Some of the residences had no opportunity to resist at all and the off terjemahan - Some of the residences had no opportunity to resist at all and the off Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Some of the residences had no oppor

Some of the residences had no opportunity to resist at all and the officials fell before their swords, blood splattering all over…

Two Assistant Ministers of Justice, Meng Zhiyu and Li Qiao are both members of the Meng and Li factions respectively. They are also supporters of the Eldest Prince. They were usually very unfriendly towards the Jun Family. However, tonight, their two families had to suffer greatly.

As the war drums were still resounding, several men in black leaped into the residences of these two court officials. Beginning with the gatekeepers, these men left a trail of blood as they made their way into the main hall before breaking into their target’s bedrooms. The two pitiful court officials did not even get the chance to say a word before having their heads lopped off. Thankfully, their family members were spared. Soon after, their residences were set on fire, their flames burning brilliantly in the night…

One of the current Imperial Censor, Tie Yan had always been at odds with Jun Zhantian. His son had followed Jun Zhantian to war but ended up breaking military laws and was beheaded. This incident caused him to become outraged for years. Hearing the sound of the war drums, he thought that he finally had the chance at striking down Jun Zhantian. Quickly getting out of bed, he got dressed and started working on an impeachment petition. Halfway through, his window was suddenly broken as several masked men in black charged in like ghosts. They snatched up the unfinished impeachment petition, glanced through it and sneered. Rolling up the petition, they brutally forced it down this old man’s throat before cutting off his neck, the petition also cut in half in the process!

Another Imperial Censor Zhou Mengcheng had come forth after Jun Wuyi lost the war and ended up becoming a cripple. Back then, he had charged Jun Wuyi with the accusation of being an inept commander, leading to Jun Wuyi’s dismissal from military duties. Tonight, he had drunk some wine and was sleeping together with one of his concubines. Unexpectedly, he would end up being snatched up in his birthday suit. Next, his prized possession between his two legs was cut off before being stabbed in the heart. After which he was hung naked from one of the great trees within his residence. His eyes, which had remained open onto death, stared silently at the flames devouring his residence…

Another two families which had once been part of the Jun Family’s faction but had turned coat and joined the Second Prince’s faction felt a sense of foreboding after hearing the sound of the Generals Summoning Drum. Qian Wanguan and Wu Yun, these two men were well aware of how Grandpa Jun usually acts. Even though their residences were slightly far from the city gates, they made a wise decision: Leave the city immediately! They quickly tidied up some of their belongings and proceeded towards the city gates, planning to escape in the middle of the night and lay low. However, when they arrived at the city gates, they found themselves surrounded by an army!

The officer leading the soldiers shouted out orders to catch assassins, signalling for the archers to let loose their barrage. He did not give anyone the chance to explain themselves! At the South Gate, over a hundred members of the Qian Family were transformed into ‘porcupines’, their faces becoming unrecognizable…

At the West Gate, the nearly sixty members of the Wu Family were all killed, their corpses rendered into a bloody pulp. After which, their bodies were doused with oil and burned. The stench of burning corpses immediately rose up to the Nine Heavens…

Beside the corpses of the two families, two tall wooden signs were constructed: Assassin’s retribution!

An unfortunate Imperial Censor had woken up in the middle of the night and entered the toilet. The next day, he was found with his bare buttocks hanging in the air, his head shoved deep into the excrement pit. One could only guess how long he had to suffocate before dying…

These officials who held high positions had at this moment in time turned into a flock of lambs surrounded by a horde of ravenous wolves!

On this night, it seemed as though the end of days had descended upon the entire capital! The raging flames of Grandpa Jun’s fury completely engulfed the capital! The extent of what transpired had gone beyond what His Majesty expected. When His Majesty received the report, he immediately became furious to the point of smashing anything he could lay his hands upon…

The Jun Family’s secret forces rampaged about just like a pack of bloodthirsty ghosts. Under the chaotic night and the unbelievable amount of bloodshed and death, the show of force from the Jun Family’s secret forces had shaken the prominent members of the capital city. Many of them were badly hurt while even more were shaking in fear! Every one of them shared one line of thought: Against such an unstoppable force, what can they do? Perhaps they should consider organizin
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Some of the residences had no opportunity to resist at all and the officials fell before their swords, blood splattering all over…Two Assistant Ministers of Justice, Meng Zhiyu and Li Qiao are both members of the Meng and Li factions respectively. They are also supporters of the Eldest Prince. They were usually very unfriendly towards the Jun Family. However, tonight, their two families had to suffer greatly.As the war drums were still resounding, several men in black leaped into the residences of these two court officials. Beginning with the gatekeepers, these men left a trail of blood as they made their way into the main hall before breaking into their target’s bedrooms. The two pitiful court officials did not even get the chance to say a word before having their heads lopped off. Thankfully, their family members were spared. Soon after, their residences were set on fire, their flames burning brilliantly in the night…One of the current Imperial Censor, Tie Yan had always been at odds with Jun Zhantian. His son had followed Jun Zhantian to war but ended up breaking military laws and was beheaded. This incident caused him to become outraged for years. Hearing the sound of the war drums, he thought that he finally had the chance at striking down Jun Zhantian. Quickly getting out of bed, he got dressed and started working on an impeachment petition. Halfway through, his window was suddenly broken as several masked men in black charged in like ghosts. They snatched up the unfinished impeachment petition, glanced through it and sneered. Rolling up the petition, they brutally forced it down this old man’s throat before cutting off his neck, the petition also cut in half in the process!Another Imperial Censor Zhou Mengcheng had come forth after Jun Wuyi lost the war and ended up becoming a cripple. Back then, he had charged Jun Wuyi with the accusation of being an inept commander, leading to Jun Wuyi’s dismissal from military duties. Tonight, he had drunk some wine and was sleeping together with one of his concubines. Unexpectedly, he would end up being snatched up in his birthday suit. Next, his prized possession between his two legs was cut off before being stabbed in the heart. After which he was hung naked from one of the great trees within his residence. His eyes, which had remained open onto death, stared silently at the flames devouring his residence…Another two families which had once been part of the Jun Family’s faction but had turned coat and joined the Second Prince’s faction felt a sense of foreboding after hearing the sound of the Generals Summoning Drum. Qian Wanguan and Wu Yun, these two men were well aware of how Grandpa Jun usually acts. Even though their residences were slightly far from the city gates, they made a wise decision: Leave the city immediately! They quickly tidied up some of their belongings and proceeded towards the city gates, planning to escape in the middle of the night and lay low. However, when they arrived at the city gates, they found themselves surrounded by an army!The officer leading the soldiers shouted out orders to catch assassins, signalling for the archers to let loose their barrage. He did not give anyone the chance to explain themselves! At the South Gate, over a hundred members of the Qian Family were transformed into ‘porcupines’, their faces becoming unrecognizable…At the West Gate, the nearly sixty members of the Wu Family were all killed, their corpses rendered into a bloody pulp. After which, their bodies were doused with oil and burned. The stench of burning corpses immediately rose up to the Nine Heavens…Beside the corpses of the two families, two tall wooden signs were constructed: Assassin’s retribution!An unfortunate Imperial Censor had woken up in the middle of the night and entered the toilet. The next day, he was found with his bare buttocks hanging in the air, his head shoved deep into the excrement pit. One could only guess how long he had to suffocate before dying…These officials who held high positions had at this moment in time turned into a flock of lambs surrounded by a horde of ravenous wolves!On this night, it seemed as though the end of days had descended upon the entire capital! The raging flames of Grandpa Jun’s fury completely engulfed the capital! The extent of what transpired had gone beyond what His Majesty expected. When His Majesty received the report, he immediately became furious to the point of smashing anything he could lay his hands upon…The Jun Family’s secret forces rampaged about just like a pack of bloodthirsty ghosts. Under the chaotic night and the unbelievable amount of bloodshed and death, the show of force from the Jun Family’s secret forces had shaken the prominent members of the capital city. Many of them were badly hurt while even more were shaking in fear! Every one of them shared one line of thought: Against such an unstoppable force, what can they do? Perhaps they should consider organizin
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Beberapa tempat tinggal tidak punya kesempatan untuk melawan sama sekali dan pejabat jatuh sebelum pedang mereka, tumpah darah di seluruh ... Dua Asisten Menteri Kehakiman, Meng Zhiyu dan Li Qiao keduanya anggota Meng dan Li faksi masing-masing. Mereka juga pendukung Sulung Prince. Mereka biasanya sangat tidak ramah terhadap Juni Keluarga. Namun, malam ini, dua keluarga mereka harus sangat menderita. Sebagai genderang perang masih gemilang, beberapa pria hitam melompat ke dalam tempat tinggal dari dua pejabat pengadilan tersebut. Dimulai dengan penjaga gerbang, orang-orang ini meninggalkan jejak darah karena mereka membuat jalan mereka ke ruang utama sebelum membobol kamar tidur sasaran mereka. Kedua pejabat pengadilan menyedihkan bahkan tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengucapkan sepatah kata sebelum memiliki kepala mereka terpotong. Untungnya, anggota keluarga mereka terhindar. Segera setelah itu, tempat tinggal mereka dibakar, api membakar mereka cemerlang di malam hari ... Salah satu saat Imperial Sensor, Tie Yan selalu bertentangan dengan Juni Zhantian. Anaknya mengikuti Juni Zhantian perang tetapi akhirnya melanggar hukum militer dan dipenggal. Kejadian ini menyebabkan dia menjadi marah selama bertahun-tahun. Mendengar suara genderang perang, ia berpikir bahwa ia akhirnya memiliki kesempatan di menohok Juni Zhantian. Cepat bangun tidur, ia berpakaian dan mulai bekerja pada sebuah petisi pemakzulan. Setengah jalan, jendela tiba-tiba rusak karena beberapa pria bertopeng hitam yang dikenakan di seperti hantu. Mereka menyambar petisi impeachment yang belum selesai, melirik melalui itu dan menyeringai. Menggulung permohonan, mereka secara brutal memaksa ke tenggorokan orang tua ini sebelum memotong lehernya, permohonan juga dipotong setengah dalam proses! Lain Imperial Sensor Zhou Mengcheng datang sebagainya setelah Juni Wuyi kalah perang dan akhirnya menjadi cacat . Saat itu, ia telah dibebankan Juni Wuyi dengan tuduhan menjadi komandan tidak kompeten, yang mengarah ke pemecatan Juni Wuyi itu dari tugas militer. Malam ini, ia telah mabuk beberapa anggur dan tidur bersama dengan salah satu selir nya. Tanpa diduga, ia akan berakhir menjadi menyambar dalam setelan ulang tahunnya. Berikutnya, miliknya berharga antara dua kakinya terputus sebelum ditikam di jantung. Setelah itu ia digantung telanjang dari salah satu pohon besar dalam kediamannya. Matanya, yang tetap terbuka ke kematian, menatap diam-diam di api melahap kediamannya ... Dua keluarga yang dulu pernah menjadi bagian dari fraksi Juni Keluarga tetapi telah berubah mantel dan bergabung faksi Pangeran Kedua merasakan firasat setelah mendengar terdengar dari para jendral Panggil Drum. Qian Wanguan dan Wu Yun, kedua orang ini sangat menyadari bagaimana Kakek Juni biasanya bertindak. Meskipun tempat tinggal mereka sedikit jauh dari gerbang kota, mereka membuat keputusan yang bijaksana: Tinggalkan kota segera! Mereka dengan cepat merapikan beberapa barang-barang mereka dan terus menuju gerbang kota, berencana untuk melarikan diri di tengah malam dan berbaring rendah. Namun, ketika mereka tiba di gerbang kota, mereka menemukan diri mereka dikelilingi oleh tentara! Petugas memimpin tentara berteriak perintah untuk menangkap pembunuh, sinyal untuk pemanah untuk melepaskan rentetan mereka. Dia tidak memberikan siapa pun kesempatan untuk menjelaskan sendiri! Di Gerbang Selatan, lebih dari seratus anggota Qian Keluarga diubah menjadi 'landak', wajah mereka menjadi dikenali ... di Gerbang Barat, anggota hampir enam puluh dari Wu Keluarga semuanya tewas, mayat mereka diberikan menjadi bubur berdarah. Setelah itu, tubuh mereka disiram dengan minyak dan dibakar. Bau terbakar mayat segera bangkit untuk Sembilan Surga ... Selain mayat dari dua keluarga, dua tanda kayu tinggi dibangun: retribusi Assassin! Sebuah Imperial Sensor malang terbangun di tengah malam dan masuk toilet. Keesokan harinya, dia ditemukan dengan bokong telanjang menggantung di udara, kepalanya mendorong jauh ke dalam lubang kotoran. Satu hanya bisa menebak berapa lama ia harus mati lemas sebelum mati ... Para pejabat yang memegang posisi tinggi memiliki pada saat ini dalam waktu berubah menjadi kawanan domba yang dikelilingi oleh segerombolan serigala lapar! Pada malam ini, tampaknya seolah-olah akhir hari telah turun pada seluruh modal! Api mengamuk kemarahan Kakek Jun benar-benar ditelan ibukota! Luasnya apa yang terjadi telah melampaui apa yang diharapkan Mulia. Ketika Mulia menerima laporan, ia langsung menjadi marah ke titik menghancurkan apa pun yang bisa meletakkan tangannya di atas ... pasukan rahasia Juni Keluarga mengamuk sekitar seperti pak hantu haus darah. Di bawah malam kacau dan jumlah yang luar biasa dari pertumpahan darah dan kematian, unjuk kekuatan dari pasukan rahasia Juni Keluarga telah mengguncang anggota terkemuka dari ibu kota. Banyak dari mereka yang terluka parah sementara bahkan lebih gemetar ketakutan! Setiap salah satu dari mereka berbagi satu garis pemikiran: Melawan seperti kekuatan tak terbendung, apa yang bisa mereka lakukan? Mungkin mereka harus mempertimbangkan organizin

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