according to economic, control, and adaptive criteria. Organizations s terjemahan - according to economic, control, and adaptive criteria. Organizations s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

according to economic, control, and

according to economic, control, and adaptive criteria. Organizations should consider the
costs and benefits of various wholesaling and retailing options. They must consider
the need to motivate and control channel members and the need to adapt to changes in the
future. Once a marketing channel is chosen, an organization usually must adhere to it for
an extended period of time.
Marketing Research
Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about
problems relating to the marketing of goods and services. Marketing research can uncover
critical strengths and weaknesses, and marketing researchers employ numerous scales,
instruments, procedures, concepts, and techniques to gather information. Marketing
research activities support all of the major business functions of an organization.
Organizations that possess excellent marketing research skills have a definite strength in
pursuing generic strategies.
The President of PepsiCo said, “Looking at the competition is the company’s best
form of market research. The majority of our strategic successes are ideas that we
borrow from the marketplace, usually from a small regional or local competitor. In
each case, we spot a promising new idea, improve on it, and then out-execute our
Cost/Benefit Analysis
The seventh function of marketing is cost/benefit analysis, which involves assessing the
costs, benefits, and risks associated with marketing decisions. Three steps are required
to perform a cost/benefit analysis: (1) compute the total costs associated with a decision,
(2) estimate the total benefits from the decision, and (3) compare the total costs with the
total benefits. When expected benefits exceed total costs, an opportunity becomes more
attractive. Sometimes the variables included in a cost/benefit analysis cannot be quantified
or even measured, but usually reasonable estimates can be made to allow the analysis
to be performed. One key factor to be considered is risk. Cost/benefit analysis should also
be performed when a company is evaluating alternative ways to be socially responsible.
Marketing Audit Checklist of Questions
The following questions about marketing must be examined in strategic planning:
1. Are markets segmented effectively?
2. Is the organization positioned well among competitors?
3. Has the firm’s market share been increasing?
4. Are present channels of distribution reliable and cost effective?
5. Does the firm have an effective sales organization?
6. Does the firm conduct market research?
7. Are product quality and customer service good?
8. Are the firm’s products and services priced appropriately?
9. Does the firm have an effective promotion, advertising, and publicity strategy?
10. Are marketing, planning, and budgeting effective?
11. Do the firm’s marketing managers have adequate experience and training?
12. Is the firm’s Internet presence excellent as compared to rivals?
Financial condition is often considered the single best measure of a firm’s competitive
position and overall attractiveness to investors. Determining an organization’s financial
strengths and weaknesses is essential to effectively formulating strategies. A firm’s liquidity,
leverage, working capital, profitability, asset utilization, cash flow, and equity can
eliminate some strategies as being feasible alternatives. Financial factors often alter existing
strategies and change implementation plans.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
according to economic, control, and adaptive criteria. Organizations should consider thecosts and benefits of various wholesaling and retailing options. They must considerthe need to motivate and control channel members and the need to adapt to changes in thefuture. Once a marketing channel is chosen, an organization usually must adhere to it foran extended period of time.Marketing ResearchMarketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data aboutproblems relating to the marketing of goods and services. Marketing research can uncovercritical strengths and weaknesses, and marketing researchers employ numerous scales,instruments, procedures, concepts, and techniques to gather information. Marketingresearch activities support all of the major business functions of an organization.Organizations that possess excellent marketing research skills have a definite strength inpursuing generic strategies.The President of PepsiCo said, “Looking at the competition is the company’s bestform of market research. The majority of our strategic successes are ideas that weborrow from the marketplace, usually from a small regional or local competitor. Ineach case, we spot a promising new idea, improve on it, and then out-execute ourcompetitor.”19Cost/Benefit AnalysisThe seventh function of marketing is cost/benefit analysis, which involves assessing thecosts, benefits, and risks associated with marketing decisions. Three steps are requiredto perform a cost/benefit analysis: (1) compute the total costs associated with a decision,(2) estimate the total benefits from the decision, and (3) compare the total costs with thetotal benefits. When expected benefits exceed total costs, an opportunity becomes moreattractive. Sometimes the variables included in a cost/benefit analysis cannot be quantifiedor even measured, but usually reasonable estimates can be made to allow the analysisto be performed. One key factor to be considered is risk. Cost/benefit analysis should alsobe performed when a company is evaluating alternative ways to be socially responsible.Marketing Audit Checklist of QuestionsThe following questions about marketing must be examined in strategic planning:1. Are markets segmented effectively?2. Is the organization positioned well among competitors?3. Has the firm’s market share been increasing?4. Are present channels of distribution reliable and cost effective?5. Does the firm have an effective sales organization?6. Does the firm conduct market research?7. Are product quality and customer service good?8. Are the firm’s products and services priced appropriately?9. Does the firm have an effective promotion, advertising, and publicity strategy?10. Are marketing, planning, and budgeting effective?11. Do the firm’s marketing managers have adequate experience and training?12. Is the firm’s Internet presence excellent as compared to rivals?Finance/AccountingFinancial condition is often considered the single best measure of a firm’s competitiveposition and overall attractiveness to investors. Determining an organization’s financialstrengths and weaknesses is essential to effectively formulating strategies. A firm’s liquidity,leverage, working capital, profitability, asset utilization, cash flow, and equity caneliminate some strategies as being feasible alternatives. Financial factors often alter existingstrategies and change implementation plans.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
menurut ekonomi, pengendalian, dan kriteria adaptif. Organisasi harus mempertimbangkan
biaya dan manfaat dari berbagai grosir dan eceran pilihan. Mereka harus mempertimbangkan
kebutuhan untuk memotivasi dan mengontrol anggota saluran dan kebutuhan untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan dalam
masa. Setelah saluran pemasaran yang dipilih, sebuah organisasi biasanya harus mematuhi itu untuk
jangka waktu.
Riset Pemasaran
Riset pemasaran adalah pengumpulan sistematis, pencatatan, dan analisa data tentang
masalah yang berkaitan dengan pemasaran barang dan jasa. Riset pemasaran dapat mengungkap
kekuatan dan kelemahan kritis, dan peneliti pemasaran mempekerjakan berbagai skala,
instrumen, prosedur, konsep, dan teknik untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Pemasaran
kegiatan penelitian mendukung semua fungsi bisnis utama dari sebuah organisasi.
Organisasi yang memiliki keterampilan riset pemasaran yang sangat baik memiliki kekuatan yang pasti dalam
mengejar strategi generik.
Presiden PepsiCo mengatakan, "Melihat persaingan adalah perusahaan terbaik
bentuk riset pasar. Mayoritas keberhasilan strategis kami adalah ide bahwa kita
meminjam dari pasar, biasanya dari pesaing regional atau lokal kecil. Dalam
setiap kasus, kita melihat ide baru yang menjanjikan, memperbaiki, dan kemudian keluar-mengeksekusi kami
pesaing. "19
Biaya / Analisis Manfaat
Fungsi ketujuh pemasaran adalah analisis biaya / manfaat, yang melibatkan menilai
biaya, manfaat, dan risiko terkait dengan keputusan pemasaran. Tiga langkah yang diperlukan
untuk melakukan analisis biaya / manfaat: (1) menghitung total biaya yang berkaitan dengan keputusan,
(2) memperkirakan total manfaat dari keputusan, dan (3) membandingkan biaya total dengan
manfaat total. Ketika manfaat yang diharapkan melebihi biaya total, kesempatan menjadi lebih
menarik. Kadang-kadang variabel termasuk dalam analisis biaya / manfaat tidak dapat diukur
atau bahkan diukur, tetapi biasanya perkiraan yang wajar dapat dibuat untuk memungkinkan analisis
yang akan dilakukan. Salah satu faktor utama yang harus dipertimbangkan adalah risiko. Analisis biaya / manfaat juga harus
dilakukan ketika perusahaan sedang mengevaluasi cara-cara alternatif untuk bertanggung jawab secara sosial.
Checklist Audit Pemasaran Pertanyaan
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut tentang pemasaran harus diperiksa dalam perencanaan strategis:
1. Adalah pasar tersegmentasi secara efektif?
2. Adalah organisasi posisi yang baik di antara pesaing?
3. Telah pangsa pasar perusahaan meningkat?
4. Adalah saluran hadir distribusi yang handal dan hemat biaya?
5. Apakah perusahaan memiliki organisasi penjualan yang efektif?
6. Apakah melakukan riset pasar perusahaan?
7. Apakah kualitas produk dan layanan pelanggan yang baik?
8. Apakah produk dan jasa harga tepat perusahaan?
9. Apakah perusahaan memiliki promosi yang efektif, iklan, dan strategi publisitas?
10. Apakah pemasaran, perencanaan, dan penganggaran yang efektif?
11. Apakah manajer pemasaran perusahaan memiliki pengalaman dan pelatihan? Memadai
12. Apakah kehadiran Internet perusahaan yang sangat baik dibandingkan dengan saingan?
Keuangan / Akuntansi
Kondisi keuangan sering dianggap sebagai ukuran terbaik tunggal kompetitif perusahaan
posisi dan daya tarik keseluruhan kepada investor. Menentukan keuangan organisasi
kekuatan dan kelemahan adalah penting untuk strategi efektif merumuskan. Likuiditas Sebuah perusahaan,
leverage, modal, profitabilitas, pemanfaatan aset, arus kas, dan ekuitas bekerja dapat
menghilangkan beberapa strategi sebagai alternatif yang layak. Faktor keuangan sering mengubah ada
strategi dan mengubah rencana implementasi.
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Bahasa lainnya
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