All around in main hall, on giant chairs, 3322, many elders, everyone  terjemahan - All around in main hall, on giant chairs, 3322, many elders, everyone  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

All around in main hall, on giant c

All around in main hall, on giant chairs, 3322, many elders, everyone look is at this moment tranquil, nobody spoke, caused the entire main hall, constrained very much.
Especially in the Great Elder one side, the Fang Wei grandfather and Fang Wei father, two people sits on the chair, at this moment indifferently looks to Meng Hao in main hall.
That Fang Xiushan, in the item the deep place, has the murderous intention to dodge.
The Meng Hao look is tranquil throughout, has not hesitated, lifts the footsteps, steps into the main hall.
The photospheres of two thousand li (333m) sizes, under the control of Meng Hao, floated outside the main hall, but also in absorption light and heat.
Along with the absorption, steps into the instance of main hall in Meng Hao, inside and outside this main hall, ices to be cold immediately, the light was also dim, even in the ground, slowly presented some cold air.
All around these old men, looks are as before usual, but their spiritual sense, already dispersed, fell outside the main hall on the photosphere in midair.
„Fang Hao pays a visit Great Elder, pays a visit elder.” Steps into the main hall, Meng Hao is neither arrogant nor servile, holds the fist in the other hand does obeisance, on him, cannot discover violates the place of clan regulations slightly.
Great Elder unemotionally, looked at Meng Hao one.
„Hao'er, the date of Dongsheng, you revealed that astonishing latent talent, went out of many years, that step that in the family juniors, nobody can take.”
„You trod the stars, has stepped into the starry sky, faced directly Yang Xing ten rests, obtained the good fortune and sensibility.”
„These, the old man was happy for you.” Great Elder to open mouth, words encourages slowly with happily, may from beginning to end, unemotionally.
Meng Hao stands there, did not say a word, the vision has swept all around, before that direct descendant elder had reminded himself, careful Fang Xiushan, half a month passes now, this summon, looked like in Meng Hao, was the future is surely bad.
Especially in this all around elder, these is the direct descendant old man, looks worried that even when the Fang Xi father, looks to Meng Hao, there is an anxiety.
„Elders proposed that must enjoy to your, the old man thinks long time, approved this matter.”
„Enjoys to your, opens my Fang Clan Ancestral Land for you, there is the entire family most sacred place, was First Generation Patriarch opened in the past, there was part of immortal ruins, cut off by Patriarch forcefully, brought.”
Meng Hao hears here, both eyes shrink slightly, he knows that the Fang Clan inside story is very deep, but knows now that past First Generation Patriarch, intrepid to has taken immortal ruins unexpectedly, brings back the family, treats as Ancestral Land!
„My Fang Clan, all magical powers, all technique laws, are not First Generation Patriarch simple handing down, but was he kept in Ancestral Land, many years, the clansman stepped into there from generation to generation, after collection and collation, has formed the Fang Clan numerous technique method.”
„But ... More technique laws, had not been found, must look at the chance good fortune. And innumerable years. As long as my Fang Clan steps into the Dao Realm clansman. Only if died when outside, otherwise, turned over to the ruins, will choose to bury in Ancestral Land, has left behind the methods and numerous secrets their lifetime practicing, waited for that being predestined friends person obtained.”
„Such as First Generation Patriarch the strongest five Great Dao methods, are only reorganized until now also to seek for four types in the past, strongest One Thought Transforms the Stars. Always nobody obtains.”
„In addition, in tenant, some medicinal herbs pill formulas, even also has the immortal Ancient Dao treasure, only waits to be predestined friends.” Great Elder tranquil to open mouth, sound ice-cold reverberation in all around.
Meng Hao is listening to these, the look moves.
„Opening of each Ancestral Land, must consume the family huge price, in principle, is the thousand years opens one time. But now also opening time, for you. Exceptional case one time.”
„But ...” Great Elder said here, suddenly, deep after looking at Meng Hao one, continued to open mouth.
„ There also had the danger, this danger came from the smelting trial of First Generation Patriarch to later generation clansman, and Ancestral Land strange, will be born voluntarily some lives.
Therefore regarding you, Ancestral Land, although has the good fortune, may have the crisis, many years, die in the Ancestral Land clansman, although are not many, may have. ”
„You may weigh, this time enjoys, wants ... Does not want.” After Great Elder spoke the last few words, his Fang Xiushan and Fang Wei grandfather, two people of looks slightly cannot be looked up changes, looked at Great Elder one subconsciously.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Di sekitar di hall utama, di kursi raksasa, 3322, tua-tua yang banyak, semua orang yang melihat adalah saat ini tenang, tak seorang pun berbicara, disebabkan seluruh ruang utama, dibatasi sangat banyak.Terutama di satu sisi besar penatua, Fang Wei kakek dan ayah Fang Wei, dua orang duduk di kursi, pada saat ini tampak acuh tak acuh untuk Meng Hao di aula utama.Bahwa Fang Xiushan, di tempat yang mendalam, item memiliki niat pembunuh untuk menghindari.Meng Hao yang terlihat tenang, tidak ragu-ragu, mengangkat jejak, langkah-langkah ke aula utama.Photospheres dua ribu ukuran li (333m), di bawah kendali Meng Hao, mengambang di luar ruang utama, tetapi juga dalam penyerapan cahaya dan panas.Bersama dengan penyerapan, langkah-langkah ke contoh utama hall di Meng Hao, di dalam dan di luar ruang utama ini, es harus dingin segera, cahaya adalah juga redup, bahkan di dalam tanah, perlahan-lahan disajikan udara dingin.Di sekitar orang-orang tua ini, tampak sebagai sebelum biasa, tapi pengertian rohani mereka, sudah tersebar, jatuh di luar aula utama pada photosphere di udara."Fang Hao membayar kunjungan penatua besar, membayar kunjungan penatua." Langkah ke aula utama, Meng Hao adalah sombong maupun sesuatu, memegang tinju di sisi lain Apakah menyembah Dia, tidak dapat menemukan melanggar tempat klan peraturan sedikit.Penatua besar unemotionally, memandang Meng Hao satu."Hao'er, tanggal Dongsheng, Anda mengungkapkan bahwa bakat laten yang menakjubkan, pergi dari bertahun-tahun, itu langkah yang yunior Keluarga, tak seorang pun bisa."„You trod the stars, has stepped into the starry sky, faced directly Yang Xing ten rests, obtained the good fortune and sensibility.”„These, the old man was happy for you.” Great Elder to open mouth, words encourages slowly with happily, may from beginning to end, unemotionally.Meng Hao stands there, did not say a word, the vision has swept all around, before that direct descendant elder had reminded himself, careful Fang Xiushan, half a month passes now, this summon, looked like in Meng Hao, was the future is surely bad.Especially in this all around elder, these is the direct descendant old man, looks worried that even when the Fang Xi father, looks to Meng Hao, there is an anxiety.„Elders proposed that must enjoy to your, the old man thinks long time, approved this matter.”„Enjoys to your, opens my Fang Clan Ancestral Land for you, there is the entire family most sacred place, was First Generation Patriarch opened in the past, there was part of immortal ruins, cut off by Patriarch forcefully, brought.”Meng Hao hears here, both eyes shrink slightly, he knows that the Fang Clan inside story is very deep, but knows now that past First Generation Patriarch, intrepid to has taken immortal ruins unexpectedly, brings back the family, treats as Ancestral Land!"Saya Marga Fang, Semua ajaib kekuasaan, semua teknik hukum tidak generasi pertama patriak penyerahan down sederhana, tetapi ia dipelihara di tanah leluhur, bertahun-tahun, clansman melangkah ke sana dari generasi ke generasi, setelah koleksi dan pemeriksaan, telah membentuk klan Fang berbagai teknik metode.""Tapi... Undang-undang teknik lain, belum ditemukan, harus melihat pada nasib baik kesempatan. Dan tak terhitung tahun. Selama sebagai Marga Fang saya langkah-langkah ke dunia Dao clansman. Hanya jika meninggal ketika di luar, sebaliknya, diserahkan kepada reruntuhan, akan memilih untuk mengubur di tanah leluhur, telah tertinggal metode dan rahasia banyak berlatih seumur hidup mereka, menunggu bahwa menjadi orang teman ditakdirkan diperoleh.""Seperti generasi pertama patriak terkuat lima besar Dao metode, yang hanya direorganisasi sampai sekarang juga untuk mencari empat jenis di masa lalu, terkuat satu berpikir mengubah bintang-bintang. Selalu ada memperoleh.""Selain itu, di penyewa, beberapa obat herbal pil formula, bahkan juga memiliki harta karun kuno Dao abadi, hanya menunggu untuk menjadi teman ditentukan." Besar penatua tenang untuk membuka mulut, gema suara dingin di seluruh.Meng Hao mendengarkan ini, tampilan bergerak."Pembukaan lahan leluhur setiap, harus mengkonsumsi harga besar keluarga, pada prinsipnya, adalah seribu tahun membuka satu kali. Tapi sekarang juga membuka waktu, untuk Anda. Kasus yang luar biasa sekali."„But ...” Great Elder said here, suddenly, deep after looking at Meng Hao one, continued to open mouth.„ There also had the danger, this danger came from the smelting trial of First Generation Patriarch to later generation clansman, and Ancestral Land strange, will be born voluntarily some lives.Therefore regarding you, Ancestral Land, although has the good fortune, may have the crisis, many years, die in the Ancestral Land clansman, although are not many, may have. ”„You may weigh, this time enjoys, wants ... Does not want.” After Great Elder spoke the last few words, his Fang Xiushan and Fang Wei grandfather, two people of looks slightly cannot be looked up changes, looked at Great Elder one subconsciously.
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