan pada
global pedoman dari organisasi kesehatan dunia (WHO), yang memiliki
telah disesuaikan, jika diperlukan, untuk konteks Bangladesh.
Pedoman dirancang untuk keadaan dimana berbasis masyarakat
pengelolaan malnutrisi berat akut tidak tersedia dan karenanya
termasuk protokol yang lengkap untuk pengelolaan berat akut
malnutrisi, termasuk:
kriteria penilaian SAM dan penerimaan u
u prinsip-prinsip umum untuk manajemen (' 10 langkah)
u pengobatan kondisi terkait
u bagaimana untuk mengatasi kegagalan untuk merespon pengobatan
u pedoman untuk debit sebelum pemulihan selesai
u pengobatan darurat shock dan anemia parah.
* siap-untuk-menggunakan terapi makanan lokal dapat didasarkan pada paket 'pushti', yang saat ini
digunakan untuk demonstratif makan parah underweight dan pertumbuhan goyah anak ditutupi oleh
program gizi Nasional pemerintah.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1.1 Severe malnutrition in Bangladesh
Severe malnutrition is an important cause of death in children. In
Bangladesh 1.2 % [1] of the ~17 [2] million under-five children,
approximately 200,000 are believed to be severely wasted . But according
to new WHO- Growth Reference Standard 2006, the proportion of children
with severe wasting is 2.9 % thus the total number being 500,000 (BBSUNICEF,
2007) [3]. The death rate among children hospitalized for SAM was
as high as 15 percent (Islam et al., 2006) [4]. Once properly treated, severely
malnourished children would grow up to lead a normal life. Severe
malnutrition in children can be successfully treated by using WHO
guidelines that have been shown to be feasible and sustainable even in
small district hospitals with limited resources. Where the WHO guidelines
have been implemented as recommended, substantial reductions in case
fatality rates have been achieved. WHO guidelines are a structured
approach to care and involve 10 steps in two phases and take into account
the profound physiological changes that exist in severe malnutrition.
1.2 Management of severe acute malnutrition: combining facility-based
and community-based care
In Bangladesh, severe acute malnutrition in children has traditionally been
managed at the facility level through inpatient therapeutic care. A small
proportion of cases receive this treatment because active case finding in
the community is rare or absent, many families cannot afford the
economic and opportunity costs associated with facility-based inpatient
care, and health facilities cannot reasonably handle such a high case load.
Facility-based inpatient care is essential when severe acute malnutrition
has progressed to a stage where children have medical complications that
are life-threatening. If severe acute malnutrition is identified in the early
stages when complications are absent, the technical aspects of treatment
are very simple. There is universal consensus that severe acute malnutrition
without complications does not require inpatient treatment and can be
effectively managed at the community level. Therefore, to maximize
coverage and access to therapeutic care for severely malnourished children,
an approach that combines the following components is most appropriate:
q Active case seeking in the community for severe acute malnutrition
through rapid screening methods such as mid-upper arm circumference
q Management at the facility level for severely malnourished children with
q Management at the community level for severely malnourished children
without complications and children who have been discharged from
facility-based inpatient care.
The advantages of a combined facility-based and community-based approach
are many:
q Active case-finding in the community identifies severely malnourished
children early in the progression of the condition, before medical
complications occur. If cases can be identified at an early stage, only
10-15 % of severely malnourished children will require facility-based
inpatient treatment.
q Rational use of facility-based inpatient care allows health facilities to focus
resources on the specialized care of severely malnourished children with
Severe acute
Without complications
Community-based management
Children are given therapeutic food and
routine medicines to treat simple medical
conditions at an outpatient communitybased
With complications
Facility-based management
Treatment comprises the first 7 steps of
inpatient care (stabilization phase) in a
health facility. When completed, child is
transferred to community-based care.
National Guidelines for the Management of Severely Malnourished Children in Bangladesh
National Guidelines for the Management of Severely Malnourished Children in Bangladesh
q Access to community-based care for children without complications
benefits children by reducing exposure to hospital-acquired infections and
benefits families by reducing the time that caregivers spend away from
home and other siblings, and by reducing opportunity costs.
q Maximum coverage and access is possible making services accessible to
the highest possible proportion of severely malnourished children. By
improving access to treatment, it also ensures that children continue
treatment until they have recovered and thus reduces default cases.
A model for community-based management of severe acute malnutrition
without complications, including locally produced ready-to-use therapeutic
foods*, is currently under development in Bangladesh. Until communitybased
care is in place, all children with severe acute malnutrition should be
treated through facility-based care in a health facility.
1.3 About the National Guidelines
The National Guidelines for the Management of Severely Malnourished
Children in Bangladesh are intended for doctors, senior nurses and other
senior health professionals responsible for inpatient therapeutic care of
severely malnourished children in health facilities. They are based on the
global guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), which have
been adapted, where necessary, to the context of Bangladesh.
The guidelines are designed for circumstances where community-based
management of severe acute malnutrition is not available and therefore
include the complete protocol for management of severe acute
malnutrition, including:
u Assessment of SAM and admission criteria
u General principles for management (the '10 Steps')
u Treatment of associated conditions
u How to address failure to respond to treatment
u Guidelines for discharge before recovery is complete
u Emergency treatment of shock and severe anaemia.
*A local ready-to-use therapeutic food can be based on the 'pushti' packet, which is currently
used for demonstrative feeding of severely underweight and growth faltering children covered by
the government's National Nutrition Programme.
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