potkinANARCHISM(from the Gr. , and , contrary to authority), the name  terjemahan - potkinANARCHISM(from the Gr. , and , contrary to authority), the name  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

potkinANARCHISM(from the Gr. , and

ANARCHISM(from the Gr. , and , contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and international temporary or more or less permanent - for all possible purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications, sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable needs. Moreover, such a society would represent nothing immutable. On the contrary - as is seen in organic life at large - harmony would (it is contended) result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitudes of forces and influences, and this adjustment would be the easier to obtain as none of the forces would enjoy a special protection from the state.
If, it is contended, society were organized on these principles, man would not be limited in the free exercise of his powers in productive work by a capitalist monopoly, maintained by the state; nor would he be limited in the exercise of his will by a fear of punishment, or by obedience towards individuals or metaphysical entities, which both lead to depression of initiative and servility of mind. He would be guided in his actions by his own understanding, which necessarily would bear the impression of a free action and reaction between his own self and the ethical conceptions of his surroundings. Man would thus be enabled to obtain the full development of all his faculties, intellectual, artistic and moral, without being hampered by overwork for the monopolists, or by the servility and inertia of mind of the great number. He would thus be able to reach full individualization, which is not possible either under the present system of individualism, or under any system of state socialism in the so-called Volkstaat(popular state).
The anarchist writers consider, moreover, that their conception is not a utopia, constructed on the a priorimethod, after a few desiderata have been taken as postulates. It is derived, they maintain, from an analysis of tendenciesthat are at work already, even though state socialism may find a temporary favour with the reformers. The progress of modern technics, which wonderfully simplifies the production of all the necessaries of life; the growing spirit of independence, and the rapid spread of free initiative and free understanding in all branches of activity - including those which formerly were considered as the proper attribution of church and state - are steadily reinforcing the no-government tendency.
As to their economical conceptions, the anarchists, in common with all socialists, of whom they constitute the left wing, maintain that the now prevailing system of private ownership in land, and our capitalist production for the sake of profits, represent a monopoly which runs against both the principles of justice and the dictates of utility. They are the main obstacle which prevents the successes of modern technics from being brought into the service of all, so as to produce general well-being
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
potkinANARCHISM(from the Gr. , and , contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and international temporary or more or less permanent - for all possible purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications, sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable needs. Moreover, such a society would represent nothing immutable. On the contrary - as is seen in organic life at large - harmony would (it is contended) result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitudes of forces and influences, and this adjustment would be the easier to obtain as none of the forces would enjoy a special protection from the state.If, it is contended, society were organized on these principles, man would not be limited in the free exercise of his powers in productive work by a capitalist monopoly, maintained by the state; nor would he be limited in the exercise of his will by a fear of punishment, or by obedience towards individuals or metaphysical entities, which both lead to depression of initiative and servility of mind. He would be guided in his actions by his own understanding, which necessarily would bear the impression of a free action and reaction between his own self and the ethical conceptions of his surroundings. Man would thus be enabled to obtain the full development of all his faculties, intellectual, artistic and moral, without being hampered by overwork for the monopolists, or by the servility and inertia of mind of the great number. He would thus be able to reach full individualization, which is not possible either under the present system of individualism, or under any system of state socialism in the so-called Volkstaat(popular state).The anarchist writers consider, moreover, that their conception is not a utopia, constructed on the a priorimethod, after a few desiderata have been taken as postulates. It is derived, they maintain, from an analysis of tendenciesthat are at work already, even though state socialism may find a temporary favour with the reformers. The progress of modern technics, which wonderfully simplifies the production of all the necessaries of life; the growing spirit of independence, and the rapid spread of free initiative and free understanding in all branches of activity - including those which formerly were considered as the proper attribution of church and state - are steadily reinforcing the no-government tendency.As to their economical conceptions, the anarchists, in common with all socialists, of whom they constitute the left wing, maintain that the now prevailing system of private ownership in land, and our capitalist production for the sake of profits, represent a monopoly which runs against both the principles of justice and the dictates of utility. They are the main obstacle which prevents the successes of modern technics from being brought into the service of all, so as to produce general well-being
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Anarkisme (dari Gr, dan, bertentangan dengan otoritas.), nama yang diberikan untuk sebuah prinsip atau teori kehidupan dan melakukan di mana masyarakat dipahami tanpa pemerintah - harmoni dalam masyarakat seperti itu yang diperoleh, bukan dengan penyerahan hukum, atau oleh ketaatan kepada otoritas, tetapi dengan perjanjian bebas menyimpulkan antara berbagai kelompok, wilayah dan profesional, bebas merupakan demi produksi dan konsumsi, seperti juga untuk kepuasan dari berbagai tak terbatas kebutuhan dan aspirasi makhluk beradab. Dalam masyarakat yang dikembangkan pada baris ini, asosiasi sukarela yang sudah sekarang mulai menutupi semua bidang aktivitas manusia akan mengambil perpanjangan masih lebih besar sehingga untuk menggantikan diri mereka untuk negara di seluruh fungsinya. Mereka akan mewakili jaringan terjalin, terdiri dari berbagai tak terbatas kelompok dan federasi dari semua ukuran dan derajat, lokal, regional, nasional dan internasional sementara atau lebih atau kurang permanen - untuk semua tujuan yang mungkin: produksi, konsumsi dan pertukaran, komunikasi, sanitasi pengaturan, pendidikan, perlindungan bersama, pertahanan wilayah, dan sebagainya; dan, di sisi lain, untuk kepuasan jumlah yang terus meningkat dari kebutuhan ilmiah, seni, sastra, dan bersosialisasi. Selain itu, masyarakat seperti itu akan mewakili apa-apa berubah. Sebaliknya - seperti yang terlihat dalam kehidupan organik pada umumnya - harmoni akan (itu berpendapat) hasil dari penyesuaian yang selalu berubah dan penyesuaian keseimbangan antara orang banyak kekuatan dan pengaruh, dan penyesuaian ini akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan karena tidak ada . pasukan akan menikmati perlindungan khusus dari negara
Jika, itu berpendapat, masyarakat diselenggarakan pada prinsip-prinsip ini, manusia tidak akan terbatas pada latihan bebas dari kekuasaan dalam pekerjaan produktif dengan monopoli kapitalis, dipelihara oleh negara; juga tidak akan dibatasi dalam melaksanakan kehendak-Nya dengan rasa takut hukuman, atau dengan ketaatan terhadap individu atau badan metafisik, yang keduanya menyebabkan depresi inisiatif dan sikap merendahkan pikiran. Dia akan dibimbing dalam tindakannya dengan pemahaman sendiri, yang tentu akan menanggung kesan tindakan bebas dan reaksi antara diri sendiri dan konsepsi etika lingkungannya. Man demikian akan diaktifkan untuk memperoleh perkembangan penuh dari semua fakultas, intelektual, artistik dan moral, tanpa terhambat oleh terlalu banyak pekerjaan untuk monopolis, atau oleh perbudakan dan inersia pikiran jumlah besar. Dengan demikian ia akan mampu mencapai individualisasi penuh, yang tidak mungkin baik di bawah sistem sekarang individualisme, atau di bawah sistem sosialisme negara dalam apa yang disebut Volkstaat (negara populer).
Para penulis anarkis dipertimbangkan, apalagi, bahwa konsepsi mereka bukan utopia, dibangun pada priorimethod, setelah beberapa desiderata telah diambil sebagai postulat. Hal ini berasal, mereka mempertahankan, dari analisis tendenciesthat sedang bekerja sudah, meskipun sosialisme negara dapat menemukan bantuan sementara dengan reformis. Kemajuan teknik modern, yang biasa menyederhanakan produksi semua kebutuhan hidup; semangat tumbuh kemerdekaan, dan penyebaran cepat inisiatif gratis dan pemahaman gratis di semua cabang kegiatan - termasuk yang sebelumnya dianggap sebagai atribusi yang tepat dari gereja dan negara -. yang terus memperkuat kecenderungan tidak ada pemerintah
Seperti ekonomis mereka konsepsi, kaum anarkis, yang sama dengan semua sosialis, di antaranya mereka merupakan sayap kiri, mempertahankan bahwa sistem sekarang berlaku kepemilikan swasta di tanah, dan produksi kapitalis demi keuntungan, merupakan monopoli yang berjalan terhadap kedua prinsip-prinsip keadilan dan diktat utilitas. Mereka adalah kendala utama yang mencegah keberhasilan teknik modern dari yang dibawa ke dalam layanan semua, sehingga menghasilkan kesejahteraan umum
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