EFFECT OF BARLEY CONSUMPTION CVD RISK FACTORSHeart disease continues t terjemahan - EFFECT OF BARLEY CONSUMPTION CVD RISK FACTORSHeart disease continues t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United states despite numerous strategies to reduce its prevelance. Consumption of diets high in whole grains has been reported to have beneficial health effects, such as areduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (28). These benefits have been attributed to the effects of the fiber found in whole-grain foods on risk factors, primarily cholesterol. Other more general , beneficial physiological effects of consumption of whole grains include reduced transit time for foods, which may reduce the risk of colon cancer and reduced absorption of nutrients, which may reduce glucose and insulin responses and the risk obesity.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that whole grains high in soluble fiber, such as oats are more effective in lowering blood cholesterol than are grains in which fibers are predominantly insoluble, such as wheat or rice. Based on β-glucan content the U.S. FDA allows the health claim statement that consumption of soluble fiber from oats or psyllium in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of CVD. Most clinical studies evaluating the effects of soluble fibers have used oats or psyllium, even though barley can contain as much or more soluble fiber. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the result of consumption of various amounts of soluble fiber from barley in a controlled whole grain diet on risk factors for coronary heart disease in moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women.
Barley Studies
Subjects with mild to moderately elevated fasting cholesterol concentrations were selected as participants in the studies. Study 1 included 18 moderately hypocholesterolemic men. Study 2 included mildly hypocholesterolemic subjects: Nine postmenopausal women, nine premenopausal women, and seven men. Prestudy characteristics of the subjects in both studies are listed in Table I.
Experimental Design.
Participants in both studies followed the same regimen. Detailed dscriptions of the experimental protocol are reported in Behall and coworkers. Subjects initially were placed on the American heart association step 1 diet for 2 weeks as an adaptation period to the study regimen, dietary changes and fiber content. Water, selected spices, non caloric beverages, and non caloric sweeteners were allowed ad libitum, with the subjects recording the consumption of these items daily.
After the 2-week adaptation period, whole-grain foods containing soluble fiber from barley at 0, 3, or 6 g/ 2800 kcal/day were included in the step 1 diet. Diets were fed in a latin-square design for 5 weeks each. The three diets were designed to contain approximately, the same amount of total dietary fiber but different amounts of soluble fiber but different amounts of soluble fiber. Test foods (pancakes, spice cake, no-bake cookies, hot cereal)
Toasted flakes, steamed pilaf, tabbouleh, and muffins) were made wiyh whole wheat flour, wheat flakes and brown rice (low: 0 g of soluble fiber); half barley and half whole wheat or brown rice (medium: 3g of soluble fiber) or barley flakes, barley flour and pearled barley (high: 6 g of soluble fiber). The nutrient content of the diets and sample menus have been reported previously.
Two fasting blood samples (separated by 1 day) were collected before controlled feeding began and weekly during each period after an overnight fast of at least 12 hr. Triacylglicerol and total cholesterol (HDL, VLDL, and LDL) concentrations were determined. Data were analyzed statiscally by analysis of variance using a mixed model procedure (PCSAS, version 8.2, SAS Institute , Cary. NC). Each subjects served as their own control. Data were examined for normal distribution. Triacylglycerol concentrations were log-transformed for statistical evaluation. Differences of least squares means were determined for significant factors. Data reported are least squares means plus/mines standard error of the mean. Statistical significance was defined as P < 0,05. When effects were significant mean comparisons were done with sidak-adjusted P values.
Total plasma cholesterol concentration was significantly affected by the diet consumed (P < 0,0001 ; Figs 1 and 2) and by the length of time (by week P < 0,0001) the diet was consumed. Compared with pre study concentrations (Table 1) total cholesterol concentrations after consumption of low, medium, and high soluble fiber diets were 14,17, and 20 % , respectively, lower for moderately hypocholesterolemic men in study 1 and 4, 9, and 10 %, respectively lower for all subjects in study 2. For the midly hypercholesterolemic population in study 2, men had the greatest decrease (14,5 %) after consuming the high soluble fiber diet, followed by postmenopausal (10,7 %) and premenopausal (8,4 %) women. Calculated LDL cholesterol concentrations (Figs 1 and 3) followed the pattern of reduction observed for total cholesterol. Compared with prestudy concentrations, LDL cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower after subjects consumed low, medium, and high soluble fiber diets.
Compared with prestudy concentrations, HDL cholesterol was significantly lower after the step 1 diet in study 1 (fig 1) but not in study 2 (Fig 4). HDL cholesterol concentrations after consumption of low, medium, and high soluble fiber diets were not significantly different in either study. In both studies the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol was highest after consumption of the low soluble fiber diet (P < 0,001). Postmenopausal women had the highest HDL cholesterol concentrations, and men had the lowest concentrations. Compared with prestudy concentrations, triacylglycerol concentrations (fig 1 and 5) after consumption of the step 1 and three soluble fiber diets were not significantly different. No gender difference was observed.
The number and size of VLDL, LDL and HDL particles did not significantly vary with diet. LDL particle size did show significant variation between diets, but no difference was observed due to the amount of soluble fiber in the diet. The mean number of LDL particles significantly decreased after consumption of the high soluble fiber diet for men in study 1. Premenopausal and postmenopausal women in study 2 showed no significant differences among experimental diets. In study 2, LDL particles were significantly larger for postmenopausal women than for men or premenopausal women . LDL mean size and number of particles remained in the high-risk range after consumption of all diets in both studies.
Soluble Fibers and Cholesterol
Most research studies with food as the source of soluble fiber have used oats or oat products (1,2,6,7,12,14,27,28). When added to the self selected diets of hypercholesterolemic subjects, oat bran and rice bran, has been shown to significantly lower total (10,19,20,28) and LDL (1,6,14,28) cholesterol concentration . Brown and coworkers (6) performed a meta-analysis of 67 controlled dietary studies and calculated that for each gram of soluble fiber from oats, psyllium, or pectin, total and LDL cin tholesterol decreased by approxiamately 1,55 mg/dL (0,04 mmol/L). The observed changes appear to be independent of study design, treatment length, and dietary fat content . Generally, no significant change was reported in triacylglycerol (6,4,15,28) or HDL cholesterol (1,6,15,28) concentration in these subjects when oatmeal or oat bran was included in the diet. Similar reduction in lipids were observed by newman and coworkers (24) after subjects consumed oats or barley, an indication that β-glucan content and not the source is critical in lipid reduction. For hypercholesterolemic subjects, the addition of barley bran flour and barley oil (19) to a step 1 diet resulted in a significant decrease in total and LDL cholesterol. For normolipemic subjects, the addition of soluble fibers to the diet usually did not result in a decrease in lipids (11,23,24,26,28).
A few studies have reported on the β-glucan (primarily from oat sources) content of diets fed to subjects (5,27,28). Similar to the result from studies 1 and 2, total and LDL cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic subjects decreased significantly after consumption of 2-11 g of oat β-gucan per day for 4-5 weeks compared with a placebo diet (5). Studies have reported no statistically significant decreases in total or LDL (18,27) cholesterol levels after consumption of diets containing 1.9; 3.0 ; or 11,2 g of β glucan per day . Torronen and coworkers (27) suggest that the lack of effect in their study could have ben due to the poor solubility of the β-glucan , resulting in low viscosity in the intestine.
The addition of soluble fiber from barley to the diet of moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women resulted in lower total and LDL cholesterol concentrations compared with prestudy concentration or concentration after a control diet (11,16,22-24). Premenopausal women in study 2 were the most resistant to changes in blood lipids with a change in diet. However Li and coworkers (16) reported significant decreases in toal and LDL cholesterol concentration and reduced tryacylglycerols concentrations in 10 young women (averaging 20 years of age) after they consumed approximately 3,6 g of β-glucan from barley per day.In contrast to most studies utilizing barley as the source of β-glucan , Keogh and coworkers (13) reported no significant change in total, LDL, or HDL cholesterol or tryacylglycerol concentrations after mildly hyperlipidemic men consumed 8-11.9 g of β-glucan during the extraction process or product handling.
Increased risk for coronary heart disease has been associated with a predominance of small, dense LDL particles. This is characterized by elevated triacylglycerol and lower HDL cholesterol concentrations (sub class pattern B). Gender differences have been reported in lipids and lipoprotein sub class distribution pattern (17,25)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
EFFECT OF BARLEY CONSUMPTION CVD RISK FACTORSHeart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United states despite numerous strategies to reduce its prevelance. Consumption of diets high in whole grains has been reported to have beneficial health effects, such as areduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (28). These benefits have been attributed to the effects of the fiber found in whole-grain foods on risk factors, primarily cholesterol. Other more general , beneficial physiological effects of consumption of whole grains include reduced transit time for foods, which may reduce the risk of colon cancer and reduced absorption of nutrients, which may reduce glucose and insulin responses and the risk obesity. Numerous studies have demonstrated that whole grains high in soluble fiber, such as oats are more effective in lowering blood cholesterol than are grains in which fibers are predominantly insoluble, such as wheat or rice. Based on β-glucan content the U.S. FDA allows the health claim statement that consumption of soluble fiber from oats or psyllium in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of CVD. Most clinical studies evaluating the effects of soluble fibers have used oats or psyllium, even though barley can contain as much or more soluble fiber. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the result of consumption of various amounts of soluble fiber from barley in a controlled whole grain diet on risk factors for coronary heart disease in moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women.Barley Studies
Subjects with mild to moderately elevated fasting cholesterol concentrations were selected as participants in the studies. Study 1 included 18 moderately hypocholesterolemic men. Study 2 included mildly hypocholesterolemic subjects: Nine postmenopausal women, nine premenopausal women, and seven men. Prestudy characteristics of the subjects in both studies are listed in Table I.
Experimental Design.
Participants in both studies followed the same regimen. Detailed dscriptions of the experimental protocol are reported in Behall and coworkers. Subjects initially were placed on the American heart association step 1 diet for 2 weeks as an adaptation period to the study regimen, dietary changes and fiber content. Water, selected spices, non caloric beverages, and non caloric sweeteners were allowed ad libitum, with the subjects recording the consumption of these items daily.
After the 2-week adaptation period, whole-grain foods containing soluble fiber from barley at 0, 3, or 6 g/ 2800 kcal/day were included in the step 1 diet. Diets were fed in a latin-square design for 5 weeks each. The three diets were designed to contain approximately, the same amount of total dietary fiber but different amounts of soluble fiber but different amounts of soluble fiber. Test foods (pancakes, spice cake, no-bake cookies, hot cereal)
Toasted flakes, steamed pilaf, tabbouleh, and muffins) were made wiyh whole wheat flour, wheat flakes and brown rice (low: 0 g of soluble fiber); half barley and half whole wheat or brown rice (medium: 3g of soluble fiber) or barley flakes, barley flour and pearled barley (high: 6 g of soluble fiber). The nutrient content of the diets and sample menus have been reported previously.
Two fasting blood samples (separated by 1 day) were collected before controlled feeding began and weekly during each period after an overnight fast of at least 12 hr. Triacylglicerol and total cholesterol (HDL, VLDL, and LDL) concentrations were determined. Data were analyzed statiscally by analysis of variance using a mixed model procedure (PCSAS, version 8.2, SAS Institute , Cary. NC). Each subjects served as their own control. Data were examined for normal distribution. Triacylglycerol concentrations were log-transformed for statistical evaluation. Differences of least squares means were determined for significant factors. Data reported are least squares means plus/mines standard error of the mean. Statistical significance was defined as P < 0,05. When effects were significant mean comparisons were done with sidak-adjusted P values.
Total plasma cholesterol concentration was significantly affected by the diet consumed (P < 0,0001 ; Figs 1 and 2) and by the length of time (by week P < 0,0001) the diet was consumed. Compared with pre study concentrations (Table 1) total cholesterol concentrations after consumption of low, medium, and high soluble fiber diets were 14,17, and 20 % , respectively, lower for moderately hypocholesterolemic men in study 1 and 4, 9, and 10 %, respectively lower for all subjects in study 2. For the midly hypercholesterolemic population in study 2, men had the greatest decrease (14,5 %) after consuming the high soluble fiber diet, followed by postmenopausal (10,7 %) and premenopausal (8,4 %) women. Calculated LDL cholesterol concentrations (Figs 1 and 3) followed the pattern of reduction observed for total cholesterol. Compared with prestudy concentrations, LDL cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower after subjects consumed low, medium, and high soluble fiber diets.
Compared with prestudy concentrations, HDL cholesterol was significantly lower after the step 1 diet in study 1 (fig 1) but not in study 2 (Fig 4). HDL cholesterol concentrations after consumption of low, medium, and high soluble fiber diets were not significantly different in either study. In both studies the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol was highest after consumption of the low soluble fiber diet (P < 0,001). Postmenopausal women had the highest HDL cholesterol concentrations, and men had the lowest concentrations. Compared with prestudy concentrations, triacylglycerol concentrations (fig 1 and 5) after consumption of the step 1 and three soluble fiber diets were not significantly different. No gender difference was observed.
The number and size of VLDL, LDL and HDL particles did not significantly vary with diet. LDL particle size did show significant variation between diets, but no difference was observed due to the amount of soluble fiber in the diet. The mean number of LDL particles significantly decreased after consumption of the high soluble fiber diet for men in study 1. Premenopausal and postmenopausal women in study 2 showed no significant differences among experimental diets. In study 2, LDL particles were significantly larger for postmenopausal women than for men or premenopausal women . LDL mean size and number of particles remained in the high-risk range after consumption of all diets in both studies.
Soluble Fibers and Cholesterol
Most research studies with food as the source of soluble fiber have used oats or oat products (1,2,6,7,12,14,27,28). When added to the self selected diets of hypercholesterolemic subjects, oat bran and rice bran, has been shown to significantly lower total (10,19,20,28) and LDL (1,6,14,28) cholesterol concentration . Brown and coworkers (6) performed a meta-analysis of 67 controlled dietary studies and calculated that for each gram of soluble fiber from oats, psyllium, or pectin, total and LDL cin tholesterol decreased by approxiamately 1,55 mg/dL (0,04 mmol/L). The observed changes appear to be independent of study design, treatment length, and dietary fat content . Generally, no significant change was reported in triacylglycerol (6,4,15,28) or HDL cholesterol (1,6,15,28) concentration in these subjects when oatmeal or oat bran was included in the diet. Similar reduction in lipids were observed by newman and coworkers (24) after subjects consumed oats or barley, an indication that β-glucan content and not the source is critical in lipid reduction. For hypercholesterolemic subjects, the addition of barley bran flour and barley oil (19) to a step 1 diet resulted in a significant decrease in total and LDL cholesterol. For normolipemic subjects, the addition of soluble fibers to the diet usually did not result in a decrease in lipids (11,23,24,26,28).
A few studies have reported on the β-glucan (primarily from oat sources) content of diets fed to subjects (5,27,28). Similar to the result from studies 1 and 2, total and LDL cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic subjects decreased significantly after consumption of 2-11 g of oat β-gucan per day for 4-5 weeks compared with a placebo diet (5). Studies have reported no statistically significant decreases in total or LDL (18,27) cholesterol levels after consumption of diets containing 1.9; 3.0 ; or 11,2 g of β glucan per day . Torronen and coworkers (27) suggest that the lack of effect in their study could have ben due to the poor solubility of the β-glucan , resulting in low viscosity in the intestine.
The addition of soluble fiber from barley to the diet of moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women resulted in lower total and LDL cholesterol concentrations compared with prestudy concentration or concentration after a control diet (11,16,22-24). Premenopausal women in study 2 were the most resistant to changes in blood lipids with a change in diet. However Li and coworkers (16) reported significant decreases in toal and LDL cholesterol concentration and reduced tryacylglycerols concentrations in 10 young women (averaging 20 years of age) after they consumed approximately 3,6 g of β-glucan from barley per day.In contrast to most studies utilizing barley as the source of β-glucan , Keogh and coworkers (13) reported no significant change in total, LDL, or HDL cholesterol or tryacylglycerol concentrations after mildly hyperlipidemic men consumed 8-11.9 g of β-glucan during the extraction process or product handling.
Increased risk for coronary heart disease has been associated with a predominance of small, dense LDL particles. This is characterized by elevated triacylglycerol and lower HDL cholesterol concentrations (sub class pattern B). Gender differences have been reported in lipids and lipoprotein sub class distribution pattern (17,25)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penyakit jantung terus menjadi nomor satu penyebab kematian di negara-negara Amerika meskipun banyak strategi untuk mengurangi prevelance nya. Konsumsi diet tinggi biji-bijian telah dilaporkan memiliki efek kesehatan yang menguntungkan, seperti risiko areduced penyakit kardiovaskular (CVD) (28). Manfaat ini telah dikaitkan dengan efek serat yang ditemukan dalam makanan gandum pada faktor risiko, terutama kolesterol. Lebih umum, efek fisiologis yang menguntungkan lainnya konsumsi biji-bijian termasuk mengurangi waktu transit untuk makanan, yang dapat mengurangi risiko kanker usus besar dan mengurangi penyerapan nutrisi, yang dapat mengurangi respon glukosa dan insulin dan obesitas resiko.
Sejumlah penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa biji-bijian tinggi serat larut, seperti gandum lebih efektif dalam menurunkan kolesterol darah daripada biji-bijian yang serat didominasi larut, seperti gandum atau beras. Berdasarkan isi β-glukan US FDA memungkinkan pernyataan klaim kesehatan bahwa konsumsi serat larut dari gandum atau psyllium dalam diet rendah lemak jenuh dan kolesterol dapat mengurangi risiko CVD. Kebanyakan studi klinis mengevaluasi dampak dari serat larut oat telah menggunakan atau psyllium, meskipun barley dapat mengandung serat sebanyak atau lebih larut. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hasil konsumsi berbagai jumlah serat larut dari barley dalam gandum diet terkontrol pada faktor-faktor risiko penyakit jantung koroner pada pria dan wanita cukup hiperkolesterolemia.
Studi Barley
Subyek dengan ringan sampai sedang tinggi kolesterol puasa konsentrasi yang terpilih sebagai peserta dalam studi. Studi 1 termasuk 18 orang cukup hipokolesterolemik. Studi 2 termasuk mata pelajaran ringan hipokolesterolemik: Sembilan wanita menopause, sembilan wanita premenopause, dan tujuh orang. Karakteristik ratanya dari subyek dalam kedua studi yang tercantum dalam Tabel I.
Eksperimental Desain.
Peserta dalam kedua studi mengikuti rejimen yang sama. Dscriptions rinci dari protokol eksperimen dilaporkan dalam Behall dan rekan kerja. Subyek awalnya ditempatkan di Amerika asosiasi jantung langkah 1 diet selama 2 minggu sebagai periode adaptasi terhadap rejimen studi, perubahan pola makan dan kadar serat. Air, yang dipilih rempah-rempah, minuman non kalori, dan pemanis non kalori diizinkan ad libitum, dengan merekam konsumsi barang-barang tersebut setiap hari mata pelajaran.
Setelah masa adaptasi 2 minggu, makanan gandum yang mengandung serat larut dari barley pada 0, 3 , atau 6 g / 2800 kkal / hari termasuk dalam langkah 1 diet. Diet diberi makan dalam desain latin persegi selama 5 minggu setiap. Tiga diet yang dirancang untuk mengandung kira-kira, jumlah yang sama total serat makanan, tetapi jumlah yang berbeda dari serat larut, tetapi jumlah yang berbeda dari serat larut. Makanan tes (pancake, rempah-rempah kue, cookies no-bake, sereal panas)
serpih panggang, pilaf dikukus, tabbouleh, dan muffin) dibuat wiyh tepung gandum, serpih gandum dan beras merah (rendah: 0 g serat larut); setengah barley dan gandum atau setengah beras merah (medium: 3g serat larut) atau serpihan barley, tepung barley dan dikikis barley (tinggi: 6 g serat larut). Kandungan gizi dari diet dan contoh menu telah dilaporkan sebelumnya.
Dua sampel darah puasa (dipisahkan oleh 1 hari) yang dikumpulkan makan sebelum dikontrol dimulai dan mingguan selama setiap periode setelah puasa semalam setidaknya 12 jam. Triacylglicerol dan kolesterol total (HDL, VLDL, dan LDL) konsentrasi ditentukan. Data dianalisis statiscally dengan analisis varians dengan menggunakan prosedur model campuran (PCSAS, versi 8.2, SAS Institute, Cary. NC). Setiap mata pelajaran sebagai kontrol mereka sendiri. Data diperiksa untuk distribusi normal. Konsentrasi triasilgliserol yang log-transformasi untuk evaluasi statistik. Perbedaan kuadrat berarti ditentukan faktor signifikan. Data yang dilaporkan adalah kuadrat berarti ditambah / tambang standard error dari mean. Signifikansi statistik didefinisikan sebagai P <0,05. Ketika efek yang berarti perbandingan yang signifikan dilakukan dengan nilai P sidak-disesuaikan.
Jumlah konsentrasi kolesterol plasma secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh makanan yang dikonsumsi (P <0,0001; Gambar 1 dan 2) dan dengan jangka waktu (pada minggu P < 0,0001) diet yang dikonsumsi. Dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi pra studi (Tabel 1) konsentrasi kolesterol total setelah konsumsi rendah, sedang, dan diet tinggi serat larut yang, 14,17, dan 20% masing-masing, lebih rendah untuk laki-laki cukup hipokolesterolemik dalam studi 1 dan 4, 9, dan 10 %, masing-masing lebih rendah untuk semua mata pelajaran dalam studi 2. Untuk populasi hiperkolesterolemia midly dalam penelitian 2, laki-laki memiliki penurunan terbesar (14,5%) setelah mengkonsumsi diet tinggi serat larut, diikuti oleh pascamenopause (10,7%) dan premenopause (8,4%) perempuan. Dihitung konsentrasi kolesterol LDL (Gambar 1 dan 3) mengikuti pola pengurangan diamati untuk kolesterol total. Dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi ratanya, konsentrasi kolesterol LDL secara signifikan lebih rendah setelah mata pelajaran yang dikonsumsi rendah, sedang, dan diet serat larut yang tinggi.
Dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi ratanya, kolesterol HDL secara signifikan lebih rendah setelah langkah 1 diet dalam penelitian 1 (gambar 1), tetapi tidak dalam penelitian 2 (Gambar 4). Konsentrasi kolesterol HDL setelah konsumsi rendah, sedang, dan diet serat larut yang tinggi tidak berbeda secara signifikan dalam studi baik. Dalam kedua studi rasio kolesterol total kolesterol HDL tertinggi setelah konsumsi diet rendah serat larut (P <0,001). Wanita pasca menopause memiliki konsentrasi kolesterol HDL tertinggi, dan laki-laki memiliki konsentrasi terendah. Dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi ratanya, konsentrasi triasilgliserol (gbr 1 dan 5) setelah konsumsi langkah 1 dan tiga diet serat larut tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Tidak ada perbedaan jenis kelamin yang diamati.
Jumlah dan ukuran VLDL, LDL dan HDL partikel tidak signifikan berbeda dengan diet. LDL ukuran partikel memang menunjukkan variasi yang signifikan antara diet, tetapi tidak ada perbedaan yang diamati karena jumlah serat larut dalam makanan. Jumlah rata-rata partikel LDL menurun secara signifikan setelah konsumsi diet tinggi serat larut untuk pria dalam studi 1. premenopause dan wanita pascamenopause dalam penelitian 2 menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara diet eksperimental. Dalam studi 2, partikel LDL secara signifikan lebih besar untuk wanita menopause daripada laki-laki atau perempuan premenopause. LDL berarti ukuran dan jumlah partikel tetap dalam kisaran berisiko tinggi setelah konsumsi semua diet dalam kedua studi.
Serat larut dan Kolesterol
Kebanyakan studi penelitian dengan makanan sebagai sumber serat larut oat atau telah menggunakan produk oat (1,2,6 , 7,12,14,27,28). Ketika ditambahkan ke diet diri yang dipilih mata pelajaran hiperkolesterolemia, oat bran dan dedak padi, telah terbukti secara signifikan total yang lebih rendah (10,19,20,28) dan LDL (1,6,14,28) konsentrasi kolesterol. Brown dan rekan kerja (6) melakukan meta-analisis dari 67 studi diet terkontrol dan menghitung bahwa untuk setiap gram serat larut dari gandum, psyllium, atau pektin, total dan LDL cin tholesterol menurun approxiamately 1,55 mg / dL (0, 04 mmol / L). Perubahan yang diamati muncul untuk menjadi independen dari desain penelitian, panjang pengobatan, dan kadar lemak makanan. Secara umum, tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan dilaporkan dalam triasilgliserol (6,4,15,28) atau kolesterol HDL (1,6,15,28) konsentrasi dalam pelajaran ini ketika oatmeal atau oat bran termasuk dalam diet. Penurunan serupa dalam lipid yang diamati oleh Newman dan rekan kerja (24) setelah subjek dikonsumsi gandum atau barley, merupakan indikasi bahwa β-glukan konten dan bukan sumber penting dalam pengurangan lemak. Untuk mata pelajaran hiperkolesterolemia, penambahan tepung barley dedak dan minyak barley (19) ke langkah 1 diet mengakibatkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam kolesterol total dan LDL. Untuk mata pelajaran normolipemic, penambahan serat larut untuk diet biasanya tidak menimbulkan penurunan lipid (11,23,24,26,28).
Beberapa penelitian telah melaporkan pada β-glukan (terutama dari sumber oat) konten diet makan untuk mata pelajaran (5,27,28). Serupa dengan hasil dari studi 1 dan 2, total dan kadar kolesterol LDL dalam mata pelajaran hiperkolesterolemia menurun secara signifikan setelah konsumsi 2-11 g oat β-gucan per hari selama 4-5 minggu dibandingkan dengan diet plasebo (5). Penelitian telah melaporkan tidak ada penurunan signifikan secara statistik total atau LDL (18,27) kadar kolesterol setelah konsumsi diet yang mengandung 1,9; 3,0; atau 11,2 g β glukan per hari. Torronen dan rekan kerja (27) menunjukkan bahwa kurangnya efek dalam penelitian mereka bisa memiliki ben karena kelarutan miskin β-glukan, sehingga viskositas rendah dalam usus.
Penambahan serat larut dari gandum ke diet cukup hiperkolesterolemia pria dan wanita menghasilkan konsentrasi kolesterol total dan LDL dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi ratanya atau konsentrasi setelah diet kontrol (11,16,22-24). Wanita premenopause dalam penelitian 2 adalah yang paling tahan terhadap perubahan lemak darah dengan perubahan dalam diet. Namun Li dan rekan kerja (16) melaporkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam toal dan kolesterol LDL konsentrasi dan konsentrasi tryacylglycerols berkurang pada 10 wanita muda (rata-rata 20 tahun) setelah mereka mengkonsumsi sekitar 3,6 g β-glukan dari gandum per kontras day.In untuk kebanyakan studi menggunakan barley sebagai sumber β-glukan, Keogh dan rekan kerja (13) melaporkan tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan dalam konsentrasi total, LDL, atau kolesterol HDL atau tryacylglycerol setelah pria agak hiperlipidemia dikonsumsi 8-11,9 g β-glukan selama ekstraksi Proses atau penanganan produk.
Peningkatan risiko penyakit jantung koroner telah dikaitkan dengan dominasi kecil, partikel LDL padat. Hal ini ditandai dengan triasilgliserol tinggi dan konsentrasi kolesterol HDL rendah (sub pola kelas B). Perbedaan gender telah dilaporkan pada lipid dan lipoprotein pola sub distribusi kelas (17,25)
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