CUT NYAK DIEN Cut Nyak Dien Biography Biodata and Profile Cut Nyak Die terjemahan - CUT NYAK DIEN Cut Nyak Dien Biography Biodata and Profile Cut Nyak Die Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

CUT NYAK DIEN Cut Nyak Dien Biograp


Cut Nyak Dien Biography Biodata and Profile Cut Nyak Dien Blog where familiar figures and famous people in the world. to increase our knowledge of science is also motivated to take the side of Heroes Indonesia Positive Cut Nyak Dien, plainly how his journey in the fight whether bangasa Indonesia and what he did for Indonesia to be closer And then know then let us know closer to Cut Nyak Dien Indonesia as a national hero.

Cut Nyak Dien was born in Lampadang, Kingdom of Aceh, 1848, a National Hero of Indonesia from Aceh who fought against the Netherlands during the war in Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien was born from a noble family who are religious in Aceh Besar, Mukim VI region in 1848. His father was Teuku Nanta Setia, a uleebalang VI Mukim, who is also a descendant Machmoed Sati, migrants from West Sumatra. Machmoed Sati may come to Aceh in the 18th century when the Aceh sultanate ruled by Sultan Jamalul Badrul Munir. Therefore, the father of the Cut Nyak Dien is a descendant of Minangkabau. Cut Nyak Dien's mother was the daughter of uleebalang Lampagar.

In his childhood, Cut Nyak Dien was a beautiful child. He was getting an education in the field of religion (who was educated by parents or teachers of religion) and household (cooking, serving her husband, and that everyday life involves a well educated by their parents). Many men who like the Cut Nyak Dien and tried to propose to her. At age 12, she was married off by her parents in 1862 with Teuku Check Lamnga Ibrahim, son of uleebalang Lamnga XIII. They have one son.

On March 26, 1873, the Netherlands declared war on Aceh, and began firing shells into the mainland of Aceh Citadel warship van Antwerpen. Aceh war had erupted. In the first war (1873-1874), led by the commander of Aceh Polim and Machmud Sultan Shah-led battle against the Dutch Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler. At that time, the Dutch sent 3198 soldiers. Then, on 8 April 1873, the Dutch landed on the beach under the leadership Ceureumen Köhler, and instantly be able to master and burn Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. Cut Nyak Dien who saw it shouted:

"Look O Acehnese!! Place of worship being destroyed!! They have mencorengkan name of Allah! Until when are we here? Until when are we going to be slaves Netherlands?"

Sultanate to win the war first. Ibrahim Lamnga who fought on the front lines again with shouts of victory, while Köhler was shot dead in April 1873.

J.B. van Heutsz being cared for the men in the attack in Aceh War
In 1874-1880, under the command of General Jan van Swieten, region VI Mukim be occupied Netherlands in 1873, while the Sultan Palace fell in 1874. Cut Nyak Dien and her mother eventually fled with her mother and the other party on December 24, 1875. Her husband later fought to reclaim areas Mukim VI.

When Ibrahim Lamnga fought in Gle Tarum, he died on June 29, 1878. This makes the Cut Nyak Dien very angry and vowed to destroy the Netherlands.
Uma, hero Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien apply. Cut Nyak Dien Initially rejected. However, because Uma motioned to engage in battle on the battlefield, Cut Nyak Dien finally accepted and married Uma in 1880. This makes the growing moral fervor Aceh struggle against Kaphe Ulanda (Dutch infidels). Later, Cut Nyak Dien and Uma had a son whom they named Cut Xylophone.

Continued the guerrilla war waged war and fi'sabilillah. Around the year 1875, Uma movement with the Dutch approach and its relationship with the Dutch getting stronger. On 30 September 1893, Uma and his troops numbering 250 people went to Kutaraja and "surrender" to the Dutch. Dutch are very pleased that a dangerous enemy willing to help them, so they provide a degree Uma Uma Johan Heroes and making the unit commander of the Dutch troops at full power. Uma conceal a plan to deceive the Netherlands, though he was accused of being a traitor by the people of Aceh. In fact, Cut Nyak Meutia came to Cut Nyak Dien and cursing him. Cut Nyak Dien tried to advise him to come back against the Netherlands. However, Uma still kept in touch with the Dutch. Umar then try to learn the tactics of the Netherlands, while slowly changing as many Dutch people in the unit are the strongest. When the number of troops in Aceh is sufficient, Uma conduct fraudulent schemes in the Netherlands and claimed that he wanted to attack a base in Aceh.

Uma and Cut Nyak Dien away with all the troops and heavy equipment, weapons, and ammunition Netherlands, and has never returned. The betrayal is called Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar (Uma betrayal). Uma who betrayed the Netherlands led the Dutch furious and launched a massive operation to capture both Cut Nyak Dien and Uma. However, the rebels are now equipped with equipment from the Netherlands. They began to invade the Netherlands while Jend. Van Swieten replaced. His successor, Gen.. Jakobus Ludovicius Hubertus Pel, quickly killed and Dutch troops are in disarray. Netherlands and unplugging Uma titles and burn his house, and is also pursuing its existence. Dien and Umar continued to pressure the Netherlands, and attacked Banda Aceh (Kutaraja) and Meulaboh (former Uma basis), so that the Dutch constantly changing generals in charge.

Units "Maréchaussée" and sent to Aceh. They are considered barbaric and extremely difficult defeated by the people of Aceh. In addition, most of the troops "De Marsose" is the Chinese-Ambon that destroys everything in its path. As a result of this, the Dutch troops feel sympathy for the people of Aceh and Van der Heyden dissolve unit "De Marsose". The incident also led to the success of the next general because a lot of people who did not join the jihad lost their lives, and the fear is still there on the Acehnese.
General Joannes Benedictus van Heutsz exploit this fear and start hiring people to spy on Acehnese rebel forces as informants so that the Dutch find Uma plans to attack Meulaboh on February 11, 1899. Finally, Uma fall bullet. When Xylophone Cut, Cut Nyak Dien child, crying for his father's death, he was slapped by her mother and hugged her and said:

"As women in Aceh, we should not shed tears in people who have a martyr"
Cut Nyak Dien then led the resistance against the Dutch in the hinterland Meulaboh with small forces and try to forget him. These troops continue to fight until its demise in 1901 for the Dutch army was used to fight in the battlefield area of Aceh. In addition, Cut Nyak Dien'm getting older. Her eyes had started to dim, and he was exposed to the disease gout and also the number of troops continued to decrease, and the difficulty of obtaining foo

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CUT NYAK DIEN Cut Nyak Dien biografi Biodata dan profil Cut Nyak Dien Blog mana akrab angka-angka dan orang-orang terkenal di dunia. untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kita tentang ilmu juga termotivasi untuk mengambil sisi pahlawan Indonesia positif Cut Nyak Dien, jelas bagaimana perjalanannya dalam perjuangan Apakah bangasa Indonesia dan apa yang dia lakukan bagi Indonesia untuk menjadi lebih dekat dan kemudian mengetahui kemudian marilah kita tahu lebih dekat ke Cut Nyak Dien Indonesia sebagai pahlawan nasional.Cut Nyak Dien dilahirkan di Lampadang, kerajaan Aceh, 1848, pahlawan nasional dari Aceh yang berperang melawan Belanda selama perang di Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien lahir dari keluarga bangsawan yang religius di Aceh Besar, wilayah Mukim VI pada tahun 1848. Ayahnya adalah Teuku Nanta Setia, uleebalang Mukim VI, yang juga merupakan keturunan Machmoed Sati, migran dari Sumatera Barat. Machmoed Sati dapat datang ke Aceh di abad 18 Ketika kerajaan Aceh diperintah oleh Sultan Jamalul Badrul Munir. Oleh karena itu, ayah dari Cut Nyak Dien adalah keturunan Minangkabau. Cut Nyak Dien ibunya adalah putri dari uleebalang Lampagar. Di masa kecilnya, Cut Nyak Dien adalah seorang anak yang indah. Ia mendapatkan pendidikan di bidang agama (yang dididik oleh orang tua atau guru agama) dan rumah tangga (memasak, melayani suaminya, dan kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan baik dididik oleh orang tua mereka). Banyak orang yang suka Cut Nyak Dien dan mencoba untuk mengusulkan padanya. Pada usia 12, ia menikah oleh orang tuanya pada 1862 dengan Teuku memeriksa Lamnga Ibrahim, anak uleebalang Lamnga XIII. Mereka memiliki seorang putra. On March 26, 1873, the Netherlands declared war on Aceh, and began firing shells into the mainland of Aceh Citadel warship van Antwerpen. Aceh war had erupted. In the first war (1873-1874), led by the commander of Aceh Polim and Machmud Sultan Shah-led battle against the Dutch Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler. At that time, the Dutch sent 3198 soldiers. Then, on 8 April 1873, the Dutch landed on the beach under the leadership Ceureumen Köhler, and instantly be able to master and burn Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. Cut Nyak Dien who saw it shouted: "Look O Acehnese!! Place of worship being destroyed!! They have mencorengkan name of Allah! Until when are we here? Until when are we going to be slaves Netherlands?" Sultanate to win the war first. Ibrahim Lamnga who fought on the front lines again with shouts of victory, while Köhler was shot dead in April 1873. J.B. van Heutsz being cared for the men in the attack in Aceh War In 1874-1880, under the command of General Jan van Swieten, region VI Mukim be occupied Netherlands in 1873, while the Sultan Palace fell in 1874. Cut Nyak Dien and her mother eventually fled with her mother and the other party on December 24, 1875. Her husband later fought to reclaim areas Mukim VI. When Ibrahim Lamnga fought in Gle Tarum, he died on June 29, 1878. This makes the Cut Nyak Dien very angry and vowed to destroy the Netherlands. Uma, hero Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien apply. Cut Nyak Dien Initially rejected. However, because Uma motioned to engage in battle on the battlefield, Cut Nyak Dien finally accepted and married Uma in 1880. This makes the growing moral fervor Aceh struggle against Kaphe Ulanda (Dutch infidels). Later, Cut Nyak Dien and Uma had a son whom they named Cut Xylophone. Continued the guerrilla war waged war and fi'sabilillah. Around the year 1875, Uma movement with the Dutch approach and its relationship with the Dutch getting stronger. On 30 September 1893, Uma and his troops numbering 250 people went to Kutaraja and "surrender" to the Dutch. Dutch are very pleased that a dangerous enemy willing to help them, so they provide a degree Uma Uma Johan Heroes and making the unit commander of the Dutch troops at full power. Uma conceal a plan to deceive the Netherlands, though he was accused of being a traitor by the people of Aceh. In fact, Cut Nyak Meutia came to Cut Nyak Dien and cursing him. Cut Nyak Dien tried to advise him to come back against the Netherlands. However, Uma still kept in touch with the Dutch. Umar then try to learn the tactics of the Netherlands, while slowly changing as many Dutch people in the unit are the strongest. When the number of troops in Aceh is sufficient, Uma conduct fraudulent schemes in the Netherlands and claimed that he wanted to attack a base in Aceh.Uma and Cut Nyak Dien away with all the troops and heavy equipment, weapons, and ammunition Netherlands, and has never returned. The betrayal is called Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar (Uma betrayal). Uma who betrayed the Netherlands led the Dutch furious and launched a massive operation to capture both Cut Nyak Dien and Uma. However, the rebels are now equipped with equipment from the Netherlands. They began to invade the Netherlands while Jend. Van Swieten replaced. His successor, Gen.. Jakobus Ludovicius Hubertus Pel, quickly killed and Dutch troops are in disarray. Netherlands and unplugging Uma titles and burn his house, and is also pursuing its existence. Dien and Umar continued to pressure the Netherlands, and attacked Banda Aceh (Kutaraja) and Meulaboh (former Uma basis), so that the Dutch constantly changing generals in charge. Units "Maréchaussée" and sent to Aceh. They are considered barbaric and extremely difficult defeated by the people of Aceh. In addition, most of the troops "De Marsose" is the Chinese-Ambon that destroys everything in its path. As a result of this, the Dutch troops feel sympathy for the people of Aceh and Van der Heyden dissolve unit "De Marsose". The incident also led to the success of the next general because a lot of people who did not join the jihad lost their lives, and the fear is still there on the Acehnese.General Joannes Benedictus van Heutsz exploit this fear and start hiring people to spy on Acehnese rebel forces as informants so that the Dutch find Uma plans to attack Meulaboh on February 11, 1899. Finally, Uma fall bullet. When Xylophone Cut, Cut Nyak Dien child, crying for his father's death, he was slapped by her mother and hugged her and said: "As women in Aceh, we should not shed tears in people who have a martyr" Cut Nyak Dien then led the resistance against the Dutch in the hinterland Meulaboh with small forces and try to forget him. These troops continue to fight until its demise in 1901 for the Dutch army was used to fight in the battlefield area of Aceh. In addition, Cut Nyak Dien'm getting older. Her eyes had started to dim, and he was exposed to the disease gout and also the number of troops continued to decrease, and the difficulty of obtaining foo
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
CUT Nyak Dien Cut Nyak Dien Biografi Biodata dan Profil Cut Nyak Dien Blog mana angka akrab dan orang-orang terkenal di dunia. untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kita tentang ilmu juga termotivasi untuk mengambil sisi Pahlawan Indonesia Positif Cut Nyak Dien, jelas bagaimana perjalanannya dalam perang apakah bangasa Indonesia dan apa yang dia bagi Indonesia untuk lebih dekat Dan kemudian tahu kemudian beritahu kami lebih dekat dengan Cut Nyak Dien Indonesia sebagai pahlawan nasional. Cut Nyak Dien lahir di Lampadang, Kerajaan Aceh, 1848, Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia dari Aceh yang berjuang melawan Belanda selama perang di Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien lahir dari keluarga bangsawan yang adalah agama di Aceh Besar, kawasan Mukim VI pada tahun 1848. Ayahnya Teuku Nanta Setia, seorang uleebalang VI Mukim, yang juga keturunan Machmoed Sati, pendatang dari Sumatera Barat. Machmoed Sati mungkin datang ke Aceh pada abad ke-18 ketika Kesultanan Aceh diperintah oleh Sultan Jamalul Badrul Munir. Oleh karena itu, ayah dari Cut Nyak Dien adalah keturunan Minangkabau. Ibu Cut Nyak Dien adalah putri uleebalang Lampagar. Dalam masa kecilnya, Cut Nyak Dien adalah anak yang cantik. Ia mendapatkan pendidikan di bidang agama (yang dididik oleh orang tua atau guru agama) dan rumah tangga (memasak, melayani suami, dan bahwa kehidupan sehari-hari melibatkan baik dididik oleh orang tua mereka). Banyak pria yang menyukai Cut Nyak Dien dan mencoba untuk melamarnya. Pada usia 12, ia menikah oleh orang tuanya pada tahun 1862 dengan Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga Periksa, putra uleebalang Lamnga XIII. Mereka memiliki satu anak. Pada tanggal 26 Maret, 1873, Belanda menyatakan perang terhadap Aceh, dan mulai menembakkan peluru ke daratan Benteng Aceh kapal perang van Antwerpen. Perang Aceh telah meletus. Dalam perang pertama (1873-1874), yang dipimpin oleh komandan Aceh Polim dan Sultan Machmud Syah dipimpin pertempuran melawan Belanda Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler. Pada saat itu, Belanda mengirim 3.198 prajurit. Kemudian, pada tanggal 8 April 1873, Belanda mendarat di pantai di bawah kepemimpinan Ceureumen Köhler, dan langsung bisa menguasai dan membakar Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Cut Nyak Dien yang melihatnya berteriak: "! Lihatlah O Aceh !! Tempat ibadah dihancurkan !! Mereka memiliki nama mencorengkan Allah Sampai kapan kita di sini Sampai kapan kita akan menjadi budak Belanda?" Kesultanan untuk memenangkan perang pertama. Ibrahim Lamnga yang berjuang di garis depan lagi dengan teriakan kemenangan, sementara Köhler tewas tertembak pada April 1873. JB van Heutsz sedang memperhatikan pasukannya dalam serangan di Perang Aceh Pada 1874-1880, di bawah komando Jenderal Jan van Swieten , wilayah VI Mukim ditempati Belanda pada tahun 1873, sedangkan Keraton jatuh pada tahun 1874. Cut Nyak Dien dan ibunya akhirnya melarikan diri dengan ibunya dan pihak lain pada tanggal 24 Desember 1875. Suaminya kemudian berjuang untuk merebut kembali daerah VI Mukim. Ketika Ibrahim Lamnga bertempur di Gle Tarum, ia meninggal pada 29 Juni, 1878. Hal ini membuat Cut Nyak Dien sangat marah dan bersumpah untuk menghancurkan Belanda. Uma, pahlawan Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien berlaku. Cut Nyak Dien Awalnya ditolak. Namun, karena Uma isyarat untuk terlibat dalam pertempuran di medan perang, Cut Nyak Dien akhirnya menerima dan menikah Uma pada tahun 1880. Hal ini membuat semangat moral yang perjuangan Aceh melawan Kaphe tumbuh Ulanda (kafir Belanda). Kemudian, Cut Nyak Dien dan Uma memiliki seorang putra yang diberi nama Cut Gambang. Lanjutan perang gerilya mengobarkan perang dan fi'sabilillah. Sekitar tahun 1875, gerakan Uma dengan pendekatan Belanda dan hubungannya dengan orang Belanda semakin kuat. Pada 30 September 1893, Uma dan pasukannya yang berjumlah 250 orang pergi ke Kutaraja dan "menyerah" kepada Belanda. Belanda sangat senang bahwa musuh yang berbahaya mau membantu mereka, sehingga mereka memberikan gelar Uma Uma Johan Pahlawan dan membuat komandan satuan pasukan Belanda dengan kekuatan penuh. Uma menyembunyikan rencana untuk menipu Belanda, meskipun ia dituduh sebagai pengkhianat oleh masyarakat Aceh. Bahkan, Cut Nyak Meutia datang ke Cut Nyak Dien dan memakinya. Cut Nyak Dien berusaha menasehatinya untuk kembali melawan Belanda. Namun, Uma masih terus berhubungan dengan Belanda. Umar kemudian mencoba untuk mempelajari taktik Belanda, sementara pelan-pelan berubah karena banyak orang Belanda di unit adalah yang terkuat. Ketika jumlah pasukan di Aceh sudah cukup, Uma melakukan skema penipuan di Belanda dan mengklaim bahwa ia ingin menyerang basis di Aceh. Uma dan Cut Nyak Dien pergi dengan semua pasukan dan alat berat, senjata, dan amunisi Belanda, dan tidak pernah kembali. Pengkhianatan disebut Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar (Uma pengkhianatan). Uma yang mengkhianati Belanda menyebabkan Belanda marah dan meluncurkan operasi besar-besaran untuk menangkap kedua Cut Nyak Dien dan Uma. Namun, para pemberontak yang kini dilengkapi dengan peralatan dari Belanda. Mereka mulai menyerang Belanda sementara Jend. Van Swieten diganti. Penggantinya, Jenderal .. Jakobus Ludovicius Hubertus Pel, cepat tewas dan pasukan Belanda yang berantakan. Belanda dan mencabut gelar Uma dan membakar rumahnya, dan juga mengejar keberadaannya. Dien dan Umar terus menekan Belanda, dan menyerang Banda Aceh (Kutaraja) dan Meulaboh (bekas basis Uma), sehingga Belanda terus berubah jenderal yang bertanggung jawab. Unit "marsose" dan dikirim ke Aceh. Mereka dianggap biadab dan sangat sulit dikalahkan oleh masyarakat Aceh. Selain itu, sebagian besar pasukan "De Marsose" merupakan orang Tionghoa-Ambon yang menghancurkan segala sesuatu di jalan. Sebagai hasil dari ini, pasukan Belanda merasa simpati bagi rakyat Aceh dan Van der Heyden membubarkan Unit "De Marsose". Insiden ini juga menyebabkan keberhasilan umum berikutnya karena banyak orang yang tidak ikut jihad kehilangan nyawa mereka, dan ketakutan masih ada di Aceh. General Joannes Benedictus van Heutsz memanfaatkan ketakutan ini dan mulai menyewa orang untuk memata-matai pada pasukan pemberontak Aceh sebagai informan sehingga Belanda menemukan Uma berencana untuk menyerang Meulaboh pada tanggal 11 Februari, 1899. Akhirnya, Uma jatuh peluru. Ketika Gambang Cut, anak Cut Nyak Dien, menangis atas kematian ayahnya, ia ditampar oleh ibunya dan memeluknya dan berkata: "Sebagai perempuan di Aceh, kita tidak harus meneteskan air mata pada orang yang memiliki martir" Cut Nyak Dien kemudian memimpin perlawanan melawan Belanda di pedalaman Meulaboh dengan pasukan kecil dan mencoba untuk melupakan dia. Pasukan ini terus bertempur sampai kehancurannya pada tahun 1901 untuk tentara Belanda digunakan untuk bertarung di daerah medan perang Aceh. Selain itu, Cut Nyak Dien'm semakin tua. Matanya sudah mulai redup, dan ia terkena gout penyakit dan juga jumlah pasukan terus menurun, dan kesulitan memperoleh foo

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